Xp Rate

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hi.. I have a problem with XP rate.. A friend to me say me xp rate is noob.
How to change it ?
Is it in Hutok ?
Pls. Put your for exemple :) Ty
there are xp rate changer programs.. not sure where though.. just search the forum

since the search function is off at the min, you can search the forum by going to google and typing in

site:ragezone.com (your search here without brackets)

but u can also do it manually by opening up ur server files and going into gamesever, then going into monster... u can edit each monster exp individually by opeing the files and changing the exp
but remember, when using the program.. it does not have a feature to decrease exp... so once u have put it up.. thats it up for good unless u manually change the exp back yourself

you should always get into a habit of backing up files before u use special programs to edit them