i reinstal my system then i instal all files configure them whit manual i read 10 times word by word. i install everything what it have to by instaled. i change that what it have to be changed then plis tell me why ??
WHY I STILL HAVE THIS F**KING "LOGIN SERVER SHUTDOWN" GOD i start to crayzy and no i dont have week pc i have very good pc then wtf is wrong can sombody explayn me what is wrong ??
btw wtf is that CASE SENSITIVE when i instal SQL i dont seen it oO Akaruz can u tell me wher is this think exacly ??
WHY I STILL HAVE THIS F**KING "LOGIN SERVER SHUTDOWN" GOD i start to crayzy and no i dont have week pc i have very good pc then wtf is wrong can sombody explayn me what is wrong ??
btw wtf is that CASE SENSITIVE when i instal SQL i dont seen it oO Akaruz can u tell me wher is this think exacly ??
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