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Forsaken World [ Server Files ]

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2009
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isn`t it enough to have a good playing time?

true, never said they will be bad servers. Just stating the difference.

Just like some older versions of PWI can be good too =p
Junior Spellweaver
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Want to know the difference between all these servers and Halcyon? Well these are client .70 and lets say halcyon is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay above that lol

I don't know about you, but I'd rather play on an older server with a free - semi free cash shop than a higher server (which honestly doesn't matter by much) with a minimal cash shop where it is hard to get anything without paying.

Halcyon should re-think how it plans to make money. They should put essentials and some things in for free like Fashion, and put in only cosmetic and other things to help speed up leveling but not make it impossible for free players to get it as well.

If I were them, I would put 1 or 2 Fashion sets in Cash Shop, the slower mounts (1 or 2), and 1 or 2 of the CS pets. I'd put in World Chat items, Mercury Statuette, and some other items all into the NPC for either Soul Gold or Normal Gold. Normal Gold would be a better idea and would limit people from easily getting all of these items.

Back on topic though.. Cmon.. We want a good FW server with a nice cash shop, and maybe 1 or 2 fun servers.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2009
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I don't know about you, but I'd rather play on an older server with a free - semi free cash shop than a higher server (which honestly doesn't matter by much) with a minimal cash shop where it is hard to get anything without paying.

Halcyon should re-think how it plans to make money. They should put essentials and some things in for free like Fashion, and put in only cosmetic and other things to help speed up leveling but not make it impossible for free players to get it as well.

If I were them, I would put 1 or 2 Fashion sets in Cash Shop, the slower mounts (1 or 2), and 1 or 2 of the CS pets. I'd put in World Chat items, Mercury Statuette, and some other items all into the NPC for either Soul Gold or Normal Gold. Normal Gold would be a better idea and would limit people from easily getting all of these items.

Back on topic though.. Cmon.. We want a good FW server with a nice cash shop, and maybe 1 or 2 fun servers.

Well they did mini events to give out fashion coupons so most the server has fashion. World chats are already in the NPC, merc stats would ruin the economy if they were in the npc. They will add higher sold coins rate which is already tested and working through mobs to get people out in the field and not just stay in town all day. There is already a perm mount they give you at lvl 10, instead of a timed one.

shard equipment for the higher ones have been reduced a bit and they are thinking of making it cost 0 soul coins so all you need is shards.

the way the voting is now also you can get lots of merc stas daily about 3. So gold is easy also.

lots of stuff goin on.
Junior Spellweaver
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Don't you only get a few silver leaves per vote or something? No idea, but I still think it'd be nice to have a server that fully focuses on giving things out for free, or at least more free.

You know what I mean.. A server that focuses more so on the people and less on the income. A server that is made for PVP and other parts of the game. :X
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
Don't you only get a few silver leaves per vote or something? No idea, but I still think it'd be nice to have a server that fully focuses on giving things out for free, or at least more free.

You know what I mean.. A server that focuses more so on the people and less on the income. A server that is made for PVP and other parts of the game. :X

I do agree on that, but not 100% free, because things do cost money like server cost of maybe advertisement etc.

and no you get 10-13 leaves per vote with 3 votes every 12hrs so 60-78 leaves a day and merc stats are only 20 leaves ea and it takes like 2 weeks to get a pet which isn't bad and fashion is easy to get with it too.
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Junior Spellweaver
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Odd. Did they lower prices or something? I remember it seeming impossible to get anything with how much they gave out daily.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
Odd. Did they lower prices or something? I remember it seeming impossible to get anything with how much they gave out daily.

they raised the voting a tad. Things will go much more smoothly now.
Junior Spellweaver
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
You said they will allow soul gold to drop from mobs soon? I just want to make sure I heard you right. If so, then you're right.. Halcyon will be great.

Everything aside, I still would enjoy some fun with a lot of customs and high rates and free items. :p
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
You said they will allow soul gold to drop from mobs soon? I just want to make sure I heard you right. If so, then you're right.. Halcyon will be great.

Everything aside, I still would enjoy some fun with a lot of customs and high rates and free items. :p

yeah they will fully implement higher soul coin drops , in sea of oblivion they will drop like around 1 soul silver so that means at the higher lvl places they will be close to 1 soul gold per mob XD
Newbie Spellweaver
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
The server is still new, so that means we are constantly changing things to better suit the players. Yes we have SC working on our test server will be putting it on the venders. Making shard armors no charge for SC and already lowered the shards needed to get them.

You do get a free mount and a free bag extender and what not. We are also adding more stuff to the drops. We are constantly looking at what the players want and doing our edits. There are a few servers out there stuck in their ways we are not one of them.

But before talking about how bad a server is and what not just read our patch notes and see how we talk with the players to let them know what we are doing. We love the game just as much as any one in here.

