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connection problem with my private server

Initiate Mage
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
This is a repost. Originally posted in another(wrong) section. Hoping to get some answers here.

Ok im hoping this is the right section to be posting this question, if not I apologize ahead of time. I have no explanation for what is happening with my server so here is my problem. I have no prior experience with mysql or navicat but do have background experience with networks, ports...etc. I read this guide and after playing around with it for hours and not having it work I decided that it sucked. I looked online for a few more hours, reading about errors that I was getting and eventually ended up downloading http://forum.ragezone.com/world-warc...166402-13.html ([MaNGOS] Latest binaries and SDB (With no support questions! Only files))
the 2.0.1 patch near the bottom. I got all of that into my dbs and had more problems getting connected to mysql. Eventually got that worked out by changing everything to port 3306.

Copy of my realmd.conf
# MaNGOS realmd configuration file

# Database connection settings for the realm server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;*****;realmd"

# Settings for maximum database-ping interval (minutes between pings)
MaxPingTime = 30

# Default RealmServerPort
RealmServerPort = 3306

# Server console level of logging
# 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
# Default: 0
LogLevel = 0

# Logfile name
# empty name disable creating log file: LogFile =
# Default: "Server.log" - not recommended.
LogFile = "Realmd.log"

# Server file level of logging
# 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
# Default: 0
LogFileLevel = 0

# Color for messages (format "normal_color details_color debug_color error_color)
# Colors: 0 - BLACK, 1 - RED, 2 - GREEN, 3 - BROWN, 4 - BLUE, 5 - MAGENTA, 6 - CYAN, 7 - GREY,
# 8 - YELLOW, 9 - LRED, 10 - LGREEN, 11 - LBLUE, 12 - LMAGENTA, 13 - LCYAN, 14 - WHITE
# Default: "" - none colors
# "13 7 11 9" - for example :)
LogColors = ""

# Used processors mask for multi-processors system (Used only at Windows)
# Default: 0 (selected by OS)
# number (bitmask value of selected processors)
UseProcessors = 0

# Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows)
# 0 (Normal)
# Default: 1 (HIGH)
ProcessPriority = 1

Copy of my mangosd.conf

# MaNGOS Configuration file

# RealmID must match the realmlist
RealmID = 1

GameType = 1

# Data directory setting.
# Important: DataDir needs to be quoted, as it is a string which may
# contain space characters.
DataDir = "."

# Database connection settings for the world server.
# Default: hostname;port;username;password;database
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;*****;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;mangos;*****;mangos"

# Settings for maximum database-ping interval (minutes between pings)
MaxPingTime = 30

# Server console level of logging
# 0 = Minimum; 1 = Basic&Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
# Default: 0
# recommend: 1
LogLevel = 3

# Logfile name
# empty name disable creating log file: LogFile =
# Default: "Server.log"
LogFile = "Server.log"

# Server file level of logging
# 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
# Default: 0
LogFileLevel = 0

# Packet logging for the worldserver
# Default: 0 (false)
# 1 (true)
LogWorld = 1

# Log filters
# 0 (default) - include in log if log level permit, 1 - not include with any log level
LogFilter_TransportMoves = 0
LogFilter_CreatureMoves = 0

# Color for messages (format "normal_color details_color debug_color error_color)
# Colors: 0 - BLACK, 1 - RED, 2 - GREEN, 3 - BROWN, 4 - BLUE, 5 - MAGENTA, 6 - CYAN, 7 - GREY,
# 8 - YELLOW, 9 - LRED, 10 - LGREEN, 11 - LBLUE, 12 - LMAGENTA, 13 - LCYAN, 14 - WHITE
# Default: "" - none colors
# "13 7 11 9" - for example :)
LogColors = ""

# Log file of gm commands
# Default: "" (Disable)
GmLogFile = ""

# Used processors mask for multi-processors system (Used only at Windows)
# Default: 0 (selected by OS)
# number (bitmask value of selected processors)
UseProcessors = 0

# Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows)
# 0 (Normal)
# Default: 1 (HIGH)
ProcessPriority = 1

