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Aion Private Server Setup Guide

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 15, 2011
Reaction score
I did everything in the tutorial, but i can't log in. When entering username and password in Aion i get: "ID or Password does not match (2)" and in the CMD of the Loginserver stands a message:
INFO [14 lip 12:59:43,625] GS connection from:
INFO [14 lip 12:59:44,765] recived packet: [C] 0x00 CM_GS_AUTH
INFO [14 lip 12:59:45,203] sending packet: 0x00 SM_GS_AUTH_RESPONSE
INFO [14 lip 12:59:45,218] recived packet: [C] 0x04 CM_ACCOUNT_LIST
INFO [14 lip 13:01:13,812] connection from:
INFO [14 lip 13:01:13,921] recived packet: [C] 0x07 CM_AUTH_GG
INFO [14 lip 13:01:13,953] recived packet: [C] 0x0B CM_LOGIN
INFO [14 lip 13:01:14,312] sending packet: 0x01 SM_LOGIN_FAIL and closing co
nnection after that.

I edited some info in Navicat, login and stuff and I enter the same data as in the database, but no dice :S
Initiate Mage
Jul 6, 2011
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Hey I done this, I followed the video but for some reason my Server arent running, it keep saying it failed to run ae-game-1.0.1.jar plz help
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 31, 2009
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Wondering whether this guide fully compatible with 2.5 client?
I'm trying to follow the guide carefully, but some of the link provided restricted for me.
Any ideas ?
Initiate Mage
Sep 28, 2009
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Yeah, the client link doesn't work anymore. Does it have to be the version that the guide is written for?
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 16, 2005
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Good day guys,IF you are looking for clients,you can look into the release section.

As for the problems,please do post in the help section cheers
Initiate Mage
Sep 16, 2011
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im stuck at select server and i can't proceed what is the best thing to fix this problem?
Initiate Mage
Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
If you guys followed his guide you shouldn't have any issue's. I would suggest read it again and again till you fully understand. what hes telling you. The problem with the server log in is it's different than your my sql password so it want launch. You should have 2 passwords by the time your done 1 that is used several times and 1 that is used once only. Make sure your passwords are set up right.

His work up works very well and i went some where got a nice updated trunk file of 2.5 and used his system and steps. Now i have version 2.5 working exstreamly well. Your ipconfig.xml in your games folder should have your ip in it if you want others to log in to your server. the default.config in your games folder should be the only one that has the second password in it once under
# LoginServer password for this GameServer
gameserver.network.login.password = (your second password you made.)

All other passwords should be same as your mysql password. If there not the same as your mysql password the clients can't connect and run you will keep getting failed to log in error. hope this clears up some issues. Remember This is my first time building my own server ever and I have no knowledge in coding what so ever but his guide was very detailed to take some one like me and have me up and running in a matter of 6 hours. Yes i read his article several times when i would get stumped so please read it a few times it's all there.

---------- Post added 30-09-11 at 12:06 AM ---------- Previous post was 29-09-11 at 11:33 PM ----------

Love the guide. I just have one problem I need some help with right now. I need you to explain what this code is pointing to. I'm trying to learn as I go. Server runs fine and all game runs but this is now twice this has happened to my admin account. and i get this error and crash when logging in to them if i make a regular account it will log in. Haven't seen if this happens on regular yet cause been to busy decking out my admin character before i make my regular account. Code is below*****

[ERROR 2011-09-29 23:15:25] mysql5.MySQL5LegionDAO:262 - Column 'legionary_permission1' not found.
java.sql.SQLException: Column 'legionary_permission1' not found.
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1073)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:987)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:982)
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:927)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetImpl.findColumn(ResultSetImpl.java:1144)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ResultSetImpl.getInt(ResultSetImpl.java:2813)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet.getInt(DelegatingResultSet.java:275)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingResultSet.getInt(DelegatingResultSet.java:275)
at mysql5.MySQL5LegionDAO.loadLegion(MySQL5LegionDAO.java from JavaSourceFromFile:246)
at org.openaion.gameserver.services.LegionService.getLegion(LegionService.java:365)
at mysql5.MySQL5LegionMemberDAO.loadLegionMember(MySQL5LegionMemberDAO.java from JavaSourceFromFile:164)
at org.openaion.gameserver.services.AccountService.loadAccount(AccountService.java:145)
at org.openaion.gameserver.services.AccountService.getAccount(AccountService.java:77)
at org.openaion.gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServer.accountAuthenticationResponse(LoginServer.java:248)
at org.openaion.gameserver.network.loginserver.clientpackets.CM_ACOUNT_AUTH_RESPONSE.runImpl(CM_ACOUNT_AUTH_RESPONSE.java:94)
at org.openaion.gameserver.network.loginserver.LsClientPacket.run(LsClientPacket.java:53)
at org.openaion.commons.utils.concurrent.ExecuteWrapper.execute(ExecuteWrapper.java:45)
at org.openaion.commons.utils.concurrent.ExecuteWrapper.run(ExecuteWrapper.java:26)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[ERROR 2011-09-29 23:15:25] org.openaion.commons.network.Dispatcher:102 - Dispatcher error! java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.openaion.gameserver.network.aion.PlayerInfo.writePlayerInfo(PlayerInfo.java:151)
at org.openaion.gameserver.network.aion.serverpackets.SM_CHARACTER_LIST.writeImpl(SM_CHARACTER_LIST.java:61)
at org.openaion.gameserver.network.aion.AionServerPacket.write(AionServerPacket.java:81)
at org.openaion.gameserver.network.aion.AionConnection.writeData(AionConnection.java:229)
at org.openaion.commons.network.Dispatcher.write(Dispatcher.java:304)
at org.openaion.commons.network.AcceptReadWriteDispatcherImpl.dispatch(AcceptReadWriteDispatcherImpl.java:69)
at org.openaion.commons.network.Dispatcher.run(Dispatcher.java:94)

