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3DSMAX Script - Map Viewer [Unfinished]

Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
After discussing with a friend, who made this and getting hit permission, I've decided to share this unfinished 3DSMAX script to view any Cabal Online Map.

This is ONLY a VIEWER! It cannot edit maps!

What it CAN DO:
  • View Maps in all angles.
  • Zoom in/out.

What it CANNOT DO:
  • Edit Maps
  • Add objects
  • Move Objects from their locations
  • Change anything!

  • Messed up shaders, that's why maps are not displayed as they should be.
  • Object importer doesn't work - so no need Yamachi's Scripts to launch this one.

This script might give a head-start for some sort of a viewer launcher, and, although code is far from perfect, it's still better than nothing :8: If someone wants to finish it - go ahead!
If someone would be willing to fix it / if even worth it, hopefully, it will be shared with the community, not leeched away and/or sold behind the scenes.

Instructions [a.k.a. Quick Instalation]:
  • Launch 3DS Max, run script.
  • Or, place script into %LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\3dsMax\3DS_MAX_VERSION\ENU\scripts\startup
  • Enjoy using script

Copyright (c) The Leviathan Team 2016 and penetrator9000

\\=\\=\\ //=//=//

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MrSensei - 3DSMAX Script - Map Viewer [Unfinished] - RaGEZONE Forums

Script code in spoiler

 *            _ __      _________ 
 *           | |\ \    / /__   __|
 *           | | \ \  / /   | |   
 *           | |  \ \/ /    | |   
 *           | |___\  /     | |   
 *           |______\/      |_|   
 *         MCL Importer For 3DS Max
 *  Copyright (c) The Leviathan Team 2016
global import_flag = false
global CabalMCLTools
global hmap_bin
global tmap_bin

callbacks.removeScripts id:#resetImport

function readHeader pFile =
    print "(|) Loading..."
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                         -- magic key 
    readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile                            -- unkv0
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui0
    readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile                            -- unkv1
    readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile    -- unkq0
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui1
    readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile    -- unkq1
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui2
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui3
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui4    
    readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile                            -- unkv2
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui5    
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui6    
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui7    
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui8    
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkui9    
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkuiA    
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkuiB    
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkuiC
    readLong pFile #unsigned                                                        -- unkuiD
    readLong pFile                                                                     -- unki0
    print "(/) Loading..."

function readEffects pFile =
    print "(-) Loading..."
    effectCount = readLong pFile #unsigned
    for i = 1 to effectCount do
        effectTextLen = readShort pFile #unsigned    -- text len
        fseek pFile effectTextLen #seek_cur            -- text
        readFloat pFile                                            -- unkf0
        readFloat pFile                                            -- unkf1
        readLong pFile #unsigned                            -- unkui0
        readLong pFile #unsigned                            -- unkui1
    print "(\) Loading..."

function readTextures pFile =
    print "(|) Loading..."
    textureCount = readLong pFile #unsigned
    if import_flag == true then
        global in_materials = #()
    for i = 1 to textureCount do
        size = readLong pFile #unsigned
        if size == 0
            do continue;
        texName = stringstream ""
        format "texture_%.dds" (i - 1) to:texName
        aout = (pathconfig.getdir #import) + "/" + texName
        pTexFile = fopen aout "wb"

        for j = 1 to size do
            byte = readByte pFile
            writeByte pTexFile byte
        fclose pTexFile
        if import_flag == true then
            tex = openbitmap aout
            tex_bmp = bitmaptexture bitmap:tex
            local new_mat = standard name:texName
            new_mat.adlock = false
            new_mat.diffusemap = tex_bmp
            new_mat.showinviewport = true
            append in_materials new_mat
    print "(/) Loading..."

function readTileTextures pFile =
    print "(-) Loading..."
    for i = 1 to 64 do
        size = readLong pFile #unsigned
        texName = stringstream ""
        format "tile_texture_%.dds" (i - 1) to:texName
        aout = (pathconfig.getdir #import) + "/" + texName
        pTexFile = fopen aout "wb"

        for j = 1 to size do
            byte = readByte pFile
            writeByte pTexFile byte
        fclose pTexFile

    print "(\) Loading..."    

