Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++]

Experienced Elementalist
Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
Code repository:
Client 07 July 2017:


1. Install VMware for Windows
VMware Workstation 12.5 Player version is enough.
Download link:

2. Download Linux ISO
There are plenty Linux distributions, we'll use Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS.
Download link:

3. Create a new Virtual Machine
Run previously installed VMware

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

Select Create a New Virtual Machine
Install from: Installer disc image file (iso) > Browse... > Select ubuntu image you downloaded in step 2. > hit Next
Personalize linux: fill it with your data, remember username and password and hit Next > Next
You can leave maximum disk size 20GB, it is enough, leave disk split as it is, hit Next
Click Customize Hardware... > You can increase Memory to 2GB if you've got 8GB+, Processors > Number of processor cores select 4.
It should look like this:

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

Click Close and then Finish
Now VMware should install your system, it takes a while.
After installation, system will ask you for login and password you specified before.
Your linux terminal should appear.

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

4. Clone emulator repository
We need git version control system, install it by typing: sudo apt-get install git
Clone my released repository by typing: git clone

5. Install MySQL Server
Change directory: cd Bango

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

Install MySQL Server by typing: sudo apt-get install mysql-server
It takes a while and then asks you to set password for root user. Remember this password and hit OK.
Now enter this password to emulator's database setting file located in: bin/DBConfig.xml.
Use any editor you like, I prefer nano. Type: nano DBConfig.xml

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

Enter password, save and exit.
Last thing to do with MySQL Server, populate your database using my sql script file.
Go back to previous catalog (where build.sql is located) and run mysql as root user: mysql -u root -p
Enter password and run my script:
\. build.sql

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

You can now type quit.

6. Install more dependencies
Install Libzdb: sudo apt-get install libzdb-dev
Install C++ compiler: sudo apt-get install g++

7. Client settings
Unpack client that is compatible with emulator.
Edit server IP using your favourite PK editor (I suggest PKED). You can obtain IP address from your linux server using ifconfig command:

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums password is EV)O8@BL$3O2E and open it with old crypt.
xlate.dat should look like this in my case:

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

8. Compile and run DBServer & MainServer
Go back to ubuntu server and compile source to obtain binaries.
Run BUILD script:
Binaries in bin directory should appear.
To open 2 applications in the same time we'll use screen.
Install it by typing: sudo apt-get install screen
Open new screen for DBServer: screen -S db
Change catalog to bin and run db server: ./DBServer
Quit screen by pressing CTRL+A and D.
Open new screen for MainServer: screen -S main
Change catalog to bin and run main server: ./MainServer

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

9. Start client and log in
Run start.bat in your client to run the client. Connect to server Bango Local.
There are plenty accounts created in database for use, for example use login bot4, password passwd and seconadry password 00000000.

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

10. Fork repository and start adding new features!

11. Sum up
I know it's not finished and I never intended to finish it. I made it for fun and to play around with C++. I hope there's somebody more experienced to review the code and tell us if anything is wrong.
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It's a joke, you're not going to post anything, and when somebody comes to talk shit, I've never seen a game from 1990 - 2017 be the hardest to play than TERA Online, and third things all fucking paid! Out that is never 100% safe or stable always has something to spoil you, congratulations for the post! Unique of 2017 in this section that is worth commenting, thank you!
Code repository:
Client 2016:

Maybe someone wants to learn from it or continue working on it.
Should be easy to make it to work with latest engine.
Progress is further than KaShato. :p

I just came a little :handkiss:
If you want to contribute feel free to fork repo, make changes, add features and add pull request. I will test it and aprove if its ok. Github has nice issue tracker, I will get notified if somebody adds one, feel free to ask your questions there.

If there will be someone who does not know where to start, I can make small tut how to install it on linux and connect from client running on windows.

I also have light client version for windows so it is possible to stress test server with alot of fake clients, if there is interest I can add it to sources.

Maybe I'll come back to it when inix adds 5th character since it will be few lines to add it to emu. :p
Ubuntu 16.04
Since kal client requires windows to run you need 2 machines (linux for server and windows for client).
Other option is to use VMWare or VirtualBox to run virtual machine, I prefer it this way.
Or you can buy cheap VPS for $2 to host it in cloud :p
I'll try it out :). Might be a fun sideproject!

Edit: So the client just immediately closes when I open it :) I see a console window pop up saying "Initialized" and then it closes. I tried replacing XTrapVa.dll back, figured maybe that was what was up. Even though I assume that's also needed for the emulator.

Regardless, if there's an easy fix let me know :). Otherwise I'll start debugging and see why it happens :P.
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What's your OS? People with Windows 7 appear to have this issue. nicolasn1 have fixed this issue if I understood him correctly.
XTrapVa.dll is neccessary to run this client, it's custom DLL with just few memory fills. I can release source if somebody wants to recompile it. I'm currently working on 07.07.2017 engine but it seems like they changed packet headers again. xD

They did not mess packet headers, C2S just got increased by 1. And stats got messed up.
It works now, I'm gonna upload client and emulator source.

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums
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What's your OS? People with Windows 7 appear to have this issue. @nicolasn1 have fixed this issue if I understood him correctly.
XTrapVa.dll is neccessary to run this client, it's custom DLL with just few memory fills. I can release source if somebody wants to recompile it. I'm currently working on 07.07.2017 engine but it seems like they changed packet headers again. xD

They did not mess packet headers, C2S just got increased by 1. And stats got messed up.
It works now, I'm gonna upload client and emulator source.

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums

That's what I thought (regarding the dll).
That's exactly right, I'm on Win 7 :).
Maybe the new client will work, since it does when I played on Steam etc :).
How new is the client?
That's what I thought (regarding the dll).
That's exactly right, I'm on Win 7 :).
Maybe the new client will work, since it does when I played on Steam etc :).
How new is the client?

Today's client. xD I'm uploading that client right now. I could upload DLL only and you could use inix' client updater but meh, this DLL won't work after next update, because addresses will change. Never tried to write memory pattern search, its just 6 addresses anyway.

lafreak - Bango Server Emulator for Linux [C++] - RaGEZONE Forums
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