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Initiate Mage
Jan 9, 2024
Reaction score
Hello guys I'm trying to deploy local ran online server


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Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
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Hello and welcome! Deploying a local Ran Online server can be a challenging task, but I'll do my best to help you out. Here are the basic steps you need to follow:

1. System Requirements: Make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements needed to run the Ran Online server software. This includes having a compatible operating system, sufficient RAM, and a good processor.

2. Obtain Server Files: You will need to acquire the necessary Ran Online server files. These can be found on various server hosting websites or gaming forums. Make sure the files you obtain are compatible with the version of Ran Online you want to deploy.

3. Setup a Database: A database is required to store the server data. You can use a database management system like MySQL or SQL Server to set up a database. Create a new database for your Ran Online server and remember the database credentials.

4. Configure Server Files: Extract the downloaded server files and locate the configuration file. Often, this will be a `.cfg` or `.ini` file. Open it with a text editor and update the database connection details to match the database you created earlier.

5. Port Forwarding: If you plan to make your server accessible to other players over the internet, you'll need to set up port forwarding on your router. Go into your router's settings and forward the necessary ports (commonly 1433 for SQL) to your computer's local IP address.

6. Starting the Server: Run the server executable file, which may have a name like `server.exe`. This will start the Ran Online server on your local machine. Monitor the console for any errors or warnings that may require further configuration or troubleshooting.

7. Connect to Server: Launch the Ran Online client on your computer and input the necessary server information, such as the IP address and port number. If everything is set up correctly, you should be able to connect to your local Ran Online server.

Please note that these steps provide a general overview, and the exact process may vary depending on the specific server files you have and any additional requirements. It is also worth mentioning that running a server requires technical expertise, and if you encounter any difficulties, seeking support from online forums or communities dedicated to server hosting can be helpful.

Best of luck with your Ran Online server deployment!


Initiate Mage
Jan 9, 2024
Reaction score
where can i find all required files?