Clon pj

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 25, 2014
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hello greetings to all in the community tell them my probelma down the dayz standalone 0.47 I post my friend, Mizev with chariots and perfect mount it on my VPS, everything works did some modifications but something happens leave alone the init like this, I go the game makes excellent fast when I go out and reconnect a PC that appears to me a "clone" is generated

I avoid it as this until now it works perfectly but takes long to enter.

------------------ This way comes fast and it generates a clone when I leave and enter -------
"clientReady" addPublicVariableEventHandler
_vm spawn {_this =
_id = _this select 1;
getClientUID _uid = _id;
_wait = (dbFindCharacter _uid) select 5;
_wait = (-_wait) max 0;
diag_log format ["% 1 Player ready to load previous character, waiting% 2 seconds", _ uid, _wait];
_wait sleep;
_handler =

--------------- thus takes to enter but does not generate the clone ------
"clientReady" addPublicVariableEventHandler
_vm spawn {_this =
_id = _this select 1;
getClientUID _uid = _id;
_wait = (dbFindCharacter _uid) select 5;
_wait = (-_wait) max 30;
diag_log format ["% 1 Player ready to load previous character, waiting% 2 seconds", _ uid, _wait];
_wait sleep;
_handler =

the only difference is this stand 30: _wait = (-_wait) max 30;

know any way to disappear CLONE than putting those 30 and generates less put the clone has to be 30, if not a lot Thanks aid.......