You Know?

I wish
Nov 15, 2005
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Ever found it annoying when people, in the middle of the conversation, ask you if you know what they are saying?
I mean.
It gets so annoying.
It's like, "G Rap was my idol.. You know what I'm saying? My Idol.. You know what I'm saying?" And it goes on.
You can't respond because they don't pause, they just keep on talking. I've noticed that most people that do that, aren't confident.
Not all, just most of them.

Had to share it because I've been noticing it everywhere.
And this is sooo spamzilla material you know what i mean?...No i dont find it annoying, its their way of talkin let em be.
Ever found it annoying when people, in the middle of the conversation, ask you if you know what they are saying?
I mean.
It gets so annoying.
It's like, "G Rap was my idol.. You know what I'm saying? My Idol.. You know what I'm saying?" And it goes on.
You can't respond because they don't pause, they just keep on talking. I've noticed that most people that do that, aren't confident.
Not all, just most of them.

Had to share it because I've been noticing it everywhere.

that and the word "Like" after every other word in a sentence.
Re: sage

It's ironic that world literacy is actually increasing, according to statistics...

World wide maybe, but i think the western world is getting worse. The amount of slang that seems to be infiltrating us is getting beyond a joke. I blame mobile phones for it, personally I use correct English and punctuation in my texts :)

Though I have been know to speak bad English when I'm annoyed, well less bad English and more Geordie. Which seems to make people laugh while I'm shouting at them :(

As for the rhetorical question problem, I say ignore them till they get annoyed then tell them that you didn't realise they wanted an answer to any of their questions :p
Yeah but i dont find it anoying, you know what im saying?
that and the word "Like" after every other word in a sentence.

people every damn sentence is a simile...every damn sentence. Actually with my group of friends I don't hear that statement. I don't like it when people use "like" outside of its purpose. For instance, talking about someone in the second person and instead of saying "he said/she said" that person would say "he was like"
I know what your saying. I hate it when they don't pause, I usually have an answer for them but there isn't enough of a gap to answer.

I try my hardest to use correct English when I am talking to people or write on the internet. I openly admit I am not that good but I try my best to make people understand me.

Even though it does help, I hate when people are so picky about correcting every single mistake. I have probably done loads but I don't need some one to make sure I know they are better than me.

Anyway the word I hate the most is "like" which I think has already been mention.
aye, woop woop, sup vanilla face <-- some of the words that arnt correct english, i also try to use correct grammar and proper ettiquete (letting girls through doors first, giving an old lady my seat on the bus, ect) not hard to do but keeps things simple and makes things easy.