World Item Problem.

Skilled Illusionist
Sep 20, 2004
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Ok I just noticed on my Pirate Docks map that there are no world items showing up (HP, AP, Ammo), this doesn't make much sense since I have the exact same dummys in my "Pirate Docks.RS.xml" as in "Port.RS.xml" and the exact same "spawn.xml" as Port both client and server side but the items are still not showing up.

Obviously I have overlooked something since the world item spawns are fine when I load up Port.

My only guess is that there is certain data in the matchserver.exe that controls world items and since the exe wasn't made for custom maps it can't show them. Either this or I have done something stupid.

Anyway let me know, thanks.
Well I think that is likely but the question is why?

The cords are exactly the same as port, you would asume this meens everything would spawn in the same place.
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Ah yes, I forgot to reply here to say I figured it out.

Your right Vitto the cords where messed up instead of 5.0000000 being ground level it was actually 40.0000000 I wouldn't have realised but I could see the items underground when I walked past certain areas.

Thanks for replying anyway.
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