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Are Tattoos unprofessional?

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Apr 26, 2008
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I've been eagerly wanting to have a tattoo but the thing is there are people who discourages me to get one. Because quoted from them " It is unprofessional. " and also strictly religious for us Christians it is also quoted from someone. " An insult to Christianity or God to tarnish or alter your body ".

But that is of course based from the country which I live in compared to the USA, which I'm pretty surprise that there are a lot of workers; like seriously a lot that has a tattoo and are working on jobs that are in my perspective highly professional as an example are bank tellers,hotel managers,human resource, and more.

So, guys what are your opinion on getting a tattoo? Most common people with tattoos when asked about their opinion or reasons behind getting a tattoo, is because it is a way for them to express their selves and for some it is just reasonably for show or as a fashion statement.

But are there more to it?
Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
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It shouldn't matter but to a lot of folks it does. I used to be quite against tattoos but now I'm more open to them and considering getting one myself - i'm at the stage where I know what design I want, where I want it, but just letting the idea simmer at the back of my mind to ensure it's something I'm definitely going through. I personally feel that if you want a tattoo you just need to accept people will judge you based on it, so get one in a place that's easily hidden. I'm going for just under my collar bone
Put Community First
Loyal Member
Oct 2, 2014
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I don't view them as unprofessional at all. A tattoo does not define your personal qualities, work ability, talents and personality in the slightest. Then again I'm 'slightly' *cough* against society on many fronts, :p. If you can do the job I think that should make you employable. Although if you had "Hail Satan" on your forehead I can see why you couldn't work in a Church. Though that would be damned amusing.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2008
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Well yes, it is inevitable for people to not judge you.

But to what I've heard from friends and other people which I've met that has tattoos, their job opportunities became narrowed and that is because they have tattoos, they're being viewed as skeptical. And that is specifically from the ones that has tattoos placed on spots visible. Like on forearms and necks.
Put Community First
Loyal Member
Oct 2, 2014
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If people use religion as a reason to not 'violate' your body, maybe they should look at all the other forms of abuse people tolerate. People abuse their bodies by overeating, piercings that 95% of women seem to have, piercings in places maybe 45% of women seem to have, let alone all the kinky things many of the repressed like to experiment with, haha.

It would be interesting to hear their opinion of nudity as well considering the apparent biblical fact we were all naked until a man ate a fruit, then all of a sudden it was a bad idea because he sinned by eating it, which would imply being nude is shedding that skin a little (lol) and thus being more like god had made us initially.
Jan 1, 2003
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Veni, Vidi, Vici
Loyal Member
Jan 31, 2010
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I've been wanting to get one myself, somewhere on my chest (boob, whatever).

It won't be anything major but not anything small like a butterfly or that sorta crap either. I don't find tattoos a sign of unprofessionalism, though people with 5 square feet of body art do put me off, and I'd rather not give them a job if it was up to me.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 2, 2015
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Honestly I think people that hide behind religion to judge people shouldn't have an opinion, to be frank, but you need to be responsible when you get a tattoo, or a few of them. If you tattoo a naked woman on your arm and walk into a job interview wearing short sleeves, then I can see why they'd probably send you right back out the door..

If it's a tattoo that has a powerful meaning to you or it just looks really cool, and it's not offensive or explicit, or in an area where it'd be distracting, then I don't see the problem with it.

If it's something like this;

I know what it's like being judged for being a certain way, but honestly I think that's just overkill. if you get a few tattoos then I don't see a problem with it.
Oct 31, 2005
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Yes tattoos are unprofessional, and it kinda gives the viewer the "he's a rebel" feeling. So as Junkers said if you must, make it somewhere you can hide it easily, especially if you go to do job interviews and stuff. Usually people who been in jail, who are depressed, criminals, rebels who think they own the world, punks are the ones that go for tattoos. No offense whoever has one around here.
Aug 26, 2010
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Tattoo's are a sign of expression. You decide you want a tattoo because you want to express yourself through a picture. Or to show what your meaning is in life.
I am also getting a tattoo soon as well. I don't care to whom looks at me weird for a tattoo. Several cultures have them. The Indians use to paint them selves, But not only that, but they use to pierce them selves and give them selves tattoos as a sign of being in some type of war leader, or coming of age, and so forth.
In India this is normally having a gem put on your forehead? -not 100% sure on that-
Do you want to live for your self, or for others? If you want something, go for it.
Simple as that in my opinion.
So do what you want to do. - And if you get one, you better show us how it looks! :)
Apr 9, 2005
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In my field visible tattoos are really frowned upon, not that I want one (no real occasion).

For some a tattoo can have a lot of meaning, for others it's just ink in their skin.
Just don't turn yourself into a walking acid trip and you should probably be fine, though it depends on how rational the locals are.

A tattoo doesn't affect your professional skills, but that's just my opinion.
Loyal Member
Sep 21, 2009
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I don't think there unprofessional depending on what it is, in general as long as it's not something stupid like a naked women or some poop I don't really view them as unprofessional.

I don't see the entire point of tattoos - I mean why would someone want to graffiti themselves. I would probably never get one, not if I am in my usual state of mind. (if drunk I usually throw consequences out of the window)
Mar 31, 2012
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Some people get tattoos to represent love, and commitment. In all honesty nothing wrong with tattoos. Shouldn't affect you at all, however, some naive people are living in a world where they live by the almighty law of themselves, anyone else not living by their law is wrong. That isn't the case.

Lets be truthful here. How does anyone having a tattoo, visible or not visible, going to affect you? - Its not, unless you make it. I know plenty of people with Tattoos, one being a doctor in my local surgery. Another being my tutor at College. Had any negative effects on anyone in the class? No.

Would I consider getting a tattoo? No, or at least not at the moment.
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
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It shouldn't matter but to a lot of folks it does. I used to be quite against tattoos but now I'm more open to them and considering getting one myself - i'm at the stage where I know what design I want, where I want it, but just letting the idea simmer at the back of my mind to ensure it's something I'm definitely going through. I personally feel that if you want a tattoo you just need to accept people will judge you based on it, so get one in a place that's easily hidden. I'm going for just under my collar bone

Why were you against tattoos if you don't mind me asking?
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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So you probably wouldn't like or find my dads tattoos professional lol His left arm is a wizard with pot leafs around it, his right arm is a middle finger sticking out of a grave with the words "F.uck T.he W.orld" above it. Then he just recently got one on both his forearms that says Only God can Judge me.

If I ever get a tattoo it'll probably either be something to do with music or my grandma like her name or something. Other than that I don't really feel the need to draw anything on my skin.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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I don't think they are unprofessional at all depending on your job. I work as customer service on the phone, so the customer doesn't see me. They don't see my sleeve, piercings or blue hair.
The reps are the ones that the customers see, and one rep has full torso and both sleeves done, but they are covered by the mandatory suit he has to wear...

If you have offensive tattoos that something different, or tattoos on your face/hands. Hands are beginning to become more acceptable.
It should matter on your image, but your ability.