function readLayer pFile first symbol = 
    print symbol
    face_count = readLong pFile #unsigned
    vertex_count = readLong pFile #unsigned
    vertex = #()
    face = #()
    uv = #()
    vcolor = #()
    vertex.count = vertex_count
    face.count = face_count
    uv.count = vertex_count
    vcolor.count = vertex_count
    for i = 1 to vertex_count do
        -- position
        x = readFloat pFile;
        y = readFloat pFile;
        z = readFloat pFile;
        if first then
            -- vertex color
            r = readByte pFile #unsigned -- r
            g = readByte pFile #unsigned -- g
            b = readByte pFile #unsigned -- b
            a = readByte pFile #unsigned -- a
            vcolor[i] = [r, g, b, a]

        -- uv
        uv_x = readFloat pFile;
        uv_y = readFloat pFile;
        vertex[i] = [x, y, z]
        uv[i] = [uv_x, uv_y, 0]

    for i = 1 to face_count do
        f1 = readshort pFile 
        f2 = readshort pFile
        f3 = readshort pFile
        face[i] = [f1 + 1, f2 + 1, f3 + 1]
    local sbTextureId = #()
    local sbTextureIndex = #()
    sbTextureIndex.count = face_count
    sbTextureId.count = face_count
    prevTextureId = -1
    k = 1;
    for i = 1 to face_count do
        texId = readLong pFile -- face texture id
        if prevTextureId != texId then
            sbTextureIndex[k] = i - 1
            sbTextureId[k] = texId
            prevTextureId = texId
            k += 1

    usedTextures = readLong pFile

    for i = 1 to usedTextures do
        readLong pFile    -- used texture id
    if import_flag == false then
        mapMesh = mesh vertices:vertex faces:face tverts:uv
        if vertex_count > 0 then
            buildtvfaces mapMesh
        for j = 1 to mapMesh.numfaces do
            setTVFace mapMesh j (getFace mapMesh j)
        m = mirror()
        addModifier mapMesh m
        m.mirror_axis = 0
        rotate mapMesh (angleaxis 90 [1,0,0])
        startIndex = 1
        endIndex = 1

        if k > 2 then
            endIndex = sbTextureIndex[2];
            endIndex = k
        for i = 1 to k - 1 do
            tmpFaces = #()
            tmpFaces.count = endIndex - startIndex

            tmpI = 1
            for j = startIndex to endIndex do
                tmpFaces[tmpI] = face[j]
                tmpI = tmpI + 1    
            mapMesh = mesh vertices:vertex faces:tmpFaces tverts:uv
            if vertex_count > 0 then
                buildtvfaces mapMesh
            for j = 1 to mapMesh.numfaces do
                setTVFace mapMesh j (getFace mapMesh j)
            if first then
                setNumCPVVerts mapMesh mapMesh.numverts
                defaultVCFaces mapMesh
                for j = 1 to vertex_count do
                    setVertColor mapMesh j vcolor[j]

            mapMesh.material = in_materials[sbTextureId[i]]
            m = mirror()
            addModifier mapMesh m
            m.mirror_axis = 0
            rotate mapMesh (angleaxis 90 [1,0,0])
            startIndex = endIndex
            if i + 2 >= k then
                endIndex = face_count
                endIndex = sbTextureIndex[i + 2]

function readTile pFile =
    print "(|) Loading..."
    symbolChange = 1
    for i = 1 to 64 do
        if symbolChange == 1 then
            symbol = "(-) Loading..."
            symbolChange = 2
        else if symbolChange == 2 then
            symbol = "(\) Loading..."
            symbolChange = 3
        else if symbolChange == 3 then
            symbol = "(|) Loading..."
            symbolChange = 4
            symbol = "(/) Loading..."
            symbolChange = 1
        readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile    -- bound min
        readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile    -- bound max        
        has1stLayer = readLong pFile
        if has1stLayer != 0 then
            readLayer pFile true symbol
        has2ndLayer = readLong pFile
        if has2ndLayer != 0 then
            readLayer pFile false symbol
    print "(/) Loading..."

