
Loyal Member
Jan 6, 2005
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Idk I'm lost
Today at work it was great, I was doing good doing almost everything because alot of people called in sick. Well about 30mins-1hr before I was going to go home the manager that no one really likes walks in. Before tonight I didn't have a big problem with her. But tonight she starts being a real bitch. The main manager said "run your own orders" well I do it then the 'bitch' starts screaming at me about doing it saying "stay at the window like I told you too" I for one dont remember her saying it (I have a headset on for drive through, customers talking to me, and alot of people talking to each other so hard to hear one person over 20).

Well its time for me to go home and like always I have to restock items (even ones I didn't touch, funny how I restock but alot of other people dont have too...) I start to restock then she says (while I'm restocking) "finish up restocking" I say "Ok i'm doing that right now" she starts going off on me again saying "I didnt ask for a comment I want a yes from you". I say "its already been 25mins after I should of left and i'm underage." (its a law against underage people doing to much work for to long) she goes off on me again half way down the hall to get more items to restock with. She screams "what you say" so I repeat myself, she didnt hear me so I got closer and said it again. She says "meet me in my officie" well I keep walking to go finish restocking because at this point I'm pissed.

She goes off again and again about I didn't come to the officie I told her why she keeps going then tries to sweet talk me about how she wasn't trying to sound mean and that customers were complaining about 'me' screaming. While it was her who said "Anyone else want to piss me off?" after telling me to stay in my window. Well my dad was there for most of it and told me when I got home that she was cussing at me and everyone else and that some customers left because they had their children with them. I didn't hear her cuss but its possible becuase I cant hear everything.

So what you all think? I wanted to freaking say "I'm giving my 2 weeks notice now" and walk out. She wan'ts to try again on a fresh start blah blah.... She even told me to say "Your being a bitch right now" if she is acting like one.... if I said that I would be in trouble.... Give me insight please.
I'll report it tomorrow to the boss. Going to tell her I wont put up with her attitude at work. My friend who works there just told me when I left she walked up and said "today is going to be a good day".... I just don't like how she thinks she can talk down on everyone and shit on us basicly.
First off, if you are 17 you aren't underage.

Second, don't fuck with a woman on PMS.

Thirdly, she's your boss. That means you suck it up and deal with the crap they give you.

I'm not trying to be harsh. But, you aren't the only one. EVERYONE goes through this. Welcome to the real world. Get used to it.
I've asked for fulltime and stuff but they consider me underage. Idk about texas but in florida unless your 18 you cant work for over 4hrs without a 30mins break. She is not my boss she is just a manager. And I dont have to suck up harassment she gives me.
Report it to her own superior, or better yet - pull a Kaoii and bring a pocket tape recorder and record what she says the next time she has an outburst. It works every time.

It sounds to me like she's just PMSing, but if she's done it before and is driving out customers then who cares? You can't have that kind of thing in the business environment, and I'm sure that her boss, your boss, or whoever is in charge would be the first to understand that.
First off, if you are 17 you aren't underage.

Second, don't fuck with a woman on PMS.

Thirdly, she's your boss. That means you suck it up and deal with the crap they give you.

I'm not trying to be harsh. But, you aren't the only one. EVERYONE goes through this. Welcome to the real world. Get used to it.

d00d it doesnt even matter, if she is scaring customers away, then theres a problem.

yeah, id report her.
And I dont have to suck up harassment she gives me.

Dude, you have no idea what real harassment is. I've heard worse. You just need to have a tough skin. And it might've been better if you hadn't made the smartass comments either. I did the same the first time I started working...and trust me, no matter how right you think you gets you nowhere. And also, a manager is your boss. They organize how the jobs are carried out and who carries them out. She can report to the real boss that you aren't doing your job and get you fired. It happened to me.
But I do my job. Thats the problem, she is always on my case for no reason. I've only worked there for about 3 weeks maybe so I'm not going to be as fast as the people that have been there for 3 years+. And they just started to put me on window and thats ALOT faster/harder then counter. Out of 4 managers there that I've worked with she is the only one. The others think I'm good. I do my job great with them because they dont scream all the time for no reason. They have their moments, yes, but they dont take out their anger on their co-workers.

EDIT: gtg to bed , gotta get up at 10 tomorrow (normally get up at 5 or 7 depending on my time)
If any of that happened to me I would of reported them to police. I'm not the type that like to sit there and be pissed on. Bad part is every other manager is nice, they all have their moments but because their all nice most the time I do my work alot better. If I'm being bitched at for not being as good as people that have been there for a year + then that makes me not do my best. She said if she is being a bitch to call her out on it. So I will.
In all honesty just do what everyone else does and ignore the bitch, she wont have enough power to sack you and neither will the boss of the place u work at, plus they're all thick as shit anyway so u just work your way outta it
Harassment My Ass - I've Been Hit With A Frying Pan - Had A Soup Pan Thrown At Me And Been Punched In The Arm A Few Times. I Laugh It Off.

Working With Chefs Is Wear You Toughen Your Skin.

I know what you mean getting ordered about like your nothing while working with chefs is like torture sometimes especially when they go of on one and throw something. O.O It's not just them but the some of the customers too and just because they don't pay you directly, it's like you have to take it the abuse. In the end it makes you really appreciates the tips you get at the end of the day because your stuck as this lousy waitress job -.-. I do not want to ever do that job again. Shops I can handle but being a waitress or even fast food, I cannot.

Anyway as much as you don't like it, I am afraid there isn't much you can do about it because being your supervisor she can easily get you fried instead. =/
My other managers today said to not worry about it. I'll just deal with it and like she said, call her out on it when she is being one.