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Aion 5.8 emulator improvement community project

Skilled Illusionist
Nov 8, 2019
Reaction score
I cannot get the quest [14152] Spoiler Alert. I click on it and nothing happens. 😟


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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
I cannot get the quest [14152] Spoiler Alert. I click on it and nothing happens. 😟

Do you fulfill the quest conditions?

Oh and btw the QuestScript _14152_Spoiler_Alert.java is horrible....

Refuse a quest to start it WTF ;)
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Skilled Illusionist
Nov 8, 2019
Reaction score
Do you fulfill the quest conditions?

Oh and btw the QuestScript _14152_Spoiler_Alert.java is horrible....

Refuse a quest to start it WTF ;)
No, I haven't killed Chairman Garnis yet 😺 It must be that then, it's a bit confusing when the quest icon is showing and you cannot pick it up. I will make sure this doesn't happen again and check the quest conditions first ☺️
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
No, I haven't killed Chairman Garnis yet
pressure68 - Aion 5.8 emulator improvement community project - RaGEZONE Forums
It must be that then, it's a bit confusing when the quest icon is showing and you cannot pick it up. I will make sure this doesn't happen again and check the quest conditions first
pressure68 - Aion 5.8 emulator improvement community project - RaGEZONE Forums
You should read it 100%
!!! Not accepted quests !!!
Orders From Perento
Lepharist Poison Research

 * =====================================================================================*
 * This file is part of Aion-Unique (Aion-Unique Home Software Development)             *
 * Aion-Unique Development is a closed Aion Project that use Old Aion Project Base      *
 * Like Aion-Lightning, Aion-Engine, Aion-Core, Aion-Extreme, Aion-NextGen, ArchSoft,   *
 * Aion-Ger, U3J, Encom And other Aion project, All Credit Content                      *
 * That they make is belong to them/Copyright is belong to them. And All new Content    *
 * that Aion-Unique make the copyright is belong to Aion-Unique                         *
 * You may have agreement with Aion-Unique Development, before use this Engine/Source   *
 * You have agree with all of Term of Services agreement with Aion-Unique Development   *
 * =====================================================================================*
package quest.quest_specialize;

import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.Npc;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.player.Player;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.handlers.QuestHandler;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestDialog;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestEnv;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestState;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestStatus;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.services.QuestService;

/** Author Ghostfur & Unknown (Aion-Unique)

public class _14152SpoilerAlert extends QuestHandler {

    private final static int questId = 14152;

    public _14152SpoilerAlert() {

    public void register() {
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204504).addOnQuestStart(questId); // Sofne
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204504).addOnTalkEvent(questId);// Sofne
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204574).addOnTalkEvent(questId); // Finn
        qe.registerQuestNpc(203705).addOnTalkEvent(questId); // Jumentis
        qe.registerQuestNpc(212151).addOnKillEvent(questId); // Chairman Garnis

    public boolean onDialogEvent(QuestEnv env) {
        final Player player = env.getPlayer();
        int targetId = 0;
        if (env.getVisibleObject() instanceof Npc) {
            targetId = ((Npc) env.getVisibleObject()).getNpcId();

        QuestState qs = player.getQuestStateList().getQuestState(questId);
        DialogAction dialog = env.getDialog();

        if (qs == null || qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.NONE) {
            if (targetId == 204504) { //Sofne.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1011);
                    case ASK_ACCEPTION: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 4);
                    case ACCEPT_QUEST: {
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 1);
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1003);
                    case REFUSE_QUEST_2: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1004);
        else if (qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.START) {
            if (targetId == 204574) { //Finn.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1352);
                    case STEP_TO_1: {
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 2);
                        giveQuestItem(env, 182215481, 1);
                        return closeDialogWindow(env);
            else if (targetId == 203705) { //Jumentis.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1693);
                    case STEP_TO_2: {
                        removeQuestItem(env, 182215481, 1);
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 0);
                        qs.setQuestVarById(0, 0);
                        return closeDialogWindow(env);
        else if (qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.REWARD) {
            if (targetId == 204504) { //Sofne.
                int var = qs.getQuestVarById(0);
                if (env.getDialog() == DialogAction.USE_OBJECT && var == 1) {
                    return sendQuestDialog(env, 2375);
                else {
                    return sendQuestEndDialog(env);
        return false;

