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Design for a event hosting company

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Apr 27, 2008
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Just looking for some criticism good or bad.

whhacker93 - Design for a event hosting company - RaGEZONE Forums

whhacker93 - Design for a event hosting company - RaGEZONE Forums

whhacker93 - Design for a event hosting company - RaGEZONE Forums
Oct 31, 2005
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The concept is awesome. The fonts, gradients, and sizes are not. Try a brighter color for the body text, do not mix western font with normal font, and remove the pointless gradients. Remember the point in gradients and effects nowadays are to be "barely visible". Otherwise this could turn out to be really good. Also smaller social icons and navigation bar would do good too.
Apr 27, 2008
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I do appreciate the advice. This is a design that was designed for a client and this is what they wanted. I had a similar opinion to yours but they refused to allow me to change it.
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Now you can tag me!
Loyal Member
May 26, 2009
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The fonts are awful, and you're using way to much bold. Also, the featuring sidebar is way over-sized, you really have have to work on that. You might want to consider organizing that a bit as well. The images of the two bands/djs should be the same size, and again, you're using way to much bold. The gradient on the footer text is horrible, and it looks like one of those pre-made effects that comes along with Photoshop that's just horrifying.

The site do have potential, and I like the theme of the overall design, but you have got to work on the things we've mentioned. Muscki summarized it pretty well. Font, gradient & size. I'll add another one for you: flow/organizing. You want equal elements to be equal in size and look.

You can blame the client all you want, but this was probably your first draft as a designer. You should've thought of these things before bringing it to the client. Cause people hire web designers for a reason, cause they know nothing about designing a website.
Apr 27, 2008
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thanks for the critics. However photoshop and HTML/CSS both have different measurement systems. Thus, I make my designs bigger and then calculate the sizes down later for my conversion. And no it's not even near close to a first draft. It's a sixth draft and the edits were made by my client. Again, done infront of my client so it was entirely their choice. I don't work online, I work in the physical world buddy.

Thanks though,
However, not always up to me. Customer service is better when you give the client exactly what the want not what you prefer.


Also why the hell do the messurments even matter in photoshop considering if the design is going to be converted later all of that can be modified in CSS. It really makes no sense to spend the extra 3 hours to do it all in photoshop. PS, this was a 2 hour design.

I don't spend a ridiculous amount of time on just one design because that's pretty much how i make my living.

If my client is happy with my work then I don't really care about what I think, I'm paid to do my job not sit there and debate about something that can easily been changed later if the client wants.
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Experienced Elementalist
Apr 28, 2014
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Hello WorkAholic,

Just a lil' thing that I saw here :

You don't need to justify your decisions. And you don't need to say "they wanted it like this and that, not me". You asked for constructive critism and you got it. It's no offense to you in any way, only what you asked for.
To stay on the topic : I agree with Mucski and Detox, that indeed you need to work on these things.
I also like the general idea and concept but it needs quite a lot of work.
Just got a question at the end though : If you don't like the design and you say that it's very bad etc. ... Why do you ask for critism here ? :)

Anyways, nobody is a master at the start. One must train and improve to reach the best.

Have fun,
- Jax
Now you can tag me!
Loyal Member
May 26, 2009
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Also why the hell do the messurments even matter in photoshop considering if the design is going to be converted later all of that can be modified in CSS. It really makes no sense to spend the extra 3 hours to do it all in photoshop. PS, this was a 2 hour design.

I don't spend a ridiculous amount of time on just one design because that's pretty much how i make my living.

If my client is happy with my work then I don't really care about what I think, I'm paid to do my job not sit there and debate about something that can easily been changed later if the client wants.
This question is quite simple. Because the design you do in Photoshop, should be a visual presentation of the final product. The final product shouldn't be a completely different website then the draft you've made in Photoshop. If you don't understand the value of a proper design in photoshop, you shouldn't call yourself a web designer. Cause web designers make their designs in photoshop. It's the design, it's the god damn design.

For instance. Say you're making a web design for a client, that have also hired a web developer to work on your design when you're done with it. Your job is to make the design in Photoshop, his job is to create a static/dynamic site based on that design. How in the world is he suppose to understand your design, when you've planned in your head that the outcome should look completely different to the original raw design in Photoshop. Trust me, he wouldn't.

You might make a few clients with the attitude you're having, as long as you also program it into a static website later on. But you'd never make it as a freelancer web designer, when you don't understand the value of a raw design.
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