• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.

[GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base On (Tweek Release)

RaGEZONER Since 2004
Loyal Member
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

Im using mysql 5.1 with navicat, does it still cause same problem? Because I already tried xampp

yap,just try my answer first,can you?.just follow what i said.reinstall your mysql 5.1 and install xampp 1.8.2 included mysql.and use that mysql from xampp.
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

I would like to note that you can buy the "not buyable" weapons when you are level 4 or lower.

Maybe you can add this into the tutorial so they know why they aren't able to buy those weapons.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

I would like to note that you can buy the "not buyable" weapons when you are level 4 or lower.

Maybe you can add this into the tutorial so they know why they aren't able to buy those weapons.
most of them weapons are not buyable because they are not in the database, like id had to add 10 weapons manually to the database for me to be able to buy them
RaGEZONER Since 2004
Loyal Member
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

I would like to note that you can buy the "not buyable" weapons when you are level 4 or lower.

Maybe you can add this into the tutorial so they know why they aren't able to buy those weapons.

It will give notice about the Level required.

And about some non buyable items like alexkonusa said,they need to open the item.bin on client side and set the non buyable items to buyable.And also on database.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

How i fit this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in C:\xamppp\htdocs\login2.php on line 5
i see this error during log ing on web site :(
the code of login2.php is:
<html><body background="background.jpg"><title>EngineWar - Closed Beta Registration</title><?phpif(isset($_POST['username']) &&  isset($_POST['nickname']))){include("connect.php");    $tempUsername = strip_tags($_POST['username']);    $tempPasswort = strip_tags($_POST['pass']);        function chkEmail($email){    // elimino spazi, "a capo" e altro alle estremità della stringa    $email = trim($email);
    // se la stringa è vuota sicuramente non è una mail    if(!$email) {        return false;    }
    // controllo che ci sia una sola @ nella stringa    $num_at = count(explode( '@', $email )) - 1;    if($num_at != 1) {        return false;    }
    // controllo la presenza di ulteriori caratteri "pericolosi":    if(strpos($email,';') || strpos($email,',') || strpos($email,' ')) {        return false;    }
    // la stringa rispetta il formato classico di una mail?    if(!preg_match( '/^[\w\.\-]+@\w+[\w\.\-]*?\.\w{1,4}$/', $email)) {        return false;    }
    return true;}
function randomsalt($lunghezza2=5){    $caratteri_disponibili2 ="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    //$caratteri_disponibili ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    $refer2 = "";    for($i = 0; $i<$lunghezza2; $i++){        $refer2 = $refer2.substr($caratteri_disponibili2,rand(0,strlen($caratteri_disponibili2)-1),1);    }    return $refer2;}function randomcode($lunghezza22=12){    $caratteri_disponibili22 ="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    //$caratteri_disponibili ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    $refer22 = "";    for($i = 0; $i<$lunghezza22; $i++){        $refer22 = $refer22.substr($caratteri_disponibili22,rand(0,strlen($caratteri_disponibili22)-1),1);    }    return $refer22;}function randomcodesess($lunghezza222=12){    $caratteri_disponibili222 ="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    //$caratteri_disponibili ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    $refer222 = "";    for($i = 0; $i<$lunghezza222; $i++){        $refer222 = $refer222.substr($caratteri_disponibili222,rand(0,strlen($caratteri_disponibili222)-1),1);    }    return $refer222;}//controllo e modifico le mail farlocche$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@nwldx.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@mailmetrash.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@anonymbox.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@mailcatch.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@no-spam.ws", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@yopmail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@sharklasers.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@filzmail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@mint.us.to", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@spambox.us", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@sofimail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@noclickemail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@mailinator.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@meltmail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@TempEmail.net", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@dunflimblag.mailexpire.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@tittbit.in", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@temporaryemail.us", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@ixi.me", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@tempthe.net", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@emailthe.net", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@trashmail.ws", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@fakeinbox.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@jetable.org", "", $_POST['mail']);//fine controllo$usrsess=randomcodesess();$code=randomcode();$salt=randomsalt();$nickname=strip_tags($_POST['nickname']);$email = strip_tags($_POST['mail']);$pass=strip_tags($_POST['pass']);$timestamp = (time()+ 864000); //equivale a 7 giorni in piu oltre la data attuale$orario = time(); //imposta il timestamp della data attuale/*echo "Timestamp: ";echo $timestamp;echo "<br>Username: ";echo $tempUsername;echo "<br>password in chiaro: ";echo $pass;echo "<br>Password criptata: ";echo $tempPasswort; echo "<br>Salt: ";echo $salt;echo "<br>Nickname: ";echo $nickname; echo "<br>Email: ";echo $email; Die();*/
