• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.


Founder of EvilSource
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
//Lists all or a word beginning with GM commands help

//GMCommand Enable or disable
"/GMCommand on(off)"

//Give giving items
"/Give TargetName ItemID or Give ItemID"

//DelBodyItem delete items
"/DelBodyItem TargetName ItemID Count or Give ItemID Count"

//Test and measurement

//Test and measurement

//Test Zone for District
"/Zone ZoneID , RoomID , X , Y , Z" 

/gm Zone 2 1 10 10 10

//Test for World
"/World WorlID ZoneID , RoomID , X , Y , Z"

//Back to the original world

//For parallel world
"/ParallelID ID"

//Space Test
"/Room RoomID"

//Plot Test
"/RunPlot OwnerID PlotName or RunPlot PlotName or RunPlot OwnerID PlotName TargetID"

//Direct execution of a plot
"/PCall OwnerID PlotName or PCall PlotName or PCall OwnerID PlotName TargetID"

//CreateObj produce objects in the world
"/CreateObj OrgObjID , x , y , z , dir , count , Mode , vx , vy , vz"

//ReloadPlot reload LUA Drama

//ReloadPlot reload LUA Ex Drama

//ReloadObj reload the template data

//GiveMoney give money
"/GiveMoney 10000"

//GiveMoney_Bonus give bonus credits
"/GiveMoney_Bonus 10000"

//DelObj deleting objects
"/DelObj 0x10000"

//Modify Modify Objects
"/Modify 0x10000"

//DelKeyItem body of important items to delete characters

//GotoID jump to the position of an object
"/GotoID 0x10000"

//SearchObj Searching for Objects
"/SearchObj Type(0 all 1 player 2 npc) Name"

//SearchObjCount Find the number of objects
"/SearchObjCount Type(0 room 1 all)"

//AttackFlag switch flag attack
"/AttackFlag 0x10000"

//NPCGoHome switch flag attack

//NPCMoveFlag switch moves all the NPC flags

//PathFind switch

//CreateFlag establish flag
"/CreateFlag 1 (flag type) 1 (ID)"

//ShowFlag showing the flag
"/ShowFlag FlagID (-1 represent all)"

//HideFlag hidden flag
"/HideFlag FlagID (-1 represent all)"

//Changing role of basic values Sample: ​valuename(LV EXP RACE VOC STR WIS ...)  SetValue 1 STR 100"
"/SetValue GItemID valuename value"

//SetValueID change roles basic values
"/SetValueID GItemID ID value"

//SpellMagic roles cast
"/SpellMagic TargetID MagicID"

//GetValue GUID TYPE
"/GetValue GUID TYPE"

//run GuildHousesWar_GetInfo()
"/run SendSystemChat(GuildHousesWar_GetInfo());"

