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[Guide] Server Setup

Aug 19, 2010
Reaction score
This guide was originally posted by "pushedx" but got removed for some reason...
Well here it is again.

Here is my current work-in-progress text guide for Windows. I'll be adding images into a document later and be adding more info as time goes on. This is just for people to get an idea of how to setup if you have not already.

Cfg's & Bat's
Attached is a copy of my current bat and cfg needed for running the server. You can overwrite yours with these and then modify them. Otherwise, you will have to update the bat files yourself, as some have errors in them.

NOTE: You should edit the bat's and take a look at the Java settings before running. Likewise, edit the cfg's to see what settings you can change. Some host/ip cannot be changed without causing an error, so be sure to check the "out" folder in the server folders to know what went wrong.

These files represent a single server setup. In my "server\server_bin\shard\cfg\maps.cfg" file, I have enabled only the first two instanced starting zones for League and Empire. You should be able to start a server with 2+ GB ram and java will not run out of memory.

However, you will need to edit "server\server_bin\shard\startServerDefault.bat" and change the "16384" to something smaller, such as "1024", which is the max memory Java can use.

If you do have a lot of ram, then you can delete the "maps.cfg" file and rename the "all_maps.cfg" to "maps.cfg".

Prerequisite Links:

* JDK requires a free account to download.


1 - Prerequisites.txt

- a very handy text editor.
- a great (paid) hex editor.
Anti-WPA is a great Anti-WPA tool for VMs if you are using Server 2k3.
Chew-WGA is a great Anti-WGA tool for VMs if you are using Server 2K8-R2.

[== Java ==]

1. We will now install the 6u18 JDK.
- You must use this specific version of the JDK!
- All you have to do is click through the installer without changing anything.
- If you are using 32-bit windows, install: jdk-6u18-windows-i586.exe
- If you are using 64-bit windows, install: jdk-6u18-windows-x64.exe

2. We will now locate the folder of our JDK install.
- Typically, this will be:
- 32-bit OS / 32-bit JDK: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18
- 64-bit OS / 64-bit JDK: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18
- 64-bit OS / 32-bit JDK: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_18

3. We will now set our Java home path in the system.
- Right click on My Computer (on the desktop) / Computer (on the start menu) and go to Properties.
- Choose the Advanced / Advanced System Settings tab.
- Click on the "Environment Variables button.
- Click the "New" button in the "System variables" group box.
- The "Variable name" should be set to: "JAVA_HOME" (without the quotes).
- The "Variable value" should be set to your JDK path (in the format shown in Step 2).
- Click OK to close out all of the dialogs.

Java is now installed and ready to use.

[== PostgreSQL ==]

1. We will now install the latest PostgreSQL.
- You may use any modern version.
- If you are using 32-bit windows, install: postgresql-9.1.2-1-windows.exe
- If you are using 64-bit windows, install: postgresql-9.1.2-1-windows-x64.exe
- Make note of the password you choose. You will need it to setup the server.
- You may keep the default pgsql port.
- You may want to set the locale to "English, United States" (that's what I did on mine).
- After installation is complete, make sure there is a checkmark for the "Launch Stack Builder at exit" (default checked).

2. We will now use Stack Builder to install the connectors.
- Choose your newly created database from the first dialog. Click Next.
- Expand "Database Drivers" and choose "pgJDBC" and "psqlODBC". Click Next.
- Click Next to start downloading the drivers, then click through the installations.

3. We will now login to the database to make sure it is working.
- Start the "pgAdmin3" tool from the start menu.
- Double click on the PostgreSQL server to connect to it.
- Enter your password. If all is well, you should login to the database.
- We will setup game specific stuff later.

PostgreSQL is now installed and ready to use.

[== WAMP Server ==]
1. We will now install the latest WAMP Server.
- NOTE: You don't have to use WAMP, but for this guide I am.
- You may use any modern version.
- If you are using 32-bit windows, install: wampserver2.2c-x32.exe
- If you are using 64-bit windows, install: wampserver2.2c-x64.exe
- The install is pretty much a click through.
- NOTE: If you are installing on a machine that already has a web server, you will run into port conflicts, so either uninstall the old one or read up on changing ports for WAMP.

WAMP Server is now installed and ready to use.