if($nickname) {$nickname = str_replace("[GA]", "", $nickname);if(chkEmail($email)) {        if($Passwort_Confirm == $pass)     {      $tempUserLength = strlen($tempUsername);      if($tempUserLength < 16)      {        if($tempUserLength > 3)        {        //controllo se esiste gia l'username            $i_spieler="SELECT * FROM users where username='".$tempUsername."'";            $i_spieler2=mysql_query($i_spieler)or die("MySQL ErrCode 1 - Username");            $i_spieler3=mysql_fetch_array($i_spieler2);        //controllo se esiste gia il nickname                $i_spieler1="SELECT * FROM users where nickname='".$nickname."'";            $i_spieler21=mysql_query($i_spieler1)or die("MySQL ErrCode - Nickname");            $i_spieler31=mysql_fetch_array($i_spieler21);        //controllo se esiste gia la mail                $i_spieler11="SELECT * FROM users where email='".$email."'";            $i_spieler211=mysql_query($i_spieler11)or die("MySQL ErrCode - Nickname");            $i_spieler311=mysql_fetch_array($i_spieler211);                        if($i_spieler311)            {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">This email is already in our database!</font><br><br><a href="">Go Back</a></table></font>';            }                        else if($i_spieler31)            {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">This nickname has already taken!.</font><br><br><a href="index.php">Go Back</a></table></font>';            }                        else if($i_spieler3)            {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">This username has already taken!</font><br><br><a href="index.php">Go Back</a></table></font>';            }            else            {                                $userQuery = "INSERT INTO users(username,password,salt,nickname,email,premium,dinar,exp,kills,deaths,premiumExpire,cash) VALUES ('$tempUsername','$tempPasswort','$salt','$nickname','$email',3,100000,0,0,0,'$timestamp','20000')";                mysql_query($userQuery) or die("MySQL ErrCode 2 - Account");                               $idnuovo="SELECT id FROM users where username='". $tempUsername ."'";            $iricevuto=mysql_query($idnuovo)or die("MySQL ErrCode 3 - ExistUsername");            $idecuip=mysql_fetch_array($iricevuto);
$idnumero= $idecuip['id'];
$equip = "INSERT INTO equipment(ownerid) VALUES ('".$idnumero."')";                mysql_query($equip) or die("MySQL ErrCode 4 - Equipment");            echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="lime">Registered successfully! Now you can login!</font><br><br><a href="index.php">Go Back</a></table></font></center>';//header('Location: registerdone.php'); exit;        }
        }        else        {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">Username length is too short (min 4 characters)!</font><br><br><a href="index.php">Go Back</a></table></font></center>'; //header('Location: registerfail2.php'); exit;        }      }      else      {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">Username too long (max 15 characters)!</font><br><br><a href="index.php">Go Back</a></table></font></center>'; //header('Location: registerfail3.php'); exit;          }     }else      {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">Both password aren not same!</font><br><br><a href="index.php">Go Back</a></table></font></center>'; //header('Location: registerfail3.php'); exit;          }      }else {    echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">This email is not accepted or invalid from the system!</font><br><br><a href="index.php">Go Back</a></table></font></center>';}}else {    echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">You did not put the nickname!</font><br><br><a href="index.php">Go Back</a></table></font></center>';}}else{?><center><table></td><td>          <form action='index.php' method='post'>     <table border='0'>     <center><tr><td><b><font color='red'>Register for EngineWar!</td><td>     </td></tr></center></table>     <table border='0'>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Username:</td><td>     <input type='text' name='username' maxlength='15'>     </td></tr>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Nick in Game:</td><td>     <input type='text' name='nickname' maxlength='15'>     </td></tr>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Email:</td><td>     <input type='text' name='mail' maxlength='25'>     </td></tr>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Password: (max 10 char)</td><td>     <input type='password' name='pass' maxlength='10'>     </td></tr>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Confirm Password: (max 10 char)</td><td>     <input type='password' name='pass2' maxlength='10'>     </td></tr>     <tr><th colspan=2><input type='submit' name='submit'     value='Register'></th></tr> </table></font>     </form>             </th></tr> </table></font></center>    <?php    }    ?><form action='index.php' method='post'>     <table border='0'>     <center><tr><td><b><font color='red'><3</td><td>     </td></tr></center></table></body></html></body>
RaGEZONER Since 2004
Loyal Member
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