function resetImportValue =
    if CabalMCLTools != undefined then
        CabalMCLTools.imported = false

function export_hmap pFile =
    if pFile == undefined then
        return messagebox "Please select a file to export!" title:"Error"
    hmapFile = fopen pFile "wb"
    for i = 1 to 264196 do
        writeByte hmapFile hmap_bin[i]
    fclose hmapFile    
    messagebox "Height Map exporting process is done!" title:"Done"

function export_tmap pFile =
    if pFile == undefined then
        return messagebox "Please select a file to export!" title:"Error"
    tmapFile = fopen pFile "wb"
    for i = 1 to 262144 do
        writeByte tmapFile tmap_bin[i]
    fclose tmapFile    
    messagebox "Thread Map exporting process is done!" title:"Done"

function readText pFile tLength =
    local result = ""
    -- Read each byte, convert it to a character, and append it to our string
    for i = 1 to tLength do
        next_byte = readbyte pFile
        result += bit.intaschar(next_byte)
    -- Return the resulting string

function readFirstData pFile =
    modelCount = readLong pFile #unsigned        -- model count
    for i = 1 to modelCount do
        textLength = readShort pFile #unsigned    -- text length
        fseek pFile textLength #seek_cur            -- text
        -- position
        posX = readFloat pFile; posY = readFloat pFile; posZ = readFloat pFile
        -- rotation
        rotX = readFloat pFile; rotY = readFloat pFile; rotZ = readFloat pFile; rotW = readFloat pFile
        -- scale
        scaleX = readFloat pFile; scaleY = readFloat pFile; scaleZ = readFloat pFile
        modelId = readLong pFile #unsigned        -- model id
        readLong pFile                                     -- type
        readLong pFile #unsigned                        -- flags
        readLong pFile #unsigned                        -- npc id
        mybox = box length:20 width:20 height:20
        mybox.pos = [posX, posZ, posY]
        --mybox.rotation = [rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotW]
        mybox.scale = [100 * scaleX, 100 * scaleY, 100 * scaleZ]
        mybox.name = modelList[modelId - 1]

function readSecondData pFile =
    modelCount = readLong pFile #unsigned        -- model count
    for i = 1 to modelCount do
        -- position
        posX = readFloat pFile; posY = readFloat pFile; posZ = readFloat pFile
        -- rotation
        rotX = readFloat pFile; rotY = readFloat pFile; rotZ = readFloat pFile; rotW = readFloat pFile
        -- scale
        scaleX = readFloat pFile; scaleY = readFloat pFile; scaleZ = readFloat pFile
        modelId = readLong pFile #unsigned        -- model id
        mybox = box length:20 width:20 height:20
        mybox.pos = [posX, posZ, posY]
        --mybox.rotation = [rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotW]
        mybox.scale = [100 * scaleX, 100 * scaleY, 100 * scaleZ]
        mybox.name = modelList[modelId - 1]

function readThirdData pFile =
    readLong pFile #unsigned                            -- unk_count
    modelCount = readLong pFile #unsigned        -- model count
    for i = 1 to modelCount do
        -- position
        posX = readFloat pFile; posY = readFloat pFile; posZ = readFloat pFile
        -- rotation
        rotX = readFloat pFile; rotY = readFloat pFile; rotZ = readFloat pFile; rotW = readFloat pFile
        -- scale
        scaleX = readFloat pFile; scaleY = readFloat pFile; scaleZ = readFloat pFile
        modelId = readLong pFile #unsigned        -- model id
        mybox = box length:20 width:20 height:20
        mybox.pos = [posX, posZ, posY]
        --mybox.rotation = [rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotW]
        mybox.scale = [100 * scaleX, 100 * scaleY, 100 * scaleZ]
        mybox.name = modelList[modelId]

function importModels pFile =
    global modelList = #()
    modelCount = readLong pFile #unsigned
    modelList.count = modelCount                            -- model count
    for i = 1 to modelCount do
        mNameLength = readShort pFile #unsigned        -- name length
        mName = readText pFile mNameLength            -- name
        readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile    -- bound min
        readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile; readFloat pFile    -- bound max
        modelList[i] = mName;
    readFirstData pFile                                            -- reading first data; "interactive models"
    --readSecondData pFile                                        -- reading second data
    --readThirdData pFile                                            -- reading third data

