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Echo of Soul Level 70

Jan 24, 2007
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attached from Ekey

this one is from:

May as well add the 2 threads associated:

you tried using LineAge tools to extract textures?here i extract utx using l2 tools.
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Junior Spellweaver
Jun 20, 2014
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Please can you help me, I'm still confused when installing Capi and EWM, I used Capi with phpStudy and EWM with IIS, but port 80 can't because IIS used EWM port 80, so what about Capi using phpStudy and before I tried opening always appears "session id not found" ..thank you
Dec 3, 2010
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I don't know we wrote that or not so I just do now...
So if you got the php api working it's fair enough. EWM is only management tool.
If you don't wanna mess up with iis, just use something simple webserver and php combo for api, that can be xamp for example

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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 13, 2018
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First of all, Thank you @DNC and @Hycker for tutorials and files!
Everything works, i mean servers + EWM, but...

Please can you help me, I'm still confused when installing Capi and EWM, I used Capi with phpStudy and EWM with IIS, but port 80 can't because IIS used EWM port 80, so what about Capi using phpStudy and before I tried opening always appears "session id not found" ..thank you

@Adi Diplong have right, I installed like tut says IIS with all required settings, but i have same problem like before and like he has.

EWM works on my LAN IP,but API does not on, i mean IIS work becouse i placed in capi folder php.info and it works, but API files dont.

It just says like @Adi Diplong wrote - session id not found.

I was playing around with IIS settings for API itself, changed "default Documents":

- 1st listed index.php - it shows session id not found
-then changed and 1st listed session.php - it asked me for Login and Password, after writing crecidencials is shows session id not found
- then changed and 1st listed login.php - it shows FAIL
- then i removed from API "default Documents": all .php files - it shows now what is in CAPI folder in browser

I changed in all API files user from "admin_eos_api" to "sa" to "eos" + my passwords - still same
I changed mysql admin-login on "admin_eos_api" and "sa" and "eos" tryied all with reconnecting server with those crecidentials - still same.

So IIS is working, EWM is working, API does not, seems like it is something wrong only with this api.

There is also .htaccess file in CAPI folder, as far as i know .htaccess is file from apache, so this api someone was using on apache or something?

Maybe you have other CAPI folder and some settings are diffrent thats why it dont work for us...idk.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
You didnt understand.
I did like your tut. Installed from link php for iis 10.
What i mean is when i lunch on iis 2 websites with 2 different IP and same port or i lunch only 1 website (api) API dont work. PHP code do not execute like it should.
And yes i did checked if PHP is working on IIS with info.php and it does, so config is good.
EWM works.
Anyway i did leave EWM on IIS becouse there it works and i installed Xammp. Configured it on and port 81. Problem is still The same. It show that there is no session message like we wrote in eariel post.
Something is wrong with php code in capi or i am just stupid

Happy New Year
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 3, 2018
Reaction score
You definitely have something incorrect.

Did you even try to use

Validate if you can even get an auth code.

What is the problem of creating a video tutorial on installing a server from 0? For newbies? This would be much more effective than answering every stupid question from users! Video instruction would save everyone from problems!

You ask for a separate section for this game, but there is no 1 tutorial for setting up and running this game! That's funny!

The real help is to help the whole community learn to use private servers, and not just help those who already understand this! Do you understand me? If you take other games, such as L2 or Perfect World, you can find thousands of guides and video installation instructions, which makes it possible for anyone, even the most inexperienced user, to open their server! And then what you are doing is just ridiculous, asking to open a branch for the game and at the same time not even normally demonstrating the operation of server files!

sorry if I write incomprehensibly or with errors, I use google translator

Make a video installation where you will do absolutely all the steps from 0! Imagine that you are making this video for an average computer user who can only open a browser and social networks! Take an example from other video tutorials, leave links to all the necessary programs that the server requires, show the installation of these most necessary components! And then, you really will do something useful, and hundreds of newcomers will thank you!After all, the game itself is not popular, but if hundreds of administrators open private servers, perhaps the game will gain popularity
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Jan 24, 2007
Reaction score
What is the problem of creating a video tutorial on installing a server from 0? For newbies? This would be much more effective than answering every stupid question from users! Video instruction would save everyone from problems!