2 - AccountServer.txt

1. We will now add the account database to the database server.
- Start the "pgAdmin3" program.
- Login to the database server using your password.
- Double click on the server to connect to it (if it has a red marker on it).
- Right click on the "Databases" tree view item and choose "New Database...".
- Enter a name of "ao_account_trunk16" and click OK.
- Double click on the new "ao_account_trunk16" database to connect to it.

2. We will now configure the AccountServer.
- Edit "server_bin\accountServer\cfg\shard_local.xml" and change the db's user and password values.
- Later, you can mess with the host/ips.
- Make sure to save your changes before continuing.

3. We will now start the AccountServer.
- Execute the "server_bin\accountServer\startAccountServer.bat" file.
- If all is well, you will see an output like this

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>call startAccountServerCustom.bat
cfg/shard_local.xml jars

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>call startAccountServerCommon.bat
cfg/shard_local.xml jars

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>call ../scripts/startServer.bat 64
 256 ../jars accountserver.AccountServerMain.jar 5006 ../cfg/shard_local.xml

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>REM 64 - permanent memory size (MB

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>REM 256 - memory min/max size (MB)

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>REM ../jars, ... - other params

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>REM pushedx: Taking this out since
 we will set var ourselves

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>REM call ../../vendors/defineJavaH

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer>cd cfg

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\AccountServer\cfg>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.
0_18/bin/java.exe" -server -XX:MaxPermSize=64m -Xmx256M -Xms256M -XX:+UseConcMar
kSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,
suspend=n,address=5006 -jar ../../jars/accountserver.AccountServerMain.jar ../cf
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5006
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (launch.main.LauncherMain).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[01-26 22:53:49,982, 125] main - INFO  launch.main.LauncherMain  : loading confi
g from ../cfg/shard_local.xml
[01-26 22:53:50,434, 577] main - INFO  launch.main.LauncherMain  : loading from
cfg "../cfg/shard_local.xml", server "accountServer", deploy =
[01-26 22:53:50,434, 577] main - INFO  launch.main.LauncherMain  : Server type i
s "accountServer"
[01-26 22:53:50,450, 593] main - INFO  tools.reflection.ClassesLoader  : loading
 classess from [server\bin, \jars\, \jars_local\]...
[01-26 22:53:51,526, 1669] main - INFO  tools.reflection.ClassesLoader  : 2435 c
lasses loaded in 1.076 seconds
[01-26 22:53:52,508, 2651] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerStarter  : st
arting account server...
[01-26 22:53:52,508, 2651] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerStarter  : lo
ading build from builds/standard.xml
[01-26 22:53:52,571, 2714] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerStarter  : co
nfiguration loaded
[01-26 22:53:52,711, 2854] main - INFO  DatabaseService  : Database "jdbc:postgr
esql://" is used.
[01-26 22:53:53,039, 3182] main - INFO  databaseServer  : Database structure che
[01-26 22:53:53,085, 3228] main - INFO  DatabaseService  : Database "jdbc:postgr
esql://" is used.
[01-26 22:53:53,226, 3369] main - INFO  databaseServer  : Database structure che
[01-26 22:53:53,273, 3416] main - INFO  accountserver.authenticator.Authenticato
r  : Using "accountserver.authenticator.nivalimpl.AuthenticatorNivalImpl" authen
[01-26 22:53:53,288, 3431] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : Sta
rting account api at
[01-26 22:53:53,288, 3431] main - INFO  tools.commons.logs.LogToLog4jHandler  :
Redirecting java.util.logging to Log4J...
[01-26 22:53:53,288, 3431] main - INFO  tools.commons.logs.LogToLog4jHandler  :
Redirection of java.util.logging to Log4J started
2012-01-26 22:53:53.351::INFO:  Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
2012-01-26 22:53:53.382::INFO:  jetty-6.1.3
2012-01-26 22:53:53.429::INFO:  Started SelectChannelConnector @
[01-26 22:53:53,429, 3572] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : Acc
ount api started
[01-26 22:53:53,429, 3572] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : ini
tializing RSA keys...
[01-26 22:53:55,705, 5848] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : rsa
 keys initialized
[01-26 22:53:55,737, 5880] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : cre
ating server for client authentification
[01-26 22:53:56,282, 6425] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : cli
ent authentification server created
[01-26 22:53:56,282, 6425] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : cre
ating server for session approvement
[01-26 22:53:56,298, 6441] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : ses
sion approvement server created
[01-26 22:53:56,298, 6441] main - INFO  accountserver.AccountServerHelper  : acc
ount server started, client <-> account server version = 22, shard <-> account s
erver version = 13

The AccountServer is now setup and running.

