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[CentOS 7/8 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database) [Updated 2023]

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 17, 2016
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

How much ram is need to run this if I run Centos on Vmware, client on same computer only one player?
Junior Spellweaver
Aug 17, 2010
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

how i can find magic key ?
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 19, 2013
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

Failed to register account

USE [Account]


DECLARE @return_value int

EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[cabal_tool_registerAccount]

@id = N'uikolw',

@password = N'123456'

SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value


String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UserNum', table 'Account.dbo.cabal_charge_auth'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.

Just google'ing the first line there should've given the answer.
Column needs to be expanded size-wise.

The easiest way is this:
1.Create file nationwar.sh with permission 700 and put it for example in /etc/cabal/

2. Add this in the nationwar.sh:
echo "`date`: Nation War has been started!" >> $logfile
systemctl start WorldSvr_XX_XX.service
- WorldSvr_XX_XX.service <- XX change with your worldsvr channel numbers for nation war.
Save the file.

3. If you want to have 2 times nation war in a day, for example in 10:00h and 15:00h do this:
Go to /etc/ and open crontab file and add this:
0 10 * * * root /etc/cabal/nationwar.sh
0 15 * * * root /etc/cabal/nationwar.sh

Save the file and write in cmd: systemctl reload crond
And you are ready :)

- You can check if everything is started successfully in: /var/log/cabal/NationWar_Log.log

- If you want to start 2 NW in same time, just open nationwar.sh and replace:
"systemctl start WorldSvr_XX_XX.service" to "systemctl start WorldSvr_XX_XX.service && sleep 1 && systemctl start WorldSvr_XX_XX.service"

Guess i helped.

That's actually not the easiest nor simplest way.

Just go to crontab in /etc/ and add the time + WorldSvr (Channel) there, have it restart/start/stop (whatever you want) there.
Note that you have to restart the cron service to apply changes.

No creating nor symlinking files or whatsoever is necessary,
there are even easier ways to accomplish the requested bit if you know what you're doing..
But I guess even the biggest spoonfeed during the past few years won't make people try to learn at least a little.
Jul 18, 2009
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

need a help who having a problem on login server

Auth Fail. UserNum(0), Elapsed(49999), Try(0), IP(), ErrorCode(58)

Fail to Pre Image Auth: UserID(), IP()
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 12, 2006
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

Just google'ing the first line there should've given the answer.
Column needs to be expanded size-wise.

That's actually not the easiest nor simplest way.

Just go to crontab in /etc/ and add the time + WorldSvr (Channel) there, have it restart/start/stop (whatever you want) there.
Note that you have to restart the cron service to apply changes.

No creating nor symlinking files or whatsoever is necessary,
there are even easier ways to accomplish the requested bit if you know what you're doing..
But I guess even the biggest spoonfeed during the past few years won't make people try to learn at least a little.

Well okay, your way is more easy, but this is with log, to be sure that everything is started normaly, because if you are noob in linux, you need something to show you that everything is starting normally without problems :p
Newbie Spellweaver
May 24, 2014
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

thanks for this tutorial .i setup the server on cent os 7.4 in just 20minutes
May I ask what/which Client filedid you use?

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 24, 2018
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

This tutorial will show you how to have a fully working Cabal Online Private Server on CentOS 7 VPS with a Database and overall - ready to launch officially* or not.
*if you have a ready files though.
About repack: It's an early stage of the repack that has been planned for quite a while and it requires a bit more manual work than the usual one, but that I explain below, so hopefully, if you follow my tutorial, you will have no issues to have a server.

- Cleaned Libraries that stopped CentOS yum update and where not used at all.
- Cleaned overall whole repack and scripts.
- Infinite yum update [expected] without any issues (lol).

- If you will notice anything, please report here. REPACK RELATED ISSUES ONLY.
- As well as any feedback appreciated!
Links to one of the cheapest VPS's on the internet with a minimal anti-ddos:

- No more Windows R2
- No more Remote Desktops
- No more hassle
- No more 30-120 Euros a month for Dedicated Servers with additional charges for Windows Environment

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you will follow my full tutorial, you will have it a fully working server within 2 hours time. Repack has been tested and already used by couple servers and my test server.
This repack might not suite everyones taste, as it has a different cabal_status and overall OS environment is slightly different from CentOS 6.

Tutorial has sections, so make sure you follow them.