You ask for a separate section for this game, but there is no 1 tutorial for setting up and running this game! That's funny!

The real help is to help the whole community learn to use private servers, and not just help those who already understand this! Do you understand me? If you take other games, such as L2 or Perfect World, you can find thousands of guides and video installation instructions, which makes it possible for anyone, even the most inexperienced user, to open their server! And then what you are doing is just ridiculous, asking to open a branch for the game and at the same time not even normally demonstrating the operation of server files!

sorry if I write incomprehensibly or with errors, I use google translator

Make a video installation where you will do absolutely all the steps from 0! Imagine that you are making this video for an average computer user who can only open a browser and social networks! Take an example from other video tutorials, leave links to all the necessary programs that the server requires, show the installation of these most necessary components! And then, you really will do something useful, and hundreds of newcomers will thank you!After all, the game itself is not popular, but if hundreds of administrators open private servers, perhaps the game will gain popularity

there is already enough information here to mount the EOS server without any problem.the big problem is that people do not seek to understand how the server works, want everything ready without having any work.these files work perfectly without major problems.try at least brother.
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Dec 3, 2010
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@herser stop using drugs! Drugs are bad mkay?
Do you have any idea how much time took to me to get ingame first time? I had no tutorial, I had no clue where to start, I had not working api and I had no any idea what's that game. I'll help ya, it took like 2 weeks to me, all day like 5-6 hours to try and fail. When I gave the stuff for DNC he also fucked up with few days. Now when you gets the proper files, preconfigured everything, several tutorial, hints, tips writed down and you asking for video tutorial for avarege users? Tbh an avarege user is nothing to do in Ragezone, it's basically developement forum. You HAVE TO KNOW not even basic of computing but you have to be better then avarege.

But I agree with one thing. This answer was waste of time... But I guess to understand this post you need a video tutorial... Doh

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 13, 2018
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If i go to - it shows FAIL
If i go to - it shows Session ID not found
And no i cannot get auth code

You wrote eariel in this Topic that you dont use CAPI from this Topic. Maybe you will try lunch CAPI from here and see if it works?
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 3, 2018
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Just going to add:
Myself and others that post what to do, have gone through all the labors to get the most important of information out to Community Members.
We at no time get paid to do so, this is all personal time, assisting those of this Community.
I will not be talked down to by anyone, especially with demands for a video, and even less so when you disrespect my request for a section (where tutorial Might had been added).
None of those mentioned games (in your initial post) had 100's or 1000's of tutorial threads, in the Initial Release Thread (by the way, this is an initial Release Thread).
They had Threads in their respective Sections, elaborating on further details.
Even for the Rare few Releases that had Video Tutorials in them, it isn't a requirement.

For someone elaborating how we're failing to help our fellow Community Members....
Get off that high horse and Contribute yourself...
Apparently you did not understand me, I said this not with the purpose of angering someone, but with the purpose that someone would prepare the entire instruction for beginners! If I had enough knowledge I would do it for the whole community! If you are annoyed by the simple request of a simple person, then I have nothing to talk about with you! All the best to you, and be clever at shouting for less!
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 13, 2018
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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
Edited post above yours with links.

Did what you requested:

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
I was to fast... let me first do what you added to post
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 16, 2005
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Use this to register for account:
Then use this to login:
The login API will return an token string, create an start.bat with this content

@echo off
start EOS.EXE /AuthCode=5e3bcc65192e80618297ea071bf01d005d590de3aa5fcc5803a18dc682a11878 HOST= PORT=12557 HOSTLOGIN= PORTLOGIN=12567

Hope it help.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
when i put it into browser (manualy) like you suggested, then first link to create acc works, secound link to login (dont)work, i mean browser i see FAIL, but in phpMyAdmin it shows that this account was created and recieved Token. When i again manually write simillar link with ...capi/gen_code.php?username=kozak1234&password=1234 then i get that code in browser
Manualy like @maqui suggested works, but not like it should (at least i think so) with index.php-> and later redirects

After changing what you requested:

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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
I have all yours .json files. You uploaded it on page 10 or 12 i dont remember but i have them, so url is good