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AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post)

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
- The Server need ram 32g (You can run with ram 16g + virtual ram)
- The Server and Gmweb are running fine with the setting = IP , sql user “sa” , Pass “123456
- The server ’original root is on the disk D:

Server Download Here : [ Credit by AKllX
Database :
ODBC file :

Download and Install Aion
Download torrent Aion 4.6 Torrent (un-check L10N) using Torrent software Deluge or any
Client :

Download L10N and extract it to the Aion 4.6 folder,
L10N :

How to setting
1. Extract "_aion.rar" on disk D:
2. Install SQL server 2019 :
2.1 How to install :
(Step 12: Configure Database Engine Parameters)
****Choose mixed-mode authentication >>> set password : 123456
3. Install SSMS :
4. Open the SQL Server Management Studio and connect
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

5. Right click on database
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

6. Restore aion_log.bak
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

7. Do the same with other file. (AccountCacheD,aionaccounts,aionworld_110,bkpetitiondb,petitiondb)
******* - Right Click on your sql server name >>> properties >>> advanced >>> change 65536 to 65664 >>> OK
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

*** Open SQL server Configuration manager
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

8. Install IIS
8.1 Open control panel >>> Open Programs and Features
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

9. Install GMweb
9.1 Open IIS manager >>> Right click on Sites >>> Add website
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

9.2 Right click on AionGM >>> Add Application >>> Alias : wldpatltmxpa
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

10. ODBC setting
10.1 Open ODBC data source 64bit >>> Click File DSN
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

10.2 Click on aion_accountdb.dsn >>> Configure
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

10.3 Click next until
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

10.4 Do the same with other file (aion_log , aionworld_110 , L2Coun)

11. Sertting IP server

11.1 D:/_aion/_SERVER/MainServer file config.xml , common.xml
- for config.xml >>> line 8 >>> change to your IP
- for common.xml >>> line 57 >>> change to your IP

11.2 D:/_aion/_SERVER/ChanelchattingServer file ChatServerList_server .xml
- line 6 >>> change to your IP

11.3 go to database : aionaccounts >>> edit table server >>> tab IP >>> change to your IP >>> tab region >>> change 7 to 1
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

12. Run server
12.1 Run D:\_aion\_SERVER\AuthServer \L2AuthD.exe >>> serial number popup >>> click cancel >>> ODBC popup >>> Input below
File DSN : D:\_aion\ODBC\L2Conn.dsn
Login Name : sa
Password : 123456

12.2 Run AuthGateD

12.3 Run AccountCacheServer >>> SQL popup >>> Input below
File DSN : D:\_aion\ODBC\aion_accoutdb.dsn
Login Name : sa
Password : 123456

12.4 Run CaptchaimageServer
12.5 Run ChanelChattingServer
12.6 Run ICServer

12.7 Run CacheServer >>> SQL popup >>> Input below
File DSN : D:\_aion\ODBC\aionworld_110.dsn
Login Name : sa
Password : 123456

12.8 Run NPCServer
12.9 Run MainServer

13. How to Play game
13.1 Create account >>> D:\_aion\SERVER\AccountCaheServer >>> run RegisterAccount
13.2 Download no IP and extract …client\EuroAion :
13.3 Go to ....client\EuroAion >>> Input below

Have Fun!!!

1. How to make a ID GM

2. How to enable Housing system
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
So this is a carbon copy of EuroAion's Server? How would I enable animations for monsters and change camera with this? Also, would 32 gb be sufficient or no for one player game?

EDIT: I installed the prerequisites, but after setting "- set "sa" pass : 123456", and going into SSMS, I cannot seem to connect with specifically the server "SA" with no account name and password 123456. This setup is kinda confusing, to be honest, please guide me through the entire process.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
Don’t cry baby. If you don’t understand.
Just becuase it’s not for you !

