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Difficulty of making a localhost server?

Skilled Illusionist
Jul 20, 2016
Reaction score
I'm quite the beginner when it comes to SQL and stuff like that, though with some help I managed to get a Vindictus local up and running.

What's the most recommended beginner friendly method of setting up a Tera local? Preferably with some info on what steps need to be done in SSMS, since Tera runs on a different engine than Vin does, if that matters.
Feb 2, 2012
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for localhost you dont need to do much..
the working servers for tera are prepared for localhost launching

1. you need a webserver running on port 80(standard)
if you running on a windows system.. one of the easiest ways to start.. install XAMPP or WAMPP
Its a complete Webserver Apache/MySql etc...

2. put the Serverlist files in your Xampp\htdocs\
directory its the root folder of your webserver..
or put the serverlist files to your webserver root folder if you are running od a dedicated or vserver

3. go to
add a database the same you input in the gameserver settings (account table)
import the sql file you get with the server

4. start the launcher and run the game...

tera starting works like..
you start the launcher what gets parameters for username, pass, serverlist address from the GUI
custom launcher starts with the parameter the starter.exe (hacked TL.exe)
the starter.exe checks the serverlist address (there are the ip addresses of the gameservers)
if serverlist is found everything should work fine and the game should start till serverlist selection...
if you click on the server and the server is running on the ip what is in the serverlist file the game will login completly to the lobby...

there are a few launchers (GUIs)
the most are working the same way..

my neolauncher now has config settings. to not use web authorization
so there is no check before a login, you can login with any username or password..
(need to add crypt function for md5 and sha for password now, you can choose to use encryption or not)

i added today russian language to the launcher but the game doestn start for now
(need some edits on the launchstring cause the folders are the same in the RUS client but not in the same order)
when its finished maybe after this weekend im releasing a first compiled version for now...
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