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FW Server Source Research.

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 15, 2020
Reaction score
---My own Server Compiler(Built on VMWARE 16):

This VM contains both v305 & v306 default Server Sources from shenmo.7z and I have used skills source from december 3rd 2015 from wskill_gen.2015-12-04.tgz that @Fyyre has shared.


VM login:

I had to update my server compiler because the First Server Compiler had bugs preventing from compiling skills & gdeliveryd properly.

---Useful links:
*This is the fedora archive website to download Fedora old operating systems and much more!

*As stated by Fyyre,you need Fedora core 2 (i386):
->In the same link datcom has uploaded a server compiler built on Virtualbox for us to have fun with!

*Make sure source code is in unix formatting & Download Fyyre's wnet_build script:

*Look at the steps to disable the mole explained by Fyyre:

*In this thread Fyyre gives information about FW Exploitation in a post:

*How to make in-game mail sent instantly:
->Overall, the delay does prevent cheating as stated by Bola.

*This thread hold insights and basics about skills that are helpful for beginners:

---Tips to make your own compiler?
*When you use the VMware Machine wizard,use the option "I will install the operating system later"

*It's advised to use Host-only networking or internal network.
->It's risky to connect to internet with Fedora Core 2.

*After you mount the FC2-i386-DVD.iso ,It's a waste of time to test the CD before installing the Operating System.
*It's necessary to use Server Workstation on Chinese Simplified languaged and install Development tools which are necessary to compile the binaries!
Otherwise you will have issues with encoding and chinese characters and other bugs.

---How to set permissions recursively using winscp?
1)select all files or folder and set permissions to 0755 and right click on the folder.
2)Click on Properties.
3)Set the permission to 0755 like this:

---Server Binaries:
There are multiple binaries that can be obtained depending on the folder:

*gdeliveryd[game delivery daemon]
*glinkd[game link daemon]
*gqueryd[It's used for world era,bid guild base rifts and auction house]
*unamed or uniquenamed[uniquename daemon it manage names for toons guilds etc..]
->it helps you compile libskill.so which is necessary to be able to compile the gs.
*gs[game server?]

---Server Libs:
I-wnet: {iowlibs & qtoplist}
II-wgame{collision & pathfinding}
->It's all thanks to Gothic and his generosity before he quit.

Libs necessary to compile FW server source:

---How to fix and compile gqueryd[Milos,Mistigri,Gothic]:
can_auction.h lists the structures that contains items that can be put in auction house.
1)Download can_auction.h for v305 from here:

2)You could just edit the makefile in wnet/gqueryd by:
*Removing the use of the gen_can_auction.
*Making sure the file doesn't get deleted with "make clean"
->In order to use on earlier version just remove structures that don't exist in that version.

---Useful Commands for server Compiler:

#change keyboard type[It only works if multiple languages are installed]:

#Directory Commands:
cd root
cd /root/FW/wnet

#Go previous directory:
cd .. 

#Run a file or script:

make clean

#Clear the screen:

#Create logs:
make >& /root/FW/logs/gdeliveryd.log

#Change CVS address to [Milos's fix]:
grep -Iirl ":.*@.*[0-9]/" . | xargs sed -i 's/'

#Copy files:
cp /root/FW/wgame/gs/libtask.so /root/FW/output

#install package name
yum install pcre-devel

#Search for a package
yum search pcre

->We copy libtask.so from the following directory /root/FW/wgame/gs into /root/FW/output
->You can use comand to copy libskill from wskil to wgame/gs as you will eventually need libskill to be in that folder to compile gs.