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "QuestFlag"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_QuestFlag      	, L"設定 Quest 狀態\n QuestFlag [ all or number] [ 0 = off, 1 = on ]" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ClsQuest"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_ClsQuest       	, L"清除所有任務資訊" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CreatePet"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_CreatePet      	, L"產生一個寵物物件\n CreatePet 物件ID LV 名字 PetType" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PetCmd"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_PetCmd         	, L"命令寵物\n PetCmd [ Stop , Follow , Attack , AttackOff , Guard , Protect ] TargetID\n例 PetCmd Stop or PetCmd Attack 0x10000..." );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameService , "CallPlayerName"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_CallPlayerName 	, L"把某玩家 呼叫過來\n CallPlayerName RoleName" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameVisitor , "GotoPlayerName"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_GotoPlayerName 	, L"傳送到某玩家旁\n GotoPlayerName RoleName" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "Logout"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_Logout		 	, L"切斷自己與 GameServer 的連線" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameVisitor , "Who"					, &GmCommandClass::GM_Who			 	, L"列出所有限上玩家\n Who ZoneID" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ShowKeyItem"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_ShowKeyItem	 	, L"顯示角色所擁有的特殊物品" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "OpenAC"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_OpenAC			,L"開啟AC" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ChangeJob"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_ChangeJob  		,L"開啟換角" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SaveNPCMove"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_TestSaveNPCMove	,L"測試儲存NPC移動點\n SaveNPCMove ObjID FlagID Range MoveType(1walk 2run 3rand) WaitTime_Base WaitTime_Rand" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ShowNPCMove"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_ShowNPCMoveFlag	,L"顯示儲存NPC移動點\n ShowNPCMove ObjID FlagID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "DelFlagList"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_DelFlagList		,L"刪除某系列的旗子\n DelFlagList FlagID" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetPathByFlag"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetPathByFlag		,L"測試儲存NPC移動點\n SetPathByFlag ObjID FlagID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "GetPathInfo"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_GetPathInfo		,L"Obj 巡邏路徑資料\n GetPathInfo ObjID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetPathInfo"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetPathInfo		,L"Obj 巡邏路徑資料\n SetPathInfo ObjID PathNodeID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetPathLua"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetPathLua		,L"Obj 巡邏路徑資料\n SetPathLua ObjID Lua" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetPathPos"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetPathPos		,L"Obj 巡邏路徑資料\n SetPathLua ObjID Lua" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "AddPathPos"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_AddPathPos		,L"Obj 巡邏路徑資料\n SetPathLua ObjID Lua" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "DelPathPos"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_DelPathPos		,L"Obj 巡邏路徑資料\n SetPathLua ObjID Lua" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SavePathPos"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SavePathPos		,L"Obj 巡邏路徑資料\n SavePathLua ObjID" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ReviveType"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetReviveType		,L"NPC 重生時間模式改變\n 例 ReviveType " );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ResetEQ"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_ResetEQ			,L"重設該等級的裝備\n 例 ResetEQ Level Rank" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetGuildReady"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetGuildReady		, L"設定連署公會轉為正式公會\n SetGuildReady" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "DelGuild"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_DelGuild			, L"刪除自己的公會" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CheckMem"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_CheckMem			, L"記憶體檢查" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ClearInstanceInfo"	, &GmCommandClass::GM_ClearInstanceInfo	, L"清除副本進度" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ObjVersion"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_ObjVersion		, L"取得物品的版本資訊" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetMagicPoint"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetMagicPoint		, L"設定法術配點" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "KillRate"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetKillRate		, L"設定殺一隻怪物等於多少隻 \n KillRate N" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "DSysTime"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_DSysTime			, L"加快系統多少分鐘的時間 \n DSysTime (N分鐘)" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ItemExchange"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_ItemExchange		, L"兌現密碼商品\n ItemExchange (密碼)" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetTitleStr"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetTitleStr		, L"設定自定頭銜\n SetTitleStr (自定頭銜)" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameVisitor , "GMHide"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_GMHide			, L"開起或關閉GM隱身效果\n GMHide" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "RandCreateFlag"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_RandCreateFlag	, L"亂數產生旗子\n RandCreateFlag FlagID Range MoveDest Count" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_BigGM		, "RoleRight"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_RoleRight			, L"禁止開啟角色某些能力\n RoleRight id 類型(trade,talk) Value(0關1開)\n例: RoleRight %t_id trade 0 " );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_BigGM		, "ZonePlayerCount"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_ZonePlayerCount	, L"區域人數資訊" );	
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PKFlag"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_PKFlag			, L"開啟PK\n例 PKFlag Type(0關 1單人 2Party 3Party&Guild)" );	

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameVisitor , "GMTell"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_GMTell			, L"GM工具用發訊息用\n GMTell Msg or GMTell PlayerDBID Msg" );	
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "StopLogin"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_StopLogin			, L"暫時讓此區域不可登入\nStopLogin Type(0可登入 1不可登入)" );	
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PingLog"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_PingLog			, L"寫Client封包Ping的資料\nPingLog 次數" );	
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ProxyPingLog"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_ProxyPingLog		, L"寫Proxy封包Ping的資料\nProxyPingLog 次數" );	
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SrvProcTimeLog"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_SrvProcTimeLog	, L"寫Ser Proc Time Log的資料\nSrvProcTimeLog 次數" );	
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CancelAcSellItem"	, &GmCommandClass::GM_CancelAcSellItem	, L"退回AC販賣的物品\n CancelAcSellItem PlayerDBID , GUID" );	

