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Ace Server Files - Utimate Release

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Vista OS or Win7 OS with 64 bit support is need to store this DB up to 4GB size. Windows Filesize max allow 2gb util 32bit os system (u can tweak this feature google it).

teach me if i got wrong im a Linux crack :thumbup:

btw thx for release ur stuff :love:, but i have to relocate now again :grr:

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ----------

try ur hostadress like 192.168.50.xxx o something.

About the db size, I am using mssql 2008 r2 and it supports db upto 10 gb. So plz tell me the size of the databases after they are expanded( the actual size of the mdf and ldf files )

Also I dont think there is a filesize limit of 2 gb on 32 bit windows...One limit was due to fat32 and that was max of 4gb. But I use ntfs...
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2009
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The atum2_db_1 is like 35 GB <.<
But no problem for me.

But ive another Problem.
If i want to start the IM Server it says something like:
Cant load Influence Leader ....

Junior Spellweaver
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
atum2_db1.mdf (full updatet EP3 2nd) Clean up have current a size from ~9GB
atum2_db_account.mdf (not complete works on cash vars and prozedure) with ~150 reg users (Beta test file) has arround ~46GB now. Hope this Helps a bit.
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 29, 2006
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atum2_db1.mdf (full updatet EP3 2nd) Clean up have current a size from ~9GB
atum2_db_account.mdf (not complete works on cash vars and prozedure) with ~150 reg users (Beta test file) has arround ~46GB now. Hope this Helps a bit.

mine are some smaller =X
atum2_db_1: ~9GB
atum2_db_account: ~3GB with all procedures and over 2 million registered users ;X
Junior Spellweaver
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
eh ? who logs ur server in ? o_O 90% is loging on the database :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 5, 2010
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ill try it again with mssql 2008

mssql 2005 seems to be the wrong one it doesnt got something like ofice explorer

i realy want to di it by myself.. and if its done ill try to make an video tutorial because the tutorial in the .doc file sucks realy hardly

but i know i wont do it :S
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies regarding the size guys...
I have taken backups from sql db's before. But never did imagine a 77 mb file could expand into a 35 gb file :lol:

Now formatting my beloved w7 64 bit partition to restore these files :blushing:
Master Summoner
Sep 5, 2007
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i've an error when i try to open The PreServer, it says "Load Config Error" or something like this.
It won't fit
Loyal Member
May 18, 2007
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If your using the ep3 files, forget about it. If your using the ep2 files then something is wrong with your configuration.

Put a file named config_root.cfg in the same folder as your server EXE's. Then put the path to your configuration folder in it.
Junior Spellweaver
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Any Idea?

Take a peek at the DB. It's truly empty, none of the tables have any info. IE - Items, etc. Best to start with the ep2 db, merge the changes and go ahead and start adding items since ep2.

Correct me if I'm wrong? I didn't spend more then a hour or so looking at the DB.

I'm going to put in real work and get the db sorted.. But I'm new to the game/files so I'll need a couple of days to sort myself out.

Question, you guys have parsing tools created to grab item info etc? I haven't seen a itemdb site yet that contained the item id's so I guess they'd need to be reversed from the clientside (again, I haven't gotten into this really yet, only spent a couple of days with the ep2/ep3 upgrade files)?

Anyhow. +1 filter for sharing the update. -1 artic for the massive amounts of posts that do nothing but simply make fun of newbies, discourage or otherwise just being a jerk. For such a smart guy, you seem to let the lamest things get under your skin. Should be working together to further the cause here, right? Who cares who released the files, it won't get you laid.

Not sharing the DB I can totally understand however... That's a lot of work and I don't look forward to doing it. But I also don't have a problem releasing it if it betters us all and others are doing what they can. We are all here ultimately for the same reason, to play the game our way with our friends. Right? That's how it starts anyhow...

My two cents - I've seen this kind of activity, files and people in many other projects and the only thing I can say for sure is that it can improve and change. Filter has started the ball running and yes there are tons of leechers - but not everyone is. You release something, expect leechers that don't have the technical know-how to contribute something back or just don't care. But also expect that people that do care and have technical understanding will also get files and will give something back.