3 - WebAccountServer.txt

1. We will now setup the web based account server interfaces.
- Open your WAMP root folder (typically C:\wamp).
- Create a new folder "Allods" here.
- Move the contents of the "server_bin\server_api\" folder into the "Allods" folder.
- I.e., after you are done, your "C:\wamp\allods" folder should have 5 folders:
hessian, hessianPhpPatch, j2php, java, and php.

2. We will now configure PHP to use these files.
- Left click on the WAMP tray icon, choose PHP, then choose php.ini.
- In the "php.ini" file, ctrl + f to find "; Paths and Directories ;" without the quotes.
- Under the banner in the next blank line, add in the following line as-is:

- NOTE: If your path is different, then you will need to update it so it's correct.
- Save the php.ini file and close it when you are done.
- Now, left click on the WAMP tray icon and choose "Restart All Services".

3. We will now test account creation.
- Move the "php" folder from the "C:\wamp\allods" folder into the "C:\wamp\www" folder.
- Edit the file "C:\wamp\www\php\accountExample.php".
- NOTE: The $url should match what the AccountServer says. For example, the AccountServer console reads:

- You will not have to change the URL now, but when you do change things in the future, keep this in mind.
- Scroll down and replace the "AccountStatus::Inactive()" with "AccountStatus::Active()".
- Scroll down and you may replace "pushedx" with your account name as well as the "123456" password with your own choice.
- Save all the changes then close the file.
- Access the "http://localhost/php/accountExample.php" file to create the account.
- If all goes well, you should see something like this at the bottom of the page:

URL = [url][/url] Path = /api Created! DEBUG ExecuteResult::__set_state(array( 
'reason' => 'OK', 'status' => APIResult::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'SUCCESS', )), )) 
DEBUG AccountStatusResult::__set_state(array( 'accountStatus' => AccountStatus::__set_state
(array( 'name' => 'Active', )), 'reason' => '', 'status' => APIResult::__set_state(array
( 'name' => 'SUCCESS', )), )) DEBUG AccountStatusResult::__set_state(array( 
'accountStatus' => AccountStatus::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'Active', )), 
'reason' => '', 'status' => APIResult::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'SUCCESS', )), ))
- NOTE: There will be warnings at the top of the page, you will have to setup WAMP to turn those off later.

At this point, your AccountServer is working and you have your first account!

4 - ServerConsole.txt (Optional, using it to just test AccountServer right now before you start Shard)

1. We will now configure and test the ServerConsole.
- Edit the "server_bin\serverConsole\cfg\console.cfg".
- Update the "accountServerHost" and "accountServerPort" fields as necessary.
- To enable autologin, uncomment the "accountSrvLogin" and "accountSrvPassword" fields.
- Save and close the file.
- Start the "startConsole.bat" file.
- If all goes well, your console should read something like this:
C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\ServerConsole>REM pushedx: setting path ourself

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\ServerConsole>REM pushedx: Changed it to use: "C
:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18/bin/java.exe" for spaces

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\ServerConsole>REM pushedx: Added -cfg params to

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\ServerConsole>REM pushedx: Removed extra console
Alias.cfg entry

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\ServerConsole>REM call ../../vendors/defineJavaH