What Am I looking for here to tell me where to go fix this issue? If can explain your way I'll do my best to understand.The account worked fine logged in and out few times and had no issues but when i logged out and shut down the server this happen. Am I shutting down the server to soon? and information isn't getting saved and curropting the file? or is there a setting in my default config i should have turned on that i don't? Would love to understand this issue.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 27, 2007
Reaction score
Anytime i try to download the portable server i get an error saying "you do not have permission to access this page" how do i fix this?
Initiate Mage
Oct 5, 2011
Reaction score
cant download the portable server, "you do not have permission to access this page". What to do now?
Initiate Mage
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
Creating an Aion Private Server

Table of Contents:

A.) Introduction
B.) Links and Downloads
C.) Server Guide
D.) Various Links and Downloads
E.) Credits

1.) Navicat Configuration
2.) Execute SQL Files
3.) LoginServer Database Configuration
4.) Database Properties Configuration
5.) Server Rates Configuration
6.) Game Client Installation

A.) Introduction

Hello everyone, I've decided to delve into the world of Aion and create a guide on how to set up your very own private server. I will be creating this guide using the resources provided in this section. Please let me know if you find any flaws in this guide. I am new to Aion private server development, and I would be glad to fix the mistakes I've made. Links and downloads necessary for server set up will be provided below. Here are some other threads you might want to check out:


B.) Links and Downloads

First off, let's start off with the links and downloads you may need for this process. The links will be provided below.

- (gujda1)
- Portable Server

Note: Refer to the bottom of this tutorial for C.) Various Links and Downloads for the game client if you want to install this now and not have to wait later; and other downloads that might come in handy. Provided by dannybest.

C.)Server Guide

1.) First off, once you have everything downloaded, you might want to organize everything in a new folder so you can keep track of everything.

Next, we can configure the Aion connection in Navicat. Open your Navicat, and click "New Connection" in the upper right hand corner. Fill in the blanks as follows:

Connection Name: AION
Host Name/IP Address: localhost
Port: 3306
User Name: root
Password: your desired password goes here. [COLOR="Red"]MUST MATCH YOUR MYSQL PASSWORD.[/COLOR]

You will notice the connection name has been setup. Don't worry about any of the options under your connection. Right click on your connection name and click "New Database" and enter two new databases:

ae_server_gs will be your game server database and ae_server_ls will be your login server database.

2.) After you have done that, right click on ae_server_gs and click "Execute SQL File" and locate the .sql files in the SQL folder. For ae_server_gs, you will need to execute all the .sql files in the 'gameserver' folder. Do the same for the loginserver. You will notice that the .sql files have been executed and you will see tables such as: "blocks," "droplists," "friends," and etc.

3.) Navigate into your ae_server_ls database and double-click on the table "gameservers." Edit the fields as follows:

ID: 1
Password: 123

That concludes the Navicat configuration for this setup guide. Aion is designed for auto-registration; your accounts will be saved to your databases.

4.) Now go into your Aion server files folder and open the 'gameserver' folder. Open your 'config' folder, and then open the database.txt - here you will edit your database information. The password may be set to "123" so you will need to change it to your assigned MySQL password. Repeat this step for the loginserver file.

5.) To edit the server rates, locate the gameserver.properties file and scroll to the bottom - "Rate's configs." Here you can edit the experience rate and drop rate. You can also configure your IP settings here too. You can edit various information in the loginserver.properties file also.

6.) Next you will need to install the necessary clients and version of the game if you haven't done so already. The below list of downloads was taken from dannybest's thread: http://forum.ragezone.com/f587/aion-private-server-646761/

You should be ready to go! Launch your loginserver and gameserver .bats. Navigate to your Aion game folder and launch your play.bat, and have fun!

D.) Various Links and Downloads

Here is Arecelor's "releases index" to assist you further in your private server:

E.) Credits

- gujda1
- dannybest
- Arcelor
- minikevin12

Note: You might want to dump the playfileforaion.bat into the actual Aion game folder. Some experience problems if they don't.

Note: If you want to connect to a WAN connection, just replace in the .bat file with an existing IP.

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