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Giving away some "Winner!!!" tags

Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score

If you are a "normal" user without a subscription then you can win yourself a lovely "winner!!!" tag. These tags are not purchasable and are give-away tags only. You'll have full full access to hidden sections and complete access to the arcade too!

If you want one then reply here with the most stupid thing you have done in your life! Don't make up any crap , keep it legit! Those who I find stupidly stupid (haha!) will get the lovely account upgrade for TEN DAYS!

I give away around ten or so, possibly more, depending on how silly the stories are! Good luck.:rolleyes:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
I took a dump, and it sorta blocked the toilet. Me being me decided to try and unblock it, and since we didn't have any plungers around, I decided to use a hanger. I used it, managed to unblock it, but now I had poo on the end. I threw it out of the window, and thought that was that.
An hour or two later, my mum opened the garden door, and there it was, the hanger. Bad thing is there was small pieces of poo on the patio :(
Experienced Elementalist
Nov 13, 2011
Reaction score
Stupidest thing Ive ever done in my life.. hum.

Must be when me and my friend took candy from store and didn't pay for it. after stealed like 20 candy storeowner came and wanted me to follow him, we did it and we came to his office and he asked us why we stealed candy. I answered I didn't know why. I mean, I was kind of rich but didnt want to pay for it. Soo it ended if me and my friend didn't steal anything on one year the police won't do anything to us.. phew

EDIT: btw it feelt so embrassing when owner and our parents asked us why we did it.. ;-;
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
The dumbest I've done is, one day I ordered a new video card waited for it 2 days, when the day came I was out of home for like 10-20 minutes there wasn't anybody home, when I was back I found a letter written on it, we will be back tomorrow to deliver the package, and I was like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
I took a dump, and it sorta blocked the toilet. Me being me decided to try and unblock it, and since we didn't have any plungers around, I decided to use a hanger. I used it, managed to unblock it, but now I had poo on the end. I threw it out of the window, and thought that was that.
An hour or two later, my mum opened the garden door, and there it was, the hanger. Bad thing is there was small pieces of poo on the patio :(

at least you tried to fix it! that aint stupid, thats brave.

Stupidest thing Ive ever done in my life.. hum.

Must be when me and my friend took candy from store and didn't pay for it. after stealed like 20 candy storeowner came and wanted me to follow him, we did it and we came to his office and he asked us why we stealed candy. I answered I didn't know why. I mean, I was kind of rich but didnt want to pay for it. Soo it ended if me and my friend didn't steal anything on one year the police won't do anything to us.. phew

EDIT: btw it feelt so embrassing when owner and our parents asked us why we did it.. ;-;

kids do that sort of thing. When I was a kid I would go to kwiksave with my mam and steal those chocolate coins.
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
The dumbest I've done is, one day I ordered a new video card waited for it 2 days, when the day came I was out of home for like 10-20 minutes there wasn't anybody home, when I was back I found a letter written on it, we will be back tomorrow to deliver the package, and I was like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

i know that feeling.

mmm... register me on ragezone, of course. :trollface:

best decision of your life tbh.
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
When is it dead-line?

until I'm satisfied

MentaL - Giving away some "Winner!!!" tags - RaGEZONE Forums
Divine Celestial
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
I took a poop in my father's friend office and it wouldn't flush because the toilet was too small. so i took the brush the one you clean the toilet with and tried to push the poop so it can flush then the brush got all dirty and i kept it back in its place. I felt really stupid and i felt bad for the cleaner. It was some sticky poop tho.

Can i post one more or only one entry?
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
I took a poop in my father's friend office and it wouldn't flush because the toilet was too small. so i took the brush the one you clean the toilet with and tried to push the poop so it can flush then the brush got all dirty and i kept it back in its place. I felt really stupid and i felt bad for the cleaner. It was some sticky poop tho.

Can i post one more or only one entry?

post as much as you like :)

In local restaurant, I went to Men's room and pee'd into trashcan instead of toilet.

