world server crash screenshot

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Aug 21, 2004
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d4rkpow3r - world server crash screenshot - RaGEZONE Forums

anyidea how i can fix that lil problem? its making my worldserver crash a lot
I keep getting the same errors, I started to remove quests, Didn't work.
I'm starting to think that If a player is lagging that'll happen.
Like if the player is on say dialup, and the command from their client will initiate without being sync'ed with the server which makes it freeze up.
So I just said the hell with it, Took the first number from that error, searched it in account and whoever made the error loses their account.
Nobody has the patience to tell everyone to not use their server if their on dialup and nobody will listen regardless so you just ban them and be happy with your satisfied users.
I have to sleep sometime and I wish when it hits 0% CPU it'd just SIGSEV or whatever it is and restart itself.(I have an auto restarter.)
that is a big problem. Because in this game, the team is very important!
you can try to remove the thread lock when savedata!
what OS [win xp, ..2k3 other]
Webserver [wamp,xam or partial]
try to repair your sql table some times
try recompile. or use other ppl compilation
same here!!!!! Players loose items with that stinking problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if its because of us GMs for summoning wrong items!!!!!!I tried
that summoned wrongly white picture it crashed like that many times!
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