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SkillValue"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SkillValue		, L"SkillValue修改玩家技能,技能代碼請查表\n SkillValue 技能編號 點數" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SkillFull"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_SkillFull			, L"SkillFull 修改玩家技能,讓熟練度全滿\n SkillFull" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CardFull"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_CardFull			, L"CardFull 修改玩家卡片,讓卡片全滿\n CardFull" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "Full"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_Full				, L"Full HP MP SP 全滿 \n Full" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CallID"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_CallID			, L"CallID(單區域)把某物件呼叫到面前\n CallID 區域物件ID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameMaster  , "CallName"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_CallName			, L"CallName(單區域)把某物件呼叫到面前\n CallName 區域物件名稱" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameVisitor , "GotoName"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_GotoName			, L"GotoName(單區域)傳送到某物件\n GotoName 區域物件名稱" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ResetMagic"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_ResetMagic		, L"ResetMagic把身上的所有法術狀態消除\n~ResetMagic 區域物件ID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "KillID"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_KillID			, L"KillID瞬間殺死玩家或NPC\n KillID 區域物件ID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameMaster  , "KickID"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_KickID			, L"KickID把某玩家踢出遊戲\n KickID 區域物件ID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameMaster  , "KickBanID"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_KickBanID			, L"KickBanID把某玩家踢出遊戲,並把帳號凍結\n KickBanID 區域物件ID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameMaster  , "KickAll"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_KickAll			, L"KickAll把所有玩家踢出遊戲\n KickAll" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameVisitor , "BcastAll"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_BcastAll			, L"BcastAll全區廣播\n BcastAll 全區廣播的內容" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameVisitor , "Bcast"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_Bcast				, L"Bcast區廣播\n Bcast 區廣播的內容" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "FaceOff"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_FaceOff			, L"Faceoff變身成怪物\n Faceoff 怪物物件ID 之後的名字" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "Visible"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_Visible			, L"Visible設定角色隱形開關,此種隱形玩家查不到\n Visible" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "OrgObjList"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_OrgObjList		, L"OrgObjList列表區域物件資料\n OrgObjList 類型(NPC QuestNPC Item Armor Weapon Magic Title Suit Recipe  ) 開始ID 結束ID\n例如: ObjList Weapon 0 100" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SearchOrgObj"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_SearchOrgObj		, L"SearchOrgObj尋找原始物件上面有某一個字串的命令\n SearchOrgObj 字串 \n字串 : (*) 代表全部,其它只要物件名稱類有函此字串就算\n例如 : ~SearchOrgObj 狼" );	
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "BindingItemMagic"	, &GmCommandClass::GM_BindingItemMagic	, L"BindingItemMagic設定某一個物件使用的效果,(此物件原本需要可以使用)\n BindingItemMagic 物品ID 法術ID" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "TimeSpeed"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_TimeSpeed			, L"TimeSpeed 加速遊戲 \n TimeSpeed 倍數 " );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ResetColdown"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_ResetColdown		, L"ResetColdown 把法術的Coldown 時間清除\n例 ResetColdow" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "NewResetColdown"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_NewResetColdown	, L"NewResetColdown 把法術的Coldown 時間清除,但有設定的不能清除的不會清" );
	//RegEvent( EM_Management_GameService , "ResetCharHead"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_ResetCharHead		, "RestRoleHead" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ShowRoom"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_ShowRoom			, L"GM_ShowRoom" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "GetMineFlag"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_GetMineFlag		, L"找尋礦物件, 裡面 PID 為 FLAG 的物件數量" );

