DN 520 virtual machine

Do you have the client?
idk if this ok can you kindly help please
Extract the files
Install vmware
In vmware, add virtual **** from disk, I forgot the exact name but its something like that.
Locate the extracted files then add.
Configure the virtual device, in network, change the NAT to bridge network

And then start the virtual device, there should be apps in the desktop that has sequence,
Start the app by sequence.
After doing that, the server should be up by now so outside of your vm, start the dn client it you should be able to create an account, but the client is on korean so you figure it out 😆

Idont think I can do this f it eats my 16gb ram there's no way for me to run dn also idk how to set up client srry
My Server in Virture Machine already done, but i cant connect to my server, how to fix that ? , thx.
My Server in Virture Machine already done, but i cant connect to my server, how to fix that ? , thx.
Open port from firewall to make it work

1702814937925 - DN 520 virtual machine - RaGEZONE Forums

Here some the port
You can find this on ServerFolder/System/ServerStruct.xml
Hi and thx for sharing this VM server side for the game but it seems i have encountered this probably "rare" bugg some kind of buff that doesnt allow me to use the 2nd Job skills...is there anyone out there have this kind of problem because i used the search here and cant find anything relevant?!
Tiansuo Thx in advanced and the client i am using for this server is 520 korean from llvvhh99.


  • DN_Buff-Bugg - DN 520 virtual machine - RaGEZONE Forums
    500.3 KB · Views: 120
Hi and thx for sharing this VM server side for the game but it seems i have encountered this probably "rare" bugg some kind of buff that doesnt allow me to use the 2nd Job skills...is there anyone out there have this kind of problem because i used the search here and cant find anything relevant?!
Tiansuo Thx in advanced and the client i am using for this server is 520 korean from llvvhh99.
Actually that buff seems to be a positive one, but no i have not encountered this buff or bug.
Will try to replicate this...
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Hi and thx for sharing this VM server side for the game but it seems i have encountered this probably "rare" bugg some kind of buff that doesnt allow me to use the 2nd Job skills...is there anyone out there have this kind of problem because i used the search here and cant find anything relevant?!
Tiansuo Thx in advanced and the client i am using for this server is 520 korean from llvvhh99.

Take note that some 2nd Job need their own weapon type, it could be that your weapon type doesn't match with the class needs.
How do I add special coins for costumes? ( 2 screenshots )
The currency you have already works fine for costumes, some of them require a skill to be selected before you can purchase them. Some costumes may have a level requirement before you can equip them.
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Take note that some 2nd Job need their own weapon type, it could be that your weapon type doesn't match with the class needs.
im TERRIBLY SORRY and it wasnt a bugg but you were right... its just the game is in korean and i ignored the most IMPORTANT part of it and didnt know there was a weapon-class restrictions but played like a casual-idiots... (Havent play the game since 2016 totally forgotten about it)
But still thanks for both of you for really FAST reply~! llvvhh99 nikhafif20

Also last question of mine...can someone please share with me the SQL code scripts to create a GM Account for this DN 520 VM server?!
The default "test" account included with this Server VM is not GM account but normal account instead. (tried using GM command but nothing happen)

I tried the DN lvl 80 scripts and the scripts below but it didnt work any...
(use dnmembership

exec __NX__Createaccount 'yourid','password')

If i need to install and using navicat, can you please teach me how? (This DN 520 VM Server dont use navicat it seems)


  • DN_account-creation-SQL - DN 520 virtual machine - RaGEZONE Forums
    54.3 KB · Views: 94
  • DN_account-login - DN 520 virtual machine - RaGEZONE Forums
    81.3 KB · Views: 102
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hey, kinda new to DN , where to download 520 Eng client or Eng mod for 520 Ch client ty. P.S. 520 is that patch number , right ? then what is 3618 ( on server side it calls Dn 3618 ) P.S.S. any one has link for all patch notes/updates info ? (actual)
If i need to install and using navicat, can you please teach me how?
Sure, I use this version of navicat:

Drag and drop this into your vm, then extract all contents.
Install navi via the navicat16_premium_en_x64.exe leave all as default (accept the terms)
By default Navicat is installed to C:/Program Files/Premium Soft/Navicat Premium 16/

Once finished, extract the Patch.exe form the Patch.rar into the folder navicat was installed to.
Run the Patch.exe and click Patch, once done exit.

