• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Wow server not working

Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, im kinda new to this make my own wow thing. I made it and i can play on it but when others try login in it either says Unable to connect or Login server is down. How do i make a login server? Or can i do something else easier so they can get on. Someone please help me plx
I'm no help. But I have the same LAN loopback problem.

First, some details:

I have a wireless router connecting my desktop and my laptop. I am running Mangos 2.0.8, while my client is the new 2.0.10.. (Would that cause a loopback issue?)

I REALLY don't want to spend another three hours downloading the 2.0.10 server, but I will if you have a logical explanation as to why the differing client/server versions would... cause a loopback issue specifically.

Well, on to the server side. I have EVERYTHING set to Don't worry about that. Any posts like "Have you tride 127,0,0,1??/" will be cheerily disregarded. ;) ....I've tried localhost, (my PC IP), (my router's IP)... None make any difference.

Now, in realmd_bc/realmlist in my SQL database, the following entry exists:

id: 1
name: servername
address: (at the moment, that is what I have in there... I've tried obviously)
port: 8085 (at least I know this is right...)
icon: 0 (blah blah blah...)
color: 0
timezone: 0
dbinfo:;3306;root;<my password>;realmd_bc

NOTE THAT LAST BIT.. please. (sorry about the caps) I *know* that it's probably not correct. In fact, when the server was first started, it had some junk like ";3306;root;thomas;bcemu"

Of course "thomas" isn't my password, so I figured that I'd have to change it to my actual database root password. ALSO the "bcemu" part made no sense to me, so I changed it. Was I wrong to do so?

Meh, I'm really new to all of this, but I managed to get this far!

Misc. Notes: I'm using WAMP instead of MySQL. I can't install MySQL on my desktop no matter WHAT I try. (And if I ever give up on installing something, it's definitely beyond all hope.)

So... WAMP seems to work. Otherwise, I wouldn't get the following messages in my realmd.exe program:

"Accepting connection from"
"User 'test' sucessfuly authenticated"

...AND that repeats each time I go through the loopback. -_- So, my database seems to work, but something IN the database isn't working,.. right?

Sorry for the long post, I hope you can make sense of it, and can help me with this problem shared by so many..
ok i've gone through and installed everything using work's fine log in hack and slash but no drop's or quests available (errors in my db etc.). i've never done this before but is this normal (i.e did i do something rong or is this currently not available). Yes i have been reading just trying to make that sure that i haven't missed anything.
Second problem is that i can't get it to work online (will try a few things when i get home like firewall) I have changed my ip to 202.10.84.*** in the windows sys32 blah area, my realmlist.wtf, realmd_bc and my ports are open have i missed anything?

I'm using MySQL, SQLyog and the MaNGOS from SKi's "Mangos Basic setup guide for v2.0.8 TBC" located http://forum.ragezone.com/world-warcraft/mangos-setup-guide-v2-0-8-tbc-224719.html
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, im kinda new to this make my own wow thing. I made it and i can play on it but when others try login in it either says Unable to connect or Login server is down. How do i make a login server? Or can i do something else easier so they can get on. Someone please help me plx

Im having the exact same problem...