function import_mcl file_name =
    if file_name == undefined then
        return messagebox "Please select a map to import!" title:"Error"
    import_msg = "Import Map with materials? It might take more time to load.";
    import_msg += "(Use only if you need materials!)\n\n";
    import_msg += "Press yes to import with materials.\n";
    import_msg += "Press no to import without materials.\n\n";
    import_msg += "NOTICE: Import process might take some time, please be patient!";
    import_flag = queryBox import_msg title:"Map Import"
    import_msg = "Import Map with models? It might take more time to load.\n\n";
    import_msg += "Press yes to import with models. You will be asked to select Objects folder.\n";
    import_msg += "Press no to import without models.\n\n";
    import_msg += "NOTICE: You will need to have ebm importer in your 3DS scripts folder!";
    import_models = queryBox import_msg title:"Models Import"  
    if import_models  == true then
        import_script = (pathconfig.getdir #userScripts) + "/import_ebm_cabal.ms" 
        exist = (getfiles import_script).count
        if exist == 0 then
            import_models = false
            messagebox "EBM import script: import_ebm_cabal.ms was not found!\nSkipping models import..." title:"Error"
    mapFile = fopen file_name "rb"

    print "(/) Loading..."
    readHeader mapFile                    -- header
    print "(-) Loading..."
    readEffects mapFile                    -- effects
    print "(\) Loading..."
    readTextures mapFile                -- textures
    print "(|) Loading..."
    readLong mapFile #unsigned        -- unkui0
    readLong mapFile #unsigned        -- unkui1
    readLong mapFile #unsigned        -- unkui2

    print "(/) Loading..."
    -- height map
    global hmap_bin = #()
    hmap_bin.count = 264196
    for i = 1 to 264196 do
        hmap_bin[i] = readByte mapFile
    print "(-) Loading..."
    -- thread map
    global tmap_bin = #()
    tmap_bin.count = 262144
    for i = 1 to 262144 do
        tmap_bin[i] = readByte mapFile
    print "(\) Loading..."
    readTileTextures mapFile            -- tile textures
    print "(|) Loading..."
    readTile mapFile                        -- tile
    --if import_models  == true then
        --importModels mapFile
    fclose mapFile
    if CabalMCLTools != undefined then
        CabalMCLTools.imported = true
    print "DONE!"
    messagebox "Importing process is done!" title:"Done"

rollout CabalMCLTools "Cabal MCL Tools"
    local imported = false
    group "Import:"
        button btn_import_mcl "Open..." width:68 height:18 pos:[45, 20]
    group "Export binary:"
        button btn_export_hmap "Height Map" width:68 height:18 pos:[10, 65]
        button btn_export_tmap "Thread Map" width:68 height:18 pos:[85, 65]
    group "Export list:"
        button btn_export_models "Map Models" width:68 height:18 pos:[45, 110]
    group "Export textures:"
        button btn_export_tiletex "Tile Textures" width:68 height:18 pos:[45, 155]
        button btn_export_maptex "Map Textures" width:68 height:18 pos:[45, 180]
    on btn_import_mcl pressed do
        file_name = getopenfilename caption:"Select a world to import..." types:"Cabal Map File(*.mcl)|*.mcl"
    on btn_export_hmap pressed do
        if imported == true then
            file_name = getsavefilename caption:"Select a file name to export..." types:"Binary(*.bin)|*.bin"
            messagebox "Please import map first!" title:"Height Map"
    on btn_export_tmap pressed do
        if imported == true then
            file_name = getsavefilename caption:"Select a file name to export..." types:"Binary(*.bin)|*.bin"
            messagebox "Please import map first!" title:"Thread Map"
    on btn_export_models pressed do
        if imported == true then

            messagebox "Please import map first!" title:"Map Models"
    on btn_export_tiletex pressed do
        if imported == true then
            map_textures_msg = "Tile Textures are already exported in ";
            map_textures_msg += (pathconfig.getdir #import) 
            messagebox map_textures_msg title:"Tile Textures"
            messagebox "Please import map first!" title:"Tile Textures"
    on btn_export_maptex pressed do
        if imported == true then
            map_textures_msg = "Map Textures are already exported in ";
            map_textures_msg += (pathconfig.getdir #import) 
            messagebox map_textures_msg title:"Map Textures"
            messagebox "Please import map first!" title:"Map Textures"

createdialog CabalMCLTools
--cui.registerdialogbar CabalMCLTools style:#(#cui_dock_right, #cui_floatable) minsize:#(272, 160) maxsize:#(272, 160)
--cui.dockdialogbar CabalMCLTools #cui_dock_right

callbacks.addScript #systemPreNew" resetImportValue()" id:#resetImport
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 3, 2015
Reaction score
I've been waiting for this. Thanks :eek:tt: