windows comp on linux 2 comps instead of vmware

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 9, 2008
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Ok like the title tries to say (didnt check before submit X_X) I am attempting to set up a cabal server with a computer that is running windows and one that is running linux, instead of using vmware to emulate.

However I can get nowhere thanks to the only guide I have not being in English X_X, and for vmware.

Anyone willing to help, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Ok like the title tries to say (didnt check before submit X_X) I am attempting to set up a cabal server with a computer that is running windows and one that is running linux, instead of using vmware to emulate.

However I can get nowhere thanks to the only guide I have not being in English X_X, and for vmware.

Anyone willing to help, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thats talking now :) vmware is garbage, or just isn`t created for game server emulation :)

2 separate pc's is the best way to create a game server :)

well configuration is simple.

plug the main lan cable to your linux box, config the ips (be sure your router isn't blocking anythig) then insert another enthernet card to your linux box, and cable from that card to your win box. setup masquerade in your linux box (to share the internet to windows box) and install cabal server thats all ;) the best way :)
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Thats talking now :) vmware is garbage, or just isn`t created for game server emulation :)

2 separate pc's is the best way to create a game server :)

well configuration is simple.

plug the main lan cable to your linux box, config the ips (be sure your router isn't blocking anythig) then insert another enthernet card to your linux box, and cable from that card to your win box. setup masquerade in your linux box (to share the internet to windows box) and install cabal server thats all ;) the best way :)

I'll admit I am a bit lost. Not with the networking part, I actually have that done already.

I don't understand the full process of setting up the cabal server.
I might seem noobish for it but I honestly cant figure out what the hell I'm doing off of those vids. As I understand it I am supposed to have the *Cabal Online Server Full (Files) on my linux comp, correct if so I have it there.
What I dont understand is how to actually start the server and what I.P.'s in what files to edit X_X
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watch the guide at it is quite clear.

The main process is to install cabal server dependacitys like unixODBC, openssl, db4, netsnp (or similar), freetds (dont remember all) then install cabal.rpm, copy files to /etc /usr (not all of them). make simbolink links to cabals server services, edit permissions, for services :) edit cabal server ini`s put your linux ip's there, edit /etc/odbc.ini put windows ip's ;)

and set up the db.

But its all in that video manual.
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