WOW server: Linux VS Windows

Initiate Mage
Feb 7, 2007
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Can someone tell me what is the diference between running a linux and a windows server ?

as i figure it, a linux server will be much more stable, and will have a better resource-management than a windows srever.. or am i mistaking ?

i already set up a windows wow server, runs fine (well, as fine as can be...) and i'm thinking of migrating it to linux.
what are the diferences in running a linux server, in comparison to a windows one ?
honestly it all comes down to what you like.... microsoft fanboys say that windows pwns, while linux-addicts think of windows as the devil... Saying that linux is way better than windows only serves to illustrate that you dont know what you are talking about.... A machine running windows server 2k3 can be incredibly can a properly configured linux machine... As i all comes to down what you like.
I think the same way as mgX.
But as I'm using windows and linux,
i would recommend in this case linux, if you're an advanced user.
- linux is free and doesn't cost a penny. a win server 2k3 would come up to more then hunderd euros if i recall correctly.
- depending on which distribution you're using, you get security patches faster: while microsoft patches the "not so important" problems every month, a new security patch for debian can be up really fast. but also only if you choose to use an more experiemental or testing version of it. so, thats a con sometimes. i personally recommend debian testing. it gets more updates than stable, but is not as instable as the experimental version. best choice for what i think.
- you can use linux on command-line only base and leave out any gui or user interface. if you're experienced enough. if so, you can save up these ressources for the server. also - you don't need to have an graphics card in the system, which cuts down the powerusage. (i think you can run a winsystem with the "windows server os" also without an graphicscard, but i haven't researched on that topic yet, i only know system doesn't work without an graphicscard on windows 2000)
- more flexible because you can choose wheter you really need to load up soundenviroment and stuff, and get these ressources also into the server.

i'm a win and lin fan, but in terms of efficiency and flexibility, linux has some advantages.

i hope you could cope with my bad english.

so, first of all: i'm not trying to get into a debate about which is better (win vs linux). i'm not trying to chat with fans of those two OS's. my question was strictly related to running a wow server. in THIS particular case, which one has the upper hand ? so far i take it that linux would serve me best, since it can be more secure, more stable, and has a better resource management than windows. besides, it's free, let's not forget that :)

at this point, which linux distribution would be best ? as i've seen, i had a pionter towards debian. but how about mandriva, ubuntu, red hat, slackware, suse etc. ? how about UNIX like solaris, free(open,net)BSD etc ?
could you give me some heads up ?

i'm not a begginer, actually i'm a programmer, i've got an IT degree, but i have not experimented a lot with linux distributions. i can work my way arround, though...
I have windows servers that are/have been up over 100 days, and the same goes for linux, like previously stated, all depends on how much you know/can use. If your not really an advanced linux user and are not willing to learn stick with windows. But if you CAN go to linux.
Personally, I find it MUCH easier to manage the Linux version of the server, especially for one major reason; you can background a Linux server console window. Windows servers, you..minimize. Which seems really lame. Not to mention that lag times with my Windows AMD Dual-Core box are higher than on my Linux AMD single-core box with a slower core, both are on gigabit links locally. Linux memory management is a bit better, and if you use 'screen' to run them both within two regions, you can see both server consoles in one window, and detach from them/reattach at will.

On top of that, I personally feel that my MySQL server runs better on Linux than Windows, though I can't provide any figures to back that.

THERE IS ONE MAJOR ISSUE, HOWEVER, WITH LINUX SERVERS. Win32 servers (from what I've seen) have an admin console built-in. Linux servers....don't. And I can't seem to find the remote admin client to connect to its builtin port.

Also, I can't seem to find a working source set to compile from, for the Linux servers, so I've been forced to rely on other peoples' binary builds..
Can someone tell me what is the diference between running a linux and a windows server ?

as i figure it, a linux server will be much more stable, and will have a better resource-management than a windows srever.. or am i mistaking ?

Not Mistaken at all. if you have a stable version of linux and do the updates for security and the such before your install. I ran a nix mangos server for close to 3 months with out having to restart the game or crash it out cause of a lock up. I didnt have the random well not random but I didnt have the server Disconnectes every few minutes. In fact the only ones I had I issued for code changing and adding things to the server.
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