Development of a new 2D MMORPG, similar to MapleStory

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Nice, this project seems nice, finaly someone with own ideas and not copying GMS or SEA in everything.

Get a team with exprienced programers and you might get something out of that, good luck.

Yeah, thanks, but I am going to program this alone for now, and get some designers maybe, and some
sprite artists, i really need those.
My suggestion is to build up a cohesive storyline. Plan out the entire game, with hundreds of different areas. Design all the classes you'll ever use. Balance the shit out of all of it beforehand. Then when you actually create the game, new areas will fit seamlessly into the existing storyline. Every area will be important as the character progresses through them. By all means, include sub plots as well, but make sure they are all cohesive and tie in to the main storyline in some way. A cohesive plot is what MapleStory lacks, so if you want to ever beat MapleStory, you'll really need to work on that.
My advice is simply: .

Yes, it's great, and wonderful, and what have you, but you're not going to finish such a large scale project. Think smaller.
My advice is simply: .

Yes, it's great, and wonderful, and what have you, but you're not going to finish such a large scale project. Think smaller.

No thanks. I have done some large single player games / projects and I am able and want to do this
why would i think smaller? this is the worst advice I've ever heard before.
(BTW, I've finished some larger projects. Don't say things like that to people you don't know)
No thanks. I have done some large single player games / projects and I am able and want to do this
why would i think smaller? this is the worst advice I've ever heard before.
(BTW, I've finished some larger projects. Don't say things like that to people you don't know)

Did you read the link? It's from a guy working on Guild Wars 2. You don't have millions of dollars. You don't have a large enough team. You don't have enough experience. It's unfortunate, but it's true.
Just going to point out the obvious here.

1. You have a concept. Ok great. Thats all you have.
2. Anyone with any programming know-how could make what you just made in an hour or two. If it took you longer, you're in WAY over your head.
3. You're using copyrighted music and images. You want your own game? You have to make your own graphics.

I could go on and on, but why bother. This wont go anywhere.
Did you read the link? It's from a guy working on Guild Wars 2. You don't have millions of dollars. You don't have a large enough team. You don't have enough experience. It's unfortunate, but it's true.

Just going to point out the obvious here.

1. You have a concept. Ok great. Thats all you have.
2. Anyone with any programming know-how could make what you just made in an hour or two. If it took you longer, you're in WAY over your head.
3. You're using copyrighted music and images. You want your own game? You have to make your own graphics.

I could go on and on, but why bother. This wont go anywhere.

I'm sorry but what I've made is not a work of a hour or two. it only look s like it.
I've made lots of systems to make the creation easier, i planned the game on documents,
I have everything ready and just recently i started creating the actual game with the
system I have made. don't go over yourself, I bet you don't know what I did here if you talk
like that after you saw the video.
The Images are not copyrighted. i made them all on my own, the music is just for the development
progress. it will obviously change during the time.
I don't need money to develop a MMORPG o.O i need money to host it and to get members for my project.
I can handle the coding alone. I just need a sprite artist which is in the highest priority right now,
a designer (better than me) and someone that can create decent music for the game.
But that's not necessary right now as the game is still in coding and those things will be handled
by the time, when the game is nearly done.
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My advice is simply: .

Yes, it's great, and wonderful, and what have you, but you're not going to finish such a large scale project. Think smaller.
I stopped reading that excuse of a discouraged article for one reason: HE DON'T NEED IT. No matter what the scale of the project may be, small ~ large, or just a bit in between the two, and not as counting the numerous resources he may or may not have, it is the fact that he may be COMMITTED to his project.

I've seen many server owners fail utterly when attempting to keep their server's development progress keep rising, I WAS ONE OF THOSE FUCKERS. You know why servers don't last? It's because of the lack of dedication. Sure, someone can plop their asses into their computer chair, open up notepad and write the key points of ANY project that they are creating, start working on it for around an hour, then slowly begin to start getting tired. Your mind will try and find excuses as pertaining to WHY, JUST WHY ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING DOING THIS. Then your brain will start to search for other things that you could be doing right now, maybe at the beach or petting your hamster, masturbating to grade A hentai, or whatever the fuck you would rather be doing, it happens all the time.

The amount of dedication and perseverance that this guy has towards his project looks like a good amount, there is still no doubt that it could all go away in one day. All the obstacles that he may encounter still doesn't justify the fact that this could still be another learning experience for him. A dedicated MMO, you may have noticed if you really did pick it up before, DOES NOT CONSIST of any sprite artwork, music pieces, or perhaps anything that has been acquired from an external source, such as Google Images, or even just screen shotting something that already exists somewhere else. You have to create it on your own, with no other resources at all.

