Your lil' GK's growin' up :P

May 30, 2004
Reaction score
The South
I got a call from Moe's (mexican grill) and they're going to start training me at 11:00 AM tomorrow :D woot job, I've been sick of staying at home and doing absolutely nothing; I'm a workaholic. What's cool is all the managers are pretty young (oldest one I believe is 23) and really nice, and my friends work there too. I got to thank my friend Thomas for giving me a heads-up on the job.
Not only that but I'm going to a ballet later today cause this girl's in it that I like :). So far 18's been a pretty kick-ass year for me.
hey guys @ hijacking my thread :(

I just got back. the ballet was really good and she was surprised as hell to see me there xD lol she thanked me for coming. (got her number ;p)Well I got work tomorrow (can't believe I'm actually saying that)

not hijacking...mearly going on a lsightly adjacent topic that will help you learn about the rest of your years.......

i looked at loads but nottingham seems to be the favorite, i wanna move away from home tho, 20 mins just isnt far enough.

lol yeah try 4 hours away XD London up to manchester...manchester is no contest :(
Congratulations, welcome to the working force! Good luck with the girl as well.
Congratulations GK! <3 You grill it like like ya stole it! :) Btw omerta im from nottingham, it's abit of a shit hole but they are trying to clean the area up hehe, as long as your not living in Saint Annes your alright.

PS : Goodluck with the girl, your really moving up in the world. A job and a maybe girl freind! Woot GK = Teh pimpness.