Wiiiii cirgury for me!

:clap: Next Monday I have last appointment with my eye doctor for some tests and after some days they will perform laser cirgury on both my eyes and I will be able to see after more than 15 years of using glasses! I still remember the day it happend like it was yesterday, I was at a break at school playing and seeing perfectly and then when I returned to the class I couldnt see the board :juggle:. I was small and tried to hide it but my grades went down the hill and the teacher noticed so they told my parents. Ever since I being using glasses. I mean, I dont mind at all. I love how I look with glasses, gf likes it 2 and it saved me a couple of times (red red eyes). I have this weird feeling, I wake up and the first thing I do before getting up is puting my glasses on and the last thing I do before falling asleep is remove them (I fell asleep a million times ^^).

I will be able to see, there is so much stuff I want to do!!!! I want to play sports without the fear of loosing an eye to a football (soccer 4 nubs) ball. The biggest achivement I always said that it was going to be waking up and seeing the ceiling perfectly.

Im so happy, this will change my life so much, confort, being able to see when it rains without using a cup xD, not breaking them each year at creamfields ^^

*runs in circles happly* :mrgreen:

Only 1000u$s (3000$ argentinian pesos <- sucks )
I had 4 different pairs of glasses over the past 15 years BUT I broke and fixed each of them at least 10 times.

The ones Im using now costed a lot (real invisible stuff) and I broke them 10 times.

Had 10 pair of contact lenses (lenses?) all gone. I've spent much more on glasses and others than that but I had to wait until I was older, being waiting 15 years :)

Its expensive in cash but its not in feeling.

Im really confident about this, not scared at all but still a few days away so we'll see ^^
My co-worker had this done. I remember the day he was going to do it, he was a bit nervous. Now he is so happy he did it, and wonders why he didn't do it sooner.

Sounds like compared to what he paid (i think $3000 us dollars - two years ago) you are getting a good deal.

Sounds super :)
wen i read the title i thaught u meant u had a bad accident with a nintendo wii. good luck with the surgery, i know a few people who have had it done and they never looked back.

I thought that lol . . . . .anyway nice one mate hope everything goes well/went well :drinks_no
Good luck with the surgery buddy. It'll go all fine. Do let us know when it's done.

wen i read the title i thaught u meant u had a bad accident with a nintendo wii. good luck with the surgery, i know a few people who have had it done and they never looked back.

LOL. Thought the same here.

i'd get the laser eye surgery done too if i could but i cant cos my eyes are too bad for it to do any good.

How bad is it..? And you got pretty cool glasses. I dont think you need to remove them anyway. Now dont get all too senti. I'm just trying to be nice to people.
Well that sound great. I can't really connect with you much here since my vision is pretty great but I can only imagine how having it be bad can feel and then how great getting it perfect agin must feel. I hope everything goes great and your seeing everything again w/out glasses in no time.
"sigh once agen i hate being 15, i can't wait till i get mine

well good luck with it man you deserve this chance to get rid of those things go play a rough sport!
congratulations, ive gotten contacts as of late but still wear glasses.

1: glasses make me look sexy
2: contacts for karate.