wowemu help pls

Jan 29, 2007
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On my computer chair
Its like this.Any server I setup(wowemu) i do everything righ and then when i am supposed to enter the realm it wont enter!It keeps returning to the realm list!WHY?!?HOW TO FIX IT?!?
first off yelling will get you no where yelling never solves things second off you know your using a OLD emu if you would like a more up to date emulator use kobold or mangos i personally would recommend the kobold v3 standalone i posted with the standalone you have no need on how to set up a sql server so have fun

As far as your wowemu issue is, this is an ip issue. Make sure you have them set correctly. Also, wowemu hates being ran on the same machine as the client is connecting to.

And like killer says, it's time for you to update.
Use Kv3 or Mangos.
ya you will need 2.o.1 for kobold v3 i have a 1.12.1-2.0.1 patch and everything in the post no hack patch is needed

I would have to agree with Killer on this one.
His Kv3 setup is nice work, and real simple to use, make that damn simple to use;)

I prefer mangos myself, as I like updating and fine tweaking my server myself.
But if you don't want todo that, and just want to run a server, using an more upto date client, then use kv3, and killers one is the best i've seen yet;)
You can go and download the patches 1 ata time.

Killer: the patch from 1.12x to v2 it's a big file;)

Layer just goto a website, and download each one as you want, you might find it quicker that way, I did:P
I have dial-up and i downloaded 1.11.0 from a mirror,then I wanted to upgrade step by step to 1.12.0 but the 1.11.0 didnt work.I downloaded the correct patch (enus) but the mirror fucked sumthin up.Then I gave up!The wowemu now works(thank you God!).
I have dial-up and i downloaded 1.11.0 from a mirror,then I wanted to upgrade step by step to 1.12.0 but the 1.11.0 didnt work.I downloaded the correct patch (enus) but the mirror fucked sumthin up.Then I gave up!The wowemu now works(thank you God!).

I figured you were on either a dial up or a very slow connection, otherwise you would not be bothered about downloading them:P

But im glad you got it all sorted out.