--Cert patch in gdeliveryd[Friend's fix]:
Gdeliveryd wont work without that cert editing Because the auth we use is mysql db.
->just edit certanswer.hpp and comment the following lines
    virtual    void Process(Manager *manager, Manager::Session::ID sid)
        LOG_TRACE("receive CertAnswer from au ok,zoneid=%d,aid=%d",GDeliveryServer::GetInstance()->zoneid,GDeliveryServer::GetInstance()->aid);
        GAuthClient *acm = GAuthClient::GetInstance();
        //if(acm->bl_keepalive) return;
        gdeliverd::Cert cert((unsigned char*)authd_cert.begin(), authd_cert.size());
[B]//        if (cert.VerifyCert() == 0){
//            GNET::Log::log(LOG_ERR,"Error to verify the cert");
//            exit(-1);
//        }

//        if (cert.VerifyCertByCA() == 0){
//            GNET::Log::log(LOG_ERR,"Error to verify the cert by CA");
//            exit(-1);
//        }[/B]

---Fix gdeliveryd error due to Pcre:

Method 1:
upload pcre-4.5-2.src.rpm from FC2-i386-SRPMS-disc1 into /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS

You will use the following commands
cd /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS
rpm -vv -Uvh pcre-4.5-2.src.rpm

cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
rpmbuild -ba pcre.spec

cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
make install
Don't forget to copy pcre.h and pcreposix.h from /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/pcre-4.5 to /usr/include/pcre
This method isn't a good choice.It's the first method I came up with.

Method 2:
1)Modify yum repository and make it use the Fedora archive website
Source -> 2)Make sure your FC2 is connected to network until you install the needed packages then go back to host-only network.
3)Make sure all pcre packages are installed properly for gdeliveryd to compile.
yum install pcre
yum install pcre-devel

This is the best method I have came up with to install packages properly while ensuring the right dependencies are installed in this old FC2 Operating system.

I have to thank the people who helped me advance in my work this summer and gave me support.
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Experienced Elementalist
Nov 1, 2015
Reaction score
for some reason the like button isn't working after the latest firefox update, i just logged in with chrome to like a few posts including this one from mist
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 15, 2020
Reaction score
*unamed is broken by default in all server sources because dbmerge.cpp "PRID64" has to be changed to lld
printf("roleid=%"PRId64" not in map\n", roleid);
printf("roleid=%lld not in map\n", roleid);

*Rules.make in wgame must be changed into

*I have added my mknow.sh script in my Server compiler.It can compile any version through editing the HOME directory.It's based on Fyyre's wnet build script and a Friend's script.

cd $HOME/wnet
chmod +x rpcgen
chmod +x rpc/xmlcoder.pl
chmod +x gamedbd/dbtypesgen.pl
chmod +x gamedbd/dbdetachgen.pl
chmod +x gqueryd/can_auction_gen.sh
chmod +x gqueryd/dumpgen.pl
chmod +x mkiowlib
rm gqueryd/include/libcommon.a
ln -s $HOME/wgame/libcommon.a gqueryd/include/libcommon.a

if [ ! -d $HOME/server-fw/ ]; then
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/logs
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/gdeliveryd
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/gamedbd
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/backdbd
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/uniquenamed
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/glinkd
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/gqueryd
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/gamed
mkdir $HOME/server-fw/logservice

echo "COMMON..."
cd $HOME/wnet/common
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/1_Common.log

echo "PERF..."
cd $HOME/wnet/perf
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/2_perf.log

echo "IO..."
cd $HOME/wnet/io
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/3_io.log
make lib &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/3_io_Lib.log