How i fit this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in C:\xamppp\htdocs\login2.php on line 5
i see this error during log ing on web site :(
the code of login2.php is:
<html><body background="background.jpg"><title>EngineWar - Closed Beta Registration</title><?phpif(isset($_POST['username']) &&  isset($_POST['nickname']))){include("connect.php");    $tempUsername = strip_tags($_POST['username']);    $tempPasswort = strip_tags($_POST['pass']);        function chkEmail($email){    // elimino spazi, "a capo" e altro alle estremità della stringa    $email = trim($email);
    // se la stringa è vuota sicuramente non è una mail    if(!$email) {        return false;    }
    // controllo che ci sia una sola @ nella stringa    $num_at = count(explode( '@', $email )) - 1;    if($num_at != 1) {        return false;    }
    // controllo la presenza di ulteriori caratteri "pericolosi":    if(strpos($email,';') || strpos($email,',') || strpos($email,' ')) {        return false;    }
    // la stringa rispetta il formato classico di una mail?    if(!preg_match( '/^[\w\.\-]+@\w+[\w\.\-]*?\.\w{1,4}$/', $email)) {        return false;    }
    return true;}
function randomsalt($lunghezza2=5){    $caratteri_disponibili2 ="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    //$caratteri_disponibili ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    $refer2 = "";    for($i = 0; $i<$lunghezza2; $i++){        $refer2 = $refer2.substr($caratteri_disponibili2,rand(0,strlen($caratteri_disponibili2)-1),1);    }    return $refer2;}function randomcode($lunghezza22=12){    $caratteri_disponibili22 ="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    //$caratteri_disponibili ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    $refer22 = "";    for($i = 0; $i<$lunghezza22; $i++){        $refer22 = $refer22.substr($caratteri_disponibili22,rand(0,strlen($caratteri_disponibili22)-1),1);    }    return $refer22;}function randomcodesess($lunghezza222=12){    $caratteri_disponibili222 ="1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    //$caratteri_disponibili ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";    $refer222 = "";    for($i = 0; $i<$lunghezza222; $i++){        $refer222 = $refer222.substr($caratteri_disponibili222,rand(0,strlen($caratteri_disponibili222)-1),1);    }    return $refer222;}//controllo e modifico le mail farlocche$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@nwldx.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@mailmetrash.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@anonymbox.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@mailcatch.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@no-spam.ws", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@yopmail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@sharklasers.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@filzmail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@mint.us.to", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@spambox.us", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@sofimail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@noclickemail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@mailinator.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@meltmail.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@TempEmail.net", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@dunflimblag.mailexpire.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@tittbit.in", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@temporaryemail.us", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@ixi.me", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@tempthe.net", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@emailthe.net", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@trashmail.ws", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@fakeinbox.com", "", $_POST['mail']);$_POST['mail'] = str_replace("@jetable.org", "", $_POST['mail']);//fine controllo$usrsess=randomcodesess();$code=randomcode();$salt=randomsalt();$nickname=strip_tags($_POST['nickname']);$email = strip_tags($_POST['mail']);$pass=strip_tags($_POST['pass']);$timestamp = (time()+ 864000); //equivale a 7 giorni in piu oltre la data attuale$orario = time(); //imposta il timestamp della data attuale/*echo "Timestamp: ";echo $timestamp;echo "<br>Username: ";echo $tempUsername;echo "<br>password in chiaro: ";echo $pass;echo "<br>Password criptata: ";echo $tempPasswort; echo "<br>Salt: ";echo $salt;echo "<br>Nickname: ";echo $nickname; echo "<br>Email: ";echo $email; Die();*/