# Compression level for update packages sended to client (1..9)
# Default: 1 (speed)
# 9 (best compression)
Compression = 1

# Maximum number of players in the world. Excluding GM's
# Default: 100
PlayerLimit = 100

# Max level that can reached by player for expirience (in range from 1 to 255).
# Change not recommended
# Default: 60
MaxPlayerLevel = 60

# Max count that player can learn the primary trade skill.
# Default: 2
# Max : 9
MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2

# Min signatures count to creating guild (0..9).
# Default: 9
MinPetitionSigns = 9

# Max distance to creature for group memeber to get XP at creature death.
# Default: 74
MaxGroupXPDistance = 74

# Max level different with creature for group member to get XP at creature death.
# Default: 10
MaxGroupXPLevelDiff = 10

# Allow or not accounts to create characters in the 2 teams in any game type.
# Defaullt: 0 (Not allowed)
# 1 (Allowed)
AllowTwoSide.Accounts = 0

# Allow or not common :chat(say,yell);channel(chat)group(join)guild(join );trade for players from different teams.
# Defaullt: 0 (Not allowed)
# 1 (Allowed)
AllowTwoSide.Interaction = 0

# Allow or not show player from both team in who list.
# Defaullt: 0 (Not allowed)
# 1 (Allowed)
AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 0

# Is GM accept whispers from player by default.
# Default: 0 (false)
# 1 (true)
GM.WhisperingTo = 0

# Is GM showed in who list (if visible).
# Default: 0 (false)
# 1 (true)
GM.InWhoList = 0

# Group visibility modes
# Default: 0 (standard setting: only members from same group can 100% auto detect invisible player)
# 1 (raid members 100% auto detect invisible player from same raid)
# 2 (players from same team can 100% auto detect invisible player)
GroupVisibility = 0

# Message of the Day. Displayed at worldlogin for every user.
Motd = "Welcome to the Massive Network Game Object Server."

# Health and power regeneration.
Rate.Health = 1;
Rate.Power1 = 1;
Rate.Power2 = 1;
Rate.Power3 = 1;

# Drop rates
# Default: 1
Rate.Drop.Items = 1
Rate.Drop.Money = 1

# XP rates
# Default: 1
Rate.XP.Kill = 1
Rate.XP.Quest = 1
Rate.XP.Explore = 1

# Creature Damage Rate.
# Examples: 2 - creatures will damage 2x, 1.7 - 1.7x.
Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage = 1

# Creature Health Ammount Modifier.
# Examples: 2 - creatures have 2x health, 1.7 - 1.7x.
Rate.Creature.Normal.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP = 1

# Resting points grow rates (1 - normal, 2 - double rate, 0.5 - half rate, etc) from standart values
Rate.Rest.InGame = 1
Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity = 1
Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness = 1

# Skill chance values (0..100)
# default: 100-75-25-0
SkillChance.Orange = 100
SkillChance.Yellow = 75
SkillChance.Green = 25
SkillChance.Grey = 0

#Aggro radius percent or off.
# 0 - off (0%)
# Default: 1 - 100%
# 1.5 - 150%
Rate.Creature.Aggro = 1

# Default remote console port
Ra.Port = 3443

# Log remote console connections
Ra.Log = 1

# Minimum level that's required to login,3 by default
Ra.MinLevel = 3

# Kick client on wrong pass
Ra.Secure = 1

# Maximum overspeed ping count before player kick (minimum is 2, 0 used for disable check)
# Default: 10
MaxOverspeedPings = 10

# Unload grids (if you have lot memory you can disbale it to speed up player move to new grids second time)
# 0 (not unload grids)
# Default: 1 (unload grids)
GridUnload = 1;