So, without further ado, lets begin:

Section 1 [Minimal to Average Requirements]:
Minimal Requirements of User:
1. Read in english.
2. Follow tutorial accurately.
3. NO RUSHING. Patience is a virtue.
4. Double-check every step done and verify it.
5. Assure that everything has been done correctly and as tutorial says.


Minimal Requirements of System:
1. CentOS 7 [Not Debian, not Ubuntu, not Fedora or any of that sort]
2. 6 GB Ram [CentOS SQL requires minimum of 4 GB RAM]
3. 100 GB of space [can be either SSd or HDD]
4. 100mbps Bandwith [This is only if you won't make it public or will not go international]

Section 2 [System Preparation]:

Assumingly you've got your CentOS 7 running, you have to do couple following things:

1. Check if you have a running Firewalld. Command to check it:
systemctl status firewalld
- If it is shown as: Active: active (running) then go to Step 2.
- If it is show as: Inactive then go to Step 1.1.

1.1. Command to restart Firewalld:
systemctrl restart firewalld
* Repeact Step 1 to check if it is Running now.
2. Run Yum Update to update your system:
yum update
Section 3 [Database Installation]:
Advisable: Get newest SSMS for yourself, in order to connect to your new database:

Minimal Setup:

1. Download the Microsoft SQL Server Red Hat repository configuration file:
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/mssql-server.repo https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/7/mssql-server-2017.repo

2. Run the following commands to install SQL Server:
sudo yum install -y mssql-server

3. Run mssql-conf setup and follow the prompts to set the SA password and choose express edition [Number 3] <- because it is a Free Edition of newest SQL:
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup

4. Check if SQL is running:
systemctl status mssql-server

5. Make backup directory to restore your backups from:
mkdir -p /var/opt/mssql/backup

6. Upload your database backups [.bak files] into: /var/opt/mssql/backup
CLEAN EP8 Database Backups [Toast's]:
* Account
* Authentication
* CabalCash
* CabalGuild
* EventData
* Netcafebilling
* Server01
cabalmanager is NOT NEEDED. It does not have any function in EP8.
Database Location and Commands:

Location: /var/opt/mssql
Backups: /var/opt/mssql/backup
Command to restart database:
systemctl restart mssql-server

P.S. SQL has its own cmd, but it is not adviseable for novice/amateur user to use it, as SSMS does everything you need.
Section 4 [Ports & Firewalld]:

1. Allow ports in the Firewalld:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=1433/tcp --permanent

Required Ports [Default ones, change accordingly to your custom ones if you decide to change]:
- 80 - HTTP
- 443 - HTTPS
- 1433 - Database
- 38101 - LoginSvr
- 38121 - Chatnode
- 38151 - AgentShop
- 38111 - 38116 - Channels*
- 38126 - War [170-190]*
Can open a full port range by typing:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=38111-38126/tcp --permanent
** The ports provided are fully sufficient for full server use.

2. After you have added all of the ports, restart firewalld:
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

3. Check if you have added all of the ports you require:
firewall-cmd --list-all

4. OPTIONAL - You can also create a new zone in firewalld, if you decide not to use public zone, as well as add blocks / drop specific connections and such:

Section 5 [Repack Installation]:

1. cabal_ep8_repack.tar.gz into /root directory.

2. Run command:
tar xzvf cabal*

3. Run command:
chmod +x install.sh

4. Start instalation:

Installation is pretty straight forward, just let it install everything and update system and additional libraries.

5. After installation is done and it shows to start: cabal_config, type:
mkdir -p /var/log/cabal

Creation / Config:
cabal_create -s - creates Servers [World] (SAMPLE: cabal_create -s 1 [will create 1 server])
cabal_create -c - creates Channels (SAMPLE: cabal_create -c 2 1 [will create 2 channels in the 1st server])cabal_config = Server ips, database port and credentials
cabal_start - starts services
cabal_stop - stops services
cabal_status - checks services

cabal_reload - reloads services [B]on live server[/B]
cabal_restart - restarts services
cabal_restart -d - restarts services and deletes all logs*
[Please download a fixed version of cabal_restart -d from here: and replace it with the existing one in: /etc/cabal/Template/sh]
Section 6 [Server Setup a.k.a. Finishing Touches]:


VERY VERY BIG ADVISE: DO NOT paste your .ini files of any config, apart of common.ini ; just recreate it on the new ones. [Advising as some people had experienced some sort of a issues in regards to changing ini files that where not common.ini and I had no time to look into it, but anyone with knowledge and kind enough could post anything about it and I will update this tutorial]