    public boolean onKillEvent(QuestEnv env) {
        Player player = env.getPlayer();
        QuestState qs = player.getQuestStateList().getQuestState(questId);
        if (qs == null || qs.getStatus() != QuestStatus.START) {
            return false;
        int var = qs.getQuestVarById(0);
        int targetId = 0;
        if (env.getVisibleObject() instanceof Npc) {
            targetId = ((Npc) env.getVisibleObject()).getNpcId();
        if (targetId == 212151 && var == 0) { // Chairman Garnis
            qs.setQuestVarById(0, 1);
            return true;
        return false;

Attention, this code has not been tested, the code was just quickly rewritten from AionGer to Encom
Oct 5, 2018
Reaction score
You should read it 100%
!!! Not accepted quests !!!
Orders From Perento
Lepharist Poison Research

 * =====================================================================================*
 * This file is part of Aion-Unique (Aion-Unique Home Software Development)             *
 * Aion-Unique Development is a closed Aion Project that use Old Aion Project Base      *
 * Like Aion-Lightning, Aion-Engine, Aion-Core, Aion-Extreme, Aion-NextGen, ArchSoft,   *
 * Aion-Ger, U3J, Encom And other Aion project, All Credit Content                      *
 * That they make is belong to them/Copyright is belong to them. And All new Content    *
 * that Aion-Unique make the copyright is belong to Aion-Unique                         *
 * You may have agreement with Aion-Unique Development, before use this Engine/Source   *
 * You have agree with all of Term of Services agreement with Aion-Unique Development   *
 * =====================================================================================*
package quest.quest_specialize;

import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.Npc;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.player.Player;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.handlers.QuestHandler;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestDialog;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestEnv;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestState;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestStatus;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.services.QuestService;

/** Author Ghostfur & Unknown (Aion-Unique)

public class _14152SpoilerAlert extends QuestHandler {

    private final static int questId = 14152;

    public _14152SpoilerAlert() {

    public void register() {
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204504).addOnQuestStart(questId); // Sofne
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204504).addOnTalkEvent(questId);// Sofne
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204574).addOnTalkEvent(questId); // Finn
        qe.registerQuestNpc(203705).addOnTalkEvent(questId); // Jumentis
        qe.registerQuestNpc(212151).addOnKillEvent(questId); // Chairman Garnis

    public boolean onDialogEvent(QuestEnv env) {
        final Player player = env.getPlayer();
        int targetId = 0;
        if (env.getVisibleObject() instanceof Npc) {
            targetId = ((Npc) env.getVisibleObject()).getNpcId();

        QuestState qs = player.getQuestStateList().getQuestState(questId);
        DialogAction dialog = env.getDialog();

        if (qs == null || qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.NONE) {
            if (targetId == 204504) { //Sofne.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1011);
                    case ASK_ACCEPTION: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 4);
                    case ACCEPT_QUEST: {
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 1);
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1003);
                    case REFUSE_QUEST_2: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1004);
        else if (qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.START) {
            if (targetId == 204574) { //Finn.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1352);
                    case STEP_TO_1: {
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 2);
                        giveQuestItem(env, 182215481, 1);
                        return closeDialogWindow(env);
            else if (targetId == 203705) { //Jumentis.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1693);
                    case STEP_TO_2: {
                        removeQuestItem(env, 182215481, 1);
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 0);
                        qs.setQuestVarById(0, 0);
                        return closeDialogWindow(env);
        else if (qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.REWARD) {
            if (targetId == 204504) { //Sofne.
                int var = qs.getQuestVarById(0);
                if (env.getDialog() == DialogAction.USE_OBJECT && var == 1) {
                    return sendQuestDialog(env, 2375);
                else {
                    return sendQuestEndDialog(env);
        return false;

    public boolean onKillEvent(QuestEnv env) {
        Player player = env.getPlayer();
        QuestState qs = player.getQuestStateList().getQuestState(questId);
        if (qs == null || qs.getStatus() != QuestStatus.START) {
            return false;
        int var = qs.getQuestVarById(0);
        int targetId = 0;
        if (env.getVisibleObject() instanceof Npc) {
            targetId = ((Npc) env.getVisibleObject()).getNpcId();
        if (targetId == 212151 && var == 0) { // Chairman Garnis
            qs.setQuestVarById(0, 1);
            return true;
        return false;

Attention, this code has not been tested, the code was just quickly rewritten from AionGer to Encom
It's the same code as this one, but I haven't tested this mission yet. I'll take a look if there's any problem.

