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[DISCUSSION] PW Legacy, hardcore server concept

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 12, 2016
Reaction score
Hi, I'm posting my concept of a PW server. I'd be willing to create a server like that by myself, but I'm more of a developer rather than a assembly hacker. Closed source stuff pushes me away. Feel free to use whatever you reed in here.
---The concept:
You're starting with level 20 and Lv 19 cultivation. You're given a beginner gear for lv 19. Every race starts in their own city. Your very first quests [1] let you level up to level 21.

[1] The very first quests introduce you to the Perfect World in a very "speedrun" way. They actually expect player to know the gameplay mechanics already, but they are still here just for the sake of warming up. These quests are:
* killing some monsters (3 quests)
* digging materials (1 quest)
* crafting potions (1 quest)
The lore is still about defeating the Wraiths.

At level 21 you get the first quest for a dungeon boss (FB19 - Qingzi). The reward is a 1 Star Dragon Orb and a Quick Warmup Pack [2].

[2] Quick Warmup Pack has a 100% chance of giving 1st material-level weapon (for material levels, see [3])

Qingzi is tough and requires a party to be defeated. After defeating it and handing out the quest, there is a dialogue-only questchain explaining gear materials system.

Further on, the lore gets back on track of the official PW.

[3] All dungeons drop gears, that can to decomposed into materials (or they drop materials directly): (additionally, there's a daily quest that gives more materials for killing boss from particular random dungeon, just like the QMaze ones)
* 1st level dungeons (19-39) - 1st level materials
* 2nd level dungeons (51-69) - 2nd-level materials
* 3rd level dungeon (79) - 3rd level materials
* (Pirates theme) As the mobs here are considered pirates, they have a little chance of dropping items from higher-level instances. These items are tradeable (!)
* 4th level dungeons (89):
* Brim - Hell Essence Lv 1
* Eden - Heaven Essence Lv 1 (these both drop from all bosses) <- each boss has different immunity, these dungeons require full squad of different classes to be completed
* 5th level dungeons (99):
* SOD - Hell Essence Lv 2
* Abba - Hell Essence Lv 2 (these both drop from all bosses)
* 6th level dungeons:
* EU - 6th level materials A
* AEU - 6th level materials B (final boss only)
* WS - 6th level materials:
* each boss drops different material, (?) Soul: <element>, they all combine into Ultimate (?)
* FC - 6th level materials:
* First boss - non-material: ?
* Second boss - materials A ?
* Toad - material B1
* Fourth boss - material B2, combines with B1
* Tyrant - material C (x1, as Tyrant is OP, this is a worthy item)

Note: all materials are acc bound.
There are gears/weapons that can be crafted just from 1st level materials, 1st and 2nd level materials etc. This requires players to run even the lower-level dungeons when wanting to upgrade their gear and gives opportunity to help lower-level players.

More notes:
* All the BHs have a chance to give a Dragon Orb of an appropriate level.
* FBs give a lot of experience, they are worth participating in.
* Removed all free quest gears - including Morai and Quicksand ones.
* About crafting: it’s also a way to get your gear, but more likely a boutique one. (for details, see [4])
* No Geographic Map
* Illusion Stone works possibly only for FBs
* Removed Phoenix Valley
* Removed Assasin, Seeker, Mystic classes <- they are useless in party and decrease role of other classes

[4] Cash shop:
* Upgrade items (Mirages/Tienkang/Tisha/Chienkun) <- with possibly increased rates
* Mounts/Flyers
* Fashion, Pigments
* Tome items
* Guardian scrolls
* Identity/Gender change stones
* EXP scrolls
* Inv/Bank/Pet/Acc stones
* Crafting materials
* Wedding items *
**no packs whatsoever**

Points I'm missing:
* What about TT?
* What about FC?