1. Go to WorldSvr_0X_0X and change ports accordingly, as repack will recreate all channels [WorldSvr_0X_0X on port: 38111 ; so you won't see any other channels apart of Channel 1]

For beginners:
Lets say you created 5 channels, you will see only channel 1 because all of them has port 38111 set on it, so what you need to do is this:
Go to WorldSvr_01_02 and change it's port to 38112
Go to WorldSvr_01_03 and change it's port to 38113
Go to WorldSvr_01_04 and change it's port to 38114
Go to WorldSvr_01_05 and change it's port to 38115

2. Check GlobalMgrSvr_0X.ini file to setup your channels accordingly.

3. Update LoginSvr_0X.ini with your client's Magic Key and Client Version.

4. Refer to Toast repack's War Channels and Saint Vikalitan event, it doesn't have an automatically added ones yet.

5. Another Advise: Replace ONLY Data folder and Common.ini [Don't forget to link each of them to your Channels if you have more than one] if you start a fresh server.

6. Channel & Server types: Toast's Tutorial


Noticed some issues connecting to bega or some websites, so do the following to avoid them:

1. Assumingly you restored all database, go to:
Account -> Tables -> dbo.cabal_auth_table -> right-click it and select "Design" -> go to password section and change it from: var(50) to var(256) -> click "Save" in the tools meniu line.

2. Go to Account -> Programabillity -> Stored Procedures -> dbo.cabal_tool_registerAccount and change all password var(XX) to var(256) -> click run and then close it.

3. Go to Account -> Programabillity -> Stored Procedures -> dbo.cabal_tool_registerAccount_web and change all password var(XX) to var(256) -> click run and then close it.

4. [B]REMINDER:[/B] go to Account -> dbo.cabal_client_version_table and update Magic Key and Version in order to connect properly into your server.


Now you can type: cabal_restart -d 
and join your server!

[B]All credits belong to people who helped and supported the project not solely by feedback, but also financially. 
Most credits: [COLOR=#ff0000][U]penetrator9000[/U][/COLOR] (wished to remain in shadows) & [COLOR=#daa520][U]Yamachi[/U][/COLOR][/B]
[U][B]References: DeXtR andtoast2250[/B][/U]
How do you create a linked server config on this setup?
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 8, 2014
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

Any idea why xampp cant connect to db on linux? But can connect on same sql server version installed on windows.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 24, 2018
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

Why do you need linked server?

Because the gameserver and the database wont connect to each other without it. Just like the other setup where the mssql db is in a separate vm, it has a linked server config which connects the game and db servers respectively.
Jul 18, 2009
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

any guide how to add automatic war channel on cent os 7.4?

solve it thanks
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2014
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

Have this mssql error what should i do ? and cabal server runs fine and how i should edit client to join my server ? and give us example about how to use mssql this is my first time use vm and centos7 and mssql
MrSensei - [CentOS 7/8 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database) [Updated 2023] - RaGEZONE Forums
I got the same problem, did anyone know how to fix it?
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2014
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

Did not helped.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 24, 2018
Reaction score
Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

Have this mssql error what should i do ? and cabal server runs fine and how i should edit client to join my server ? and give us example about how to use mssql this is my first time use vm and centos7 and mssql
MrSensei - [CentOS 7/8 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database) [Updated 2023] - RaGEZONE Forums

I got the same problem, did anyone know how to fix it?

Did not helped.
Ok, you may try this.

1.] switch to root user.
sudo -i

2.] stop the server and disable the mssql service.
systemctl stop mssql-server
systemctl disable mssql-server

3.] enable the service and start the server
systemctl enable mssql-server
systemctl start mssql-server

4.] Finally, check the status of mssql services
systemctl status mssql-server
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2014
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

This step I have already tried, still no results.

Here screenshot
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 24, 2018
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

This step I have already tried, still no results.
Here screenshot

ok, i guess your vm config is little bit short of ram, input this command and post it here.

journalctl -u mssql-server.service -b

you may increase the ram of your vm if it is the issue.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2014
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Re: [CentOS 7 Repack] Full Cabal Server Installation + CentOS SQL (Database)

Thx I have increased RAM and mssql active now.

Got some more question:
How can I restore mssql back up on linux? (Can it works with mssql on windows?)
I don't get Section 6 [Server Setup a.k.a. Finishing Touches]:
Where can I find WorldSvr_0X_0X?