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Hackers with Anonymous recorded a call between the FBI

Nov 14, 2001
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HACKTIVIST GROUP Anonymous has plundered a conference call from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and posted it on Youtube.
In the audio FBI agents at a number of locations discuss Anonymous and its members, bumble their way through some small talk, and do a lot of chuckling.
Things do not start well. The UK contingent confuses Sheffield with Birmingham, but everyone seems to bond once a well-known hamburger store is mentioned.
According to a statement on Pastebin that supports the release of the audio the call took place on Tuesday, 20 January and lasted for about 20 minutes.
"A conference call is planned for next Tuesday (January 17, 2012) to discuss the on-going investigations related to Anonymous, Lulzsec, Antisec, and other associated splinter groups. The conference call was moved to Tuesday due to a US holiday on Monday," says a reproduced email that is signed by Timothy F. Lauster, Jr of the FBI.
It is quite interesting. When people are not yucking at poor jokes, the UK coppers appear to be doing all that they can to please their US counterparts and provide them with as much information as they possibly can.
The FBI asks if it can do dual interviews with suspects, adding that it's not something that the UK would normally do. The UK representative suggests that there might be some movement on this, and adds that it could be discussed later.
The court appearances of Ryan Cleary and Jake Davis, or rather their delays, are also discussed, and the UK officer says that "following a discussion with the New York office" they have postponed the re-arrests of hackers including Kayla and T Flow, while working with the New York FBI on 'operational matters'. The UK officer says that they have asked for eight weeks to work on this, and are expecting to get six weeks.
Perhaps most telling is what he says when the FBI host, presumably Lauster, thanks the UK for its support. "We are here to help. We cocked things up in the past, we know that," he says, adding, "it's not that much of a hardship."
It's , Friday, , everybody's lookin' forward to the leakend, leakened...
— AnonymousIRC (@AnonymousIRC)
The release of the call coincided with "F*ck FBI Friday", a popular observance among the Anonymous Twitter accounts.
Although the FBI has not responded to our request for confirmation of the legitimacy of the call, it has apparently told Sky News that it is legitimate and that it is looking for those involved. µ
FBI confirms hackers intercepted confidential phone call and says it is hunting those responsible
— Sky News Newsdesk (@SkyNewsBreak)
Ball like Wall
Aug 12, 2009
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Anonymous are children who likes to express their faggotry, you want to see winning? Charlie Sheen is your man.

Say what you want but they're the only ones doing anything to stop the censorship bills that are forcing themselves on the world.
Ginger by design.
Loyal Member
Feb 15, 2007
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Please explain how grabbing even more attention from the FBI/law enforcement would count as winning.

Pointing out that the FBI is so unprofessional and that across international borders police agencies are openly sharing all information they can (instead of using the appropriate legal mechanisms, like warrants, etc) is pretty bad.

It sounds like all they do is sit around telling jokes, essentially overpaid cops, and only "investigate" what their **AA owners tell them to (see: US-wide massive NFL-"counterfeit" sweep). Yep, because seizing merchandise designed in the spirit of football and putting people out of jobs is something the FBI should be doing when plenty of organized crime exists in plain sight in our country.

And estimates are that they spent more finding all of this "counterfeit" stuff than all of it was worth combined. Sounds like an awesome use of resources.
Master Summoner
Oct 30, 2007
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Say what you want but they're the only ones doing anything to stop the censorship bills that are forcing themselves on the world.

All they are doing are illegal activities that constitute to nothing.
Ball like Wall
Aug 12, 2009
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All they are doing are illegal activities that constitute to nothing.

That's because what the government is doing is illegal. Clearly stated in the Bill of Rights:

"... or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances..."

People all around the country are PEACEFULLY assembling and are being forced away. They've done nothing to incite violence and have in no way harmed each other or police officials. We've created thousands of petitions with hundreds of thousands of signatures to petition ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, etc, and yet they are still being forced down the throats of Americans, and citizens world wide.

I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said

"When the government becomes destructive, the people have the right and responsibility to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government."
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Please explain how grabbing even more attention from the FBI/law enforcement would count as winning.

It's called a distraction.

No doubt they will investigate, arrest some script kiddies who were DDoSing, and leave the pros who know how to cover their tracks alone to release more stuff like this.

The more they spend on doing this stuff, the less time they use to close down websites etc.
Ball like Wall
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
It's called a distraction.

No doubt they will investigate, arrest some script kiddies who were DDoSing, and leave the pros who know how to cover their tracks alone to release more stuff like this.

The more they spend on doing this stuff, the less time they use to close down websites etc.

They weren't DDosing. They intercepted an FBI conference call. Imo, much more severe a punishment than DDosing.
ex visor
Loyal Member
May 17, 2007
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Lmfao, I heard in the call:

"A 15 year old kid hacked a credit union. He's doing it for attention."
I think he hacked steam, got credit cards, and tons of account information.

You would think these calls are highly monitored -- I don't know. Doesn't seem like they're really talking about much anyways.
It won't fit
Loyal Member
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Lmfao, I heard in the call:

"A 15 year old kid hacked a credit union. He's doing it for attention."
I think he hacked steam, got credit cards, and tons of account information.

You would think these calls are highly monitored -- I don't know. Doesn't seem like they're really talking about much anyways.

I doubt he's doing it for attention, more like he's bored as poop and has no outside life. When people who have no outside life cling to a computer. They tend to sway towards something fun. Like hacking. Contrary to popular belief. It IS VERY fun, when I did it some 10 years ago

That's because what the government is doing is illegal. Clearly stated in the Bill of Rights:

People all around the country are PEACEFULLY assembling and are being forced away. They've done nothing to incite violence and have in no way harmed each other or police officials. We've created thousands of petitions with hundreds of thousands of signatures to petition ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, etc, and yet they are still being forced down the throats of Americans, and citizens world wide.

I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said

"When the government becomes destructive, the people have the right and responsibility to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government."

Peaceful? Are you serious? Have you been READING the news? People are rioting and ATTACKING law enforcement. There's nothing PEACEFUL about the protests people are carrying out right now.
Ball like Wall
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Peaceful? Are you serious? Have you been READING the news? People are rioting and ATTACKING law enforcement. There's nothing PEACEFUL about the protests people are carrying out right now.

Show me one news video or article that shows Americans rioting. The closest any city has come to rioting is Oakland after protesters burned an American flag and marched to the YMCA. American protesters have in no way incited violence. Maybe the U.K., but they've been rioting since like November over the death of the drug dealer.
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
It's called a distraction.

No doubt they will investigate, arrest some script kiddies who were DDoSing, and leave the pros who know how to cover their tracks alone to release more stuff like this.

The more they spend on doing this stuff, the less time they use to close down websites etc.

I hear LulzSec is doing well too after their 'distractions'. Grabbing unnecessary attention and pulling media stunts is a surefire way to give more reason for increased resources into the whole internet censorship thing. Surely you saw the SOPA discussions, the people making the decisions have no idea how the internet works, I'm sure it'll go in our favour when stuff like this gets put forward as evidence. :rolleyes:.

Real life isn't V for Vendetta.