Your favourite song... ever

Capricorn said:
What's your favourite song EVER made...

Mine has to be Linkin Park - In the End. Great song. :good:

thats the song that made me start loving rock music :)

I don't really have 1 favorite song though, there are so many best songs :s
Linkin Park are awsome
Has to be Numb by them i play that like 10 times aday on the pc
never gets old :D
I'm always scared when i start liking a song too much i play it too many times and then when i go to sleep its in my head and the next day when i wake up im bored of it coz its been in my head all night...
DonTonberry said:
Bon Jovi - Right Side Of Wrong

But New Addition

SonaR - Human

lol @ bon jovi, thats ghey lol

and sonar, someone sent that to me today, cant remember who though O.O
Haven't got 1 single fave song.

Pantera's Psycho Holiday gets me goin everytime tho so that'd b up there I think.

Thing is, I really hav trouble sayin this coz I don't like pickin out of my faves but tbh Lost Prophets - Last Train Home may well b my fave track lol. Hav 2 c if I eva get bored of it 2 know 4 sure tho
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how can u class a favorite song oo god it hard 2 do

But i like all 4 linkin albums

so favorite song gota be most songs by linkin park

From the inside i seem listen 2 quite alot