Open Navicat and click File > New connection > SQL Server

Connection Name: anything
Authentication: Windows Authentication

Once done your connection name should appear in the top left, click it to reveal the contents,
DNMembership > dbo > functions > _NX_Createaccount > Execute
DNMembership > dbo > Tables > Accounts: edit accounts here

Under AccountLevelCode: 30 is GM and 100 is full admin i think.
Sure, I use this version of navicat:

Drag and drop this into your vm, then extract all contents.
Install navi via the navicat16_premium_en_x64.exe leave all as default (accept the terms)
By default Navicat is installed to C:/Program Files/Premium Soft/Navicat Premium 16/

Once finished, extract the Patch.exe form the Patch.rar into the folder navicat was installed to.
Run the Patch.exe and click Patch, once done exit.

Open Navicat and click File > New connection > SQL Server

Connection Name: anything
Authentication: Windows Authentication

Once done your connection name should appear in the top left, click it to reveal the contents,
DNMembership > dbo > functions > _NX_Createaccount > Execute
DNMembership > dbo > Tables > Accounts: edit accounts here

Under AccountLevelCode: 30 is GM and 100 is full admin i think.
Ohh wow thx a TON and now i know why people preferred navicat since it allows you to view and access the DB of the server's account and edit them literally including cash credit's values. (Under "Cash" column at dbo > Tables within registered account's listing).

Hoped this will help other peoples too and now all i need left is the latest item's ID listing from DN 2023 patch i think.
im TERRIBLY SORRY and it wasnt a bugg but you were right... its just the game is in korean and i ignored the most IMPORTANT part of it and didnt know there was a weapon-class restrictions but played like a casual-idiots... (Havent play the game since 2016 totally forgotten about it)
But still thanks for both of you for really FAST reply~! llvvhh99 nikhafif20

Also last question of mine...can someone please share with me the SQL code scripts to create a GM Account for this DN 520 VM server?!
The default "test" account included with this Server VM is not GM account but normal account instead. (tried using GM command but nothing happen)

I tried the DN lvl 80 scripts and the scripts below but it didnt work any...
(use dnmembership

exec __NX__Createaccount 'yourid','password')

If i need to install and using navicat, can you please teach me how? (This DN 520 VM Server dont use navicat it seems)

Your second image is connection error to login
to fix edit !登陆.bat in notepad
Put your VM Ipv4 address in there instead


Sure, I use this version of navicat:

Drag and drop this into your vm, then extract all contents.
Install navi via the navicat16_premium_en_x64.exe leave all as default (accept the terms)
By default Navicat is installed to C:/Program Files/Premium Soft/Navicat Premium 16/

Once finished, extract the Patch.exe form the Patch.rar into the folder navicat was installed to.
Run the Patch.exe and click Patch, once done exit.

Open Navicat and click File > New connection > SQL Server

Connection Name: anything
Authentication: Windows Authentication

Once done your connection name should appear in the top left, click it to reveal the contents,
DNMembership > dbo > functions > _NX_Createaccount > Execute
DNMembership > dbo > Tables > Accounts: edit accounts here

Under AccountLevelCode: 30 is GM and 100 is full admin i think.

I got the game booted and edited my account level to 99/100
I can use some commands like /go /hide on-off
but whenever I try to use commands like /makeitem etc
I get "Do not have permission"

Is there anything else I need to edit in the database to grant admin ?

Solved: Account level 99 in two DB tables
Make sure to make the account level admin first before making the character
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hey, kinda new to DN , where to download 520 Eng client or Eng mod for 520 Ch client ty. P.S. 520 is that patch number , right ? then what is 3618 ( on server side it calls Dn 3618 ) P.S.S. any one has link for all patch notes/updates info ? (actual)
DN English Pak:
does anyone have dn 556 without this kinda virus client 556 ? or does it work with other client like 520