You should read it 100%
!!! Not accepted quests !!!
Orders From Perento
Lepharist Poison Research

 * =====================================================================================*
 * This file is part of Aion-Unique (Aion-Unique Home Software Development)             *
 * Aion-Unique Development is a closed Aion Project that use Old Aion Project Base      *
 * Like Aion-Lightning, Aion-Engine, Aion-Core, Aion-Extreme, Aion-NextGen, ArchSoft,   *
 * Aion-Ger, U3J, Encom And other Aion project, All Credit Content                      *
 * That they make is belong to them/Copyright is belong to them. And All new Content    *
 * that Aion-Unique make the copyright is belong to Aion-Unique                         *
 * You may have agreement with Aion-Unique Development, before use this Engine/Source   *
 * You have agree with all of Term of Services agreement with Aion-Unique Development   *
 * =====================================================================================*
package quest.quest_specialize;

import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.Npc;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.model.gameobjects.player.Player;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.handlers.QuestHandler;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestDialog;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestEnv;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestState;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.questEngine.model.QuestStatus;
import com.aionemu.gameserver.services.QuestService;

/** Author Ghostfur & Unknown (Aion-Unique)

public class _14152SpoilerAlert extends QuestHandler {

    private final static int questId = 14152;

    public _14152SpoilerAlert() {

    public void register() {
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204504).addOnQuestStart(questId); // Sofne
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204504).addOnTalkEvent(questId);// Sofne
        qe.registerQuestNpc(204574).addOnTalkEvent(questId); // Finn
        qe.registerQuestNpc(203705).addOnTalkEvent(questId); // Jumentis
        qe.registerQuestNpc(212151).addOnKillEvent(questId); // Chairman Garnis

    public boolean onDialogEvent(QuestEnv env) {
        final Player player = env.getPlayer();
        int targetId = 0;
        if (env.getVisibleObject() instanceof Npc) {
            targetId = ((Npc) env.getVisibleObject()).getNpcId();

        QuestState qs = player.getQuestStateList().getQuestState(questId);
        DialogAction dialog = env.getDialog();

        if (qs == null || qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.NONE) {
            if (targetId == 204504) { //Sofne.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1011);
                    case ASK_ACCEPTION: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 4);
                    case ACCEPT_QUEST: {
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 1);
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1003);
                    case REFUSE_QUEST_2: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1004);
        else if (qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.START) {
            if (targetId == 204574) { //Finn.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1352);
                    case STEP_TO_1: {
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 2);
                        giveQuestItem(env, 182215481, 1);
                        return closeDialogWindow(env);
            else if (targetId == 203705) { //Jumentis.
                switch (dialog) {
                    case START_DIALOG: {
                        return sendQuestDialog(env, 1693);
                    case STEP_TO_2: {
                        removeQuestItem(env, 182215481, 1);
                        qs.setQuestVarById(5, 0);
                        qs.setQuestVarById(0, 0);
                        return closeDialogWindow(env);
        else if (qs.getStatus() == QuestStatus.REWARD) {
            if (targetId == 204504) { //Sofne.
                int var = qs.getQuestVarById(0);
                if (env.getDialog() == DialogAction.USE_OBJECT && var == 1) {
                    return sendQuestDialog(env, 2375);
                else {
                    return sendQuestEndDialog(env);
        return false;

    public boolean onKillEvent(QuestEnv env) {
        Player player = env.getPlayer();
        QuestState qs = player.getQuestStateList().getQuestState(questId);
        if (qs == null || qs.getStatus() != QuestStatus.START) {
            return false;
        int var = qs.getQuestVarById(0);
        int targetId = 0;
        if (env.getVisibleObject() instanceof Npc) {
            targetId = ((Npc) env.getVisibleObject()).getNpcId();
        if (targetId == 212151 && var == 0) { // Chairman Garnis
            qs.setQuestVarById(0, 1);
            return true;
        return false;