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "Crash"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_Crash				, L"CRASH" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CreateImageNPC"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_CreateImageNPC	, L"產生不同圖行的NPC\nCreateImageNPC BeginNPCID EndNPCID 例:nCreateImageNPC 100052 100062" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "RandTransport"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_TestRandTransport	, L"亂數傳送到某NPC ,用來測機器人\n例:RandTransport" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CompareTarget"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_CompareTarget		, L"與目標的數值關係 \n CompareTarget ID Type(0基本 1攻防比 2閃避比)");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetBTI"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetBTI			, L"設定 BTI 防沉迷時間");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "DelUnSaveObject"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_DelUnSaveObject	, L"刪除所有沒儲存的物件 \nDelUnSaveObject)");

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ResetDailyQuest"		, &GmCommandClass::ResetDailyQuest		, L"重置每日任務\n");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetLua"				, &GmCommandClass::SetLua				, L"設定ZONE LUA XXX XXXX\n");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetRoleCamp"			, &GmCommandClass::SetRoleCamp			, L"SetRoleCamp\n");

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ClearTitle"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_ClearTitle		, L"ClearTitle\n 清除所有已得到的頭銜");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ClearHuntingCount"	, &GmCommandClass::GM_ClearHuntingCount	, L"ClearHuntingCount\n清除殺怪的計數");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "HideNPC"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_HideNPC			, L"HideNPC 把某個ID的NPC隱藏或顯示\nHideNPC (0 Hide 1 Show) 物件號碼\n例 ? HideNPC 0 100001");

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "ClientSkyType"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_ClientSkyType		, L"ClientSkyType設定Client天空顯示類型\nClientSkyType (0 Normal 1 day 2 nightfall 3 night 4 dawn)");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CalReborn"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_CalReborn			, L"CalReborn計算重生物件數量(一天)\nCalRebone ObjID,Count,RebornTime");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetIni"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetIni			, L"SetIni重設一些Ini設定\n SetIni iniStr Value\n例SetIni IsAutoRevive \n SetIni DeadExpDownRate 5");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "RunLottery"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_RunLottery		, L"RunLottery 立即Lottery開獎");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SetChangeGuild"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_SetChangeGuild	, L"要求公會名稱");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PlantGrowRate"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_PlantGrowRate		, L"設定種植成長倍速\n例 PlantGrowRate 10");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "GuildWarTime"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_GuildWarTime		, L"設定公會屋戰目前的時間\n例:GuildWarTime 星期(-1表示用目前的) 小時(-1表示用目前的) \n GuildWarTime -1 21" );
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "SQL"					, &GmCommandClass::GM_SQLCmd			, L"SQL Select命令查尋");	

