getSession() problem

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 6, 2014
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all the files in im server have that
WsQbyR4 - getSession() problem - RaGEZONE Forums
every line with getSession() in it got an error. i have no idea why, and the source is complied without any errors

Thank you fraysa the solution for this problem and i quote what i did.
The solution for me was to close NetBeans, clear the NetBeans cache and restart NetBeans. I was using version 8.0 and the location of the cache for me is:
I deleted everything in the folder and on the next run everything was fine.

Now when i login and type the pic it redirct me to and the game is closes
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FCode, likely you havent added apache mina to your required library.

Do you have discord? I'm happy to help.
i add all of them: mina-code, mysql-connector-java-bin, slf4j-api, slf4j-jdk14
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