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WoW-Reloaded Forums now OPEN

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
WOW-Reloaded is now OPEN
visit for more information
forums are located at

the forums are now open.

Forums will all be updated by the end of the night.

get a job with us

get ready for more.
told u guys mangos was gonan die anyways XD but ppl never listen XD.

What is your problem?
Do you enjoy people getting pissed off with you?

You do relise that in time people are just going to ignore you, so when you really need help on any wow emulation issue, your not going to get it. and any help you offer will be discredited..
dude why are you advertising other sites you should listen to ***** because he doesnt want this public till its actually open ;)
it wasnt invite only but we made it invite only ;)