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Colorado Trees with fixed collision to prevent tree climbing

Elite Diviner
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
This thread is an extension of original thread that involves a STEP BY STEP tutorial and example of editing physics and collision file to prevent glitch that caused people to be able to climb trees.

For more info on that visit the original thread in Tutorials section or just press the following link:

Here I present you a download link for all* trees that are used in WarZ's map Colorado

Download link:

Revision: 3.0

Update [Rev2.0]
Trees affected - reason:
pinetrees_a_lrg_01 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height (some trees that are too much beneath the ground had no collision at all)
pinetrees_a_lrg_03 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_a_med_01 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_a_med_02 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_a_med_03 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_a_sml_03 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_grp_a_lrg_01 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_grp_a_med_01v - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height

Update [Rev3.0]
Trees affected - reason:
aspen_tree_a_lrg_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
aspen_tree_a_med_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
aspen_tree_a_sml_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_lrg_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_lrg_03 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_med_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_med_02 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_med_03 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_sml_03 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_grp_a_lrg_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_grp_a_med_01v - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.

* = I didn't change collision for all trees available, only to those that were listed in "Collections" tab in the Studio, basically trees that were being used in Colorado. If I missed something let me know and I'll fix that (or you'll fix it yourself now that you have a tutorial that you can follow :eek:tt1: )


A simple like here on the forum will be enough, but if anyone's deviant enough to thank me with a little tip, They can tip me through my paypal. my E-mail is ckz3vict@gmail.com
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Elite Diviner
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Good work should be addressed to the tutorial, but oh well I can't help leechers who want finished product served :D

either way, thank you! :)

and NgtaServer, you and your copy paste are welcome! :)
Elite Diviner
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Experienced Elementalist
Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score

why this make many tree's invisible o.o

have tree fixed but have tree invisible in colorado too o.o
Elite Diviner
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score

why this make many tree's invisible o.o

have tree fixed but have tree invisible in colorado too o.o

You've done something wrong then.. This is just the physics mesh, it has nothing to do with the actual object
Elite Diviner
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
First post updated.
Update [Rev2.0]
Trees affected - reason:
pinetrees_a_lrg_01 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height (some trees that are too much beneath the ground had no collision at all)
pinetrees_a_lrg_03 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_a_med_01 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_a_med_02 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_a_med_03 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_a_sml_03 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_grp_a_lrg_01 - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
pinetrees_grp_a_med_01v - Upgraded collision mesh, optimized distance, Fixed height
Elite Diviner
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Update [Rev3.0]
Trees affected - reason:
aspen_tree_a_lrg_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
aspen_tree_a_med_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
aspen_tree_a_sml_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_lrg_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_lrg_03 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_med_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_med_02 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_med_03 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_a_sml_03 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_grp_a_lrg_01 - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
pinetrees_grp_a_med_01v - There was a bug where players couldn't shoot through the collision even though area was blank, now it's fixed.
First post updated

and seriously guys.. if you find something wrong, TELL ME so I can FIX IT...

Credits to BlackShot for pointing out the problem to me.

new collision that's player only and will not affect bullets:
PWv4IYV - Colorado Trees with fixed collision to prevent tree climbing - RaGEZONE Forums


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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
thank you

how to use ?




Last edited:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Location: C:\WarZ\bin\Data\ObjectsDepot\WZ_Nature

original file list (4)