# All times are in milliseconds.

# Default socket select time
SocketSelectTime = 10000

# Default grid clean up delay
GridCleanUpDelay = 300000

# Default map update interval
MapUpdateInterval = 100

# Default weather update interval
ChangeWeatherInterval = 600000

# Default PlayerSaveInterval
PlayerSaveInterval = 900000

# Default WorldServerPort
WorldServerPort = 3306

# Beep at mangosd start finished (mostly work only at Unix/Linux systems)
# Default: 1
BeepAtStart = 1

# AntiCheat adjustments

# Set to 1 to enabble cheat checking and preventing, set to 0 to disable completely
Cheat.EnableProtection = 1

# broadcasts a message to the world. e.g.: [CHEAT]: Player "hax0r" tried to spoof spell #5
# turn off and the cheater will be punished silently.
Cheat.Broadcast = 0

# instantly bans the account (with number 7,8 or 9, depending on the cheat).
# the cheater does NOT get kicked!
Cheat.Ban = 1

# disconnects the cheater instantly. combined with banning no more login is possible.
Cheat.Kick = 1

# turn this on to prevent cheats. this way it is not possible to complete spoofed quests,
# cast spoofed spells, etc. -- turned ON by default!
Cheat.Prevent = 0

# enable/disable speedup detection (using CMSG_MOVE_HEARBEAT). disabled by default!
# beeing detected using speedhack DOES NOT result in a ban,
# you have to check the logs yourself!
Cheat.AntiSpeedHack = 1

# enable/disable speedup detection (using CMSG_PING). disabled by default!
# beeing detected using speedhack DOES NOT result in a ban,
# you have to check the logs yourself!
Cheat.CheckPing = 1

# set this to 1 that an additional spell databse is checked if the spell may be cast.
# you can use this to prevent GMs/Mods to cast certain spells.
# may add a little lag because MySQL is queried everytime a spell is cast.
# Setting this to 0 does NOT affect the spellchecker; if you dont need it, leave it turned off.
Cheat.CheckSpellDB = 0

# Note that the cheat will be logged in any case. (cheatlog.txt in mangos root dir)

Again, I am sorry if these long posts are not allowed but I figure I should give as much info as possible to explain my situation. Ok, I changed my ip in my conf files and in navicat both in the realmd and the realmlist table in the mangos db. Started the server up, worked fine. I connected and played for a while. Then I tried to make it public by changing all the ips to my external ip(which I guess is the wrong thing to do after reading some other posts???) The server was still loading loot templates after 40 minutes of loading so I switched everything back to localhost. Started it up, got into wow and it wouldnt connect as if the server wasnt even running. I ended up re-extracting the realmd.sql and mangos.sql files in my db and even downgraded and upgraded my wow to 2.0.1 again. Started the server up, same problem. So basically my problem is that both realmd and mangosd are connecting to mysql and loading up fine, but for some reason wow wont let me connect. Also, for some retarded reason all the following ports are closed: 25, 80, 8085, 6112-6119. My ip was using dhcp so I changed it to static and that did nothing for me. I have a hawking hwr54g router and a cisco 675 neither will let me access them. I tried the default for my hawking(which i never changed) and it just comes up with the connection timed out page. Once again, sorry for a long post, but please god help me because I'm about to rip my hair out doing this.
Thanks -Aaron
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Well, if you ever get it to work, try using hamachi ( ), its so you dont have to Port-Forward :), Good Luck!
Initiate Mage
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
I use hamachi all the time actually to play lan games with friends, didn't know that would bypass port forwards. Thx for a quick reply :)

It appears that when I run realmd.exe that connects fine. Then when I try running mangosd.exe it hangs on the connection forever. I close realmd, rerun mangosd, and it connects fine. I closed mangosd, ran realmd, ran mysql command line, tried to login and it got hung up too. So, this might narrow the problem down to my realmd. Please tell me I'm making a stupid mistake.
Last edited:
Initiate Mage
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, apparantly it was a stupid mistake. I kept lots of backups and while replacing my realmd.conf every time I changed the realm server port to 3306.
It's working just fine now when I left it as
# Default RealmServerPort
RealmServerPort = 3724

So, problem solved. But, could someone explain what this is and why it made my server not work just for sake of mind. Also, with my port problems will I be able to get my server public? And, all I have to do for that is change the realmlist to my external ip in my realmd db correct?