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\ServerConsole>cd cfg

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\ServerConsole\cfg>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.
0_18/bin/java.exe" -server -Xmx256M  -jar ../../jars/serverConsole.ConsoleMain.j
ar -cfg console.cfg
[01-26 23:29:22,313, 0] main - INFO  tools.reflection.ClassesLoader  : loading c
lassess from [server\bin, \jars\, \jars_local\]...
[01-26 23:29:23,123, 810] main - INFO  tools.reflection.ClassesLoader  : 2145 cl
asses loaded in 0.81 seconds
login: pushedx
connecting to account server...
[01-26 23:29:30,205, 7892] net_worker_0 - INFO  serverConnector.accountServer.im
pl.AuthorizationPipe  : Client id = 1 recieve cmd: class accountServerMsgs.toCli
ent.ProblemMsg (1327642170205)
[01-26 23:29:30,907, 8594] net_worker_1 - INFO  serverConnector.accountServer.im
pl.AuthorizationPipe  : Client id = 1 recieve cmd: class accountServerMsgs.toCli
ent.ValidationRequest (1327642170907)
[01-26 23:29:31,718, 9405] net_worker_1 - INFO  serverConnector.accountServer.im
pl.AuthorizationPipe  : Client id = 1 recieve cmd: class accountServerMsgs.toCli
ent.PositionInQueueMsg (1327642171718)
[01-26 23:29:33,308, 10995] net_worker_3 - INFO  serverConnector.accountServer.i
mpl.AuthorizationPipe  : Client id = 1 recieve cmd: class accountServerMsgs.toCl
ient.RSAEncryptedMsg (1327642173308)
[01-26 23:29:34,462, 12149] net_worker_0 - INFO  serverConnector.accountServer.i
mpl.AuthorizationPipe  : Client id = 1 recieve cmd: class accountServerMsgs.toCl
ient.RSAEncryptedMsg (1327642174462)
[01-26 23:29:34,462, 12149] net_worker_0 - INFO  serverConnector.accountServer.i
mpl.AuthorizationPipe  : Client id = 1 recieve cmd: class accountServerMsgs.toCl
ient.CertificateResponse (1327642174462)
[01-26 23:29:35,211, 12898] net_worker_2 - INFO  serverConnector.accountServer.i
mpl.AuthorizationPipe  : Client id = 1 recieve cmd: class accountServerMsgs.toCl
ient.RSAEncryptedMsg (1327642175211)
[01-26 23:29:35,928, 13615] net_worker_1 - INFO  serverConnector.accountServer.i
mpl.AuthorizationPipe  : Client id = 1 recieve cmd: class accountServerMsgs.toCl
ient.ShardListMsg (1327642175928)
logged in account server

shard_name    population

enter shard name:

Since we don't have a Shard setup yet, you cannot connect to it, but your AccountServer and account are working!

5 - MasterServer.txt

1. We will now setup and configure the MasterServer.
- Left click on the WAMP tray icon and choose "phpMyAdmin".
- Click on the "Databases" button and create a new database:
"allods_online_masterserver_trunk" (without quotes)
- For any other updates later on, check out the
"Server\MasterServer\cfg\shard_local.xml" file.

2. We can now run the MasterServer.
- Run the "server_bin\masterServer\startMasterServer.bat" file.
- If all goes well, your console output should look something like this:


C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer>call startMasterServerCustom.bat cf

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer>call ../scripts/startServer.bat 64
512 ../jars masterServer.MasterServerMain.jar -maps  ../cfg/shard_local.xml

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer>REM 64 - permanent memory size (MB)

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer>REM 512 - memory min/max size (MB)

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer>REM ../jars, ... - other params

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer>REM pushedx: Taking this out since
we will set var ourselves

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer>REM call ../../vendors/defineJavaHo

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer>cd cfg

C:\Users\pushedx\Desktop\Server\MasterServer\cfg>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0
_18/bin/java.exe" -server -XX:MaxPermSize=64m -Xmx512M -Xms512M -XX:+UseConcMark
SweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,s
uspend=n,address=-maps -jar ../../jars/masterServer.MasterServerMain.jar ../cfg/
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 49679
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (launch.main.LauncherMain).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[01-26 23:42:01,646, 125] main - INFO  launch.main.LauncherMain  : loading confi
g from ../cfg/shard_local.xml
[01-26 23:42:01,771, 250] main - INFO  launch.main.LauncherMain  : loading from
cfg "../cfg/shard_local.xml", server "masterServer", deploy =
[01-26 23:42:01,771, 250] main - INFO  launch.main.LauncherMain  : Server type i
s "masterServer"
[01-26 23:42:01,787, 266] main - INFO  tools.reflection.ClassesLoader  : loading
 classess from [server\bin, \jars\, \jars_local\]...
[01-26 23:42:02,691, 1170] main - INFO  tools.reflection.ClassesLoader  : 2152 c
lasses loaded in 0.904 seconds
[01-26 23:42:02,925, 1404] main - INFO  DatabaseService  : Database "jdbc:mysql:
&socketTimeout=500000" is used.
[01-26 23:42:03,253, 1732] main - INFO  resourceSystem  : update /DefaultFactory
[01-26 23:42:04,313, 2792] main - INFO  masterServer.main.MasterServer  : starti
ng hessian api at
2012-01-26 23:42:04.329::INFO:  Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
2012-01-26 23:42:04.360::INFO:  jetty-6.1.3
2012-01-26 23:42:04.391::INFO:  Started SelectChannelConnector @

[01-26 23:42:04,391, 2870] main - INFO  masterServer.main.MasterServer  : hessia
n api at is started
[01-26 23:42:04,391, 2870] main - INFO  masterServer.MasterServerMain  : master
server is started at

At this point, the master server is up and running!