I also hope there are more servers that come up, you haven't once seen me in here yelling at any one or any thing. I think it's great you guys got the game to work grats it was a lot of work I know we went through it as well. Sorry I couldn't of been of any help but you are all smart enough to do what we did :)

But look forward to seeing every ones work =)
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Experienced Elementalist
Sep 12, 2004
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As usual I will be working on a FREE/NO-DONATION server. I feel that I am not ready right now but I am working towards that. I have no idea of the game or whatsoever so I am in the process of learning the game mechanics and all.

AFAIK, Vendetta will be launching their FW on March 26th so expect great if not good things from VGN. They are masters of customizations.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
As usual I will be working on a FREE/NO-DONATION server. I feel that I am not ready right now but I am working towards that. I have no idea of the game or whatsoever so I am in the process of learning the game mechanics and all.

AFAIK, Vendetta will be launching their FW on March 26th so expect great if not good things from VGN. They are masters of customizations.

What did you expect they are Vendetta :tongue: Nah they are a good network as well. I expect some nice things as well.
Junior Spellweaver
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Vendetta FW is launching on the 26th? Can you show me where they said that? :D I believe you, but just would like a link if possible.

EDIT: Just found out on their forum. The FW server will start beta this Monday, and last 5 days, then go live on the coming Monday.

They also got these JD2 files, so they will be opening up a server for that as well. Exciting! ^^
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Loyal Member
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
Beta is on 26th Release is 2nd,

Also for those who are having issues with adding Cubi/Leaves first thing is to remember 1 Cubi Gold = 4 Leaves so 25,000 cubi is 100,000 and so on.

Also, the fix is because gdelivery some reason runs of aid 19 and your adding usecashnow aid = 1 instead of setting it to 19 if you set to 19 the leaves will send to you character no problem :)

I also hear there are issues with picking up items in instances? its causing some kind of mass dc... dunno but can anyone verify this?


The only error I have came across is an error in Java when logging out of the game:

at protocol.Enthrallment$DelayTask.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at protocol.Enthrallment$DelayTask.run(Unknown Source)
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:534)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:484)

No idea whats causing it since I have double checked this class but I suspect its possibly a point issue since it is updated upon logging in and out.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Beta is on 26th Release is 2nd,

Also for those who are having issues with adding Cubi/Leaves first thing is to remember 1 Cubi Gold = 4 Leaves so 25,000 cubi is 100,000 and so on.

Also, the fix is because gdelivery some reason runs of aid 19 and your adding usecashnow aid = 1 instead of setting it to 19 if you set to 19 the leaves will send to you character no problem :)

I also hear there are issues with picking up items in instances? its causing some kind of mass dc... dunno but can anyone verify this?


The only error I have came across is an error in Java when logging out of the game:

at protocol.Enthrallment$DelayTask.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at protocol.Enthrallment$DelayTask.run(Unknown Source)
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:534)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:484)

No idea whats causing it since I have double checked this class but I suspect its possibly a point issue since it is updated upon logging in and out.

from this post.
Enthrallment Protocol?!
* Its a new service introduced on the newer versions of the AUTHD
* Its some kind of *testing* schema or event system
* The previous release by SEModer had it working already good except for a check function with the UserLogout
* I replaced with some other files so the new authd can run fine...
* Enthrallment.data still missing tho...
* If you want to test what this protocol does, follow the instructions:
-> rename the /root/mauthd/build/protocol_original to /root/mauthd/build/protocol
-> open the /etc/authd.conf and change enable_enthrallment to true
-> restart your server
-> Now every user loged will see an yellow/green icon on top-middle screen showing an switching timer... this timers defines how long you can play the game
and how long you will do *nothing*.. yes.. you will be meditating... not sure whats exactly this function stands for... but its pretty useless anyway.
Junior Spellweaver
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hey nofx. I registered on the VGN forums, but have yet to be approved so I can see the forums. I activated my account via email, but it said I was in some moderator queue for approval. You think you could just go and auto approve me? Viney1 is my name there.

PS: How will you go about recruiting people for the beta. Will you open a new topic on your forum, or just let people say 'I want in' on your current thread in Announcements about it?

PSS: What's the status on your JD server you're working on? Will it be using the recently released JD2 files, and if so, does it have the newest classes, or only up to Celan/Rayan like I saw? Lastly, when will it start its testing?
Skilled Illusionist
Apr 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hey nofx. I registered on the VGN forums, but have yet to be approved so I can see the forums. I activated my account via email, but it said I was in some moderator queue for approval. You think you could just go and auto approve me? Viney1 is my name there.

PS: How will you go about recruiting people for the beta. Will you open a new topic on your forum, or just let people say 'I want in' on your current thread in Announcements about it?

PSS: What's the status on your JD server you're working on? Will it be using the recently released JD2 files, and if so, does it have the newest classes, or only up to Celan/Rayan like I saw? Lastly, when will it start its testing?

Since bash is sleeping,ill asnwer on this since im dev in vendetta,ull acc wil lget approved asap a gm/mod will see it,beta will be open beta and everyone will be able to join it and about jd,we are gonna use latest files.

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