:clap: Next Monday I have last appointment with my eye doctor for some tests and after some days they will perform laser cirgury on both my eyes and I will be able to see after more than 15 years of using glasses! I still remember the day it happend like it was yesterday, I was at a break at school playing and seeing perfectly and then when I returned to the class I couldnt see the board :juggle:. I was small and tried to hide it but my grades went down the hill and the teacher noticed so they told my parents. Ever since I being using glasses. I mean, I dont mind at all. I love how I look with glasses, gf likes it 2 and it saved me a couple of times (red red eyes). I have this weird feeling, I wake up and the first thing I do before getting up is puting my glasses on and the last thing I do before falling asleep is remove them (I fell asleep a million times ^^).
I will be able to see, there is so much stuff I want to do!!!! I want to play sports without the fear of loosing an eye to a football (soccer 4 nubs) ball. The biggest achivement I always said that it was going to be waking up and seeing the ceiling perfectly.
Im so happy, this will change my life so much, confort, being able to see when it rains without using a cup xD, not breaking them each year at creamfields ^^
*runs in circles happly* :mrgreen:
Only 1000u$s (3000$ argentinian pesos <- sucks )
I will be able to see, there is so much stuff I want to do!!!! I want to play sports without the fear of loosing an eye to a football (soccer 4 nubs) ball. The biggest achivement I always said that it was going to be waking up and seeing the ceiling perfectly.
Im so happy, this will change my life so much, confort, being able to see when it rains without using a cup xD, not breaking them each year at creamfields ^^
*runs in circles happly* :mrgreen:
Only 1000u$s (3000$ argentinian pesos <- sucks )