6 - Shard.txt

1. We will now setup and configure the Shard.
- Left click on the WAMP tray icon and choose "phpMyAdmin".
- Click on the "Databases" button and create a new database:
"allods_online_mail_RC_1_1_02" (without quotes)
"allods_online_guild_trunk_6" (without quotes)
"allods_online_RC_1_1_02" (without quotes)
"allods_online_auction_trunk_10" (without quotes)

2. We will now setup the MySQL access permissions.
- Left click on the WAMP tray icon and choose "MySQL -> MySQL Console".
- Hit Enter, as there is no default password.
- Execute the following commands as-is:

3. We will now start the Shard.
- Edit the "server_bin\shard\cfg\shard.xml" file.
- Change the frontEnd's "externalHost" value to your LAN IP if you are going to connect
from another PC (You cannot run the Allods client in a VM!).
- Save the changes and close the file.
- Execute the "server_bin\shard\startServerDefault.bat" file.
- NOTE: Starting the shard might take some time, if the window closes, there was an error.
- NOTE: In my simple config, I have removed all maps but the starting instanced zones for more rapid testing.
- If all is well, you should see an ASCII art Allods Online logo show up in the console window.

The server is now completely setup!

Please remember, this guide is still a work in progress, but those were the exact steps I followed when setting up the server on my VM.

Once you have the server setup, you can move on to testing it with the client. Basically, you want to copy the "AOGame.exe" from the "Helper\Unprotected\Gamers_bin" folder into the "Client\bin" folder. Then, copy the "protect.exe", "protect.x86", and "protect.dll" files from "Helper\Release_bin" folder into the "Client\bin" folder.

You should be able to launch AOGame.exe directly now, but before you do, you need to edit the "Client\Profiles\accountServer.cfg" file to point to your account server. If you used my cfgs, my port is 9317, but you can check your AccountServer cfg to be sure.

At this point, if you ran the server on the same PC you are connecting from, without using a VM, then you can connect to your server via localhost and you should be able to login, create a character, and play. However, if you used a VM, the server was setup to use localhost, so you cannot connect.

To get around this, I'm using a small TCP proxy to route connections from the opened VM ports into the localhost server ports. It's great for testing and it works well. The source code is available . Minor modifications are needed, but attached in the compiled version and source. This program requires .Net 4.0!

Once you get the AllodsProxy, edit the "proxy.bat" file and replace the 192 address with the LAN address of the VM/PC you are running the server on. Simply execute the "proxy.bat" on the server PC and it will route incoming connections on the listed ports to the localhost ports. If you use a different port range, then you will need to add all of the ports needed. Don't forget to open the ports in your firewall!

With a proper cfg setup, the proxy should not be needed, but I wasn't able to get all the ips changed to the ones I needed without breaking it. I'll spend some more time later playing with it to figure out where I was messing it up. For now, I'm just using the proxy.

That's it for now, more will come later!
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Server Setup

Good morning,
I'm starting to creat a private server and I'm doing the different steps one by one but in "step 3-WebAccountServer.txt" I think it miss information.
He said :
2. We will now configure PHP to use these files.
- Left click on the WAMP tray icon, choose PHP, then choose php.ini.
- In the "php.ini" file, ctrl + f to find "; Paths and Directories ;" without the quotes.
- Under the banner in the next blank line, add in the following line as-is:

But we don't have the following. What I have to do next?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Server Setup

Or can you informe me what I have to write in php.ini after Paths and Directories?
You say in the "Step by step to creat a server for allods"'s topic you have tested it.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 22, 2011
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Server Setup

If anybody needs, i can translate russian guide. It contains screenshots, so its detailed enough.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Server Setup

can anyone point out exactly which IPs we need to change in the server configs so that the server could be viewed in network? I want to be able to play the server over lan with my family.
Last edited:
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Server Setup

anyone knows maybe where can fix this damage teleporter folder from item mall .. i search all and in every folder nothing will help.. so mysteryous

this all bout allods near death huh.. neva saw so less post in last weeks.. cmon guys WAKE UP..:musicus:
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
will this work with Sql 2014?
[Update] 9/24/2019
I need some help here not sure why it not finding accountserver.accountservermain

Fixed move server folder from desktop to C:

Thanks Remi for answering my question on sql2014.
Could someone please let me know how to fix this!!!