Hey be nice. I know computers and a lot of stuff, but don't throw your weight around and say "Oh, look at me, I can do this! If you can great, if not, poop on you!" I'm just asking for assistance.

Anyway, let me reiterate what I asked earlier. How can I do this:

Server Name: SA
Login: [Not Specified]
password: 123456

That's impossible. You can't log in without a username! You only gave a servername and password!
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
sa is the login name, which has nothing todo with server name, that is set by you not the username for mssql :)

Ok, then what am I doing wrong then, SA is login name, but then is the database name my own pc? The default with no username and password seems to work when logging in to my pc, I do not have to specify sa and 123456.

Master Summoner
May 25, 2020
Reaction score
Ok, then what am I doing wrong then, SA is login name, but then is the database name my own pc? The default with no username and password seems to work when logging in to my pc, I do not have to specify sa and 123456.

Here is tutorial how to set up server but is in china's lang :D i set up my on this long time ago so you should to if not ^^

By the way this files are same like was posted before nothing new . not worth it to work with couse if you dont know how to set up pvp server(Arena and Some other pvp instance to) you can only use them like for fun :D and important you need at list 16gb- 32gb ram to run them + - if you luck to set up pvp server another 16gb on virtual server :D so have fun :p
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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
yep i figured out the sort of instructions for gm panel and things, so yea i now have gm accounts, i got the gm web working but as yet its useless untill i figure out the info its looking for, the commands are not the same as the java builds thats for sure, i'll do a guide soon on that just want to figure afew more things out, in the server itself
Jan 13, 2011
Reaction score
have video tutorial in english bro

1. Windows Server 2021R2
3. SQL Server 2008R2 (no express) and SSMS or above
4. Complementary tools (Notepad ++, 7zip, VC, .NET Framework 3.5, HeidiSQL, etc)

Don't change paths or/and passwords without understanding how it works or you catch some gliches and troubles in work

1. If U needed GM Web console, so install IIS with ASP .NET 4.x & .NET 4.7 or above
- Enable “HTTP Activation feature” for IIS
- In SSMS create in MS SQL User name “aiongm_ur” with password “aiongm_ur00” and give him full acces to “aion_log” DB if not have yet or edit file “d:\AiON_SERVER\_AION_WEB\conf\external_config.xml” and replace connection string.
2. If U needed “Log Server” run - Switch Regional settings in system for “non-Unicode programs” into CP 936(“Chinese(Simplefied, China)”) and modify string “<country>2</country>”(EUR) to “<country>5</country>”(Chinese) in .xml files of setttings and U needed Chinese AiON Client
3. Unpack “AiON_SERVER.rar” archive to a root folder in drive you select for use “C:\”, “D:\” or other(by default in configs figured “D:\”)
4. Switch SQL Server into mixed mode and set “sa” password as “U6SjJk3ZyQhrv5tq”
5. Open SSMS and login with “sa” account, and in “Properties” of SQL Server in section “Advanced” change “Max Text Replication Size” to “65664” and restart SQL Server.
6. In SSMS restore from “\AiON_SERVER\SQLDATA” folder databases:
- AccountCacheD
- aion_log
- aionaccounts
- aionworld_110
- bkpetitiondb
- petitiondb
7. check path in .ini, .xml and .txt files it must include “\AiON_SERVER\”
8. run “ODBC Data Sources (64-bit)” and in section “File DSN” press folder icon on right side of “Look in:” and listen to “D:\AiON_SERVER\ODBC”
9. remember - SQL connection parameters and other setting possible stores in registry sections “HKLM\SOFTWARE\NC Soft” and “HKCU\SOFTWARE\NC Soft”
10. For external connection or connect to server from other computers U need change IP “” to your's server IP in this config files:
11. “Petition Server” not include and no need to run
12. .XML-files have more errors, if U need U can fix it by read logs of “NPC Server” and “Main Server”