if($nickname) {$nickname = str_replace("[GA]", "", $nickname);if(chkEmail($email)) {        if($Passwort_Confirm == $pass)     {      $tempUserLength = strlen($tempUsername);      if($tempUserLength < 16)      {        if($tempUserLength > 3)        {        //controllo se esiste gia l'username            $i_spieler="SELECT * FROM users where username='".$tempUsername."'";            $i_spieler2=mysql_query($i_spieler)or die("MySQL ErrCode 1 - Username");            $i_spieler3=mysql_fetch_array($i_spieler2);        //controllo se esiste gia il nickname                $i_spieler1="SELECT * FROM users where nickname='".$nickname."'";            $i_spieler21=mysql_query($i_spieler1)or die("MySQL ErrCode - Nickname");            $i_spieler31=mysql_fetch_array($i_spieler21);        //controllo se esiste gia la mail                $i_spieler11="SELECT * FROM users where email='".$email."'";            $i_spieler211=mysql_query($i_spieler11)or die("MySQL ErrCode - Nickname");            $i_spieler311=mysql_fetch_array($i_spieler211);                        if($i_spieler311)            {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">This email is already in our database!</font><br><br><a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Outgoing', '', '']);" rel="nofollow" href="">Go Back</a></table></font>';            }                        else if($i_spieler31)            {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">This nickname has already taken!.</font><br><br><a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/">Go Back</a></table></font>';            }                        else if($i_spieler3)            {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">This username has already taken!</font><br><br><a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/">Go Back</a></table></font>';            }            else            {                                $userQuery = "INSERT INTO users(username,password,salt,nickname,email,premium,dinar,exp,kills,deaths,premiumExpire,cash) VALUES ('$tempUsername','$tempPasswort','$salt','$nickname','$email',3,100000,0,0,0,'$timestamp','20000')";                mysql_query($userQuery) or die("MySQL ErrCode 2 - Account");                               $idnuovo="SELECT id FROM users where username='". $tempUsername ."'";            $iricevuto=mysql_query($idnuovo)or die("MySQL ErrCode 3 - ExistUsername");            $idecuip=mysql_fetch_array($iricevuto);
$idnumero= $idecuip['id'];
$equip = "INSERT INTO equipment(ownerid) VALUES ('".$idnumero."')";                mysql_query($equip) or die("MySQL ErrCode 4 - Equipment");            echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="lime">Registered successfully! Now you can login!</font><br><br><a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/">Go Back</a></table></font></center>';//header('Location: registerdone.php'); exit;        }
        }        else        {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">Username length is too short (min 4 characters)!</font><br><br><a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/">Go Back</a></table></font></center>'; //header('Location: registerfail2.php'); exit;        }      }      else      {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">Username too long (max 15 characters)!</font><br><br><a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/">Go Back</a></table></font></center>'; //header('Location: registerfail3.php'); exit;          }     }else      {        echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">Both password aren not same!</font><br><br><a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/">Go Back</a></table></font></center>'; //header('Location: registerfail3.php'); exit;          }      }else {    echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">This email is not accepted or invalid from the system!</font><br><br><a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/">Go Back</a></table></font></center>';}}else {    echo '<table><br>                    <center><b><font color="red">You did not put the nickname!</font><br><br><a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/">Go Back</a></table></font></center>';}}else{?><center><table></td><td>          <form action='http://forum.ragezone.com/' method='post'>     <table border='0'>     <center><tr><td><b><font color='red'>Register for EngineWar!</td><td>     </td></tr></center></table>     <table border='0'>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Username:</td><td>     <input type='text' name='username' maxlength='15'>     </td></tr>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Nick in Game:</td><td>     <input type='text' name='nickname' maxlength='15'>     </td></tr>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Email:</td><td>     <input type='text' name='mail' maxlength='25'>     </td></tr>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Password: (max 10 char)</td><td>     <input type='password' name='pass' maxlength='10'>     </td></tr>     <tr><td><b><font color='white'>Confirm Password: (max 10 char)</td><td>     <input type='password' name='pass2' maxlength='10'>     </td></tr>     <tr><th colspan=2><input type='submit' name='submit'     value='Register'></th></tr> </table></font>     </form>             </th></tr> </table></font></center>    <?php    }    ?><form action='http://forum.ragezone.com/' method='post'>     <table border='0'>     <center><tr><td><b><font color='red'><3</td><td>     </td></tr></center></table></body></html></body>

