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AthionStory v1.16 - Lithium Updated Source!

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
I never wanted to take off Eden, I've explained this numerous times to you. Five himself wanted to see if you could take down the server, so that he could test his firewall and see if he could improve anything. It was in no way malicious.

So why would you kick me for not helping a competitor out with a stress test that would have cost (broke) us quite a bit for free?

You are hard to work with because you take everything personally, you twist people's words, and you lie like there's no tomorrow.

You told me my lies are when I say my DDoS tool could take off EdenMS but just that I don't feel like it. Please prove it.
Also, even Blueberry agrees you've been saying those things just a bit too often to me. I was here to make money, not for a name calling contest.

The entire staff hated you and wanted to get rid of you. You cost us so many mistakes and problems, and you acted so childishly about it. You would never take responsibility for your wrongdoings, instead, you would just make up excuses.

Because Five DDoSing our software firewall was really my fault. I told you how to prevent it and you told me it was not enough of a risk to pay attention to till launch.

Anyhow, I think I speak for the entire administration when I say that you should seriously take some sort of .

Too stupid to warrant a full reply.

106mb with 2wz folder inside and a compiled jar. lol

Apologies. Will remove wz files in morning.
Jar file isn't obfuscated. Feel free to decompile it and get packets and whatever you need.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2012
Reaction score
I had downloaded the source but it didn't had any file extension after I extract it o.0
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 1, 2012
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So why would you kick me for not helping a competitor out with a stress test that would have cost (broke) us quite a bit for free?

You told me my lies are when I say my DDoS tool could take off EdenMS but just that I don't feel like it. Please prove it.
Also, even Blueberry agrees you've been saying those things just a bit too often to me. I was here to make money, not for a name calling contest.

Because Five DDoSing our software firewall was really my fault. I told you how to prevent it and you told me it was not enough of a risk to pay attention to till launch.

Too stupid to warrant a full reply.

I honestly just won't bother to respond. Anybody who knows you, Maplr, knows you're a little banged up in the head. I made a huge mistake recruiting you.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Packets are missing and the source is missing. 2 wz files and dists and a bunch of logs. Useless...
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 7, 2011
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Five: I am currently banned so dis nigguh posting for me. Jesse, I have no hardware on any of my firewalls. Every firewall I have setup is 100% software. Eden has no hardware, and when I told you to attack it you proceeded to do so and failed. 10 minutes later you say you didn't use all your resources because it would waste bandwidth, and then "make you broke". That's a load of shenanigans for starters, and you can keep QQing that you aren't as good as me. You could never stop my DDOS because you have absolutely no knowledge in firewalls. I downloaded your iptables script, and its Ducking poop. That won't do anything for you because the server is still loading it as I previously told you. Oh and look into other linux firewalls besides iptables, I can't say iptables is the best to be using. Why don't you stop raging, and just go back to Ducking hackforums like the skid you are. Thanks.

Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
Lol I got accused of running this server as well.
Guess its out in the open now, I thought Ian was scared to be associated with any server after Nexon went after him though.
Also loling that everyone blamed Sango for the DDos instead of Mario.

Why run servers these days though? I honestly don't see the Ducking point anymore.
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Master Summoner
Loyal Member
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Lol I got accused of running this server as well.
Guess its out in the open now, I thought Ian was scared to be associated with any server after Nexon went after him though.
Also loling that everyone blamed Sango for the DDos instead of Mario.

Why run servers these days though? I honestly don't see the Ducking point anymore.

Ian isn't in, it was confirmed by their staff on IRC. Also, the web source files are not organized. It isn't his style.
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warp(california, "home");
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
the source sucks. you need a jar decompiler to view it. it's not obfuscated.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
This consists of an unpacked but obfuscated client.
Unobfuscated Jar (Decompile it)
Website Files
Linux IP Tables script (worthless)
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Lol I got accused of running this server as well.
Guess its out in the open now, I thought Ian was scared to be associated with any server after Nexon went after him though.
Also loling that everyone blamed Sango for the DDos instead of Mario.

Why run servers these days though? I honestly don't see the Ducking point anymore.

Also lol @ Flav having to install a bunch of anti-ddos poop with Extalia.
Flav? He hasn't been around for years, not even with Extalia.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 25, 2008
Reaction score

Basically, if you are doing anything, try your best to do it alone.


You may or may not have heard of the private server known as "AthionStory". You also may or may not have noticed certain servers that are sometimes one rank above Athion, or others in general, going offline for short periods of time, and conveniently come back online a few hours after Athion passed it.

