WoWemu blackstorm v1 LAN Problem

Feb 15, 2007
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Hi.. im new on this forum but i have read all the threads about this.. but i got a serius problem...
I got a lan with 5 computers and a Router Dlink.
I've instaled the blackstorm wowemu server on one computer that wont be used for playing, just to be an server and the other ones should connect at him..
I got everything working but when i try to connect to the server i keep receivin the Choose Realm window and i cant start playing.
I want my server to just be playable on lan so i think i dont need to create an NO-IP account, the hosts files on the computer are like this:

192.168.0.X computer

Where 192.168.0.X is the server ip and 'computer' is the name of the computer.

So if you guys have any idea to fix this problem or another kind o emu server, help me plz..

I appreciate , thanks