	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "CheckGuildNameRules"	, &GmCommandClass::GM_CheckGuildNameRules, L"測試字串是否符合公會命名規則");	
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "GetObjectInfo"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_GetObjectInfo		, L"GetObjectInfo %t_id , 取得完整的物件資訊");	
	//PE 測試用GM命令
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PERelease"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_ReleasePE		, L"釋放指定的PE");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEReset"				, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_Reset			, L"重置指定index的PE");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEGetStatus"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_GetStatus		, L"取得指定PE的狀態");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEGetDetail"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_GetDetail		, L"取得指定PE的詳細狀態");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEInstSucc"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_InstSucc		, L"指定index的PE直接成");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEInstFail"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_InstFail		, L"指定index的PE直接失敗");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEJumpToPH"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_JumpToPH		, L"跳到指定index的PE內指定index的Phase");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEPHInstSucc"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_PH_InstSucc	, L"指定index的Phase直接成");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEPHInstFail"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_PH_InstFail	, L"指定index的Phase直接失敗");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEOBInstAchieve"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_OB_InstAchieve	, L"指定的index的Objective直接達成");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEListAllVar"		, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_ListAllVar		, L"列出所有PE使用的變數名稱及值");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEGetVar"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_GetVar			, L"列出指定名稱變數的值");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PESetVar"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_SetVar			, L"設定指定名稱變數的值");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEAddVar"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_AddVar			, L"增加指定名稱變數的值");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEGiveScore"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_GiveScore		, L"幫指定的玩家加分");
	RegEvent( EM_Management_GameCreator , "PEGetScore"			, &GmCommandClass::GM_PE_GetScore		, L"取得指定的玩家的分數");
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
Sys200006_name = tool
Sys200006_shortnote = tool
Sys201368_name = Event NPC Summoning Book
Sys201368_shortnote = Using this NPC will gain experience, m, falls and reduce debt.
Key Sys202689_name = Profession change
Sys202689_shortnote = Using this will change your crafting profession.
Key Sys205418_name = Profession change
Sys205418_shortnote = Using this will change your crafting profession.
Sys202194_shortnote = Call of product-set of skills dispatch NPC.
Sys205968_name = Boss LVL 1 - 4 Box Call
Sys205968_shortnote = Using this will cause various bosses til 50 LVL (requires class GM).
Sys205957_name = Elite Skill Book
Sys205957_shortnote = Allows you to get or clear all the elite skills.
Sys204512_name = certificate Magic Cavy
Sys204512_shortnote = Increases Magic Cavy 100% chance.
Sys203477_name = certificate Golden Magic Cavy
Sys203477_shortnote = Increases Gold Cavy 100% chance decreases PetEvent time 3 min.
Sys203575_name = Monster Party Call
Sys203575_shortnote = Causes a group of monsters and bosses.
Sys200015_name = Bosses Call
Sys200015_shortnote = Summons "The Queen", "Dragon" or "robot".
Sys201102_name = SavePosition teleport rune
Sys201102_shortnote = This item was supposed to use the teleport (disappears after).
Sys201103_name = SavePosition entry point
Sys201103_shortnote = This item is used to record the current position.
Sys201104_name = SavePosition teleport
Sys201104_shortnote = Use this option to teleport to the stored position.
Sys201446_name = SavePosition group entry point
Sys201446_shortnote = This item is used to record the current position.
Sys201104_name = SavePosition group teleport
Sys201104_shortnote = Use this option to teleport to the stored position.
Sys201145_name = ClassChange
Sys201145_shortnote = Use show dialogue ClassChange (disappears after).
Sys201155_name = Set killed Course
Sys201155_shortnote = Use to set the speed of dead player.
Sys202878_name = Bomb_ 01
Sys202878_shortnote = This option allows you to place a bomb, which would have been fired.
Sys202900_name = LvlUp potion
Sys202878_shortnote = Use this option to make the 9 LVL.
Sys204225_name = Reset Time Pet Merge
Sys204225_shortnote = Use this option to reset the next time the merger animals.
Sys208303_name = Plants meet
Sys208304_name = Vegetable Plants
Sys208305_name = Plants Herbs
Sys240234_name = GM charming package
Sys240234_shortnote = extract package to receive unlimited charming items.
Sys209581_name = Unlimited weapon enchanting
Sys209582_name = Unlimited Armor enchanting
Sys209583_name = Unlimited Accessory enchanting
Sys209584_name = Unlimited Wings enchanting
Sys209585_name = Unlimited driller
Sys240215_name = Unlimited Goldhammer
Sys240216_name = Unlimited Binding lift
Sys240217_name = Unlimited Weapon bad enchanting
Sys240218_name = Unlimited Armor bad enchanting
Sys240231_name = Unlimited Accessory bad enchanting
Sys240232_name = Unlimited Wings bad enchanting
Sys240233_name = Unlimited Attribute cleaner
Initiate Mage
May 21, 2015
Reaction score
you can tell in detail as you found these teams? and if they were changed as them to find?
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
How can i fix the fact that i used the command "SkillFull" to give me max weapons level,
but i did it without killing any mobs,
and now it doesn't work, i can kill thousand mobs, my weapons level wont go up...
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