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DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
use dragonnest CN client, update it to 331version
then put the client update file in it
cashshop work,fix some character skill problem
UI fix,New ancient level equipment supported
y1svBkK - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums

nOwmdBe - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums

wTipcqR - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums

Ll4wKVc - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums

link: pwd:u0awrf

If you cant update the client
check the link again ,I upload a fix called ,put those file in C:\php52\WWW
, then you can update the client

Sept 15 update:
A new GameRes and its client update pack
got it from a private server
fix lots of things
JLS0rZ0 - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums
FL3Lfwz - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums

9SDwcqx - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums
tloqQ2A - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums
nelu4wb - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums


Mod edit: Mirrors & virus scan by kent666
Mirror for those who want to set up outside VMware. All files are tested and working on my end.
These are just server files. Download the game client on dragon nest sdo.

client-patch.rar - patches the client
db.rar - contains the backup database
DN95EX-IDs.7z - ID # for item, map, monster, skill, article, job
GameRes.rar - extract to the server files
patch.rar - extract to \php5.2\WWW\GX\
php5.2.rar - web server files
server.rar - server files w/ out gameres ( )

Use MSSQL 2014 in restoring the databases and create an account.
User: DragonNest
Pass: skQmsgozj!*sha
Port: 32152


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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
servers, patch folder acces failed?
check the link again, I upload fix file
put those file in C:\php52
then it will work
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 14, 2015
Reaction score
Also can you share your database in a link?
thank you.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
How to fix it?
B1n8NA7 - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums


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Experienced Elementalist
Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
how to script SQL Create Account

USE [dnmembership_80EX]GODECLARE return_value intEXEC return_value = [dbo].[P_AddAccount]@nvcAccountName = N'lollipop1',@inyAccountLevelCode = 99,@inyCharacterCreateLimit = 4,@inyCharacterMaxCount = 4,@dt2LastLoginDate = NULL,@vchLastLoginIP = NULL IntLastSessionID = NULL,@vchJoinIP = NULL,@inyPublisherCode = 4,@inyGenderCode = NULL DaTBirthDate = NULL,@vchPassphrase = N'lollipop',@inyNationalityCode = NULL,@inyChannelPartnerCode = NULLSELECT 'Return Value' = return_valueGO
Elite Diviner
Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Create Account By Me

use dnmembership_80EX
exec __NX__CreateAccount 'akane','123123','scha@gmail.com'

Account level

0=player, 10=new, 20=monitoring, 30=master, 90=QA/GM, 100=developer
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 16, 2017
Reaction score
Very Good... I like you for the courage to share a DN 95EX server.

Good Luck Always. :thumbup1:
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 16, 2018
Reaction score
How to fix it?
B1n8NA7 - DN 95EX Vmware Server file + Client update pack and fix+ Item id list - RaGEZONE Forums

Same, stuck on this part too. When i attempt to start it, Those error message will appear.
I already replaced WWW that within php5.2. Hopefully someone could make a fleshed out tutorial.


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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
Mirror for files found on baidu which includes the patch, gameres, client patch, and IDs.

Not sure if the files got uploaded correctly though. So, just test it and hopefully it's not broken or anything.

Can't mirror the files found on tencent (weiyun). It's too big for me. You can just download it using IDM anyway.

Same, stuck on this part too. When i attempt to start it, Those error message will appear.
I already replaced WWW that within php5.2. Hopefully someone could make a fleshed out tutorial.

It's already been answered on page 1. Just copy the execute files on PatchFolder\exe.

Same, stuck on this part too. When i attempt to start it, Those error message will appear.
I already replaced WWW that within php5.2. Hopefully someone could make a fleshed out tutorial.

It's already been answered on page 1. Just copy the execute files on PatchFolder\exe.
Initiate Mage
Oct 15, 2014
Reaction score
Mirror for files found on baidu which includes the patch, gameres, client patch, and IDs.

Not sure if the files got uploaded correctly though. So, just test it and hopefully it's not broken or anything.

Can't mirror the files found on tencent (weiyun). It's too big for me. You can just download it using IDM anyway.

It's already been answered on page 1. Just copy the execute files on PatchFolder\exe.

It's already been answered on page 1. Just copy the execute files on PatchFolder\exe.

sory.how to fix stuck at login screen