Would like original OGAME files

Initiate Mage
Aug 16, 2009
Reaction score
I've searched a lot of the forum, i'm new here, guess i can't find my way.

Anyway i would like the original / newest / currnet Ogame Server Files and Ogame Db. I'm a developer, and i use php and mysql for a long time. Anyway, i can't seem to find the original non modified files of the current Ogame Server.

All i want it for is for some testing pourposes only (would like my buildings to build faster, introduce resources on an account via mysql inputs, that sort of tuff). For non comercial use and localhost only.

If i get these files, maybe ill make a mod, or a release, don't know exactly, or if i can be of an asistance in any way to you guys.

Thank you, and will be watching for posts over here, have a nice day.
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Visit the Ogame HQ fromt he main page of the ogame section (http://forum.ragezone.com/f418/ogame-center-hq-588254/) There you can find almost all the files from here ( I think that you can find all of them but maybe there aren't) - I can tell you that almost all files from here are modified in some way , just take xnova for example and work on it or take some of the files you find in the ogame HQ and use them for testing . I wish you good luck and I hope we will see some good mods coming from you ( don't forget that ogame already has some mods that can be used because of the xnova so you don't lose your time making a support system, chat, recycler, market places .... search for them first and see if what you want to make isn't already made)
Initiate Mage
Aug 16, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you, will look into them.

Can i find a style or template that would make xnova look like the current version from ogame.org ?
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Skilled Illusionist
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Well there is only a login template that looks like the original ogame.org (now). you can find it in the release section. but the in game template you will have to make yourself. Because i dont think that there are people who have it, and if someone has, he wont share it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
We at Xnovauk.com are working on the new design.