use this website.


Credits to: xtremsx
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

i have replaced the files, but now i have this error Error connecting to database...
this files that u link me isn't woking...

i have this problem; How i fix it? plx
I Am NoLimiT - [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base On (Tweek Release) - RaGEZONE Forums

RaGEZONER Since 2004
Loyal Member
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

i have replaced the files, but now i have this error Error connecting to database...
this files that u link me isn't woking...

i have this problem; How i fix it? plx
I Am NoLimiT - [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base On (Tweek Release) - RaGEZONE Forums

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

When I want to create new connection, it's doesn't get ready.. Can't connect to MySQL server on localhost 10061 ??? Please help :(
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

Cause you didnt follow my tutorials correctly.Set MySQL Password on Navicat!.

I have tryied the tutorial but i have this error always:
The password that i have set is: root
I Am NoLimiT - [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base On (Tweek Release) - RaGEZONE Forums
- > for DNS user and system

Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

Solved it.. i forgot to turn on xampp xD
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

Everything worked fine for me. It took literally alot of hours today, but i got it to work. Thank you very much NoLimit! Now just 2 questions:

I opened the runnable warrock.exe in hex editor and changed the two (not the first one) to my remote IP. Now if i give this client to someone else he'll be able to connect to my server, right?

And also, the website on localhost works fine to me, i was able to create an account on there, but how do i make it remotely? So that people can open it and create an account on it?

Again, thank you very much for this! :) +rep of course

Edit; I managed to bring the website to my remote IP. People can now go on it. I have also managed to run mysql remotely so that people can connect to the private server. I have tried connecting with a virtual machine and it worked. I was able to start a game etc. However, our ping was 999 but i think that's because we were both on the same IP (Virtal machine has the same IP as i do) so we were invisible to each other. Now waiting for my friend to join so we can do that ultimate test and see if everything works.

Another thing; When you typ something in the chat in-game you get disconnected from server. Guess you already knew that ;)
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Thx, but
sora1984 it has already helped :)

hey, i have this problem later login i stay here. i fix that? i havent idea :S
I Am NoLimiT - [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base On (Tweek Release) - RaGEZONE Forums

how i increase the level of pg via database?
Last edited by a moderator:
Experienced Elementalist
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

hey, i have this problem later login i stay here. i fix that? i havent idea :S
I Am NoLimiT - [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base On (Tweek Release) - RaGEZONE Forums

how i increase the level of pg via database?

The problem is because your probably using Server Revision 2 and i had the same problems go back to tweek's Release and you should beable to login no problems.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

yes, i use the rev 2 because, that posted together to server file ecc don't work...
How i do to fix that?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 26, 2013
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Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

this server is worked on vps? i can play pvp with this server?
Experienced Elementalist
Oct 30, 2009
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[GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

this server is worked on vps? i can play pvp with this server?

Will work on either local pc on Vps just gotta apply spawn tick fix that was released.

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Setup Warrock Server Base on (Tweek Release)

NoRulez can you help me? please write me pm. i created vps. need help