Attention, this code has not been tested, the code was just quickly rewritten from AionGer to Encom
the one you use is the same as this one? I'm correcting the quests from this emulator but sometimes there are other more complicated problems so I go to the 3.5 or 4.3 emulator from Robyson to understand how it works. I wanted to do the random Decompose system in the encom that has " " working but it doesn't have it in the encom and the same for the drop that doesn't have a random system are two big things that are taking a lot of my time and I can't find the solution.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Everyone know location how to fix error' skill like unnormal state not work or edite Over damage skill ?
Oct 5, 2018
Reaction score
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Oct 5, 2018
Reaction score
You're welcome but any time i see the encom code i wanna :sick:

I know AionGer has its own Bugs ^^
You have to adapt but it always works out, I always modify it in a way that works. but speaking well the truth is very convoluted the code "encom" the quest system has some that I'm breaking my head to make appear on the npc but even so they are not displayed.
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 8, 2019
Reaction score
Is The Ranger Preceptor's task [03924] [Elyos] working for anyone? It's not working for me. I use the transformation skill and nothing happens.
Oct 5, 2018
Reaction score
Is The Ranger Preceptor's task [03924] [Elyos] working for anyone? It's not working for me. I use the transformation skill and nothing happens.
I'm correcting a giant package of missions and quests at the moment it may take a while but I'll look into it.
It will take a little longer or a few days, several things, but it will probably solve some problems with missions that are not being displayed.
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Skilled Illusionist
Nov 8, 2019
Reaction score
Having problems with the quest [01614] Where's Belbua. I got him out of the Lepharist Research Center and the quest is still not updating.

Also, Level 30 A Sage's Gift: Killing Horned Abex/ Whitehawk Ettin/ Fanged Worg is not updating the quest.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 7, 2021
Reaction score
Guys, You are the best, but what's the point in developing 5.8 version? As far as I know, this version is absolutely unpopular, there are 0 freeshards even though some of you have a retail version. I mean, I see a potential to make about 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 versions as one realm, but in that case, isn't it better to take client of 7.0 + and work from that point?
No offense please, I am truly interested in joining Aion development, but I need to put some things in my head in a right place.
Oct 5, 2018
Reaction score
Guys, You are the best, but what's the point in developing 5.8 version? As far as I know, this version is absolutely unpopular, there are 0 freeshards even though some of you have a retail version. I mean, I see a potential to make about 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 versions as one realm, but in that case, isn't it better to take client of 7.0 + and work from that point?
No offense please, I am truly interested in joining Aion development, but I need to put some things in my head in a right place.
It all comes down to taste, for me it's a pastime I use to relax, free time, nothing more than that, it's another issue that I'm learning about and helping those who like this version.
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, You are the best, but what's the point in developing 5.8 version? As far as I know, this version is absolutely unpopular, there are 0 freeshards even though some of you have a retail version. I mean, I see a potential to make about 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 versions as one realm, but in that case, isn't it better to take client of 7.0 + and work from that point?
No offense please, I am truly interested in joining Aion development, but I need to put some things in my head in a right place.
As someone who last played retail in 2.5, to me 5.8 is a great balance of being similar to older versions but with a lot of QoL improvements. Version 7.x is just too different for me. Also, the 7.x emulators I’ve tried had way more issues. This code certainly has some minor issues that need to be addressed, but nothing game breaking that I’ve encountered or heard of.

I think you’ll find that most of the people who are actually doing the work of improving emulators on this site prefer the older versions, and some think even 5.8 is too new to be bothering with.

Edit: There are existing threads for 7.7 that you could check out and participate in if that’s your preference.
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Oct 5, 2018
Reaction score
My upper limit would be version 3.5, because after the new classes, the game was a little spoiled for me. Another thing that bothered me was the house system, I didn't really like it at first, but I ended up getting used to it. The mount system, although very cool, I think is a little unnecessary, as it requires charging to be able to use it, which was not implemented very well. As for pets, at first they weren't very useful, but then they got better. However, they ended up being sort of discontinued, being replaced by "minions"