[10-03 14:39:31,775, 502] main - ERROR launch.c  : Failed to make symlink ..\out\10-03.14_39_31.rev_390809\server.log(->/logs/server.log)
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: ..\out\10-03.14_39_31.rev_390809\server.log: A required privilege is not held by the client.

	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(WindowsException.java:86)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:97)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:102)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.createSymbolicLink(WindowsFileSystemProvider.java:593)
	at java.nio.file.Files.createSymbolicLink(Files.java:988)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:8)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:9)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:28)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:35)
	at masterServer.MasterServerMain.main(MasterServerMain.java:1)
[10-03 14:39:31,791, 518] main - ERROR launch.c  : Failed to make symlink ..\out\10-03.14_39_31.rev_390809\lags.txt(->/statistics/System/Performance/LagDetector/lags.txt)
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: ..\out\10-03.14_39_31.rev_390809\lags.txt: A required privilege is not held by the client.

	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(WindowsException.java:86)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:97)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:102)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.createSymbolicLink(WindowsFileSystemProvider.java:593)
	at java.nio.file.Files.createSymbolicLink(Files.java:988)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:8)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:40)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:28)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:35)
	at masterServer.MasterServerMain.main(MasterServerMain.java:1)
[10-03 14:39:31,810, 537] main - ERROR launch.c  : Failed to make symlink ..\out\10-03.14_39_31.rev_390809\..\00_LAST(->/)
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: ..\out\10-03.14_39_31.rev_390809\..\00_LAST: A required privilege is not held by the client.