FOR EXAMPLE: GARAGEBAND. You can create music for your game via Garageband, and consider it still a piece of artwork that was created by THE CREATOR. Wait a minute, what about the creator of the sounds that were originally used in the process of making the art? Those sound fragments were still created by someone else.

My 2 cents of the day consist of only the best for this guy, and that you don't try to discourage him at all with providing these articles that really, we do not give a single fuck about. Seriously, not fucks given! Please wish him the best and be on your way, thanks!
I'm sorry but what I've made is not a work of a hour or two. it only look s like it.
I've made lots of systems to make the creation easier, i planned the game on documents,
I have everything ready and just recently i started creating the actual game with the
system I have made. don't go over yourself, I bet you don't know what I did here if you talk
like that after you saw the video.
The Images are not copyrighted. i made them all on my own, the music is just for the development
progress. it will obviously change during the time.
I don't need money to develop a MMORPG o.O i need money to host it and to get members for my project.
I can handle the coding alone. I just need a sprite artist which is in the highest priority right now,
a designer (better than me) and someone that can create decent music for the game.
But that's not necessary right now as the game is still in coding and those things will be handled
by the time, when the game is nearly done.
I am not saying aaron is right but you gotta see his point..
1.) Most of the Greatest MMORpg the owner/ beginner of the project didnt start alone or did, but They all had teams.

2.) i mean you can get far by your self but there is a point you would reach and not know what to do.. thats what the team mates are for advice on what to do.

3.) Your saying you wont need any money untill you look for host, but you forgot advertising, marketing, commercial man.. your still in the baby steps.. IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE IT ALL. i am not discouraging you or anything but you doing a fine job so far.. but just think about it

i am pretty sure you have some life other than coding or programming, are you ready to give it up to code all the aspect of this game by your self? i mean there is a butt of shit you would have to do if you even want a lot of people to play. i am thinking that's where you goal is reaching?

Also the key thing i mention team is what is also killing the maple community. i have seen quite a hand full of server crash down because of the had teammates full of them self or acting dumb or whateva. (Pick people you know in rl better choice).

All i am saying is stop thinking you would beable to handle it all by your self because there is a 85% chance you cant. Something to think about eh?
I am not saying aaron is right but you gotta see his point..
1.) Most of the Greatest MMORpg the owner/ beginner of the project didnt start alone or did, but They all had teams.

2.) i mean you can get far by your self but there is a point you would reach and not know what to do.. thats what the team mates are for advice on what to do.

3.) Your saying you wont need any money untill you look for host, but you forgot advertising, marketing, commercial man.. your still in the baby steps.. IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE IT ALL. i am not discouraging you or anything but you doing a fine job so far.. but just think about it

i am pretty sure you have some life other than coding or programming, are you ready to give it up to code all the aspect of this game by your self? i mean there is a butt of shit you would have to do if you even want a lot of people to play. i am thinking that's where you goal is reaching?

Also the key thing i mention team is what is also killing the maple community. i have seen quite a hand full of server crash down because of the had teammates full of them self or acting dumb or whateva. (Pick people you know in rl better choice).

All i am saying is stop thinking you would beable to handle it all by your self because there is a 85% chance you cant. Something to think about eh?

I think you don't really get it, the game is on development process.
Once It's done, I'll get team members to redesign the game, draw sprites
and make music for it. once we're a ready time and the game is ready to publish,
I'll get a cheap host (I'm experienced with hosts), Me and my members will start
advertising, in every possible place that that will be the BETA version, We'll let the players
experience the game for like two months, then they will bug report and give suggestions,
And we will release it officially. That's all. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.
I think you don't really get it, the game is on development process.
Once It's done, I'll get team members to redesign the game, draw sprites
and make music for it. once we're a ready time and the game is ready to publish,
I'll get a cheap host (I'm experienced with hosts), Me and my members will start
advertising, in every possible place that that will be the BETA version, We'll let the players
experience the game for like two months, then they will bug report and give suggestions,
And we will release it officially. That's all. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

No. This topic is clear evidence that you have almost no idea what you're doing.
This is going to be more of a ORPG unless you plan to have a massive amount of players playing which I doubt you will.
And I will prove your both what I can do and you can't,
just talk shit out of your ass like you know who I am, but you don't
I already stated why you're wrong. I don't care what you say from now on.
You can SUCK you know what, and by 1/2 weeks you're gonna watch
this thread / my blog / youtube channel and cry cause of what a fail you are.
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