Start the servers for playing and questing
1. “\AiON_SERVER\01.AccountCacheServer.lnk” to start “Account Cache Server”
- in first start it's request SQL database connection parameters trought “SQL Login” window:
- “File DB” - default request “aion_accoutdb” .dsn-file U need post like “d:\AiON_SERVER\ODBC\AccountCacheD.dsn”
- “Login Name” - U need post “sa”
- “Password” - U need post “U6SjJk3ZyQhrv5tq”
Then press “OK” button
- wait till in log writes “* server ready on port” and port number set in “d:\AiON_SERVER\_SERVER\AccountCacheServer\common.xml” config file
2. “\AiON_SERVER\02.CAPTCHAImageServer.lnk” to start “CAPTCHA Image Server” - wait till in log writes “CAPTCHAImageServer started.”
3. “\AiON_SERVER\03.ChannelChattingServer.lnk” to start “Channel Chatting Server” - wait till in log writes “A2GServer::NEW succeeded.”
4. “\AiON_SERVER\04.ICServer.lnk” to start “InterChange Server” - wait till in log writes “* main server ready on port” and “* cache server ready on port” and port numbers set in “\AiON_SERVER\_SERVER\ICServer\common.xml” config file
5. “\AiON_SERVER\05.AuthServer.lnk” to start “Auth Server”
- when start it's post “Error” window with message “Registry dosen't have valid serial number” to continue just click “OK” button
- wait till in log writes “server ready on port”, “service ready on port”, and “interactive server ready on port” and “monitor server ready on port” and port numbers set in “\AiON_SERVER\_SERVER\AuthServer\etc\config.txt” config file
6. “\AiON_SERVER\06.AuthGateServer.lnk” to start “Auth Gate Server” - wait till in log writes “AuthGateD Service Running...” and “*new authd connection from” and IP “Auth Server”
7. “\AiON_SERVER\07.CacheServer.lnk” to start “Cache Server”
- in first start it's request SQL database connection parameters trought “SQL Login” window:
- “File DB” - default request “aionworld_new” .dsn-file U need post like “d:\AiON_SERVER\ODBC\AionWorld_110.dsn”
- “Login Name” - U need post “sa”
- “Password” - U need post “U6SjJk3ZyQhrv5tq”
Then press “OK” button
- wait till in log writes “*interactive socked ready on port” twice and “*cache server ready on port” and port number set in “d:\AiON_SERVER\_SERVER\CacheServer\common.xml” config file
8. “\AiON_SERVER\08.NPCServer.lnk” to start “NPC Server” - wait till in log writes “message: SERVER DATA LOAD COMPLETED IN”, “Connected to DB” and repeating message “warning: failed to make connection. code=10061” - it's says about “NPC Server loaded needed data and wait connection from Main server”
9. “\AiON_SERVER\09.MainServer.lnk” to start “Main Server”
- wait till in log writes “Connected to AuthServer: Auth server at”
- and check in “Auth Server” log mesage “*new world server connection from”
10. “\AiON_SERVER\10.LogServer.lnk” to start “Log Server”, but it not work with Euro country code(2)
11. “\AiON_SERVER\11.GMServer.lnk” to start “GM Server” it's requares IIS with .NET 4.7
12. “\AiON_SERVER\12.GMShop.lnk” to start “GM Shop Server” it's requares IIS with .NET 4.7

This is minimad modding of leaked archives and it's work
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
its actually not that hard :) only thing i am stuck with is the gm web, followed what TieLay has put but just throws an error on a missing stored proc that is definatly in the log database, TblAdminUserDA_SrchByLoginID, which definatly exists so no clue why it cannot find it
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
its actually not that hard :) only thing i am stuck with is the gm web, followed what TieLay has put but just throws an error on a missing stored proc that is definatly in the log database, TblAdminUserDA_SrchByLoginID, which definatly exists so no clue why it cannot find it

You can use my database

Here is GMCMD

How to edit info and edit put server name

View attachment 169799
