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[Common Errors Ether Saga] Level Novice

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 7, 2014
Reaction score
If your server has not connection, check
Glinkd, and be sure you has set your IP correctly
also check that your table.xml has your correct phpmyadmin Password

IF your server says Maintenance
Be sure server as client match with your Gshop.dat and element.data

If your server dont turn online and say erro .lau be sure you gshopsev.data is not broked.

If your server doesn't let you log in to a realm.
Be sure your gsalias??.conf is config right.

Soon will post more tutorials.
Aug 26, 2010
Reaction score
These errors quoted below may also support, and become useful in ESO aswell.
Here we can all post errors we have had in the past and what we did to fix them, that way new devs can come on have a documentation to work with :)
Level 1 (Errors that require 2 or less steps)
Network Error(Permissions to db and other files.)
Step 1: Execute SSH command: chmod 777 /root -R

unknown error 255
Step 1: Reboot server.

Server Update
Step 1: make sure gshop matches client and server.
Step 1-A: make sure gs is running.

err : Identical game server id(#) exist. Check gameserver's ".conf" file.
Step 1: read your logs, and check which two instances have the same "gamed(#)"
Step 2: Go to one of their .conf file Example: gamed/emperor.conf
Step 3: Replace ServerID=# with a number that isnt used for anything else.

Level 2
* = if you did not do yet.

network error (Rocklee files)
Why: lampp is not installed.
Step 1: edit config.php (Change passwords).
Step 2: Go to server/build/authd/table.xml
Step 3: Find: <connection name="auth0" poolsize="3" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dynasty?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8" username="root" password="CHANGEME"/>
*Step 1-A: Install lampp
*Step 2-A: run /opt/lampp/lampp security.
*Step 3-A: Set mysql password to the one in Step 2 & 3
Step 4: Reboot server.

Network Error(Advanced - Mysql wont start.)
Why: your Innodb has crashed or failed.
Step 1: go to opt/lampp/etc/my.conf
Step 2: Go To [msqld]
Step 2-Bfind: myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
Step 2-C: Add innodb_force_recovery = 4 under Step 2-B
Step 2-D: save
Step 3: SSH execute command => ( sudo opt/lampp/lampp restart )
Step 3-B: Remove innodb_force_recovery = 4 from Step 3
Step 4: save
Step 5: Step 3.

Level 2-A (Tools)
XXX.XX.XX.XXX IP not allowed to connect to mysql.
Why: the username your using / IP isnt allowed to connect to mysql port.
Fix: Create non root user.
Option 1

Option 2

Level 3(Weird but works)
Invalid induction ID
Why game DB cannot read account info(AKA induction ID) from newly created log, in /root/server/db/uniquewd/dblogs & OR /root/server/db/gdbwdb/dblogs
Tried(But did not work)
Trial 1: CD sever/gamed => RAN command: ./fix.sh
Trail 2: Change the iseckey from (long number) => 456 and oseckey from(long number) => 123 in server/uniquenamed

Trail 3: moved the old log.###### from old/server/db/uniquewd/dblogs TO new/server/db/uniquewd/dblogs
Step 1: Move the old log.###### from (old root)/server/db/uniquewd/dblogs TO (new root)/server/db/uniquewd/dblogs
Step 2: Copy the new log.##### that we just moved to (new root)/server/db/uniquewd/dblogs, To your desktop.
Note 1: You will see that there is a new log.1234 in (new root)/server/db/uniquewd/dblogs folder, that is 0B big, which will never get bigger.
Step 3: Copy the extension of that log file, and replace the extension of the one you moved to your desktop, to it.

Step 4: delete the log.1234 from the server, and move the one from your desktop to its place.
Step 5: reboot server.
Step 6: create character to see if error gone.

Credits: JDDC,ragezone.com,teamremod.com