• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

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Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
Hello, I'm going to show you about Habbo Hotel.

Link: Habbo ~ Habbo USA

Habbo hotel is a virtual game with avatars, where you can chat, create rooms ,and make friends. This game takes place inside a ''hotel''.You can get furni by winning competition (Such as Falling furni, Fridge games Etc..)
Or buying it with real money.
The company who first created Habbo Hotel was Sulake. Then, poeple started making fakes of Habbo were you do not have to pay for credits, Sulake is currently trying to take action of these fakes called ''Retros''.

Falling furni - The host (usually the owner) will put down a piece of furni, and you have to sit in it as fast as you can. Like musical chairs :)

Fridge game - The are various items in the fridge, Such as a carrot, milk, icecream

Furni - Furniture on Habbo is known as ''Furni''

There are MANY fansites for all the various hotels.
Best Hotels - URL - Best fansite

USA Hotel - Habbo ~ Habbo USA - BOBBA My Room! , Habtips - The Place To Be - V5 - Welcome!

UK Hotel - Habbo ~ Habbo - Habbox - Habbox

more will be added if needed.

Hotel staff & Moderators

Hotel staff & moderators are Habbos who can Mute, Ban, Alert, Kick, Room kick etc.
You can find the USA staff on the USA site.
Habbo ~ Habbo USA
You can find the UK staff on the UK site.
Habbo ~ Habbo
Filters are not very strong, you just are risking youre account by cussing.
Everytime you ''Cuss'' also known as ''Cursing'' will be blocked out and replaced with ''Bobba''. You can easily aviod the filter by putting .s in between your ''Curse word''.
Badges are given by Habbo staff by winning competitions and verifying your email (Also special events)

Almost on EVERY game there is a scammer, Habbo scams are pretty much hard to fall for (unless your a noob).
Basic Scams
Account scamming - Give Pw for furni.
Casino scamming - Give furni to dealer, He takes and runs
Badge scamming - Furni for a special badge
There are more... :(
Habbo eXperts
Habbo Expert's are basically officially helpers.
They have a special badge that has a X inside of a bubble :)
They are often known as Habbo Xs. Short for eXpert.
Habbo carnivals... every now and then there are Habbo expert carnivals, you get chances to win furni!.
only Habbo Xs can run carnivals.. Plus you usually see Habbo staff there.
Habbo Club
Habbo club is a club with great benefits.
Habbo club does cost real money,for 1 month of Habbo club, it would cost $5.
Purchasing Habbo Club
1.) Buy coins (Many ways)
2.) Look at prices..
3.) Click ''Purchase''
Habbo Club benefits
More cloths
a HC badge
Commands (:Chooser,:furniture)
Rooms only for HC :)
Special dances
Purchasing Habbo coins, credits
* You MUST have parent permisson
Descuss a way best for you
1. Cell phone
2. Credit card
3. Game cards
4. Home phone
5. Click and buy
Creating a room
You can create a room by following these easy steps!
1. Log on to Habbo
2. Once logged on, go to ''Guest rooms'' on the Hotel navigator
3. Go to ''Own rooms''
4. Simply click ''Create a room''
Finding a room
This is easy, you can go on a floor, and look for rooms
Use the search
Using search
1. Log on to Habbo
2. Go to Hotel navigator
3. Go to ''Search''
4. Type in a Habbo's name or room name!
Adding to favorites
Like a room?
1. Log on to Habbo
2. Go to the Hotel's navigator
3. Once you see the room you want, Look at the bottum of the description and you should see ''Add to favorites''
Making friends
See a Habbo you want to be friends with?
1. Find the Habbo(s) you want to be friends with
2. click ''Ask to be friend''
Can't find the Habbo?
1. Go to the yellow messanger
2. Go to find a Habbo
3. Search their Habbo name
4. at the bottum should be ''Ask to be friend''
Sending messages
If your friend has accepted correctly then they should be on your Friend's list.
Don't know how to get to your friends list?
Simply click the Yellow messanger
and click ''Friends''
If you so non, then no one has accepted your friend request (Also known as a f/r)
How to send a message
See someone on your friends list?
Double click there name, and send away!

Thanks for reading

:) - Austin
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:O Oh no, game sucks so bad. Why do we have a section for it..

Cause people actually play it for some weird reason. And MU suck so bad too and we have a section for too that dont we?
Actuallly, If you designed rooms, you would like it. And you can just go on a Habbo Retro?
omg you lot are so harsh!

that description is really good!

At least give him credit instead of flaming :(

So what habbo isn't that good, some people play it and enjoy it, just because some people don't dosnt mean there shouldn't be a section.
It took me 2 days and like 14 hours :/ get out of this posts if you don't like it.
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