Ws Help

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Whats wrong? (My login_server and realm_server works)
And it seems i'm missing some Databases Very nice if anybody can upload them.

15/02/2007 22:29:40 V Connected to MySQL database at localhost
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V Database: Using MySQL account database 'kobold' at localho
V Database: st:3306, user 'root'
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V Connected to MySQL database at localhost
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I i18n: Loading translation strings for language 'default',
I i18n: file 'lang_default.txt'
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I i18n: Language Translation Subsystem is loaded and ready!
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I Loading Database related information...
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I Opening DBC storages...
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V ------------------- DBC --------------------------
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> SkillLine.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> SkillLineAbility.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> EmotesText.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> Spell.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> SpellRange.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> SpellCastTimes.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> SpellDuration.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> SpellRadius.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> Talent.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> AreaTable.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> AreaTrigger.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> WorldMapArea.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> WorldMapOverlay.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> WorldSafeLocs.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> Map.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> DurabilityCosts.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> DurabilityQuality.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> ItemRandomProperties.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> SpellItemEnchantment.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> ItemSet.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> Faction.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> FactionTemplate.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> BankBagSlotPrices.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> TaxiNodes.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> TaxiPath.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V >> TaxiPathNode.dbc
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V --------------------------------------------------
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V DBC storages: Done!
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V 15/02/2007 22:29:40 V - Maitenance -------------------------------------
15/02/2007 22:29:40 E sqlpp: could not query SELECT * FROM pet_store: Table 'kob
E sqlpp: old.pet_store' doesn't exist
15/02/2007 22:29:40 E sqlpp: could not query SELECT player_guid FROM char_state
E sqlpp: WHERE online_state = 1: Table 'kobold.char_state' d
E sqlpp: oesn't exist
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V --------------------------------------------------
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V 15/02/2007 22:29:40 I Precaching MySQL DB tables...
15/02/2007 22:29:40 E sqlpp: could not query SELECT value FROM db_properties WHE
E sqlpp: RE property = 'DBStructure': Table 'kobold.db_prope
E sqlpp: rties' doesn't exist
15/02/2007 22:29:40 F DB: Can't load DB version.
15/02/2007 22:29:40 F World: FATAL ERROR in world thread!
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I Network: TCP Port 4200 listener started
15/02/2007 22:29:40 V Getting WS info from DB:
15/02/2007 22:29:40 E sqlpp: could not query SELECT map_id FROM worldserver_list
E sqlpp: WHERE port = 4200 AND ip = ' ': Table 'ko
E sqlpp: bold.worldserver_list' doesn't exist
15/02/2007 22:29:40 E can't find WS[] in DB
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I WorldSrv: listening at:
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I WorldSrv: <<<-- Accepting client connections -->>>
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I Network: TCP Port 4200 listener stopped
15/02/2007 22:29:40 S Python: scripting shut down ->>>
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I WorldSrv: Finished, shutting down...
15/02/2007 22:29:40 I Log: Stoped

Please help i'm so close :drinks_no :drinks_no :drinks_no :drinks_no
I have execute batch file (navicat) but it always seems there is some missing database Do you know why?

(I have tryed to import queries but when i press run it says Out of memory?!?!?! lol)

But i know my memory is not full and i have tryed to delete som files but it still says Out of memory please help.