Nobody shares, nobody gets. Nothing happens. You guys know the drill. It just takes *one* person like Artic or Filter to open up a entire project and get things rolling.


PS - Artic, I really hope that what I've said just makes you think. Not hate. I've read all the threads here and there's a trend to your posts that make it impossible to get anywhere. Putting people down, bragging it up about what you got yet refuse to share, etc. All wastes of time - no idea why you troll just to post the things you do but I hope you can have a change of heart.

I just ask that you get over the nubness of most of us and allow us to ask questions without getting flamed, before you know it there will be 50 people here that have skills and can contribute! I know there are plenty of stupid questions because I have them to, I'm lucky enough to solve most things myself tho.. Try and have some patience with us new people. :)
It won't fit
Loyal Member
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
I see what your saying, and it's not that I don't want to. That's not it at all. I just don't want to release something until I see a little effort.
I gave the ep3/ep2 files out to more people then I can name. Simply because I knew they'd actually get somewhere with them without constantly begging for some one to spoon feed them information.

The development aspect of this forum is slowly dieing because people keep spoon feeding those who have no intention of trying to learn.
Master Summoner
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
If your using the ep3 files, forget about it. If your using the ep2 files then something is wrong with your configuration.

Put a file named config_root.cfg in the same folder as your server EXE's. Then put the path to your configuration folder in it.[\QUOTE]
did it, but doesn't work :-S
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
how much RAM do a airrivals server need if i play alone?

Very very huge amounts...I have 4gb and it goes upto 3.5 gb with a full server. Maybe I am doing something wrong or is this normal?

What's wrong with the database he released?

It says "truncated" in the release so maybe its incomplete in some aspect and has unnecessary data? :?:
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Junior Spellweaver
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I see what your saying, and it's not that I don't want to. That's not it at all. I just don't want to release something until I see a little effort.
I gave the ep3/ep2 files out to more people then I can name. Simply because I knew they'd actually get somewhere with them without constantly begging for some one to spoon feed them information.

The development aspect of this forum is slowly dieing because people keep spoon feeding those who have no intention of trying to learn.

I feel you on this. I hope to be in a better position with files/etc to assist with this. I totally know where you are at and where you stand tho. Been in this situation myself with RF Online stuff.

Hopefully, together with people like filter and yourself maybe we can change things. I think the major problem at the moment is just files.. Proper new files. There's not many of us that are knowledgeable that have access to the most recent files. But hey, we all know how this scene works so if I have to earn my way to better files be releasing stuff already done by others like yourself or Filter, that's ok to.

Hey, no matter what tho - your response is promising. I really figured I'd be reading a huge butt flame post where we all get into it. Really glad that you took what I said with a open mind. I'd like to mend things here so we can all get working towards the common goal.

Together, we could change all this. This by no means means I'm looking for handouts either. ep2 is a great starting point for anyone new to this (including myself) and we all need to start somewhere. :)

Anyways, I'm gonna get back to trying to merge these db's and see if I can't release something that would get us moving on the ep3 stuff.

Thanks again for a great Reply Artic, I had pretty much counted you out as someone cool until I read this. :)

---------- Post added at 06:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 PM ----------

Very very huge amounts...I have 4gb and it goes upto 3.5 gb with a full server. Maybe I am doing something wrong or is this normal?

It says "truncated" in the release so maybe its incomplete in some aspect and has unnecessary data? :?:

Actually, the ep2 files run on my laptop (dual 2.8 with 8GB of ram) just fine for me and about 10 people. It's actually pretty nice on resource consumption relatively speaking to other server files I have experience with. But if you where going to do a serious server you'd want a real box. But for learning, playing around with buddies, etc - it doesn't need that much juice. You could run it with 4gb I'm sure.

The second question is yes - the DB that was released was really just for learning purposes. You can't actually use it, it's missing everything. Items, etc. So a merge with the ep2 data is needed. I'm working on that atm but I'm no DBA so it takes me twice as long as someone with skills. :)

Your best bet is to just start with the ep2 files, get the server up, etc. You'll learn quicker this way since the files pretty much run right out of the box. Browsing the DB will teach you how everything works quickly.

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