A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Well.. figured I might give it a try ;)

Last week I ran outside to my truck to grab my phone.. it just happened to be about 30 degrees outside, and rainy, and I ran out in just my boxers. So I get out to my truck, open the door and grab my phone - run back to the front door. duck, forgot I had locked it from the inside!

No biggy, back door is usually open! So, I nimble foot it across freezing cold gravel (Which hurts like a witch to walk on, by the way) and get to the back door. At this point I am already soaking wet and rather cold.. turns out someone had locked the back door too!

Alrighty, still no biggy! I always have a spare house key sitting in my truck! I cautiously step over the gravel, trying to find the big rocks to step on because these thigns feel like needles stabbing my feet - get over to my truck.. and wouldnt ya know - I habitually lock my door randomly at the most unusual times. Turns out I had flicked the lock button down when I had grabbed my phone.

So now I am sitting outside, all house doors are locked - my truck is locked, no keys.. and all I have is a half charged phone and a pair of boxers on.

Yes, at this point I was quite miserable, and cursing like a sailor at my stupidity.

No biggy, we have a second story porch and I was pretty positive it was the only door available to me.. we never lock that thing! So I jump into the grass and scoot over to the underside of the porch and somehow manage to climb a 16 foot pole up to the top of the deck in my boxers, pouring rain out - and... Yeah, you guessed it. Ducking porch door is locked too.

Needless to say, a phone call and about 20 minutes later, my brother manages to get off work to save my freezing butt up on the porch. Yes, he laughed, and yes, I was Ducking ticked ofd - felt like an idiot too!
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Another thing. When I was 7 (7 years ago :D), I saw an update for IE. I thought, "might as well update." (it was my mum's laptop). My mum didn't like the new IE, so she told me to delete it. I deleted the shortcut, and somehow the entire program, meaning my mum had no Internet access for a few weeks xD
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
Can't think of anything too special right now, but I'd probably go with this:

On my birthday party, I was pretty drunk and friends made me notice there was a tarp on fire (which was above the barbecue). So drunk as I was, I decided to climb up the tree it was tied at to cut it off. Well, I kind slipped and the branches scratched across my stomach causing bad scarves...

Well, at least the tarp was the released, although it has a huge hole now... ;D
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
Well.. figured I might give it a try ;)

Last week I ran outside to my truck to grab my phone.. it just happened to be about 30 degrees outside, and rainy, and I ran out in just my boxers. So I get out to my truck, open the door and grab my phone - run back to the front door. duck, forgot I had locked it from the inside!

No biggy, back door is usually open! So, I nimble foot it across freezing cold gravel (Which hurts like a witch to walk on, by the way) and get to the back door. At this point I am already soaking wet and rather cold.. turns out someone had locked the back door too!

Alrighty, still no biggy! I always have a spare house key sitting in my truck! I cautiously step over the gravel, trying to find the big rocks to step on because these thigns feel like needles stabbing my feet - get over to my truck.. and wouldnt ya know - I habitually lock my door randomly at the most unusual times. Turns out I had flicked the lock button down when I had grabbed my phone.

So now I am sitting outside, all house doors are locked - my truck is locked, no keys.. and all I have is a half charged phone and a pair of boxers on.

Yes, at this point I was quite miserable, and cursing like a sailor at my stupidity.

No biggy, we have a second story porch and I was pretty positive it was the only door available to me.. we never lock that thing! So I jump into the grass and scoot over to the underside of the porch and somehow manage to climb a 16 foot pole up to the top of the deck in my boxers, pouring rain out - and... Yeah, you guessed it. Ducking porch door is locked too.

Needless to say, a phone call and about 20 minutes later, my brother manages to get off work to save my freezing butt up on the porch. Yes, he laughed, and yes, I was Ducking ticked ofd - felt like an idiot too!

I liked your story! winner for you!