Let me introduce us. Cuba, Mario, also known as dinkie here. Sinatra, Ian, or mrsaints, saintsian or whatever you would like to call him as. Athion, Blueberry. No clue RZ account. GreenSnail, Moogra or superlol. Phelps/Bolt, Jorn. And finally, me, RainbowDash, Jesse, whatever.

Let me also get one thing straight about myself. I quit MapleStory quite a while ago after having been screwed over once, and haven't looked back to it. Mario was doing a job for me and we have had quite a few deals gone well so I thought I had nothing to lose with him.

Let me also clear up a few misconceptions that if you are a player, at least one of you have asked at some point.

AthionStory was never undergoing "closed beta". It was labeled "closed beta" but with slot amount incremented each time it got under the value 10 or whatever, in the effort that new players might think their account is exclusive. The "wigger tactics" as per Mario. There would be a wipe and all like a normal beta, but the definition of "closed beta" is that spots are limited or invite only and for Athion this was not the case.

The other misconception, that Athion got to its rank because of quality. Sure Athion had *some* quality, but it was certainly not what got us the ranks. I have been making a stress test tool for a bit, and the way Athion reached its rank was because of what Mario called "strategic DDoSing". Basically, they used my tool, to "stress test" any competing servers with settings they knew would crash them. They knew the game was utter crap (and hell even had a huge argument over that) so they basically had to rely on using my tool for this purpose to get to where they are. I am not an active part of the PS scene so didn't really care what he used my tool for as long as he didn't DDoS any government websites.

Jay of ChickenMS, MypleStory, etc., and whatnot. You might know of these events. They lied right to your face and I have full chat logs to show you it.

So now, why the hell am I releasing this stuff? They were paying me 25%!

Before I start this next part, let me get something straight. I had never done anything to suggest that I might try to do anything against Mario. Actually, I was the nicest person to him and even offered to buy him upgrades for his computer for another deal that would probably have been more beneficial for himself than for me, but just because I was hoping he would be a good friend and help out a bit more in the future.

Let's also get a second part straight. We more or less knew that Athion was dead anyways. Server bills were due in literally 2 days and we had $0 in the bank. Mario had planned to buy a few $7 VPSes from ChicagoVPS. Well, to him, the best of luck hosting a gameserver on a $7 VPS. I had paid out of my own pocket all the hosting expenses up till then, with the promise that I would be paid back, for the grand total of $310. Athion would have never existed if not for this. Not only this, I've also spent several days trying to configure their server and firewall to their exact requests. Some changes I didn't quite agree with, but hell, whatever.

Well anyways, continuing on. Mario is a Special person who thinks he's the dictator of everything. He decided to contact Dan for pretty much what can be seen as a game of bets of whether he could take EdenMS offline. (EdenMS recently installed a new firewall and the rest of the team wanted to see if this firewall was effective. Mario wanted to just have this bragging right.) Obviously I wasn't going to pay for his bragging rights (since this obviously takes quite a bit of bandwidth which isn't free) so I told him I'd only let him do a small test that would let him check if Eden's protection was indeed better than ours so he could set it up if needed. Well, this probably wouldn't have resulted in Eden's being offline (and hence him not having this bragging right), so he declined saying that my software could simply not take it offline.

Well, for reasons unknown Mario decided this was a good topic for argument and it eventually led to the conclusion that he just didn't want to pay me my cut.

Whoever wants to talk, ask questions, whatever, my MSN is jesse@jjdev.ru.

You can find all of the latest files as of this posting here: including our full website source, server and unpacked client (still uploading, should be done in a bit.). Feel free to do whatever with this v1.16 server.

Source >
Web >
Client >

Lithium based source so I couldn't imagine it being more than a few simple edits to the Lithium SQL. I won't release the SQL file because I don't want to screw over players.


Also. As a personal request. Please never donate to any private server because you're "supporting" the server. It's almost never for server costs.

Signing off of Maple community forever.

Too much lies by a lier of course .
What did MypleStory Do to any server ? NOTHING kthx .
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Experienced Elementalist
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
@Sexy, hes someone who took credits of Nick West's work. lool MypleStory is his server. Look at the bottom of the site "Credits to Gigit for site"
Nexon's undercover
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Wow what a drama... Jeez MapleStory PS's are just for fun, get a life people.
BTW I really don't understand how people can work with people they don't know (I mean serious work with lots of money), do it with people you know in real life or don't do it at all. (or do it alone I guess)
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
What's the difference between webs.tgz and web.tgz? They look exactly the same to me.
Also, most decent (ethical, so not SexyMS/Zakura) servers do use most of their donations for server costs. Once you accumulate 250+, I see nothing wrong with spending 5% to 10% of that.
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