echo "===GAMEDBD..."
cd $HOME/wnet/gamedbd
make clean
make &> $HOME/server-fw/logs/4_gamedbd.log
cp $HOME/wnet/gamedbd/gamedbd.wdb $HOME/server-fw/gamedbd/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "===BACKDBD..."
cd $HOME/wnet/backdbd
make clean >/devnull 2>&1
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/5_backdbd.log
cp $HOME/wnet/backdbd/backdbd $HOME/server-fw/backdbd/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "===GDELIVERYD..."
cd $HOME/wnet/gdeliveryd
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/6_gdeliveryd.log
cp $HOME/wnet/gdeliveryd/gdeliveryd $HOME/server-fw/gdeliveryd/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "===GLINKD..."
cd $HOME/wnet/glinkd
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/7_glinkd.log
cp $HOME/wnet/glinkd/glinkd $HOME/server-fw/glinkd/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "===GQUERYD..."
cd $HOME/wnet/gqueryd
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/8_gqueryd.log
cp $HOME/wnet/gqueryd/gqueryd $HOME/server-fw/gqueryd/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "generate logclient ..."
cd $HOME/wnet/logclient
make clean
make -f Makefile.gs &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/9_logclient.log
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "GAMED ..."
cd $HOME/wnet/gamed
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/10_gamed.log
make lib &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/10_gamed_lib.log
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "GDBCLIENT ..."
cd $HOME/wnet/gdbclient
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/11_gdbclient.log
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "STORAGE ..."
cd $HOME/wnet/storage
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/12_storage.log
make lib &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/12_storage_Lib.log
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "SHM..."
cd $HOME/wnet/shm
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/13_shm.log
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "===QTOPLIST..."
cd $HOME/wnet/qtoplist
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/14_qtoplist.log
cp $HOME/wnet/qtoplist/toplist $HOME/server-fw/gamed/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "===UNIQUENAMED..."
cd $HOME/wnet/unamed
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/15_uniquenamed.log
cp $HOME/wnet/unamed/unamed $HOME/server-fw/uniquenamed/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "===LOGSERVICE..."
cd $HOME/wnet/logservice
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/16_logservice.log
cp $HOME/wnet/logservice/logservice $HOME/server-fw/logservice/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "Create iowlibs ..."
cd $HOME/wnet
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "Make iowlibs ..."
cd $HOME/wnet/io
make lib
cd $HOME/wnet/gamed
make lib
cd $HOME/wnet/storage
make lib 
make clean

echo "Make Libgs ..."
cd $HOME/wgame/libgs
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/17_libgs.log

echo "===LIBSKILL..."
cd $HOME/wskill/skill
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/18_libskill.log
cp $HOME/wskill/skill/libskill.so $HOME/wgame/gs
cp $HOME/wskill/skill/libskill.so $HOME/server-fw/gamed/
echo "=== Done! ==="

echo "===GS..."
cd $HOME/wgame
cd gs
make clean
make &>  $HOME/server-fw/logs/19_gs.log
cp $HOME/wgame/gs/gs $HOME/server-fw/gamed/
cp $HOME/wgame/gs/libtask.so $HOME/server-fw/gamed/
echo "=== Done! ==="
In my new Compiler can_auction.h got generated properly without that fix on gqueryd.
However this VM is very sensitive.Installing a new package has a chance to break stuff.

I hope this will be of help to beginners who want to learn how to compile FW server sources for the fun.
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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
Mistigri Hello Mistigri,can you add the source code of 253/260 to the virtual machine?I tried to use the virtual machine you shared to compile dysil_server,wnet and wskill were successful, but gs encountered some confusing errors.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 15, 2020
Reaction score
There are duplicate files and some mess within dysil server source. I did notice that these server sources for FW253/260 were a bit messed up.

*Here is an archive for FW253,I repaired years ago.


Sorry,I don't want to bother myself to add them in release. For Dysil it may be doable but for v260 it's too much of a mess. wgame for v260 is way too broken.
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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
There are duplicate files and some mess within dysil server source. I did notice that these server sources for FW253/260 were a bit messed up.

*Here is an archive for FW253,I repaired years ago.


Sorry,I don't want to bother myself to add them in release. For Dysil it may be doable but for v260 it's too much of a mess. wgame for v260 is way too broken.

Thank you, I will try to compile it. About 260, it does mix a lot of source code from other versions. You previously shared gs and libskill.so when solving "Rune cooldown Bug"​

, so I guess you have already solved the compilation problem of v260, which was indeed a troublesome matter.Because the source code for 262 has not been released, I can only try to fix 260, but I have no confidence in fixing it​

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 15, 2020
Reaction score
The idea of this thread for me was to use public releases to make a compiler. Anything else,I won't interfere in without having permission to share. I can only help with my acquired knowledge.
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
The idea of this thread for me was to use public releases to make a compiler. Anything else,I won't interfere in without having permission to share. I can only help with my acquired knowledge.
I support your position and thank you for sharing what you have learned