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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 24, 2004
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i reinstal my system then i instal all files configure them whit manual i read 10 times word by word. i install everything what it have to by instaled. i change that what it have to be changed then plis tell me why ??
WHY I STILL HAVE THIS F**KING "LOGIN SERVER SHUTDOWN" GOD i start to crayzy and no i dont have week pc i have very good pc then wtf is wrong can sombody explayn me what is wrong ??

btw wtf is that CASE SENSITIVE when i instal SQL i dont seen it oO Akaruz can u tell me wher is this think exacly ??
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My server took me 2 hours to set up...

U must be doing something wrong...

If im not mistaken, i had to change ips in 3 files... and i had to run first file in a3server/a3 links/1st time

About that case sensitive, i didnt enable anything and couldnt find anything about case sensitive coalitions on google. Just copy every db//odbc name and paste them like i did.

I got your error 1 time, afte running server for couple of hours... after restart, everything works fine...

btw, i think its quite annoying how much u make threads... ill try to help, but if i see 1 other thread, im going to ignore u ^_^
Why dont u guys search yourself, its sooo annoying to hear these things...

While u where writing ur reply, u could have clicked SEARCH, *.ini and search the ips yourself...
kizzarizz said:
Why dont u guys search yourself, its sooo annoying to hear these things...

While u where writing ur reply, u could have clicked SEARCH, *.ini and search the ips yourself...

lol i could care less about making a server you where trying to help him so y not tell him the files to edit

ps: stop complaining you NERD!
whel in guide it sad that i have to change onlu 1 IP so tell me wher is the rest

the 1 what i found is in ZoneAgent.ini
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Who is complaining now... and dont call me a nerd, u immature prick...

Im too lazy to look for the files as i dont recall them.
Ive seen him make many threads with the same question, yet he doesnt take the time to look through the files...

But since ur being soo mean about it, i looked through them. :hippy: :hippy: :hippy:

a3server\accountserver\svrinfo.ini --> change AccntCharDBPasswd
a3server\mainserver\clandb.ini --> change AccntCharDBPasswd
a3server\mainserver\svrinfo.ini --> change ;MainServerIP
a3server\zoneagent\zoneagent --> change IP
a3server\ASD\7770\tdb.ini --> change sa password
a3server\ASD\8880\tdb.ini --> change sa password
a3server\ASD\9990\tdb.ini --> change sa password

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gues what still nothing "Login Server Shutdown" =_=
kizzarizz said:

Who is complaining now... and dont call me a nerd, u immature prick...

But since ur being soo mean about it, i looked through them. :hippy: :hippy: :hippy:

I am immature lol so what

I didnt think you would of took what i said as serious as you did
its all in good fun sorry if i have offended you

ps: i bet you 98% of ragezone users are nerds
gues what still nothing "Login Server Shutdown" =_=

Strange, im using my lan ip and i connect to game on same pc, make sure you use ur lan ip too in the a3 launcher.
Using ka120 client and patch from sticky.
I have xp sp1, and im using mssql sp3.
same here

ok i reinstal system again instal all programs use 1st run links set up every thing and...nothing Login Server Shutdown :/
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4 days and 4 nights for nothing damn i think i will go just to sleep and f**k this server. but damn i want to have this server i want to other ppl play on it and i want to play eather !!! ENYBODY HELP ME (I think that only Akaruz can help me :()
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what do u meen ?? that i make wrong wrong account in Querty ?? i use the code what i found here on forum
ok i reinstaled befor i seleckt recomendent option but this time i seleckt both :p
hm whit wich one manual or guide u make server guys with one of thos on forum or whit this in server files ?? im asking becos in all thos guides are diffrent names of databases i men in one is writed itemstorage in other ItemStorage in one is character in other GameChar so tell me whit wich one guide u make server of cors working server :]
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