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DayZ Server 123800 By DevDomo

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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 4, 2004
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Maybe you need to create a hive to save the characters. There are some tutorials at cs.rin.ru to set up one with apache, people did it with older versions.
Junior Spellweaver
May 29, 2013
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lol i read an artice about the servers beeing hacked and then said in the uc thread "link" domo....
Founder of EvilSource
Jun 17, 2010
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DayZ v2
#1 added antichi
#2 added login use your form login to login
#3 fix the issue so your player information is stored
#4 removed steam from the executable


DayZ client V1.1

DayZ Server V1.1
Loyal Member
Jun 21, 2008
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I was just reading the server configuration file and I found the value, "reportingIP".
The line to be exact is:
reportingIP = ""; // IP address which your server will report to

If we could get this to save to the main hive, then the this would be golden. Unless there's a specific way to make a private hive for this. Could anyone lend a helping hand to either one of these solutions?

DayZ v2
#1 added antichi
#2 added login use your form login to login
#3 fix the issue so your player information is stored
#4 removed steam from the executable


DayZ client V1.1

DayZ Server V1.1

Have you ripped out the client from Steam or what's this, "Client"? Does one require to use this client in order to play on these servers?
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Founder of EvilSource
Jun 17, 2010
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at the moment we do not have support for private hives they remove that method from the executable I am working on adding a new method for creating hive when it is ready it will be public

p.s. but in my new version you can use my hive
p.s. and we are looking for developers in Java or C++ or php :)
Loyal Member
Jun 21, 2008
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at the moment we do not have support for private hives they remove that method from the executable I am working on adding a new method for creating hive when it is ready it will be public

p.s. but in my new version you can use my hive
p.s. and we are looking for developers in Java or C++ or php :)

Do you know how to save to the main public DayZ hive?
Founder of EvilSource
Jun 17, 2010
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it's not possible it's whitelisted

Have you ripped out the client from Steam or what's this, "Client"? Does one require to use this client in order to play on these servers?

only if they want my teams future updates are the ways they can get the stable build and host without an anti cheat
Newbie Spellweaver
May 16, 2014
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Domo, you released this V1.1.

Can you make a package to update the older client you released? Or will we have to download another 5gb client every time you update?


Nevermind my ignorance. I found it. You're awesome Domo.
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Nov 14, 2001
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Domo, you released this V1.1.

Can you make a package to update the older client you released? Or will we have to download another 5gb client every time you update?


Nevermind my ignorance. I found it. You're awesome Domo.

I think this main release is what you'll get until he or someone elses share the source code.
Founder of EvilSource
Jun 17, 2010
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we have all decided that we want to keep the source code private because we do not want this to get ruined like War Z look at the War Z section everyone's ripping each other off no one is giving anyone any respect and if this kind of stuff happens we decided to keep it private I'm sorry
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 18, 2007
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Well then that killed my hope :/ with no source this is simply going nowhere, even though you think that about the warz source the fact is its tons better now when it was release. I mean granted DNC, me and a few others I don't remember now had alot to do with it. Simply put without the source, this for me is pointless. Really hate to hear I won't have a chance to work on this source also =/ So disappointed.
Founder of EvilSource
Jun 17, 2010
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I never got any credit for that source I am the one who got it working when I originally got it but yet no one gives me any credit for any of it it's all you guys and people like you make me sick for not even recognizing the reason why that source code get out because of people like you do not recognize me for anything I've done but you want yourself be recognized this project is not a standstill just because you don't have source there's other people who are a lot more skilled than you have this source code sorry for dash in your dreams that you are the exact reason why the source go to stay in private

I take this back I will share the source code with anyone who can actually prove that they can do something with it but I'm not going to release it to everyone Jess to someone to make their own dialect of the server that does nothing different than anyone elses
Nov 14, 2001
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I never got any credit for that source I am the one who got it working when I originally got it but yet no one gives me any credit for any of it it's all you guys and people like you make me sick for not even recognizing the reason why that source code get out because of people like you do not recognize me for anything I've done but you want yourself be recognized this project is not a standstill just because you don't have source there's other people who are a lot more skilled than you have this source code sorry for dash in your dreams that you are the exact reason why the source go to stay in private

chill, people want the source for obvious reasons and i think the average user will feed at a disadvantage but who cares you know? at the end of the day, if their smart they'll work around it. Nobody never said they don't appreciate you, quite the opposite, i know who you are, i followed what you've done and i give you the utmost respect. Now, as per the credit you feel you're owed, it's there, heck.. this thread is by you, released by you and has your name all over it... damn, just search dayz and domo... it's there, so chill!
Founder of EvilSource
Jun 17, 2010
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I'm sorry lookat War Z look at everything I've done there yet nobody respects me everyone always says on how much of a rat I am and how miserable I am because I can't do anything but they can do is just I'm tired of people being mean to me and then telling me I have to give them thanks

okay how about this if I can get 6 to 10 people who are willing to commit to a public SVN with fixes for the public I will release the source code publicly it would be nice if it would stay as a group project and everybody helps each other because this game does not have a cash shop I don't see a point and people try to make money off of it I really wanna see a community of people that help each other
Junior Spellweaver
Mar 18, 2007
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I never got any credit for that source I am the one who got it working when I originally got it but yet no one gives me any credit for any of it it's all you guys and people like you make me sick for not even recognizing the reason why that source code get out because of people like you do not recognize me for anything I've done but you want yourself be recognized this project is not a standstill just because you don't have source there's other people who are a lot more skilled than you have this source code sorry for dash in your dreams that you are the exact reason why the source go to stay in private

I take this back I will share the source code with anyone who can actually prove that they can do something with it but I'm not going to release it to everyone Jess to someone to make their own dialect of the server that does nothing different than anyone elses
I didn't mean to make it seem bad, my apologize. I understand why you wouldn't release the source, and as I said I don't remember who else worked on the source for warz. I very much appreciate your contribution man I ment no harm :) again my apologize
Staff member
Oct 8, 2006
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If you need someone to help with it you know I am always down for a project. Glad you changed your mind about releasing. But duck those leeches anyways. Not like they will be able to do any good. Only reason people were able to setup warz was because of
people feeding the leeches to begin with. Without you WarZ wouldn't have gone anywhere, its sad to see a bunch of pansies taking credit for other peoples work =\

That being said. I am there with ya buddy
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