	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.translateToIOException(WindowsException.java:86)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:97)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(WindowsException.java:102)
	at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.createSymbolicLink(WindowsFileSystemProvider.java:593)
	at java.nio.file.Files.createSymbolicLink(Files.java:988)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:8)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:54)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:28)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:35)
	at masterServer.MasterServerMain.main(MasterServerMain.java:1)
[10-03 14:39:31,846, 573] main - INFO  launch.c  : Current process id from jvm name = 6800
[10-03 14:39:31,850, 577] main - INFO  launch.c  : Starting server at revision 390809 (RC_4.0.02)
[10-03 14:39:31,857, 584] main - INFO  launch.c  : Starting server of client net version 8455
[10-03 14:39:31,861, 588] main - INFO  launch.c  : Starting server of client-account net version 73
[10-03 14:39:31,864, 591] main - INFO  launch.c  : Starting server of account-frontEnd net version 48
[10-03 14:39:31,939, 666] main - INFO  launch.c  : loading config from ../cfg/shard_local.xml
[10-03 14:39:32,065, 792] main - INFO  launch.c  : loading from cfg "../cfg/shard_local.xml", server "masterServer", deploy =
[10-03 14:39:32,068, 795] main - INFO  launch.c  : Server type is "masterServer"
[10-03 14:39:32,086, 813] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.l  : Using URLClassLoader classpath
[10-03 14:39:32,093, 820] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Loading classes from [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\server\bin|[[DEBUG:^(?=.*(vendor)).*$], [WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\jars|[[DEBUG:^(?=.*(vendor)).*$], [WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\vendor|[[DEBUG:^(?=.*(vendor)).*$], [WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\target\test-classes|[[WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\target\test|[[WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\target\classes|[[WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\target\production|[[WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\classes\production|[[WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\classes\test|[[WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\jars_local|[[WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\server_bin\jars|[[DEBUG:^(?=.*(vendor)).*$], [WARN:.*]], C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg\server_bin\jars_local|[[WARN:.*]]](cp = [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\masterServer.MasterServerMain.jar])...
[10-03 14:39:32,108, 835] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Current base path: C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\cfg
[10-03 14:39:32,640, 1367] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 1 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\masterServerApi.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\masterServerApi2.jar], for example 'api.masterserver.MasterServerException"
[10-03 14:39:32,644, 1371] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 19 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-bean-collections-1.8.0.jar], for example 'org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanMap$Entry"
[10-03 14:39:32,653, 1380] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 108 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar], for example 'org.apache.commons.beanutils.locale.converters.DateLocaleConverter"
[10-03 14:39:32,660, 1387] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 10 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\commons-collections-3.1.jar], for example 'org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap$KeySet"
[10-03 14:39:32,666, 1393] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 3765 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\gwt-servlet.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\gwt-user.jar], for example 'com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.ResizeEvent"
[10-03 14:39:32,674, 1401] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 42 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\gwt-user.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\servlet-api-2.5-20081211.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\servlet-api-2.5-6.1.3.jar], for example 'javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent"
[10-03 14:39:32,680, 1407] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 21 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\hamcrest-core-1.1.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\junit-4.8.2.jar], for example 'org.hamcrest.internal.SelfDescribingValueIterator"
[10-03 14:39:32,688, 1415] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 256 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\log4j-1.2.14.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\log4j-1.2.16.jar], for example 'org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.LogBrokerMonitor$LogBrokerMonitorWindowAdaptor"
[10-03 14:39:32,697, 1424] main - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : Duplicated 16 classes in [C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\log4jdbc3-1.2beta2.jar, C:\allodsserver\server_bin\jars\vendors\log4jdbc4-1.2beta2.jar], for example 'net.sf.log4jdbc.ConnectionSpy"
[10-03 14:39:32,806, 1533] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.m  : Loading 4223 classes...
[10-03 14:39:33,465, 2192] Task1 - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.m  : Can not load class linksstorage.tests.LinksStorageTest. class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: system/base/tester/SystemTester
[10-03 14:39:33,504, 2231] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.m  : Finished in 0.696 sec
[10-03 14:39:33,507, 2234] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.m  : Checking class dependencies
[10-03 14:39:33,532, 2259] Task1 - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.m  : Coud not load class class linksstorage.ProjectFilesLinksImpl. excluding from loading : Ltools/containers/hashMaps/MultiHashMap;
[10-03 14:39:33,559, 2286] Task3 - WARN  tools.reflection.classLoading.m  : Coud not load class class linksstorage.SqlXdbLinksImpl. excluding from loading : dbcommons/exception/DatabaseException
[10-03 14:39:33,697, 2424] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.m  : Finished in 0.19 sec
[10-03 14:39:33,700, 2427] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.m  : 3 classes loading errors
[10-03 14:39:33,763, 2490] main - INFO  tools.reflection.classLoading.h  : 4249 classes loaded in 1.669 sec
[10-03 14:39:33,962, 2689] main - INFO  masterServer.MasterServerMain  : MasterServer version: 1.0.15
[10-03 14:39:33,968, 2695] main - INFO  masterServer.agent.commons.output.OutputCleaner  : Removing old directory C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\out\09-24.23_53_07.rev_390809
[10-03 14:39:34,193, 2920] main - INFO  masterServer.MasterServerMain  : Using temp directory 'C:\allodsserver\server_bin\masterServer\out\10-03.14_39_31.rev_390809\temp/'
[10-03 14:39:34,256, 2983] main - INFO  DatabaseService  : Database "jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=500000&socketTimeout=500000" is used.
[10-03 14:39:34,263, 2990] main - INFO  DatabaseService  : Connection info: ConnectionInfo{name='master', driver='com.mysql.jdbc.Driver', url='jdbc:mysql://'READ-COMMITTED',autocommit=0&connectTimeout=500000&socketTimeout=500000', testSQL='SELECT 1', poolSize=5, poolMaxIdl=2, poolMinIdl=1, pingIdleTime=10000, minEvictableTime=300000, mode=MASTER}
[10-03 14:39:34,496, 3223] main - ERROR verify  : unable to start server
system.base.bc: dbcommons.c: dbcommons.b: tools.reflection.cb$b_: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at masterServer.MasterServerStarter.createDatabaseService(MasterServerStarter.java:30)
	at masterServer.MasterServerStarter.startSync(MasterServerStarter.java:1)
	at launch.b.a(b.java:21)
	at launch.a.a(a.java:4)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:55)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:4)
	at launch.c.a(c.java:35)
	at masterServer.MasterServerMain.main(MasterServerMain.java:1)
Caused by: dbcommons.c: dbcommons.b: tools.reflection.cb$b_: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at masterServer.db.jdbcimpl.MasterServerDBContextFactoryImpl.createContext(MasterServerDBContextFactoryImpl.java:2)
	at masterServer.MasterServerStarter.createDatabaseService(MasterServerStarter.java:43)
	... 7 more
Caused by: dbcommons.b: tools.reflection.cb$b_: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at dbcommons.k.a(k.java:42)
	at dbcommons.jdbc.pool.ConnectionsPool.a(ConnectionsPool.java:4)
	at dbcommons.jdbc.j.<init>(j.java:61)
	at masterServer.db.jdbcimpl.MasterServerDBContextJDBCImpl.<init>(MasterServerDBContextJDBCImpl.java:18)
	at masterServer.db.jdbcimpl.MasterServerDBContextFactoryImpl.createContext(MasterServerDBContextFactoryImpl.java:5)
	... 8 more
Caused by: tools.reflection.cb$b_: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at tools.reflection.cb.a(cb.java:116)
	at dbcommons.k.a(k.java:57)
	... 12 more
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:57)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
	at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:525)
	at tools.reflection.cb.a(cb.java:607)
	... 13 more
Caused by: dbcommons.b: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))
	at dbcommons.jdbc.pool.dbcpimpl.ConnectionsPoolDBCPImpl.<init>(ConnectionsPoolDBCPImpl.java:62)
	... 18 more
Caused by: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES))
	at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:1225)
	at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(BasicDataSource.java:880)
	at dbcommons.jdbc.pool.dbcpimpl.ConnectionsPoolDBCPImpl.<init>(ConnectionsPoolDBCPImpl.java:52)
	... 18 more
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1073)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:3609)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:3541)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:943)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.secureAuth411(MysqlIO.java:4113)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.doHandshake(MysqlIO.java:1308)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.coreConnect(ConnectionImpl.java:2336)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectOneTryOnly(ConnectionImpl.java:2369)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(ConnectionImpl.java:2153)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.<init>(ConnectionImpl.java:792)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection.<init>(JDBC4Connection.java:47)
	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:57)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
	at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:525)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:411)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(ConnectionImpl.java:381)
	at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(NonRegisteringDriver.java:305)
	at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverConnectionFactory.createConnection(DriverConnectionFactory.java:38)
	at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory.makeObject(PoolableConnectionFactory.java:294)
	at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.validateConnectionFactory(BasicDataSource.java:1247)
	at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:1221)
	... 20 more
[10-03 14:39:34,573, 3300] main - INFO  masterServer.MasterServerMain  : shut down request received, shutting down...
[10-03 14:39:34,577, 3304] main - INFO  masterServer.MasterServerMain  : master server shut down
Last edited by a moderator:
Initiate Mage
Dec 23, 2019
Reaction score
Guys, does anybody have a problem when mobs do not move and instantly go to evasion after I attack?
Shard log contains following errors in variations for different maps and mobs:

[12-31 17:53:28,998, 109824] gm1 - INFO mapLoader.pathfinding.MapStaticsCreator : Map MapResource:/Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/MapResource.xdb loaded with filter class gameMechanics.map.zone.MapLoadFilterZones [12-31 17:53:29,014, 109840] gm1 - ERROR gameMechanics.elements.impacts.GoThroughPathAbstract : No path found between locators at map /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart : v(322.5, 5772.3, 154.8) -> v(311.2, 5765.4, 151.1)

[12-31 17:54:48,824, 189650] gm2 - ERROR gameMechanics.map.spawn.patrol.PatrolPathResolver : Mob at spawn coords [433:0.7549, 208:20.4697, -11.627] cant resolve path from patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13787.6484f, 6789.6421f, -12.5943f)) : [430:27.6484, 212:5.6421, -12.5943] to patrol point new MutableGMPos(new Point(13759.7559f, 6803.0059f, -11.81f)) : [429:31.7559, 212:19.0059, -11.81]

,265, 176998] gm6 - WARN gameMechanics.map.spawn.SpawnPlaceRoamingArea : No land found under point for MapResource:/Maps/Kania/MapResource.xdb at v(15699.6, 6084, -3.8)

[01-25 13:36:36,817, 1750544] gm6 - WARN verify : Mob MobWorld:/Characters/Hadagan_male/Instances/ZoneHadagan1/Kania_Stalker2.(MobWorld).xdb spawned at coords [369:24.5879, 383:18.3555, -0.0038] cant random new roaming path. Possibly roaming area too small

Please, any ideas how to fix it?
Initiate Mage
Jun 4, 2020
Reaction score
Hey man, can you re-upload images from original thread pls ?