Worst Day Ever

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
First my gf dumpts me. Then i get Ragged on all day on the Muonline forums. Then My gf goes out with my best friend. My mom gets mad at me for not mowing the lawn...and I log on my mu global acc and find out i was hacked clean...GOD THIS WAS THE WORST DAY EVER!!!!!! :( can anyone cheer me up? :cry: :cry: :cry:

Well, girls are a dime a dozen, just like guys :tp: so no loss there... anyone that doesn't want you = you don't need them

People on forums can easily be assholes because they have that beautiful screen and miles and miles to protect them from harm. Just remember they suck and probably smell bad, too..

Mom's are always crazy it's because they realize their a dime a dozen.. ;) but moms rule in the end tbh

Care bears cheer me up, or flowers... they smell nice.. and the bears are just cuddly... You need a cuddly bear..
wat does tbh mean? ya i donno is matter with my mum latley but i still luv her. my cudley bear is gone, (my gf) and i cant belive wat my bf did!
Kian said:
wat does tbh mean? ya i donno is matter with my mum latley but i still luv her. my cudley bear is gone, (my gf) and i cant belive wat my bf did!

tbh=to be honest

Get another cuddly bear :P

Friends can suck, especially with age. Gotta keep the good ones close, the bad ones closer? Wait.. er.. first you get the sugar.. then you get the money.. er.. no..
eh now iam just confused ^^ i gotta go to water polo practice soon :cry:
Honestly the best thing you can do in a situation like this is to do what makes you feel good. Time heals many things, tho it may take a while to do so.. But in the end, all you have is the moment, so use that moment to do what makes you feel good.

Perhaps the worst thing we can do is dwell on things we can not change. But a secret in this is: YOU can change it if you realize the best motivation in life is to live it to the fullest.

Break out of the funk!
lol ive had a pretty shitty day to tbh
1st had a migrain ( a really bad 1)
got day off skool was boring tho
slept all day (thats the only decent part)
ask a girl out and got turned down :(
ach well
Why did she dump you? Maybe too much time spent in front of your screen instead of paying attension to her? Many people come and go during your lifetime - just move on, dont worry about it and soon you will have new mates and a even better looking girlfriend.

Look at this not as a failure but as a learning exercise - the more you learn - the better you become :0
Becky said:

Well, girls are a dime a dozen, just like guys :tp: so no loss there... anyone that doesn't want you = you don't need them

People on forums can easily be assholes because they have that beautiful screen and miles and miles to protect them from harm. Just remember they suck and probably smell bad, too..

Mom's are always crazy it's because they realize their a dime a dozen.. ;) but moms rule in the end tbh

Care bears cheer me up, or flowers... they smell nice.. and the bears are just cuddly... You need a cuddly bear..

Thanks for the tip, now I know what to buy and send you....... :toung: :toung:
ok i dont spend all my time on the computer and I DONT WANNA LEARN ANYTHING I WANT MY GF BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: ok iam done
he had a heartattack and got shot? where the fuck do you live? Srry man
Kian said:
he had a heartattack and got shot? where the fuck do you live? Srry man

remember, people get shot all the time, no matter where you live :(
Becky said:
remember, people get shot all the time, no matter where you live :(
not really... here people prefer stabbing each other in the ass ^^
wow wat a nice thing to say :D good one deth ^^ eh a really hot girl just called me :D sweeeet i think iam back in buisiness